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Endless Eden

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Everything posted by Endless Eden

  1. Nine inch nails,Every day is exactly the same
  2. 1.fire.always has been always will be 2.dragon.just so powerful 3.bug.i respect them and like them
  3. You should try again:p seriously though if you seen any films that you know were adapted from books you should read them the books are always better.
  4. Hi and welcome:D! i used to feel childish for playing pokemon but i really dont care anymore you shouldnt either if its what you like its what you like.
  5. harry potter is good the problem being book made into films are usually awful like the harry potter movies*sighs*I will not go see the angels and demons film probably awful.one of my fav series is darren shan which there making a movie of i hope they dont screw up. *sighs again*
  6. wow looking through off topic i saw there were know threads about books some people here must read books.so people post your fav books,series,author whatever as long as its about books.My new favourite is angels and demons by dan brown which i just finished an hour ago this is a fantastic story from start to finish and i highly recommend it. post your favrite people:kikkoman:
  7. Only if you have a Transfer Pak and Pokémon Stadium 2 for the N64. Beating the Elite Four earns you a chance to relearn any move on a pokemon in your party or If you have a Gameshark or Action Replay you can "manually" replace the move.
  8. i was looking at the wiki and is the structure like it is laid out there?like,you have save index number coming after ID is that how it whould be in the hex editor your save index after ID.I understand the whole blocks thing that makes sense but..I will have to try this myself i will get back to you when i understand things better maybe then i can help.
  9. ahh so what you mean is if you know the line of hex that corresponds to a certain item,ID etc.that when your looking for diffrences in hex you should find the line you know and navigate from there? this is probably a stupid question but flags?what are flags about?
  10. so the hxd hex editor is the one your using?I looked at hex at one stage and it kind of baffled me a bit.If i were to help whould i have to understand what all the numbers correspond to or whould i just report diffrences in the lines of hex to you(after a certain event,item obtained etc.)
  11. So all thats needed is a hex editor and 2 SAV files(lets say diamond)and you compare the differences in the hex of the 2 say one has a certain item the other doesnt a certain line of hex whould be different is that what it involves?
  12. And what programs are needed to do these things?Is it hard to do?(for someone beginning it i mean)
  13. look here,http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1728
  14. It is a simple to use archiveing tool google it Go to the SAV editing section find the thread pal park questions by ralph 9994 and download the compact pokesav there see does that one work
  15. what exactly do game save research and rom research mean?how whould one go about doing them? are there specific things needed to carry them out?
  16. well it is a direct remake certain parts of the story will change(i think)but eggs should remain the same(the whole mr.pokemon thing)
  17. did you try deleting the copy of pokesav you have and downloading again?maybe try getting win rar and see does it work
  18. one of my fav pokes kingdra!
  19. are you against cheats?I have a game shark code that allows you to just click on the pokeball and get them all.
  20. did you try,getting the poke in pal park use pokesav to check its hex values and whatever take note of them then put it in an egg and hatch it then in pokesav it location/hex value etc, will have changed right? well since you know the pal park location/hex etc.(because you noted them) you can just change them back.the other thing to do is a complete pokedex code but i am guessing you dont want that.
  21. I here an egg is listed as caught in the dex when it hatches.try migrating the pokemon then put it in an egg then hatch it then it whould be caught?I dunno you should try that.
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