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Everything posted by BlackShark

  1. Nobody can help you with that. Downloading ISO files of a game is piracy, which is illegal and against the forum rules (which you should have read). https://projectpokemon.org/home/guidelines/ The proper way to get an ISO is to dump it from the game you own with your GameCube/Wii. You can google for tutorials.
  2. Try this: https://github.com/projectpokemon/RecoverSaveGen3?tab=readme-ov-file#recoversavegen3
  3. Can you provide a link to that blog?
  4. Try this: https://github.com/projectpokemon/RecoverSaveGen3?tab=readme-ov-file#recoversavegen3
  5. I wasn't sure how gen 1/2 handles the removal of a Pokemon after a trade. In Gen 3 they just remove the species ID but leave the rest of the data, I hoped something similar for gen 1/2. So I opened your save in a hex editor and searched for the nickname. I found it still in slot 6 of the party, but the counter was at 5. After setting it to 6 I was able to see your Charizard in PKHeX. There's another way. Poke J's PKX Extractor scans the full file for any Pokemon data. With this you could find your Charizard as well. However for gen 1/2 the OT and nickname need to be manually fixed.
  6. Your Charizard is still in the save. When you traded it away it wasn't wiped from your save. The party counter was set to 5 so the 6th slot wouldn't be read any more, but the data was still there. 0006 - CHARIZARD - 47A4.pk1
  7. You can add a spoiler and move your images inside. Or create a gallery album to upload your images and provide a link to it https://projectpokemon.org/home/gallery/
  8. They can't check that. On the 3DS the met date is the consoles date which you could set to whatever you want.
  9. There is no way to tell where the WC7 came frome, so there's no problem.
  10. PKHeX 24.11.11 is still for NET8 and is incompatible with WC3 Plugin 2.3.0. You have to use 2.2.2 which is also still for NET8: WC3Plugin-2.2.2.zip For 2.3.0 you need to get the latest development build of PKHeX, or wait for the next stable release.
  11. For all non-Japanese Emerald: Activates TV Events 951FA97A 2D104C4D E2CD8FB7 D036AB2F 2790B937 62B6E80E A3DEB6B3 F7913C38 Master Code + Anti-DMA Code are needed: https://projectpokemon.org/home/forums/topic/40558-gen-iii-master-codes-dma-disablers-all-languages/
  12. You can't really differentiate between them. PKHeX does this by checking the file name. VC saves are usually called sav.dat (any other name would not be able to be imported back into the VC).
  13. This Mew can only be legal on a VC save file. It was never available for the cartridge games and there's no legal way to get it there.
  14. The first contact with HOME will assign a tracker to the mon, for that it needs to come from the correct game. Unfortunately an NDS can not be used. It has to come from a 3DS with either XY, ORAS, SM or USUM. After that you can freely move it between the Switch games.
  15. No. The only way to get it into HOME is through Bank on a 3DS.
  16. PKHeX uses the word filter that's used on the Switch in all games. The word Quimi would be filtered on the Switch games, so this is correct. You can either ignore this "error" or turn of the word filter in the settings.
  17. ROM hacks that modify the save structure are not supported. You have to ask the hack author for support to edit the save.
  18. No. There is a big difference between JP and US Ranger 1. While in the JP version the missions where only available by downloading, in US/EU versions they where included in the game.
  19. Ok, I think there is a misunderstanding of that feature. It's not meant to give the item to you. The item you can choose here is given to other players that you mix records with ingame. You have two options to get the Eon Ticket into your Emerald: open any other RSE save, to use it as a distributor use my plugin to set the Eon Ticket for Record Mixing go ingame and mix records between that edited RSE save and your Emerald save or: directly put the Eon Ticket into your key pocket set flag 2227
  20. The Eon Ticket was never distributed to Emerald. So which file did you try to import? You can not use the ME3 that was made for RS in Emerald. In Emerald the Eon Ticket is only obtainable by mixing records. This would just put the Eon Ticket in your pocket and set flag 2227 "Can Travel to Southern Island". That's all you need.
  21. PKHeX is a Windows application. Follow one of these tutorials to get your save from your 3DS to your PC and back: https://projectpokemon.org/home/tutorials/save-editing/managing-nds-saves/
  22. You didn't dump the update from your Switch, Poplio didn't exist in SV v1.0.
  23. You are looking at the individual PKM file of that raid. What you want is this. A tutorial about how to use it and more information are linked on that page. You can find more of them in the SwSh Event Gallery: https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/category/225-sword-shield/
  24. BlackShark


    The origin game is always set to Diamond even if you received it on Pearl.
  25. They are not "broken", it's like they were erased or there never was any data inside.
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