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Everything posted by Andibad

  1. Ninfia (ニンフィア) is eeveelution, just see this pokemon i just remember is similar face with victini. and always ability and type is not telling ._. , is seems will new type or normal type? is fanwork for Ninfia (nin = ???): http://tangorin.com/general/nin , see on endurance;  forbearance;  patience;  self-restraint, and is seems be normal type or new type. for dark/ghost/rock/ground is not possible for this species. flying? maybe, normal? is seems, dragon/metal/... nope. i just think ninfia it will normal , or flying , or bug, or new type .... i just can't wait for this species <3 , is seems cute as leafia and glacia <3 and other species on gen VI
  2. why need more tutorial using video? without understand basic of editing on hex editor and script structure , you will ask more and more tutorial actually is no needed ._. please learn it first so we no needed create more specific tutorial for newbie... actually video on kaphotics channel is was telling everything and easy to follow.
  3. is have 2 sector on ova, 1 is for chart table and two is checking kind of move (attack)....
  4. all text resource is on text narc , Read older thread please ._. Name of trainer (is include all related on that) is on a/0/0/2. Yeah maybe you can't find that since is encrypted XP
  5. the main problem for remake 3rd is that region is too small for containing all pokemon, also the platform. Pokemon games always started new generation for every new platform... i just hope next pokemon XY is not just "remake", i just need "improved-remake" with big different, i just like idea about BW2... For Xerneas, just see he/she horn, is have color and is just mysterious for now <.< i not try speculation any gen VI pokemon since is just little information about that. Just wait information from coro-coro magazine, and always pokemon games it will introduce new move signature/ ability for new legend. but for now i just wondering about Xerneas horn <.< maybe is XY it will introduce new type of pokemon? or just improved combination move/effect, battle effect if you put specific pokemon? if we can dress pokemon with accessories on the battle,seal pokeball, or other it will awesome <.< also i just wondering in trailer, on place with fire (maybe is EF or just gym leader?) just see on the floor of that map, is like chromosome color of japanese logo. and last i just wondering about berry on XY. or something <.< . and also i hope XY is not like MD4 is have commercial DLC >.>
  6. btw if i replace with other text or image is need more code on it since i can mixed wpf and winform on same solution so i can using helix for 3d viewer and other thing XP
  7. just testing well type effectiveness was already read and write >.< (is open from compressed overllay, is can save as uncompressed or compressed) but is need some improve wkwkwk, and i will create something with this <.< EDIT : well tomorrow is my birthday, is just little screenshot : is have two mode, 1 is : 2 : 3 : double click (not all) well is for ova / arm9 edit, is seems work fine so i combined into LPE... maybe i will add swarm editor, TM/HM, shard Movetutor, type effectiness and other suprise feature XP
  8. name of moves and description is stored on a/0/0/2...
  9. You just missing something ... , idk i just find that quickly and is easy to edit . OVA 167 offset is 3DC40. 3DC40 + (attacking_type * 17 + deffending_from_type) .... is for finding that like : settype_effectiveness(normal,dark,0); <-- it will edit normal defending attack from dark type to immune (0);
  10. "offset shifted/changed" so PRC can't read correctly with that. it will out of array, can't read/write correctly. since is using static offset, not dynamic offset (NDS is have filesystem, can be unpacked and repacked like archive) if is not worked just grab PRC sourcecode/reflector , open it, change offset, recompile , done. no, original prc is just edit pokemon stat, move editor, evolution editor, and wild pokemon editor only. since is just translate and just fix compatibility with US ROM, so is still same feature as original one. You can try it but it will increase size of file, and prc will won't accept that without modding prc. Move list is on skill.csv , just replace with translate one, but remember before that you need convert them into shift-JIS/ANSI. but on my build, i was change into UTF.
  11. actually red, blue, green color is always used on 3D Editor as line color for x, y , z ... i just think is will evolution on breeding system, stat of pokemon, and aspect of pokemon, just see on japanese logo of XY, is have Chromosome icon on n "ン" is seem blend from red, blue and green color. i think 3rd it will have white color... i think similar pokemon like luvdisc and alomomola it will not on one line species, if we breed two of them it will breed new species with some percentage, maybe gamefreak will added "%" of success on breed with holding a item.
  12. to find offset every type (start from 0) : 3DC40 + (attacking_type * 17 + 0) .... is more efficient than dppt, ... i will try test it later
  13. ow that reason ow thank again i will update again my standalone tools, is different with first release since is now part of LPE , and is can be going standalone too or is running from LPE. with some improve feature and new feature i hope is make easy to used, also i will fixed some thing wrong on first release too. and another tools gets update too. well i was made a tools for edit arm9, OVA table, now i just try implemented a reporting function so can export binary data into readable text file, is make easy to documented anything changes made by you, is like log's or write binary into readable text. but thank you for using my tools ^^ thank you , i will try this too.
  14. it will better add function compatibility mode so ROM if is not listed, if is need to force that to read as on the list
  15. You can decompress overllay or arm9 with crystaltile2 only, for re-compress / encode using blz from CUE, since is best tools and suitable with BW /BW2 / pokemon games. if you want batch mode, just simple create tool using c# or any language. blz CUE is accept full path of file decompress : (process is more quickly than encoding), it will around 617 KB "blz.exe -d arm9.bin" encoding : it will around 457 KB / 461 KB "blz.exe -en arm9.bin" "blz.exe -eo arm9.bin" more smaller ~5 KB but is weird on win8, i was try use -en or -eo (compress arm9.bin), desmume didn't accept some arm9 instruction, so solution is not compress arm9.bin and is seems working. that problem is like drayano mod for bw2 too, well is not come from desmume build, hm maybe i used old version of blz CUE . if with crystaltile2 is didn't work, you can try dsbuff , tinke, ndstool, lazyds , or other tools. i was try it with crystaltile2, is working too.... ops i forgot , drayano mod is was already trimmed, so is need repack using dsbuff/ndstool so don't used crystalltile2. in test i always used clean B , B2, SS, Platinum US/JP ROM with patched anti-ap.
  16. TM 01 - 92 , HM 1-6, TM 93-95 (0008CC84 - start offset TM/HM for uncompress ARM9.bin) : -TM-----1----2----3----4----5----6----7----8----9----10-- 1 - D401 5101 D901 5B01 2E00 5C00 0201 5301 DA01 ED00 2 - F100 0D01 3A00 3B00 3F00 7100 B600 F000 DD01 DB00 3 - DA00 4C00 DF01 5500 5700 5900 D800 5B00 5E00 F700 4 - 1801 6800 7300 E201 3500 BC00 C900 7E00 3D01 4C01 5 - 0301 0701 E801 9C00 D500 A800 EA01 F001 F101 3B01 6 - F601 9B01 9C01 CE00 F701 7601 C301 FB01 FE01 FF01 7 - 0501 0002 7501 9900 A501 7301 0202 A001 8D01 9400 8 - BC01 0902 5600 6801 0E00 0A02 F400 0B02 0C02 9D00 9 - 9401 0D02 0E02 8E01 8A00 BF01 CF00 6D01 7101 A400 10 - AE01 B101 HM 1 - 6 0F00 1300 3900 4600 7F00 2301 TM 93 - 95 1002 F900 2B02 using BLz from CUE for compress / encoding arm9.bin or overllay, after that using dsbuff or ndstool to re-pack. example for you, change TM 05 : 2E00 - Roar (46) into aura sphere (396 - 8C01) : before : after : after that save (make a backup for if you current edit is crashed the game). i using dsbuff for repacking that , actually you can insert that using crystaltile2, tinke, ndstool (since dsbuff using ndftool for repack/unpack), ... de/compressing recommend using blz from CUE. before edit : after edit : *since virizion accept TM 05 roar, go to personal narc file for edit them. ps : http://gbatemp.net/threads/recompressing-an-overlay-file.329576/ , btw i need more testing more in here sorry if is not work for you since i new in this part too, but is seems is working for me.
  17. i was little bit research and learning more on c#, c++ language. my new all in one tool is called LPE DS (Leafia Pokemon Editor), but for now is focused BW and BW2 only, for map hacking/scripting maybe i will implemented on future as add-on. i was made several dll files for shareable code/resource purpose, i was make addon, core, and lang folder, core is main dll files for main exe, addon is just additional feature of LPE DS. and also is was have better language system (is no need restart like dtpad). structure like this (is not all module compiled on same folder : + LPE-DS --addon --- external exe tools and additional feature dll, like xdelta, and other program. --core --- main dll. --lang ---lang resource. --config --- config file and temp files. well for now i no plan to release it since i need experiment with other code beta releases is just for testing only before i continued combined some feature for avoid serious problem. my current tools is like hidden grotto, moveset (it will more better), in game trade, and PWT/subway editor (with read/write/add ability) it will implemented first alpha/beta release... i was make it autodetect, but i was think better make it semi-auto so avoid some newbie problem. LPE DS is not ready so i not upload appearance of my tools. oh yes it will accept rom or narc file.
  18. is seems is stored on arm9 since type is always used on the game.
  19. hehehehe that fact he just combined 2 clip only. i was see on he video, the battle stage is not battle stage on BW2....
  20. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?24589-B2W2-General-ROM-Info&p=159161&viewfull=1#post159161 http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?24589-B2W2-General-ROM-Info&p=159190&viewfull=1#post159190 is different so no. the app like this :
  21. i was already write on http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?15049-BW-Item-Data, btw is still not complete and corrected. if i have time to rewrite again in this thread <.<
  22. in bw2 you can using shiny charm, so no need pokeradar. i not think pokeradar script is avaiable on bw/bw2 or older one. if just stat of pokeradar item is possible but since is key system is need asm hacking.
  23. argh i not see that i think is just for potion only :3 since i just test that on potion/berry/tmhm, not see on item battle. ah thank you, since i not tested on the battle so idk i think is stored on overllay.
  24. on a/0/2/4 is just data, you can't change the percent of effect. you can change effect id only. is like same as move data, all of effect id is seems stored on overllay.
  25. is seems sprite is used center of size. and height is mean is from that center. by deafult is 255/2 = 127 (idk since i not tested it) you not try FF, FE or something? 00 : used standart 01 - 127 : it will +1 ~ + 127 (to bottom). 128 - 255 : it will -1 ~ - 127 (to up). sorry if is not help, since i never touch this file
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