DanteKoriyu Posted August 2, 2009 Posted August 2, 2009 1.) 100% kanto confirmation. (Nay sayers be damned. =P) A.) Vermillion Port has glass floors with the water moving beneath it. B.) Magnet Train (In Kanto, or coming from Kanto) looks awesome in 3D for a Pokemon game. 2.) Pokewalker will have a Wi-Fi event soon after HGSS release. There will be a course downloadable to HGSS to be uploaded to the Pokewalker called the Yellow Forest/Yellow Course. This area will be filled with nothing but Pikachu, and some/(all?) will have a special move(s?). The move is currently unknown. http://www.filb.de/1122
Guested Posted August 2, 2009 Author Posted August 2, 2009 Yeah, you beat me to it. The station for the magnet train looks like a Shinkansen station, by the way. Also, the train design itself looks almost exactly like the Shinkansen trains.
DanteKoriyu Posted August 2, 2009 Posted August 2, 2009 I noticed that. It was nice to see Pokemon Sunday reveal "new" information before another source this time around, even though it was fairly limited this week. I'm also pretty excited for CoroCoro this month. The early release is great, but that also means that there will probably be a longer dry spell after that.
Klaatu Posted August 2, 2009 Posted August 2, 2009 I just came back from vacation (an extraordinary awakening seminar btw xP) and found out that johtodex numbers for Growlithe and Lapras are known and they are different! Anyone remember how much I speculated about what would be changed in it in order to make it an actual regional pokedex? Yay, I can continue DX So, Growlithe and Arcanine's number are +2 (what about Houndour getting squashed in before? =D) Lapras is originally before the fossils at 219, but now it's number is 224 which was previously the last fossil, Aerodactyl, right before Snorlax. So I was right about leaving fossils out (and probably Kanto starters/legends)? D: If yes, it means that the Dex continues after Snorlax like that (btw Snorlax is 1 of those last before pseudo/legends in dexes): 225 Snorlax 226 Raikou 227 Entei 228 Suicune 229 Larvitar 230 Pupitar 231 Tyranitar 232 Lugia 233 Ho-oh 234 Celebi looks crap. UNTIL you get the idea they might have put Larvitar earlier in the game and therefore also in the dex (like Gible for example)! 228 Suicune 229 Lugia 230 Ho-oh 231 Celebi Now that looks much better This would mean that 20 Kantos would be left out: fossils 5 starters 9 legends 5 = 19 The missing one should be obvious: Kangaskhan, as it's one of those 4 lines that appear exclusively in a single area in Kanto, and of course the only one of them with 1 stage.
DanteKoriyu Posted August 2, 2009 Posted August 2, 2009 We have no idea what is actually going on with the Dex now. All we know is Growlithe, Arcanine, and Lapras are further back in the Dex than before. There is no proof anything was taken out, though certain Pokemon may have been reorganized now. Not saying they aren't taking anything out, the Kanto starters and legends are about pointless in there unless we are given a Kanto starter by Oak and a chance at the Kanto Legends later on, but they don't need to be in the Dex for that, tis what the National version is for. Though the little information that we have right now doesn't support your Larvitar theory, as that line has 3 Pokemon and the number shift is only by 2. If anything, this is only proof that the Dex may have been expanded, like it needs it. lol It was the largest Regional Dex we've had so far.
Mewtwo Ex Posted August 2, 2009 Posted August 2, 2009 I have seen a page of the supposed magazine. Not confirming that it is real since the early date. In the image is shown Spear Pillar. Groundon is shown inn the top right section of the image. And Rayquaza in the bottom right corner and Kyogre at the bottom left side. A contest dressing of a Feraligatr is shown in the left side of the center. And in the middle is shown Gold walking up to the Male Sapphire/Ruby character.(near him there is a torchic.) In the top left is shown a battle between them. I hope it is finally revealed the location of the Rayquaza event. Maybe a tiny part of Hoenn will be available.
Klaatu Posted August 2, 2009 Posted August 2, 2009 DanteKoriyu said: We have no idea what is actually going on with the Dex now. All we know is Growlithe, Arcanine, and Lapras are further back in the Dex than before. There is no proof anything was taken out, though certain Pokemon may have been reorganized now. Not saying they aren't taking anything out, the Kanto starters and legends are about pointless in there unless we are given a Kanto starter by Oak and a chance at the Kanto Legends later on, but they don't need to be in the Dex for that, tis what the National version is for.Though the little information that we have right now doesn't support your Larvitar theory, as that line has 3 Pokemon and the number shift is only by 2. If anything, this is only proof that the Dex may have been expanded, like it needs it. lol It was the largest Regional Dex we've had so far. Well, they surely didn't put the fossils before Lapras right? This means that something was put before Lapras which wasn't originally. If you also agree with the logical conclusion that they're not any of the legends, then the ONLY possible lines are Dratini and Larvitar. This is 100% logical and obvious, with the info we have. Btw the Kanto legends and starters despite not being catchable in Johto, are used by important NPCs like Lance with his Charizard and Aerodactyl. But what would be the point of fossils not remaining on their numbers if not because they're taken out? And yeah 251 Pokemon is huge for 1 region. That's probably why they change it a bit and probably exclude the 20 Pokes to make it into 231 or 230, which is at least nearer to Pt's SinnohDex (210).
DanteKoriyu Posted August 2, 2009 Posted August 2, 2009 Mewtwo Ex said: I have seen a page of the supposed magazine. Not confirming that it is real since the early date. In the image is shown Spear Pillar. ............. I hope it is finally revealed the location of the Rayquaza event. Maybe a tiny part of Hoenn will be available. You could have provided the image. :\ I really doubt its true, but its still fun to look at these things. Klaatu said: Well, they surely didn't put the fossils before Lapras right? This means that something was put before Lapras which wasn't originally. If you also agree with the logical conclusion that they're not any of the legends, then the ONLY possible lines are Dratini and Larvitar.This is 100% logical and obvious, with the info we have. Btw the Kanto legends and starters despite not being catchable in Johto, are used by important NPCs like Lance with his Charizard and Aerodactyl. But what would be the point of fossils not remaining on their numbers if not because they're taken out? And yeah 251 Pokemon is huge for 1 region. That's probably why they change it a bit and probably exclude the 20 Pokes to make it into 231 or 230, which is at least nearer to Pt's SinnohDex (210). I have no idea what they did or what they are planning. Only the developers know right now. They may have placed the Fossil Pokemon at a lower number than before. Why? I dunno, but they could have done it just because they felt like it. Lapras is shifted back by 5 after all, same number of Fossil Pokes. =P It is definitely off no matter how you look at it though, If you take out the Larvitar or Dratini line to be put in front of Lapras, where do the other two Pokemon come from to fill the gap? Both lines can't fit into the area, unless 6 can now fit in a space of 5. I do agree that the Legends are either staying put, or they are going to scrunch them all together at the end, not push them forward. I know the Pokemon are used by important NPCs, but that doesn't mean they can't change the teams around to not include them. Lets be honest, if they do remove them from the Dex like you are suggesting, then they won't be in those NPCs teams. As no trainer has ever used a Pokemon from outside the Regional Dex until after the Elite 4. Whats the point of rearranging the Dex to take Pokemon out in the first place? If they are taking them out, simply because they are for the most part irrelevant at the time, then why not fill the empty spaces with the 2nd Gen's new evolutions? Gamefreak doesn't always make sense with their actions. We aren't even able to see like half of the Pokemon until we hit Kanto in the old games. I don't see why they didn't either just keep the old Dex unaltered, or heavily shorten it to just include the local Johto Pokemon and upgrade for the National Dex after the Elite 4 like normal. Nothing they are doing is logical. -.- Stupid Gamefreak.....I will forever waste my money on your strange decisions. ------------------------- BTW, Single greatest post on Serebii EVAR. http://www.serebiiforums.com/showpost.php?p=10179066&postcount=2287 The image in the post is supposedly the preview for next weeks Pokemon Sunday HGSS segment. If you pay attention to the first Legendary on the chart, its Mewtwo. Now, I don't personally know for a fact what they segment it talking about, it may just be about the main Legends of the generations, but all of the Pokemon on the chart, save Mewtwo, are obtainable in HGSS. I'm REALLY wanting this to be a Mewtwo confirmation.
Mewtwo Ex Posted August 2, 2009 Posted August 2, 2009 (edited) DanteKoriyu said: You could have provided the image. :\ I really doubt its true, but its still fun to look at these things. I would have but it was a video and the owner removed it yesterday, and the one before it that supposedly had a Hoenn map in it, removed also. EDIT: I found someone upload the same video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya2ED9jah_Y&feature=channel Edited August 2, 2009 by Mewtwo Ex
Klaatu Posted August 2, 2009 Posted August 2, 2009 (edited) I figured out why Growlithe is placed +2. All the 4th gen new pre/evolutions for the Pokemon coming before Growlithe, can be excluded by not making the reqs for their evolution/breeding available, EXCEPT for 2: Yanma and Aipom. For those they'd have to either: -make them not learn the needed moves -go the FRLG "oh it stopped evolving" way Both are crap so they leave those in. It's obvious then that this will also hold true for Lickitung and Tangela (and Piloswine if the move relearner is available pre national dex) So my most logical prediction at this time would be this: Reveal hidden contents 001 Chikorita 002 Bayleef 003 Meganium 004 Cyndaquil 005 Quilava 006 Typhlosion 007 Totodile 008 Croconaw 009 Feraligatr 010 Pidgey 011 Pidgeotto 012 Pidgeot 013 Spearow 014 Fearow 015 Hoothoot 016 Noctowl 017 Rattata 018 Raticate 019 Sentret 020 Furret 021 Pichu 022 Pikachu 023 Raichu 024 Caterpie 025 Metapod 026 Butterfree 027 Weedle 028 Kakuna 029 Beedrill 030 Ledyba 031 Ledian 032 Spinarak 033 Ariados 034 Geodude 035 Graveler 036 Golem 037 Zubat 038 Golbat 039 Crobat 040 Cleffa 041 Clefairy 042 Clefable 043 Igglybuff 044 Jigglypuff 045 Wigglytuff 046 Togepi 047 Togetic 048 Sandshrew 049 Sandslash 050 Ekans 051 Arbok 052 Dunsparce 053 Mareep 054 Flaaffy 055 Ampharos 056 Wooper 057 Quagsire 058 Gastly 059 Haunter 060 Gengar 061 Unown 062 Onix 063 Steelix 064 Bellsprout 065 Weepinbell 066 Victreebel 067 Hoppip 068 Skiploom 069 Jumpluff 070 Paras 071 Parasect 072 Poliwag 073 Poliwhirl 074 Poliwrath 075 Politoed 076 Magikarp 077 Gyarados 078 Goldeen 079 Seaking 080 Slowpoke 081 Slowbro 082 Slowking 083 Oddish 084 Gloom 085 Vileplume 086 Bellossom 087 Drowzee 088 Hypno 089 Abra 090 Kadabra 091 Alakazam 092 Ditto 093 Pineco 094 Forretress 095 Nidoran 096 Nidorina 097 Nidoqueen 098 Nidoran 099 Nidorino 100 Nidoking 101 Yanma 102 Yanmega 103 Sunkern 104 Sunflora 105 Exeggcute 106 Exeggutor 107 Sudowoodo 108 Wobbuffet 109 Venonat 110 Venomoth 111 Scyther 112 Scizor 113 Pinsir 114 Heracross 115 Koffing 116 Weezing 117 Grimer 118 Muk 119 Magnemite 120 Magneton 121 Voltorb 122 Electrode 123 Aipom 124 Ambipom 125 Snubbull 126 Granbull 127 Vulpix 128 Ninetales 129 Growlithe 130 Arcanine 131 Stantler 132 Marill 133 Azumarill 134 Diglett 135 Dugtrio 136 Mankey 137 Primeape 138 Meowth 139 Persian 140 Psyduck 141 Golduck 142 Machop 143 Machoke 144 Machamp 145 Tyrogue 146 Hitmonlee 147 Hitmonchan 148 Hitmontop 149 Girafarig 150 Tauros 151 Miltank 152 Magby 153 Magmar 154 Smoochum 155 Jynx 156 Elekid 157 Electabuzz 158 Mr. Mime 159 Smeargle 160 Farfetch'd 161 Natu 162 Xatu 163 Qwilfish 164 Tentacool 165 Tentacruel 166 Krabby 167 Kingler 168 Shuckle 169 Staryu 170 Starmie 171 Shellder 172 Cloyster 173 Corsola 174 Remoraid 175 Octillery 176 Chinchou 177 Lanturn 178 Seel 179 Dewgong 180 Lickitung 181 Lickilicky 182 Tangela 183 Tangrowth 184 Eevee 185 Vaporeon 186 Jolteon 187 Flareon 188 Espeon 189 Umbreon 190 Horsea 191 Seadra 192 Kingdra 193 Dratini 194 Dragonair 195 Dragonite 196 Gligar 197 Delibird 198 Swinub 199 Piloswine 200 Teddiursa 201 Ursaring 202 Phanpy 203 Donphan 204 Larvitar 205 Pupitar 206 Tyranitar 207 Mantine 208 Skarmory 209 Doduo 210 Dodrio 211 Rhyhorn 212 Rhydon 213 Murkrow 214 Houndour 215 Houndoom 216 Slugma 217 Magcargo 218 Sneasel 219 Misdreavus 220 Porygon 221 Porygon2 222 Chansey 223 Blissey 224 Lapras 225 Snorlax 226 Raikou 227 Entei 228 Suicune 229 Lugia 230 Ho-oh 231 Celebi For more accuracy we only need info about: -where the move relearner is (if pre natdex then Mamoswine gets in also, but unlikely) -if Dratini and Larvitar line go somewhere else in the dex than where I put them (they're definitely before 224 and after 130) -which of the common Kanto pokes will be left out (the rock tunnel ones for sure, like Kanga and Cubone, maybe Diglett also...) otherwise everything should be like above (which is mostly the original Johtodex anyway). Edited August 4, 2009 by Guested spoiler'd
Guested Posted August 2, 2009 Author Posted August 2, 2009 I keep getting more and more excited for this game. But, I really hope they don't leave out a lot of the new features that they implemented in Platinum. For example, it looks like you can battle Brendan, but... if it's only once, how lame would that be? Hopefully they'll include something like Platinum's Battleground where you can re-battle the Gym leaders (16 to encounter!) and other NPCs (Kimono girls, perhaps? Red?) Also, the neat graphical touches like the slightly varied background and menu colorations based on where you are, and WHO you are battling (like the Elite Four looked great). And I'm not particularly interested in the contests being in Johto... They left them out of Kanto in FRLG, so... why do we need them in Johto? Oh well, I guess it's good for the people who like them.
DanteKoriyu Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 (edited) Klaatu, once again, not saying it won't happen, but I'm still kinda playing Devil's Advocate here. Your Dex theory is still based on too much speculation. Every region, the Dex's Pokemon get updated level up movesets. All the Pokemon that evolve via attack may very well not have the move in their set at all in HGSS. There are other questionable changes you made too. Its obvious that they aren't above modding the Dex now, but to what extent and why are still unknown until the game's release. BTW, your Dex list is huge. A spoiler tag would have been nice. lol ------ Guested, I agree for the most part on everything. I don't really like a contests, and a battleground for other trainers/gym leaders (besides Red, he's a hermit and should stay in the mountains. lol). Edited August 3, 2009 by DanteKoriyu
Klaatu Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 DanteKoriyu said: Klaatu, once again, not saying it won't happen, but I'm still kinda playing Devil's Advocate here.Your Dex theory is still based on too much speculation. Every region, the Dex's Pokemon get updated level up movesets. All the Pokemon that evolve via attack may very well not have the move in their set at all in HGSS. There are other questionable changes you made too. Its obvious that they aren't above modding the Dex now, but to what extent and why are still unknown until the game's release. BTW, your Dex list is huge. A spoiler tag would have been nice. lol Yep. Ok I rethought this. What happened to stuff after Lapras really is too far. But I'm sure about the lv.up move evolutions being in. Yanmega Ambipom -Growlithe is +2 Tangrowth Lickilicky Mamoswine -Lapras is +5 Does anyone have any reason why GF would leave Pokemon which are not seen till very late/uncatchable in GS? I mean stuff like -Kangaskhan (exclusive to Rock Tunnel), -Cubone(same), -Diglett(exclusive to Diglett Cave), -Snorlax, -legends, -fossils(no fossils appear in 2 regional pokedexes anyway) -Kanto starters (same) spoiler doesn't seem to work the ways I know of ):
DanteKoriyu Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 Reveal hidden contents just put the / before the word on the second tag. I honestly don't know what they are doing with the Dex, and to me, it really doesn't matter either. As long as the Pokemon obtainable in Johto remain in the Dex, whatever they decide to do Pre Kanto is fine. This is exactly what the National Dex is meant for anyway. Though I don't understand why they would add in some 4th Gen evolutions, but not all of them. Seems redundant, they can easily make all evolution methods available, or none of them. Not that it bugs me as long as, if I obtain a Shiny Stone, I can evolve my Togetic without it being in the Dex. Or something to that point. I do have to say though. This isn't GS, its HGSS. We have no idea if they will keep all the Pokemon locations the same, or if the fossils will or won't be obtainable. Oak may very well give us a Kanto starter after defeating the Elite 4 too. We don't know what they are doing, that's what makes it fun.
Arjun - PeeB4UGo Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 I think he knows to use it as [spoiler=option]content . But anyways, they do need to cut down their regional dex, because 250 is way too much, especially if they decide to go the pre-DPPt way and have to catch all of the Pokémon. ... But that would be just dumb.
InuYouki Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 Arjun - PeeB4UGo said: I think he knows to use it as [spoiler=option]content . But anyways, they do need to cut down their regional dex, because 250 is way too much, especially if they decide to go the pre-DPPt way and have to catch all of the Pokémon. ... But that would be just dumb. You dont have to catch them, you just have to see them. Which was easy since all you have to do is battle with trainers. I never had an issue completing the regional dex by the time I finished the E4. I don't think them leaving it at 231 or what ever will really matter. So long as you actually play the game the right way *no hacking for stronger poke or walk throw walls*you should be fine.
Guested Posted August 4, 2009 Author Posted August 4, 2009 InuYouki said: You dont have to catch them, you just have to see them. Yeah, we don't know this yet. This is how it was in DPP, but it wasn't like that in previous games. It hasn't been determined how HGSS will "count" your Pokedex progress. On another note... UPDATE I've updated the first post to include the newest confirmed info from Pokemon Sunday this week. Let me know if you think I've forgotten anything.
codemonkey85 Posted August 5, 2009 Posted August 5, 2009 Guested said: ...It looks like you can battle Brendan... Bwuh? Brendan, really? I had wondered if they would do this. What's your source? Guested said: But, I really hope they don't leave out a lot of the new features that they implemented in Platinum. I am also hoping they leave in the Wi-Fi features that were added to Platinum, like the Wi-Fi Square, Poffin baking, and battle videos. I'm not too sure if there will be a Battle Frontier, but if there is, I hope they retain compatibility with Platinum in that regard as well. Additionally, if they do their own Wi-Fi square or Union Room, I hope your Pokémon can follow you around in it.
Guested Posted August 5, 2009 Author Posted August 5, 2009 codemonkey85 said: Bwuh? Brendan, really? I had wondered if they would do this. What's your source? It was in that video someone posted a little way back. It was supposedly from leaked scans of corocoro, but who knows. It had to do with the RSE Legendary Pokemon event.
derrick Posted August 5, 2009 Posted August 5, 2009 SO wait a minute theres hoen trainers in the video!!???? ( i cant watch it slow computer :C ) could some plese.....post a picture?
DanteKoriyu Posted August 5, 2009 Posted August 5, 2009 Don't worry, its just a magazine screen shot in the video. Its supposedly a leak from CoroCoro, but its an obvious fake. That video has been out for going on a week now, and CoroCoro isn't even set for release till the 11th. It was WAY to early for even a leak.
CodeBrain Posted August 5, 2009 Posted August 5, 2009 I don't know if this has been said before, but I think I might know what the "special move" is on certain Pikachu's in the Yellow Forest Event. Look under the text box. See that Pikachu flying with balloons? Last time I remember, Pikachu with Balloons was a symbol of a Pikachu using Fly. Perhaps that is the special move?
DanteKoriyu Posted August 6, 2009 Posted August 6, 2009 Yeah, it could be. We've been discussing that possibility in a couple different threads relating to the event. The Balloon Pika is definitely evidence towards Fly being the special move, but then again the Balloon Pika also appears in some promotional artwork for no apparent reason at all occasionally. We'll just have to wait an see. I am hoping for a 4th Gen Flying Pika though.
derrick Posted August 6, 2009 Posted August 6, 2009 yes that would be awsome i just satisfied that earge for a flying pikachu with pokemon ranch ( the ballons you unlock)
InuYouki Posted August 6, 2009 Posted August 6, 2009 See, I don't think they would make it so easy or a flying pikachu. But seeing as how easy they made it to get surfing pikachu I could be wrong. I was thinking maybe a new move or something.
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