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About Hippyx420x

  • Birthday 01/01/1989
  1. is there a way to get route 34, everytime i put in B6 i get the daycare couple thanks in advance
  2. So pokesav doesnt work with the US version of HG/SS?
  3. okay im tying to make some legendary pokes look like i cought them in game ie. Uxie, mesprit, and heatran. ive edited everything perfectly, included my ID/S-ID but why is it that where it should say "Met at Lv.XX" it says "Apparently met at Lv.XX" instead? is there anyway to make it say "met at....." 100% of the time or is it gunna be one of those trial and error kind of things? thanks in advance
  4. okay thanks i thought i would ask since the threat is titled "Official Event Pokemon Help/Questions thread". =\
  5. Question about some specific "Saikyou" events, Dragonite/Salamence. i downloaded the .PKM files and stuff and i noticed the trainers ID's are missing 1 number should i leave the trainer ID's the way they are or do i need to add a "0" in front?
  6. if a poke captured in "kanto" is traded to a emeraled game and then Xfered to Plat. thru pal-park will it say arrived from hoenn? or kanto? answer could be right in front of my face im just looking for a clear answer from someone who knows for sure,
  7. so if we just do as you said with GTS our hacked pokes would look 100% legit?
  8. Would the same apply to teaching a snorlax self-destruct? Oh also should it have a specific ribbon?!?!
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