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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. The background color does really match that well, and yet it's too simple, it even hurts my eyes a bit, when looking at them, and now that i think about it, the Giratina's look faded.
  2. Wow it looks so beautiful, that looks like a Colosseum, and omg, is that a Cemetery. *hides under covers*
  3. ^ ^ Did you use the hints, when my friend gave that teaser me, and my other friend, took around an hour to figure it out.:rolleyes:
  4. Rattata! ah F.E.A.R. i loved the memories. when i used it against my friends lv 100 Dragonite, the expression on his face, i wished i had a camera.
  5. Yeah mine was like that, except i was checking by PC boxes, admiring my hard earned Pokemon, and you know how it goes, you must save to view each box, so i closed the game, switched it back on, then boom, no more save, all my Pokemon, i practically broke down crying, but that was years ago.
  6. ^ ^ Your just like PoryHack, excuses just to ruin the fun of getting a high number, anywho: 1!
  7. I actually like the R4, especially when running the R4Ysauto, it can even run GTA perfectly. Anywho, SSB = Silly Slapping Brothers or PP = Party Planner!
  8. LOL Hello There. i don't think anyone is calling you a noob....besides Damio.
  9. I got one: "What is something that always goes up even as you read this" Hint 1 Hint 2 Hint 3
  10. Awesome, we have an NewBots, also Fallen great looking skin.
  11. LOL! 99x Pokeball's i would just constantly press the A button while watching TV, while waiting until i hear the. "I Gotcha Tone" Also ahhh, the game brings back memories. (Psssst why is it Ultimate?)
  12. Hello There. It's more appropriate to make a thread to ask questions in there, not in your Introduction thread.
  13. Because I'm able to run quite fast, but I'm fragile, I don't really think stuff through, i just go on, and race, to whatever i desire to run at.
  14. Hello There. (Bidoof spinning 360 constantly so epic)
  15. I didn't really enjoy the Ruby/Sapphire era, i can't really explain it, i just didn't much like the design of the Pokemon, and the feel when i played it, but i do love Metagross, and SCEPTILE! I'm mean come on Leaf Blade, probably my favorite attack.
  16. Well i liked all main Pokemon games, i didn't really enjoy Ruby/Sapphire, i can't really explain it, but i just didn't like the look of the Pokemon, and the feel when i played it, except i do like the design, of Metagross, and Sceptile.
  17. Hmm, I wonder which i picked, and who does this remind you of?
  18. MEW! is the most uber, i bet Mew is so uber, that he/she is able to transform to Ricky Roll him/herself.
  19. Ohhhh you made the Fenzo's sigm and weird those Eyes they look familiarm did you post then in the previous forumsm or possibly I've seen them in Deviant Art, anywho they look FaBuLoUs! i really want to learn to do graphic stuff like that, but when i downloaded Photo shop, the expression in my face was: :eek::confused:
  20. Supercard One. DSTT. Current: R4, running R4Ysauto. Soon: M3 Real running M3 Sakura, or CycloDS Evolution, I'm not entirely convinced yet.
  21. Also you may need to convert your save file, because i haven't heard of that Flash Cart, and please have patience, this is a forum, with a small amount of members, that have the information you need.
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