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Posted (edited)

Requesting RNG seed to display on calculator app when you press "Clear." (or if it's too hard, just a hardware combo with L / R)

Also requesting RNG seed injection from calculator app when you press "Equal sign." (again, if too hard, just a hardware combo with L / R different from 1st request)

Scratch that, anyone interested (given constant changing) 221BFB14 00000000

Edited by NulMyre

Hi there, I was wondering if I could request an action replay code which will get me all pokemon in storage at level 100 please?

Thanks very much!!


I would like to request a code to clear Pokedex entries. Preferably specific ones, with a variable selection to choose which specific entry gets deleted.

This is because the display image of multi-form Pokemon is chosen by the first form you see that Pokemon in, and, for a few of them, some forms looks much better than others. So if I can clear out the Pokedex entry and find the Pokemon again in a different form, I should be able to get the better image for my Pokedex.


heys can i request a event celebi??prefer pokemon than code but anyone of it is fine =))

one that can work for the HGSS Ilex Forest Shrine thing.

just 1 thing, make it shiny ^^

if anyone helped my request please pm me.will reply ASAP.i live in GMT +8:00 time place so ur night MIGHT be my day and vice versa O.o


I would like to request a separate code for PokeRadar and Vs.Seeker. The one code for both doesn't work on mine (the game soft resets on Continute screen whenever I have that code selected).


Hey Sorry if its asked before but could i also get an English Event Celebi? It doesnt need to be shiny or anything, just one like from the event! Thank you in advance!

  Skyblade12 said:
I would like to request a code to clear Pokedex entries. Preferably specific ones, with a variable selection to choose which specific entry gets deleted.

This is because the display image of multi-form Pokemon is chosen by the first form you see that Pokemon in, and, for a few of them, some forms looks much better than others. So if I can clear out the Pokedex entry and find the Pokemon again in a different form, I should be able to get the better image for my Pokedex.

I know what you want, try the PPSE. it has the pokedex edit which modifies almost if not all entries including forms. You can even change spinda's sprite


hey does anybody know if the Action Replay DSi is compatible with the new DSiXL????? I bought an AR DSi and I don't want to topen it if its not compatible so I can return it if not. Please let me know soon!! thanks guys!!!!


I know it's been requested, but ever since the legend rebattle codes I've been waiting eagerly for rerecieve gift pokemon codes (Riley's Riolu, Bebe's Eevee, etc.)

Can anybody make these? (since they're pretty much legends)


Can someone make a code to edit a Pokemon's shininess? Like, say I mark a Pokemon in the PC to make it shiny, or move it while holding an activator, or view it's summary while holding an activator? Something like that so I can make Pokemon I've already caught shiny.


Is there a code to change the gender of a Pokemon after you have caught/hatched it?

I have been looking for a code to change the gender of a Pokemon. But no matter where I look, I cannot find one for Platinum, nor Heart Gold and Soul Silver.

I have seen it done, in Dimond version. But I only have Platinum. I’ve also looked around Pokesav to see if I could make a gender change code, but I'm not sure about that.

Would anyone be able to help me out?


i need help on fixing this code

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Hi everyone I've finally finished converting the code "Surfing/Flying Pikachu" from Platinum into HG/SS.

The code is in the spoiler below.

  Reveal hidden contents

1. Choose a pokemon you don't need and put it in your pokemon party first slot.

2. Exit out your pokemon party.

3. Then Press L+R.

4. Finally re-check your party and the Surfing/Flying Pikachu should be in your first slot.

Ok can someone help me this code isn't working for me it ethier crashes my game or frezzes it. So can some one help pls


These codes are made by M@T. They allow you to recollect the starters from Elm, Oak, and Steve. Make sure you have an empty slot in your party. DO NOT ACTIVATE ALL AT ONCE!

Infinite PKMN from Professor Elm (select + start)

  Reveal hidden contents

Infinite PKMN from Professor Oak (select + start)

  Reveal hidden contents

Infinite PKMN from Steve (select + start)

  Reveal hidden contents

You can use them whenever you feel like it. You stand outside of the building of the starters you want and hit the activator.


stand outside of elm's building, press start and select, walk inside and up to where you chose your starter, press a and choose another starter

you can do this as many times as you want with all 3 sets until you get the ones you want

Also, where is the in party IV modifier code posted (what page)?


here is an awesome alakazam poke code made by urs truly

Alakazam (L+R)

  Reveal hidden contents

tested works hope you guys like it

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