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    It's that time of year. Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon datamining has begun. To start, @SciresM has extracted the following resources:

    This article will be updated as new information is found. The link below contains the research done so far:

    Warning: SPOILERS ahead (Only Links given right now to avoid lagging spoiler tags from accidentally revealing itself).

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    Island Scans Data
    (note: Time and location data are not yet discovered)

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    Any idea id the Lycanroc forms are version locked again?



      On 11/12/2017 at 10:09 PM, IceFireKyurem said:

    I was talking about a demo, cuz that way, we can get more demos, and not ruin the whole game 


    That's only possible by not keeping leftovers from the main game in the demo, and you know how GF is.



      On 11/12/2017 at 10:11 PM, Cecillia said:

    That's only possible by not keeping leftovers from the main game in the demo, and you know how GF is.


    Fair enough, but u do agree with me right? 



      On 11/12/2017 at 10:13 PM, IceFireKyurem said:

    Fair enough, but u do agree with me right? 


    It would surely add a bit of a surprise factor.

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    To anyone curious about it, yes you can legitimately trade Totems to Sun/Moon. Here's an example of a Totem Alolan Raticate I traded to SM, and how it appears in-game:

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    However, trying to trade a Totem (or obviously any Pokemon/Form introduced in USUM for the matter) such as Araquanid, Marowak, Togedemaru, or Ribombee will simply be blocked.

    Regarding PokeDex registry, they'll be recorded as normal Pokemon and not in their Totem reserved spots. Also worth noting that their Totem entries are blank, but QR Codes are available through Dex hacking:

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    Posted (edited)

    Reddit user /u/lycilla posted a few hours ago some tables with the island scan information so I made an image with it


    Edited by ShionSinX
    changed link to attached image
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    Heya !

    First I wanted to say a huge thanks to data-miners for all the data found, because well it helped me for the game i'm developping. I'm posting here because i'm missing some informations that i'd like to know in order to finish and push my USUM update right when the games will be out :

    1) Is there any catch rate change ? I've heard for Necrozma, UBs, Xerneas / Yveltal but I wanted to be sure ?

    2) What are the new Pokemon catch rate ? (I've seen some informations about that in Smogon, but wanted to be sure)

    3) Any information about the Base EXP Yeld for the new Pokemon ?


    Thanks o/



    Adding to this, other additional statistics, such as chance to call SOS help? 

    Not on the personal info entries.



    Located the pre-battling backgrounds from when you a trainer challenges you to a battle, I think. It should be in romfs:/a/0/8/7/ an example is dec_4589.bin which contains this (spoiler as it's a large image): 

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      On 11/12/2017 at 3:31 PM, IceFireKyurem said:

    You know what I wish that gamefreak did, that they probably didn't, butwould make them smarter and avoid spoiling the whole game with datamining? I wish that they hid stuff like new alola forms, new Z crystals, and stuff for event only thingsin folders that if a data miner tried to access would either given them false data or delete itself, don't get me wrong, I love this datamine forum, but it would add more mystery to the game, you know what I mean?


    You might get your wish with the next Pokemon games on the Switch, depending how badly the Switch is hacked by the time it's released.

    When users have full control over the system, like with the 3DS their's nothing much you can do.



    Do we have all the possible QR Codes for Poke Scan? 


    Posted (edited)

    Found the hair location in the ROM itself. For the female trainer hair is in romfs:/a/2/1/5
    In romfs:/a/2/1/X* are the female 3D clothing/hair files. 
    For the male trainer hair is in romfs:/a/2/0/3
    The other clothing items are for the male trainer in romfs:/a/2/0/X*

    EDIT: Clothes also appear to be somewhere in romfs:/a/1/8/X* for eg male clothes.
    EDIT 2: I'm still looking into more details of the clothes location. Gotta write it up.
    EDIT 3: Located female's clothes in romfs:/a/1/9/X*

    *X is a number from 0 to 9

    Edited by Cecillia
    • Like 1


    Where is Houndoom? The encounter list is for Ultra Moon so it doesn't show where Houndoom is



    @MegaKazuki Houndoom is exclusive to US. Manectric is what you get in UM.



      On 11/13/2017 at 2:39 PM, Cecillia said:

    Found the hair location in the ROM itself. For the female trainer hair is in romfs:/a/2/1/5
    In romfs:/a/2/1/X* are the female 3D clothing/hair files. 
    For the male trainer hair is in romfs:/a/2/0/3
    The other clothing items are for the male trainer in romfs:/a/2/0/X*

    EDIT: Clothes also appear to be somewhere in romfs:/a/1/8/X* for eg male clothes.
    EDIT 2: I'm still looking into more details of the clothes location. Gotta write it up.
    EDIT 3: Located female's clothes in romfs:/a/1/9/X*

    *X is a number from 0 to 9


    This might seem out of left field, but is it at all a possibility to adapt the clothing and hairstyles from X and Y into USUM? I wasn't particularly fond of Sun and Moon's clothing options and I'm concerned it'll be an issue again.



    Any information on where the key stone is? I've been searching for it ingame for a few days and haven't managed to find it. Dexio and Sina don't appear on Ancient Poni Path to give it to me, so I'm left confused. Any information on it?



      On 11/14/2017 at 6:20 AM, TrainerGary7 said:

    This might seem out of left field, but is it at all a possibility to adapt the clothing and hairstyles from X and Y into USUM? I wasn't particularly fond of Sun and Moon's clothing options and I'm concerned it'll be an issue again.


    I don't think it's possible due to the fact how the overworld models and the files work.

    Invader TAK


      On 11/14/2017 at 9:50 AM, CherenAlexander said:

    Any information on where the key stone is? I've been searching for it ingame for a few days and haven't managed to find it. Dexio and Sina don't appear on Ancient Poni Path to give it to me, so I'm left confused. Any information on it?


    Postgame only like original Sun and Moon.



      On 11/14/2017 at 11:38 AM, Invader TAK said:

    Postgame only like original Sun and Moon.


    I'm in postgame. Dexio and Sina don't appear anywhere on Poni Island to give me the key stone. At this point I'm worried I fucked up with PKHeX somehow.



      On 11/14/2017 at 1:52 PM, CherenAlexander said:

    I'm in postgame. Dexio and Sina don't appear anywhere on Poni Island to give me the key stone. At this point I'm worried I fucked up with PKHeX somehow.


    IIRC they're at the entrance of Poni Meadow.



      On 11/14/2017 at 4:03 PM, ReignOfComputer said:

    IIRC they're at the entrance of Poni Meadow.


    Yeah, like I said, I've covered everywhere on Poni. When I get the chance I'll probably just use PKHeX to enable Mega Evolution.



      On 11/14/2017 at 4:04 PM, CherenAlexander said:

    Yeah, like I said, I've covered everywhere on Poni. When I get the chance I'll probably just use PKHeX to enable Mega Evolution.


    On Sun a while back, my friend flew to the ruins and missed the event trigger when heading up to the Battle Tree. If that's the case, the event trigger should be on the path to Hapu's house from there.


      On 11/14/2017 at 9:56 AM, Cecillia said:

    I don't think it's possible due to the fact how the overworld models and the files work.


    Ah, well. I had an inclination. Thanks for the answer.



    This might be a stupid question, but are clothing colors still version-exclusive? I only ask because I got Moon when it came out and really wanted pink clothes and had to dye them that ugly pastel pink...



    The coding error for Synchronize effect on the nature of SOS called Pokémon is still present in USUL :
    The nature of the first party Pokémon (in the order before the battle) is taken into account for Synchronize's effect instead of the nature of the Synchronizer (who may not be in first party slot) when an ally is called while the Synchronizer is on the field.
    Synchronize keeps affecting the nature of newly called allies as long as the Synchronizer is on the field, even if the Synchronizer changes its ability by using Imitate/Skill Swap.

    Thus, only one Synchronizer is needed for SOS chains.

    Also, the non-chainable wild Pokémon in USUL (aside from all the Ultra Dimension wild Pokés) seem to be :
    - Minior, Wimpod, Komala, because their Call Rate is still 0.
    - Passimian, Oranguru, Metapod, Jangmo-o, Bisharp because they can only call allies from other species.

    The Pokémon that can only be met with SOS calls are :
    Walking : Happiny (Pichy/Bonsly/Mime.Jr/Munchlax/Smoochun/Elekid/Magby/Riolu/Cleffa/Igglybuff), Pikachu (Pichu), Sudowoodo (Bonsly), Mr.Mime (Mime.Jr), Snorlax (Munchlax), Jynx (Smoochun), Elektek (Elekid), Magmar (Magby), Lucario (Riolu), Clefable (Cleffa), Jigglypuff (Igglybuff), Shelgon (Bagon, Kala'e Bay), Salamence (Bagon, Route 3), Slowbro (Slowpoke, Kala'e Bay), Sloking (Slowpoke, Kala'e Bay), Sableye (Carbink), Flabebe formes 2,4 (Flabebe), Floette formes 2,4 (Floette), Espeon (Evee, Day), Umbreon (Evee, Night), Fletchlinder (Fletchling), Xatu (Natu), Salazzle (Salandit, Lush Jungle/Wela Volcano Park), Volcarona (Larvesta), Crobat (Golbat, Lush Jungle/Resolution Cave), Pangoro (Pancham), Toucannon (Trumbeak, Route 11/Poni), Pawniard (Bisharp), Mudslale (Mudbray, Route 12/Blush Mountain), Balbuto (Any Pkmn in Haina Desert), Persian (Meowth, Malie Garden), Vikavolt (Charjabug, Day), Gengar (Haunter), Lockpin (Buneary, Poni Grove), Ampipom (Apom), Blissey (Chansey), Kommo-o (Jangmo-o), Hakamo-o (Jangmo-o).

    Fishing / Surfing : Gyarados (Magikarp), Starmie (Staryu), Seaking (Goldeen), Lanturn (Chinchou), Sharpedo (Carvanha), Gorebyss (Clamperl, Day), Huntail (Clamperl, Night), Whiscash (Barboach), Dragonair (Dratini), Dragonite (Dratini), Crawdaunt (Corphish), Mareanie (Corsola), Octillery (Remoraid)




    Either Guzzlord requires lots of patience and time to get to in the wormholes or you need something for it. Do I need like every UB in the game in my party?

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