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  MurdererFight said:
Woha, Hoopa is now available! Code is: HOOPA2016

It worked, but where did you find it? Is there a code for the US?

This Hoopa is identicall to the Harry Hoopa from last years distribution.

Here are the wc6full for Hoopa + the missing Italian and German GF Mew.

  BlackShark said:
It worked, but where did you find it? Is there a code for the US?

This Hoopa is identicall to the Harry Hoopa from last years distribution.

Here are the wc6full for Hoopa + the missing Italian and German GF Mew.

I'm italian, i'll try to explain you this thing. This event works only for people who didn't get the event using the serial code. In fact if you try to get this hoopa on a save file where you redeemed the first hoopa, the game will tell you that the event has been taken in the past. This event has been created for people who, for some reasons, post the first hoopa. And i don't know why, for now is only european


Here are some missing WC6Full files as well as their respective WC6 if not contributed yet.

Additionally here are some distribution titles/texts that were not yet available.

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  Hacker?pcs said:
Well they're injecting their wonder cards which we can't verify and needs a remote server. If someone has homebrew access can simply inject (verified from here) wonder cards with svtd

I must have been mistaken then as I thought that they also connected to Nintendo's servers for the actual wondercard data with the custom server being used to bypass things like needing a certain serial code. Oh well, my mistake.


Bad thing is that a picture with "A: Done" is not sufficient any more to prove the wonder card is the real deal. Maybe a video that shows the console turned off and getting to the mystery gift and receiving without doing anything in between can prove it's real

  Hacker?pcs said:
Bad thing is that a picture with "A: Done" is not sufficient any more to prove the wonder card is the real deal. Maybe a video that shows the console turned off and getting to the mystery gift and receiving without doing anything in between can prove it's real

I use NTR to access different regions, so that limitation itself is already an issue.

(While I understand you meant videos to showing that it isn't connecting to custom server)

Even so,

Videos can also easily be faked.

The best alternative is simply to loan me the serial codes for verification purposes.

For non-serial code events (live events), photos of the event location and collection process would be great.


To be honest, I'm also quite disgusted by this developing.

I know for a fact that pre-release event files lying on that server do change over time (as they're still under development), so all this might and will eventually lead to improper contributions.

Not to mention the harm to the collecting community as well as business partners of The Pokémon Company by making all this public. Overall I'm quite positive we'll end up with less than we could have gotten.

  Purin said:
To be honest, I'm also quite disgusted by this developing.

I know for a fact that pre-release event files lying on that server do change over time (as they're still under development), so all this might and will eventually lead to improper contributions.

Not to mention the harm to the collecting community as well as business partners of The Pokémon Company by making all this public. Overall I'm quite positive we'll end up with less than we could have gotten.

To be frank, I myself would not have wanted such information to be readily available in the public,

As it can be fixed up by Pokemon side and make it harder to collect and Gather events.

And compared to 3DS hacking itself, this is small scale and easy to patch up.

There is already a homebrew solution for save injecting dumping for most firmware,

And the usage of plhex already allows wondercards to be injected.

A custom server would potentially lead to more damage that benefits to be gained.

Since it's already out there, it's only a matter of time it's replicated, open sourced, or both.

It is time to review our event collecting criterias.


Hi, I got a serial code for EUR HA Moltress from Gulli's contest so I'm contributing it, in all EUR languages & wc6full. If I can get codes for the 2 others I'll contribute them too :grog:

Proofs :

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(The archive is supposed to say "EUR" not "AUR", it's a typo)

PS: just saying, I agree with you that a custom server for gen 6 event is the worse that could happen. We had one for gen 5, and Nintendo excluded all gen 5 pokemons from gen 6 competitions plus set up a lot of encryption and protection measures for gen 6 : I'm afraid gen 7 will be even harsher in this aspect, not to mention the immediate consequences (less events, patch that prevents access to wc6fulls,...)

  Purin said:
To be honest, I'm also quite disgusted by this developing.

I know for a fact that pre-release event files lying on that server do change over time (as they're still under development), so all this might and will eventually lead to improper contributions.

Not to mention the harm to the collecting community as well as business partners of The Pokémon Company by making all this public. Overall I'm quite positive we'll end up with less than we could have gotten.

I hope not. Granted I know I'm new here and haven't had the chance to contribute before someone else does (I literally just got my NTR etc working the other day but Hoopa/Xerneas have already been added), however, I admire the hard work of the contributors/moderators here. At the very least I feel like it undermines the efforts of the community to collect legit WC files and share them. I'm anxious to see how this turns out.


All three HA birds from EUR serial codes (wc6full, all EUR languages).

Also, I dumped the EUR Hoopa currently distributed via serial code (it's a rerun of micromania's but with a public serial code). Not sure if it has already been done or not.

Proofs :

  Reveal hidden contents
Distribution Title:
ボルケニオン プレゼント

Distribution Text:
ことしの えいがの しゅやくポケモン
ばくねつの ボルケニオンを プレゼント!
スチームバーストで ぶっとばせ!

Wondercard Text:
みにきてくれて ありがとう!
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
はいたついんから うけとってね!

  BlackShark said:
Distribution Title:
ボルケニオン プレゼント

Distribution Text:
ことしの えいがの しゅやくポケモン
ばくねつの ボルケニオンを プレゼント!
スチームバーストで ぶっとばせ!

Wondercard Text:
みにきてくれて ありがとう!
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
はいたついんから うけとってね!

Could you show your proof of purchase? :)

Posted (edited)
  Purin said:
Could you show your proof of purchase? :)

All I can say is that I downloaded it from the official servers. I have proof but don't like to talk about it public (sent you a PM).

*mod edit: portion snipped*

I wouldn't even have been able to get the wc6full that way, because RAM extraction doesn't work.

Edited by theSLAYER
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