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Endless Eden

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Everything posted by Endless Eden

  1. LOL my mother is always telling me i am a major depressed person.I love books and this sounds quite intriguing i whould read it anyways it seems like a good idea tackling a problem loads of people face.
  2. This is in the wrong place but looking here might help, http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=825
  3. Giratina's is way cool he sounds like a real beast:D I hate arceus's its just weird what is it supposed to be anyways?
  4. I am just gonna guess tyrouge
  5. I think that your not renaming.When you create a new sav file by converting the old,you say that you then delete the old files but the new one doesnt work did you rename the new one?You must rename the new one to the exact name of the old one.
  6. Pokemon unites us all fenzo :kikkoman: And welcome TRINIX hope you have a fun time here:biggrin:
  7. Notice how when you get the national dex that the karate guy in the resort area says new things are being found underground.This is a hint that the new items/fossils are down there.So no not before the national dex
  8. Endless Eden


    Welcome!I am telos hope you enjoy your stay here
  9. okay no "boss".Yeah i like the avatar pretty cool;).I must find a new one for myself i dont like the current one much.:\
  10. Thanks you guys Narwhal gave me some pointers so thanks to him for teaching me some stuff
  11. I can do it for you if you like,whould you like any words/specific backgrounds? To slow you do it Kunaidude
  12. Wow i really like the first one:) they should let you join. Also i think someone should start a thread where people can put up their own work.
  13. The Celebi one was kinda temporary i have put in a diffrent one now that i like better.Tell me what you think. (I am sure some people think Celebi has a place between Ho-oh and Lugia though...)
  14. Guys can i get your opinion on these.which do you like best?Thanks in advance
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