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Showing content with the highest reputation since 12/26/24 in all areas

  1. My old save file for Pokémon Blue with a Mew from the Toys-R-Us distribution in 1999. Edit: The Mew is in Box 1, for anybody interested. Now, some backstory for this save file. I got my Blue Game Pak when I was 8 for my Game Boy Color. I played for years ('98 - '02 I believe), and I traded with friends, beat the Elite Four (only two times, I was too lazy to fight again :P), completed my Pokedex, and more. When I found out about the Toys-R-Us Mew contest, I BEGGED my mom and dad to bring me to the store close to my home. Fortunately, they did eventually, and since the store wasn't very popular, when I arrived about 5 or 6 days late, the contest was still going on. I grabbed my "Peel & Win" card and sure enough, there it was! "Caught Me!". Just like it said on the Pokémon website. I was ecstatic! I went to school on Monday that week and bragged about it to all of my friends. I remember being scared to get into any battles or train my Mew because my friends told me it would run away if it fainted. Good times. I wasn't able to get any of the Gen 2 - 3 games (or any other PKMN games for that matter) until much later in my life (my parents were not very financially stable at the time), but eventually I moved on from Pokémon in middle school. A few weeks ago, I got back into Pokémon, and found my old Game Pak. I played for a bit and got hooked again. Yesterday, a device I ordered named the Joey Jr. arrived. I used it to dump the rom & save - and that's where I am now. If you plan to play on this save file, please take good care of my Pokémon! Farewell! Nick's Pokemon Blue Save.sav
    3 points
  2. Your Charizard is still in the save. When you traded it away it wasn't wiped from your save. The party counter was set to 5 so the 6th slot wouldn't be read any more, but the data was still there. 0006 - CHARIZARD - 47A4.pk1
    2 points
  3. Another one... so many bad carts! Since this has happened numerous times, I figured I'd automate the logic that I'd do manually, as described in the thread chain ^. The automated program and its source code have been uploaded to projectpokemon's GitHub: https://github.com/projectpokemon/RecoverSaveGen3 I have attached the save file after running it through the program I made ^. Here's what it looks like in PKHeX (box names???) POKEMON EMER_BPEE01_00.sav.fixed
    2 points
  4. Version 1.0.7


    This page hosts Pokémon that were obtained from direct GO -> HOME transfers. This page was previously online, but has been brought offline for maintenance. As of now, only Legendaries and Mythicals would be uploaded back. The rest are still offline. For this file to be transferable across games without any stats oddities, you cannot modify any immutable values. Read here: Relevance of HOME tracker
    2 points
  5. I've started playing Stadium, never played it and it's actually quite good. The commentary dub was really amazing. So, I've just checked that gift pokemon get generated when trasnfered to the gen 1 games, so I'm gonna get a savegame for each of the gift pokemon to be received, for round 1 and round 2 and the amnesia psyduck. I'm playing the spanish version, but the save is compatible with at least all EUR versions, and the UK should be the same as USA one so... With those savegames, one can receive a randomized (DV wise) pokemon from the stadium game without having to play trough elite 4, and also get it for the desired region. Amnesia psyduck will take time though, hall of fame gets time to complete... Unless you can provide a savegame with an almost complete hall of fame at round 2 that is (there's a complete save at zophar's domain, but that won't work for amnesia psyduck...) EDIT: I managed to get the 8 gifts from round 1. If you don't know, round 2 are the same, but will have a gold trophy when transfered to gen 2. EDIT 2: Well, I messed up a little. It seems that receiving a normal box or gorgeous box attached to the gift pokemon does not depend on wether you are playing roun 1 or round 2, but depends just on wether you have unlocked round 2 or not. Basically this means no amnesia psyduck with normal box unless I get all the pokemon in the hall of fame... AGAIN. That's not gonna happen, so no amnesia psyduck with normal box. Shouldn't really matte, but I wish I had known. I'll try to edit the hall of fame data in my savefile prior to round 2, should be enough for legit amnesia psyduck retrieval with normal box. EDIT 3: Erm... seems like amnesia psyduck can only carry gorgeous box, even at round 1, so basically I have the saves. Coupled with the complete one at zophar's (for teaching surf to pikachu) now all saves are available (when I upload mine). I'll probably finish my round 2 save with full hall of fame for a complete R2 with amnesia psyduck retrieval EDIT 4: Here are the fla savefiles, I'll update the file when I get the round 2 savefile. The one with "151" still has amnesia psyduck for retrieval from the hall of fame, the save before it only misses 2 hall of fame entries. http://www.mediafire.com/download/ghx1crmdrrcdj27/StadiumSavegames.rar EDIT 5: @N64 I finally made the Stadium 2 savegame for Farfetch'd and Gliscor, the attached file has the Stadium 1 and 2 savegames in it. Stadium1-2_savegames.zip
    2 points
  6. Pokémon Aurora Sappphire is now in development! This game is inspired by Emerald Kaizo, Ancestral X and Drayano Hacks all in all! I'm aiming to make this the most difficult Gen 6 ROM Hack till now. Stay tuned! I will not release a Demo Version of this Game, it will release the time it's finished! Content: Every Trainer has a fully handcrafted Team AI has been improved Every Pokémon till Generation 6 can be caught (Total of 721) Some Pokémon got buffed and every fully evolved Pokémon has a BST of 450+ Some Pokémon Types have been updated Some Moves from later Generations have been added to the Game Some Moves have been updated A bit of story has been modified and much more!
    1 point
  7. I've been digging through some of my old files and found a bunch of tools and resources I used on my hacks, some of which the links seem to have been lost since. I thought I'd compile a list of some of the tools I've used in the past as well as a couple others that I thought might be useful. If a developer has his/her tool listed here and doesn't want it to be, let me know and I'll take it off. The titles of the tools/resources act as the download links. I've tried to add the authors of the tools wherever possible but I don't know all of them. I'm also happy to add any suggestions to the list. I did not make any of these tools. (Besides some additions to a text file, at least...) 2016-10-22: Some tools supplied by Hiro TDK have been added. There are general DS tools in bond's thread that may also be of use. Generation IV NOTE: The recommended Gen IV hacking tools have changed considerably since this thread was made. PPRE has been superseded by DSPRE which is significantly better and less buggy. It is highly, highly recommended to use DSPRE instead of PPRE!! DSPRE can be found here. You may also want to consider the much newer Pokéditor (found here) over the other tools below for editing things like Pokémon stats, moves, etc. --- Project Pokémon ROM Editor (PPRE) Authors: SCV, Alpha and more (?) Thread: https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?303-PPRE-Project-Pokemon-s-ROM-Editor PPRE is the quintessential hacking tool for Gen 4, allowing you to edit Pokémon, trainers, scripts, overworlds, wild Pokémon and more. However there are some issues with script compilation, particularly with movement commands that cause freezing ingame in HGSS. In these cases you may be able to simply save the map again in an older version of PPRE to compile the script correctly. Known bugs in PPRE include the aforementioned script issues, not maintaining the PokéBall seal or ability (HG/SS only) values, messing up learnsets when saving a Pokémon with a full 20 level up moves, and incorrectly saving some of the fishing spots in Platinum and HG/SS. It's unfortunately not really in development anymore, so those bugs will probably never be fixed, but you can skirt around them. Ignoring those things it's really, really good and pretty much necessary for any Gen IV hack. PokéDSPic Authors: ??? PokeDSPic is a tool that allows you to look at graphical assets such as Pokémon sprites and export and import PNGs to modify them. I'm not really sure where this tool came from but I know I used it to modify some sprites in HG/SS. There are two versions included in the download - one is for Diamond and Pearl only, and the other for PtHGSS only. With that said, the DP one is needed for some graphics in HG/SS such as trainer backsprites. (Thanks, Hiro!) PokéTex Authors: ??? I quite honestly can't remember what this tool is for but I think PokéTex is a useful tool when dealing with overworld sprites in the Gen 4 games. PtHGSS Lua Scripts Authors: Kaphotics This zip file contains two LUA scripts written by Kaphotics that will tell you the XY co-ordinates of your player character on the map they are on. One is for Platinum, the other for HG/SS. You can load LUA scripts by going to Tools > Lua Scripting > New LUA Script Window in DeSmuME. The co-ordinates will appear as an overlay at the top left corner of the bottom screen. Overworld Sprite IDs Authors: ???, Drayano This is a list of overworld sprites in HG/SS with the decimal numbers that correlate to their identifiers, i.e. set an overworld to have the matching sprite ID in PPRE and it'll show up as that. The original list only had up to the Mew sprite but I extended it when dealing with HG/SS itself. Some of this list may also apply to Platinum but I'm not sure. HG/SS US Texts Excel Workbook Authors: HiroTDK This is a searchable workbook of all text files in HeartGold and SoulSilver. The search results in Excel point to file and line numbers so that you can easily locate them in SDSME. I have a workbook transcribed for each language, but I haven't run the organization scripts on the other languages yet because my laptop is currently out of commission. EDIT: Tools merged from other posts - Evolution Editor For D/P Nitro ROM Explorer Narc File Replacer NDSeditor Rom Explorer Pokemon Data Editor for D/P Tahaxan Rom Explorer Wild Pokemon Editor for D/P/P Pokemon Trainer Editor for D/P/P Pokemon Sprite Inserter/Extractor Tile Molester DSBuff DSLazy NDSheader NDSTop thenewpoketext ndssndext Generation V Black/White Wild Editor (BWWE) Authors: ??? (KazoWAR?) Thread: N/A A wild Pokémon editor for BW and B2W2. Allows editing of wild Pokémon in any map with toggles for seasons and Pokémon formes. The original thread seems to be lost. Black/White Trainer Editor (BWTE) Authors: KazoWAR, Kaphotics Thread: https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?13273-B-W-Trainer-Editor Trainer editors for BW and B2W2, though they are separate files. KazoWAR made the BW tool which was later extended by Kaphotics to support B2W2. Allows editing of any trainer's Pokémon, items held, Pokémon formes used etcetera. A 1000 slot version is also supplied for developers who append further trainer files onto the NARC than what is originally in the game. Black/White Sprite Editor (BWSE) Authors: KazoWAR A sprite editor for BW and B2W2. Allows editing of Pokémon and trainer sprites. Do note that it likely will not preserve animations. Black/White Overworld Editor (BWOE) Authors: KazoWAR An overworld editor for BW and B2W2. Allows editing of overworld appearances. Black/White Mugshot Editor (BWME) Authors: KazoWAR A mugshot editor for BW and B2W2. Allows editing of mugshots such as those that appear when you battle Gym Leaders or the Elite Four. Project Pokemon Text (PPTXT) Authors: SCV Thread: https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?11582-PPTXT-Text-editing-tool A text editing tool for BW and B2W2. Allows you to edit text in-line as well as dump entire scripts. OxATTACK Authors: Oxnite Thread: https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?17553-OxNITE-s-Pok%E9mon-Black-amp-White-Tools An attack editing tool for BW and B2W2. I haven't personally used it but it looks clean and feature complete. Pokémon ROM Changer (BW) Authors: ???, Andibad Thread: https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?17426-Pokemon-ROM-Changer An all around tool for Black and White, allowing editing of species, moves, encounter slots and evolutions. Be warned that Pokémon ROM Changer works on absolute offsets, so any sort of extensions whatsoever will stop the program from working if the offsets it's targeting are shifted. May be best used on a fresh ROM to edit what you want, then transplanting the NARCs to your overall project. Unsure who the original developer was but Andibad provided the translation for English users. Pokémon ROM Changer (B2W2) Authors: ???, Kaphotics Thread: https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?17426-Pokemon-ROM-Changer Same as above, but for B2W2. Versions for my Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2 hacks are also available in the thread. Unsure who originally made it but Kaphotics provided the English translation. B2W2 Lua Scripts Authors: Kaphotics A number of LUA scripts for Black 2 and White 2. I don't remember the contents exactly but it does include a LUA to show your character's X/Y position on the map. Twistedfatal's Pokemon BW2 Toolbox http://i.imgur.com/QHtxuAC.pngCross Generational (IV and V) Tools Spiky's DS Map Editor (SDSME) Authors: Spiky-Eared Pichu aka Markitus95 GitHub: https://github.com/MarcRiera/SDSME Thread: https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?26374-SDSME-Spiky-s-DS-Map-Editor SDSME is a map editing tool for DPPtHGSSBWB2W2 as well as an alternative to PPRE for some things such as trainer Pokémon and wild data. Unlike PPRE the wild Pokémon areas aren't named directly and you must cross reference IDs with the maps listed on the main screen to find the correct area. Trainers are listed normally, however. I can't comment much on SDSME as I haven't used it and I definitely haven't tried the map editing parts. Tips should be available in any threads about it, though development of SDSME has since been discontinued. ANDT Authors: Andibad GitHub: https://github.com/andibadra/ANDT Thread: https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?26663-Andi-Pok%E9mon-Hack-Tools ANDT is a tool by Andibad composed of a few different features, some of which work on both Gen 4 and 5. According to the description it is deprecated but I wasn't able to find a more recent version. ANDT has the ability to modify movesets, evolutions and experience tables on Gen 4 and 5, wild encounters on DPPt and Hidden Hollow encounters on B2W2. As far as I know this is the only Hidden Hollow editing tool out there, so I would recommend this tool just for that. I've not personally used it but I believe I've used a standalone version of the hollow tool before (which no longer exists) and it worked great. crystaltile2 Authors: ??? crystaltile2 is an all-purpose DS editing tool. I admittedly don't really know the extent of what it's capable of but it has a very convenient way of importing and exporting NARC files into the ROM by clicking the little DS looking icon near the top. There are other ways to pull NARCs in and out but this is one of the most convenient. It was made by Chinese developers, hence why a large amount of the tool isn't written in English. G3DCVTR Author: ??? This converts 3D files for NDS games. It's command line only. Nitro SDK Plugins for 3DS Max 2010 Authors: Nintendo These allow you to export 3D models from 3DS Max 2010 for use in NDS games. These aren't allowed to be posted here, so you'll have to search or ask around to find them. BTX Editor Author: Kazowar Thread: https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?9873-BTX-overworld-editor This allows you to export and import sprite sheets from the texture files in the game, most notably, overworld sprites. It's not a great program, and it bugs out and doesn't work with specific files, but it mostly works and is much less demanding than PokeTex. NARCTool Authors: natrium42, modified by unknown This tool allows you to decompress and compress NARC files to and from folders. Since Tinke can easily decompress and extract NARCs as folders, it's only real use is rebuilding NARCs from folders. Tinke Authors: pleonex and various contributors Thread: http://gbatemp.net/topic/303529-tinke-072/ This is an all purpose tool for NDS hacking. You can look at the file structure and import and export files and NARCs. It has a very basic hex editor. You can view, import, and export images, models, textures, et cetera. There's so much more this can do too. This is a very powerful tool for the graphical side of NDS ROM hacking. Mario Kart DS Course Modifier - EDIT - Link Broken Authors: Gericom Thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/mkds-course-modifier.299444/ This is another NDS hacking tool like Tinke, that's pretty powerful and has a lot of features. This one is specialized for editing Mario Kart DS, but it has some useful functions for us. It's really good at editing single frame textures, but not animations. There's a function for splitting and rejoining texture files and models. It's very specific, but I used it to pull the protagonists sprites from the Magnet Train animation. It also has a decent converter for graphic files. The Console Tool Authors: lowlines Thread: http://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php/topic,8407.0.html This is a powerful ROM hacking tool that can be used for many systems. I really only use it for occasionally editing palette files though. It supposedly has a pretty powerful 3D Model viewer, but for some reason, I've never been able to access it. Generation VI PK3DS Authors: Kaphotics, SciresM GitHub: https://github.com/kwsch/pk3DS Thread: https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?44950-pk3DS-XY-ORAS-ROM-Editor-amp-Randomizer Pretty much the only thing you need to make a Gen 6 hack, PK3DS is an all-purpose tool developed by Kaphotics (with some input from SciresM such as the wild editing tool) that lets you modify pretty much anything that's currently possible. Wild Pokémon, trainer Pokémon, some graphical assets, moves, items, marts etc. Scripting isn't offered because Gen 6 scripting isn't possible, but you can do pretty much anything else. The download link there is the latest master release on PK3DS, so it includes static encounter editing and other features not in the release version on Kaphotics' thread for the tool. Be warned that some parts may be unstable. Though in my experience it's all been pretty awesome. PK3DS is also still in development, though for Gen 6 it is pretty much complete. Ohana3DS Authors: gdkchan, Reisyukaku Thread: https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?44168-Ohana3DS-(BCH-Tool) Ohana3DS is a BCH editing tool that allows you to modify models within the Gen 6 games. A lot of helpful information is provided in the linked thread. The download link offered here is the latest release of the old Ohana3DS, but a new version written in C# is currently in development. EDIT: The mirror links above will take you to the file's new home in the Downloads section.
    1 point
  8. Hello! I hope this is the correct place to request for help! I have a physical cartridge of pokemon Diamond a few years ago i remember playing the game for a bit beating cynthia and then opening the game up the following day to see that i had a "The save file is corrupted the previous save file will be loaded" I essentially got stuck right before cynthia so i decided to delete the save file. Upon deleting the save file i got a new message saying "the save file was deleted due to corruption or damage". It still let me make a new save file so i did so. When it tried saving it did a normal save once and from that point onward every "first" save would be really short and the second time saving after would actually save the game. I gave up and recently decided to try and dump the save into PKhex from my 3ds to see if i could learn anything and from here i learned that the save file pkhex was loading was not the new one i created but my old save file i originally deleted. Checking Boxes in PKhex shows lots of red spaces in the PC box which appear to be bad eggs/error handlers and all the box names are entirely blank. I tried to delete/rename everything and load it back into the file but upon loading into the game i simply get the new file. Upon some research i learned that its possible? PKhex is loading the active save and the new save is using the backup save. I could be wrong because i am not sure how any of this really works but I'm hoping someone far more tech savy than myself can help me out here so i can actually use my game again in a normal capacity. I also should mention whenever i load the game up i get "the save file is corrupted the previous save file will be loaded" In the file linked below is my "new" file named Estelle but pkhex loads the "old" save named Don and all its data instead. If anyone can help me i would greatly appreciate it! POKEMON D.0.sav
    1 point
  9. There is no way to tell where the WC7 came frome, so there's no problem.
    1 point
  10. If you are on the latest stable release then those errors are because the mystery gift database wouldn't be updated to included it. So you can try the Latest Dev Build and see if the errors still appear while using that version.
    1 point
  11. This tool only requires you to run the sys-botbase sysmodule on the console. No one has ever been banned for using sys-botbase or any other sysmodules. Atmosphere CFW is safe to use even while connected online. SysNand is required. If you connect online on EmuNand you get banned. You don't need emunand unless you're going to do illegal stuff.
    1 point
  12. if it's not the one available by default in SkyTemple, then I'm not sure. maybe look/ask around in SkyTemple's Discord server?
    1 point
  13. unfortunately I don't know anything about MoveGrowth so I can't really help ya there.
    1 point
  14. you'll have to go into the script and edit it! to disable the custom quiz, open up the script "unionall", Ctrl+F 'coro EVENT_M00A_01', and replace that entire coro with the following (you can also just delete the unnecessary stuff) here's what it'd look like before: and after it'd look like this: now, to keep the custom quiz but have your own custom starters, you'll want to navigate to the system scene S02P01A, and under acting, find "newtest3" and "newtest4". open their scripts...specifically, newtest3 is where you'll change your hero options, while newtest4 is for partner options. choose a Pokemon you want to replace, and replace all mentions of it in the script with your chosen Pokemon. also replace all instances of its index number being called upon. so say you want to replace female Glameow, look for index number 1073 and replace it with the one from your desired Pokemon! (this may be trickier with a Pokemon with a smaller index number, for male Bulbasaur for example you only want to replace the "1"s in special processes that are actually meant to be its index number; you can figure it out by looking at the other Pokemon) sorry if that's a lot to go through lol
    1 point
  15. I want to dump my pokemon from pokemon home to my switch games but I can't access the pokemon home jksv because the file is too large does anybody know of a solution to this?
    1 point
  16. Hi After editing my file in PKHex 24.11.11 and trying to restore the save file, the file doesn't work. The game doesn't continue on the edited save, instead, the game starts anew with the character customisation. However, when restoring an unedited file the game continues on the save as expected. Any ideas what could be causing this issue? main
    1 point
  17. So when I tired to use an auto legality mod for a gen 6 pokemon, it shows me this error. Is there any way to solve this error?
    1 point
  18. Thanks, fixed on latest commit: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/ef60ee622dc5fd4aabbec2c6c7d98226916a8de6
    1 point
  19. Not sure which file you are trying to load into PKHeX. PKHeX supports save files and individual PKM files (including ph3 files for HOME's latest format).
    1 point
  20. Version 1.5.0


    A tool to edit Town positions, Fly Locations, and descriptions displayed within the DPPt Town Map! Notes: You might need to enable « High DPI Scaling Override » To make a valid Fly Location, the Header must be both on the Matrix, in the Fly list and as an actual Town/City (all 3) The number of towns is currently limited to 20 (requires Overlay expansion) Japanese ROMs are not supported for various reasons https://github.com/RavenDS/town-map-editor/releases/latest
    1 point
  21. Thanks, fixed on latest commit! https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/20245dd5125c660822465a0b9c22d3c55d7015a0
    1 point
  22. Nope. Deoxys is Method 1. Use the encounter database instead of guessing, then hold Control when checking legality to bring up the verbose report.
    1 point
  23. same as any Pokemon that only evolves during the day in the main series; you gotta have a Sun Ribbon!
    1 point
  24. thanks! there are not, and there will not be due to technical constraints.
    1 point
  25. thanks for posting this
    1 point
  26. Try this. Ensure you keep safe backups.
    1 point
  27. Since repro carts are just a single chip that store both the ROM and the Save File together, usually sequentially, you'll have to dump the entire chip not just what a dumper thinks is the save data. The two files you have uploaded are not anything close to valid save data, so nothing can be recovered from those two files.
    1 point
  28. Question: Your OT (Original Trainer Name) on the SAV is "Nick". I saw the box full of Tauros and thought, "are these just cloned/genned, lol?" but they seem legitimate, which got me to slightly grin that you (or a friend?) spent time doing that. Anyway, I noticed all those Tauros had the OT of "RED". Was that a sibling/friend, or you on a different cartridge? And in Box 10, I noticed the starters have an OT of "BLUE". Same question: Was that a sibling/friend, or you on a different cartridge? Noticed 3 Master Balls in the Bag as well, so for benefit of the doubt's sake, I'll assume friends/you on another cartridge traded them here, haha? If in the U.S., this Mew had to have been gotten from December 8th through the 12th, 1999. Pretty darn cool since you (in a general sense) had to jump through slight hoops to get this Mew by mailing stuff in, etc. I also assume "Sharon" and "JIM" were friends/siblings? Cool stuff. Side note: Just waiting for Staff/reputable person(s) to confirm the Mew legitimacy for all.
    1 point
  29. Already reported and fixed: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/c198ab08e0c08bc47bafaa01d0372b731dcf2ce7 Either use the latest development build, or wait until the next stable program release.
    1 point
  30. wow bro, This is awesome. I really appreciate it.
    1 point
  31. The development is quite slow because I don't have that much time but I'll release it next year for sure.
    1 point
  32. When choosing partner, if you try scrolling to the left (where the greyed out Axew portrait is) the portrait wheel gets messed up. (Attached a video showcasing the issue) Using the MelonDS emulator if that helps. Might test it on real hardware later. 2024-11-22_18-52-07.mp4
    1 point
  33. Version 1.3.1


    This is a rom hack of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky that adds in all starter Pokémon from across gens 5-9! On top of just adding the standard starters, Zorua, Axew and Rockruff have also been made starters, Eevee can evolve into Sylveon, and all partner pokémon across all rescue team and explorers games are available. New portraits and animations have been added to existing starters. Alolan Raichu, Alolan Marowak and Hisuian Typhlosion have also been added as branch evolutions for their respective base starters (as of v1.3.0). Implements the fairy type, updating all fairy pokemon and moves to have the correct typing. Milk Drink has been replaced with Disarming Voice, and the placeholder move data for Judgement has been replaced by Moonblast. Due to limitations to the amount of partners in the game, the mod has been split into two separate patches, MIDDAY version and MIDNIGHT version. Both have the same hero options, but MIDDAY includes all fire, grass and water starters for gens 1-7 as partners, whereas MIDNIGHT version includes all other new partners added by this mod, as well as all other partners from rescue team and explorers (pikachu, eevee, machop, riolu, etc). Check the document included in the zip file for specifics and use whichever patch aligns your dream team best. Applies several quality of life patches that come bundled with skytemple - such as confirming your hero choice after the quiz, exp share, move shortcuts, mass-appraisal of boxes and fairy gummies. A full list with credits can be found in the document included in the zip file. A copy of XDeltaUI has been included in the zip file for ease of patching. Instructions for patching the game can be found in the document included in the zip file. XDeltaUI might not work if you're on a mac - if not, I've been told this tool works instead: https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/746/ UniPatcher works well for Android devices. This is purely a starter modification hack - there are no story changes. Learnsets, IQ Groups and evolution info can be found in this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Spq9U_TCTqxT-NTovtm_c9Mzv1kTuTujd-BpPp0jj4U/edit?usp=sharing Updates! NEW 23/05/24: A lot of you reported issues with Grovyle's sprite not behaving as intended. This has now been fixed. A bug causing the game to occasionally freeze when advancing floors should also now be resolved. NEW 10/03/24: Axew and Grookey added as starters, replacing Shinx and Riolu respectively. Shinx and Riolu are still available as partners in MIDNIGHT, to use them as heroes use version 1.2.1 or below. Additional portraits/sprites have been added for evolutions of all playable heros/partners where applicable, and sleep animation has been copied over to EventSleep where missing. Greninja's moveset has been updated and Sobble's full evolution line is now implemented. Alolan Raichu, Alolan Marowak and Hisuian Typhlosion are now available for evolution (see ingame evolution help via new cyndaquil NPC on the crossroads, alongside sprite/portrait/patch credits, or check learnset spreadsheet linked above. 15/06/23: The evolution flag for Litten and Froakie was erroneously still set to false in the previous update, but this is fixed as of 1.2.1, so be sure to update if you have either of those two. Despite doubts expressed in the changelog I can now confirm the update DOES work for existing save files! 08/06/23: Litten now evolves into Incineroar - and Froakie evolves into Greninja (mid-stages aren't available yet). Now includes a version compatible with Melon, RetroArch and DraStic emulators. Fairy gummis can now be bought or received as mission rewards, and existing pokémon that learn moonblast and disarming voice in sun and moon now learn it here. (Accidentally said Dazzling Gleam in the txt and changelog, but this is what I meant!). Several other bugfixes and improvements included - check the changelog for details! 17/05/23 Sobble is now available as a starter! This means Skitty had to be removed as a hero unfortunately (but is still a partner) - if you'd like Skitty as a hero, be sure to download version 1.0.0 of this mod instead of the latest version. Sobble is also now available as a partner in MIDNIGHT version. For full list of heroes and partners, check the last two preview images for this hack. Updated the rescue team partners (Cubone, Psyduck, Machop) to use additional sprites and portraits created for the PMD Sprite Repository. Splashscreen credits for the artists have been swapped over to the title screen for readability and visibility. Disclaimers: All portraits and sprites are the work of artists contributing to the pmd sprite repository (Spreadsheet of individual credits with links when provided is here). Because work on the repository is ongoing, evolutions for Chespin, Fuecoco, Spritgatito and Quaxly are unimplented as of now, as are Torracat and Frogadier. Certain portraits may not show up in-game for the same reason. A set of exclusive items have been added and set across all new pokémon (Enigma bow, brooch and scarf, and ultima prism) - but I've not yet figured out how to modify the functionality of these yet so they're likely pretty useless as of now. Due to the size of the expanded starter list, all starters are sadly gender-locked. Check the document to verify what gender to select in the quiz in order to get your preferred hero. I've not ran into any issues so far with this, but feel free to message me here if you notice anything. I'm also contactable on tumblr (pyromaniac-cynadquil) and bluesky(@pyrocyndaquil.bsky.social). I'm currently looking into a potential version 2.0.0 featuring a third version with extra new starters as well as an overhaul to stats and patches used, but this is up in the air right now. Sprite and portrait credits (Detailed fully here): Chunsoft, gromchurch, Emmuffin, puropoly, 0palite, thechargingrhino, Emboarger, Miju, Garbage, baronessfaron, Meganai, PhillipsYoung, felis_licht, Audino, JFain, ShyStarryRain, kitkarma, dmDash, Vynnyal, starwolff, NeonCityRain, lemongrass, NOLASMOR, C_Pariah, Caitemis, Deeshura, Noo, Luna-Alex, Murpi, Ginnie, XModxGodX, lovefulpup, Smalusion, MilesFarber, NeroIntruder, Blanca, Noivern, NikolaP, 3P1C, mucrush, ◥θ┴θ◤, TopKec, XxWindpawxX, FrivolousAqua, Pink_no_tori, Jhony-Rex, Reimu\_needs\_$$$, CamusZekeSirius, avalancheman, Fable, psittacidae13, Bwappi, TawnySoup
    1 point
  34. Version August 25th, 2024 (FFF)


    All of the 920+ Pokemon in this save file are legal and will through Bank and HOME. Every pokemon that can legally be obtained as a shiny has its shiny form in the save file, the other pokemon are there in non-shiny form. 90% of the Pokemon in this save file were hatched/captured in USUM meaning that they can be used on battlespot. The first evolutions of almost all of the Pokemon will be level 1; the middle evolutions are often level 70. A majority of the final stage evolution pokemon are a smogon set. I hope this save helps some people out there. All of the complete 806 pokemon sets I could find online were either completely riddled with illegal pokemon, or all of the pokemon only knew 1 move; that is not the case with this save file. Enjoy ! Youtube Video showcasing the savefile: https://youtu.be/-YBj6WgP_ro
    1 point
  35. Version 1.0.0


    Pokémon Colosseum (ENG)(JPN)(ESP) 100% ALL Shiny 5 or 6 IVs [48 + 3 Purified & Shadow Pokémon] Trainer Info: Name:ERNESTO/エルネスト TID:44016 Ho-Oh Mt. Battle Celebi Ageto/アゲト Japanese bonus disc. Pikachu コロシアム Japanese bonus disc. Jirachi WISHMKR Japanese e-card: Togepi/トゲピー Mareep/メリープ Scizor/ハッサム Information Here: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pokémon_Colosseum Thanks to the creators of these tools/Gracias a los creadores de estas herramientas. Used tools: PKHeX By @Kaphotics https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/file/1-pkhex/ PokeFinder By @theSLAYER https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/file/3061-pokefinder/ Jirachi WISHMKR by @Gridelin https://projectpokemon.org/home/forums/topic/45373-gen-3-specific-edits-how-to-redeem-any-desired-shiny-spread-channel-jirachi/
    1 point
  36. Version 1.0.0


    This is my personal Black 2 save file. I hope you enjoy. I have completed save file. It also has pokemon from genes 3 & 4 that were transfered up (Also XD & Coullisuim pokemon to). It does have event and shiny pokemon to. I am working on completing the pokedex up this file. So do excepet a update in the futrue. Though I do hope you enjoy this save file from my orginal play through as I have alot of memories on this save. Enjoy
    1 point
  37. Version 1.0.0


    This contains every Pokemon from Colosseum and XD purified and showing the National Ribbon, all completely legal in PKHex
    1 point
  38. Version 1.0.0


    hi.. this diancie is so special to me... this is my first diancie ever since i missed the XYORAS events ones (actualy missed a couple of events but meh), i always sent my mythicals from go into my main games since i play mostly in my switch i barely use GO or mostly for events hehe, i don't mind sharing my poke with you, use it correctly and get fun.
    1 point
  39. Version 1.15


    Pokemon didn't get harder, you got better. Challenge yourself to a Pokemon game where everything is different. Features A new type chart, balanced using an algorithm Hundreds of new moves, roughly 85% of moves have been altered 26 new regional forms + Alolan forms and more Physical/Special split Infinite use TMs More Shadow Pokemon than base Pokemon XD Updated typing, movesets, and abilities for almost every Pokemon in the game Updated outdated textures such as Rapidash's flames Huge thanks to Stars for his help, his amazing GoD tool, and for allowing Pokemon XG to serve as the foundation. Join the Gamecube Pokemon modding discord server here: https://discord.gg/aucXehNbwM Also thank you to r/SnappySkillz for their type balancing tool How to patch: Patch the file using NUPS if you are on windows, or Multipatch if you are on Mac into a clean Pokemon XD - Gale of Darkness (USA) rom. NUPS can be downloaded here: https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/606/ Multipatch can be downloaded here: https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/746 Also if you are playing on Dolphin I recommend the 60fps AR code: 004e6c35 00000002
    1 point
  40. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The world's first ever Pokemon XD:GoD hack! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main Features: Physical/Special Split Gen VII type matchup chart including fairy type New set of shadow pokemon and other obtainable pokemon Over 100 Shadow Pokemon Over 50 Shadow Moves Over 75 Wild Pokemon Moves and abilities from later generations Mostly Gen VII Game Mechanics More challenging opponents Corrupted Save files Download How to patch your ROM: Change Log: Known Bugs: Notes: Recommended Dolphin Settings: provided by @Grip55 FAQs: Special Thanks @Tux @psy_commando @Tiddlywinks @Made_s @Ddeathscythe
    1 point
  41. When you format your 3DS the encryption key changes. If you still have the movable.sed file from bevor you formatted your console, it should be possible to decrypt and inject the save again.
    1 point
  42. Pokémon Gray, a remake of Pokémon Black, White, Black 2 and White 2. Introduction: Hi all, I'm thinking of doing a history hackrom collecting Pokémon Unova Pokémon Black and White and Black and White 2 called Pokémon Gray/Grey. The story would be Hilbert and Hilda starring in his journey through Unova mixing history of this region of the anime and manga as main story and the remaining after the Pokémon League. For example: start the standard story of Pokémon Black and White battling the gym leaders that appear in the anime with the manga events after the league will follow the story that appears in Pokémon Black and White starring Nate and Rosa. Main characters: Hilda and Hilbert are young coaches who live in Nuvema Town located in Unova. Professor Juniper sends home a gift with the three starter Pokémon so they enlist to start your Pokémon adventure. During your trip, you will find all kinds of Pokémon and trainers Unova region. Also will face Team Plasma to thwart their plans. Hugh will be your opponent in the entire game. Professor: Juniper is the proffessor Pokémon Unova region. She is responsible for delivering the starter Pokémon in that region, she is the first teacher of the main series Pokémon game and specializes in the study of the origin of the Pokémon. History: The adventure is located in the new region, Unova and begins in Nuvema Town, where you will receive the starter Pokémon: Snivy, Oshawott or Tepig. Professor Juniper and Colress will find recurring characters throughout the adventure on several occasions, as well as your good friend (Nate if you are Hilda or Rosa if you are Hilbert). The villains of Team Plasma have the task of freeing the Pokémon coaches, they believe that the Pokémon are free beings and their relationship with the legendary Reshiram and Zekrom. Will also Natural (N), which will have a say in this story. Your mission is to become champion of the Unova region, after that two years have passed since you left to start your adventure Unova's image has changed: the works have been completed and on Route 4 buildings have been built. In addition, the Driftveil City's lighthouse is gone resulting craters and founded new cities, as Aspertia City southwest of Unova. Project: This hack is conducted through Pokémon Black & White 2 and need the tools collected links at the moment for these games to pull it off, I have little experience so if one wants to do this project have permission. A greeting and thank you all.
    1 point
  43. So i am making this quick guide on how to edit the type effectiveness chart in Black and White 1 (yes this only works in the the first games and not B2W2) The reason i am making this, is that i saw see alot of guides on how to change the types chart in BW2 but not on the first games, it took finding some deep burried post to find it and it wasn't exactly clear either. So here is a list of what you will need. BRZ decompression tool CrystalTile2 A rom of Black or White 1 Ok so starting off you want a to open a ROM of black or white to in crystal tile 2 and press CTRL+N to open up the overlays, Find overlay_0093.bin And RIGHT CLICK and press extract (wherer you can find it) Now that you have extracted it Open BRZ decompression tools Link to BLZ https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/826/ Here is a link to CrystalTile 2 https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/818/ Open BLZ via Windows command line or CMD, by opening CMD and dragging the BLZ.exe onto the cmd, Then Write "-d " after the text, of the directory Location. The inserted BLZ file so it should look like ">"C:\Users\Users PC\Desktop\(your directory file)\blz.exe" in your command line. Depending on where you have your BLZ.exe stored. Now that you have written "-d" after the directory location of BLZ, also drag and drop (or manually write) the directory of your OVERLAY_0093.bin file so in the end it should look something like this "C:\Users\(your username)\Desktop\Roms and pokemon related\blz.exe" -d "C:\Users\(your username) \Desktop\Roms and pokemon related\overlay9_0093" press enter and it should say "file decompressed" or something like that and it should say "done" Open the now decompressed overlay_0093.bin file in any hed editor of your choice and you should see a bunch of numbers (duh) Now for the editing part, the type chart is on a 17x17 Grid starting at offset 3A37C with normal type attacking normal and ending at 3A49C dark attacking dark. The type effectiveness is distributed by 3 different values. 00 meaning a type takes 0 damage and its immune, 02 meaning the attacker deals half damage or "Not very effective", 04 meaning its a normal effectiveness, its neutral and 08 meaning the attack is super effective. So 00 = immune. 02 = not very effective. 04 = neutral effectiveness. 08 = super effective i have provided 1 file with the distribution of the types inline with the hex offsets, so that you can just adjust the types you want then copy and paste the grid into the starting offset and the ending offset of the type chart. also here are the type chart offsets for each type, and each type takes exactly 17 slots for its attacking line (horizontal) and 17 for its defending line (vertical) These offsets covers the first type a type attacks (first offset) to the last type it attacks on the grid (the last offset) 1 Normal types hex offset: 3A37C-3A38C 2 Figthing Types hex offset:3A38D-3A39D 3 Flying types Hex offset:3A39E-3A3AE 4 Poison types offset: 3A3AF-3A3BF 5 Ground offset: 3A3C0-3A3D0 6 Rock offset: 3A3D1-3A3E1 7 Bug offset: 3A3E2-3A3F2 8 Ghost offset: 3A3F3-3A403 9 Steel offset: 3A404-3A414 10 fire offset: 3A415-3A425 11 Water offset: 3A426-3A436 12 Grass types HEX offset: 3A437-3A447 13TYPE_ELEC = 3A448-3A458 14 TYPE_PSY = 3A459-3A469 15 TYPE_ICE = 3A46A-3A47A 16 TYPE_DRAGON = 3A47B-3A48B 17 TYPE_DARK = 3A48C-3A49C Once you are done editing your OVERLAY_0093.bin file in any hex editor of your choice. Take it back to the same CMD process as we did before. Insert the BRZ file gain into the CMD, but this time instead of writing -d write -en to encode the overlay0093.bin file, you do the exact same thing of drag and dropping BRZ then writing the -en command and then drag and drop the edited overlay0093.bin file. Now that you are finished encoding the edited file, open crystaltile 2, open the black/white rom press CTRL+N again Find overlay 0093.bin inside CRYSTALTILE2 again and then right click on it and press import, now import the edited 0093 overlay file to replace the non edited file. and tada it should be done. Quick reminder black and white overlay_0093.bin files are not useable between these two games so if you use the overlay of one game to another you will probably crash. Type chart info 2.docx
    1 point
  44. 2339 downloads

    Saves for the first Pokémon Stadium released in 1998 only in Japan, Stadium 2 (Stadium 1 in the west), and Pokémon Stadium Gold & Silver (Stadium 2 in the west). Stadium (1998): Dodrio GB speed unlocked. Stadium 2: R-2 complete. Hyper COM level unlocked in Kids Club. All 151 Pokémon registered in Hall of Fame. Psyduck ready to be claimed by accessing it. Gorgeous Box Kabuto transferable at Oak's Lab. NOTE: My in-game trade/gift collection has every file for the random gifts from clearing the Gym Leader Castle on both rounds that you can just modify to your liking such as randomizing IVs or making them Shiny. Gold & Silver: R-2 complete. Very Hard COM level unlocked in Mini-Games. Pokémon Academy complete. Special Farfetch'd and Gligar both ready to transfer. NOTE: I just included an international save for this one because they're interchangeable.
    1 point
  45. Update: Mission acomplished! No one replied to my post but I figured it out on my own (not really tho)! Using the most dreaded method of them all, hex editing! A month or two ago I would've been scared away by hex editing but honestly it's not that bad, especially if you have tutorials and any basic coding experience. I followed a tutorial for hex editing BW2 in-game trades but made a few changes so that it would work in HGSS. If you want to also edit HGSS trades then follow the tutorial I link below but read the changes I made below. Make sure to backup your ROM before following this tutorial in case you make a mistake! 1. First of all, you'll want to open these bulbapedia links in order to easily look up the hex value of the pokémon you want to trade/ be traded and to look up the item you want the traded pokémon to hold. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pokémon_by_index_number_(Generation_IV) https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_items_by_index_number_(Generation_IV) 2. Next, extract narc file A/1/1/2 from your HGSS ROM (the ROM can be edited or non edited, it shouldn't make a difference usually) using NitroExplorer2. 3. Find the file you extracted, by default it will be a plain file with the name 2. Rename the file to whatever you want but make sure to add the extension '.narc' 4. At this point you can follow the BW2 tutorial and everything should work the same. Once you're done hex editing, make sure to save and reinsert the narc file into the same location that you extracted it (A/1/1/2). You don't have to rename the file again it should work fine. I don't really have experience making tutorials so I thought it would be easier to link to an existing one but if you need any help with this process I'll try to reply to comments and maybe I'll make my own FULL tutorial. I'll be sure to post about any findings I make. One thing I couldn't figure out is how to change gender requirements since the Blackthorn city trade asks for a female pokémon, quite an inconvinience but it shouldn't break anything.
    1 point
    Great program, with good active development. Has a lot of functionality and works well.
    1 point
  46. Version 24.11.11


    Pokémon core series save editor, programmed in C#. Supports the following files: Save files ("main", *.sav, *.dsv, *.dat, *.gci) GameCube Memory Card files (.raw, .bin) containing GC Pokémon savegames. Individual Pokémon entity files (.pk*) Mystery Gift files (.pgt, .pcd, .pgf, .wc*) including conversion to .pk* Importing teams from Battle Videos Transferring from one generation to another, converting formats along the way. Data is displayed in a view which can be edited and saved. The interface can be translated with resource/external text files so that different languages can be supported. Pokémon Showdown sets and QR codes can be imported/exported to assist in sharing. We do not support or condone cheating at the expense of others. Do not use significantly hacked Pokémon in battle or in trades with those who are unaware hacked Pokémon are in use. FAQ Support Forum <-- Post here if you have questions or found bugs
    1 point
  47. Am I the only person who ever finds it surprising that we don't use different methods of measuring time as well?
    1 point
  48. So today we're going to restore the missing code needed to evolve some Pokémon by leveling them up in a specific location. More specifically Eevee into Leafeon, Eevee into Glaceon, Magneton into Magnezone and Nosepass into Probopass. As it is, there's currently no way to obtain those evolutions on a retail card without trading them to DPPt. This is the code for the location-specific evolution (this comes from Platinum btw): 07 4B 00 22 19 88 88 42 04 D1 50 1C 41 00 04 48 40 5A 70 47 92 1C 1B 1D [b][u]YY[/u][/b] 2A F3 D3 00 20 70 47 [b][u]XX XX XX XX[/u][/b] XX XX XX XX is the offset for the following data : 81 01 1A 00 CB 00 19 00 CF 00 18 00 D0 00 18 00 D1 00 18 00 D2 00 18 00 D3 00 18 00 D4 00 18 00 D5 00 18 00 D6 00 18 00 D7 00 18 00 D8 00 18 00 D9 00 18 00 DA 00 18 00 DB 00 18 00 DC 00 18 00 DD 00 18 00 FE 01 18 00 FF 01 18 00 48 02 18 00 49 02 18 00 Format is MM MM EE EE MM MM is the map number EE EE is the evolution method For example the first 4 bytes are read like this: 81 01 => 01 81 => map 385 which is Route 217 (oustide) 1A 00 => 00 1A => evolution method 26 which is used to evolve Eevee into Glaceon Ergo if you level up Eevee on Route 217, it will evolve into Glaceon. YY is the total of map-related evolution, times 2. Map-related evolutions are 4 bytes long each, the total is 84 bytes long. 84 / 4 = 21 Then multiply by 2. 21 × 2 = 42 42 is 2A in hex, thus in Pokémon Platinum YY is equal to 2A. As surprising as it may be, the function still exists in HGSS, or rather the leftovers. So how are we going to restore the code ? Step 1: Open Pokémon HG or SS with CrystalTile2. Step 2: Decompress the arm9 by right-clicking and then selecting Extract(U). Step 3: We're going to search for a place to fit in the new code, a place with enough unused FF FF should do the trick. Why not for example the address 0×11025C ? Step 4: Copy and paste this string: 07 4B 00 22 19 88 88 42 04 D1 50 1C 41 00 04 48 40 5A 70 47 92 1C 1B 1D [b][u]12[/u][/b] 2A F3 D3 00 20 70 47 [b][u]C8 02 11 02[/u][/b] Step 5: We need to paste the new map-data too. But wait a second, none of Leafeon, Glaceon, Magnezone or Probopass are listed in the Johto Dex! To alleviate that issue, map-specific evolution are going to be Kanto-only. Eevee into Leafeon : Virdian Forest (that one is a given) Eevee into Glaceon : Seafoam Islands except the Gym part (again, a given) Magneton into Magnezone and Nosepass into Probopass : Route 10 and Power Plant (reasoning being that Power Plant used to be home to Magnemite and Magneton) That makes for 9 maps in total, thus 36 bytes in total, hence why YY in this code is equal to 12. Copy and paste this string at address 0×1102C8 (thus XX XX XX XX is equal to C8 02 11 02 which is 021102C8 in little-endian): 92 00 1A 00 C5 01 1A 00 C6 01 1A 00 C7 01 1A 00 C8 01 1A 00 93 00 19 00 12 00 18 00 84 01 18 00 D3 01 18 00 Step 6: A problem arises, there are 3 routines who use a Branch linking to the map-evo function, thus we have to modify the pointers: Go to address 0×3CE04 and change FEFC02FC into D3F02AFA. Go to address 0×51E5C and change E9F7D6FB into BEF0FEF9. Go to address 0×81E6E and change B9F7CDFB into 8EF0F5F9. This is only for English versions for now, I will eventually update with offsets for all regions. Step 7: Save your modified arm9 and close the Hex editor. Step 8: Reinsert the arm9 into your ROM. Now you won't need to transfer the aforementioned Pokémon to DPPt with this trick, so go and evolve that Eevee / Magnemite / Nosepass.
    1 point
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