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  DanteKoriyu said:
Sorry but your links are terrible and don't wanna work. So heres new ones...





I'm excited that all 493 Pokemon can follow you. And you know why they did this, so that they had all the sprites for when you put your Pokemon in the daycare. Though this raises the question how Pokemon with larger sprites are going to work. Can you imagine your little character trotting along with the big old Origin for Giratina or Regigigas sprites following behind you? They wouldn't fit in most of the rooms you go into.

Also, Arceus event with a Level 1 Giratina, Dialga, or Palkia is confirmed. Why its included, no idea, but its true....

Not sure how much I like the Poke'Dex, Poke'Gear, and other menu upgrades. I'm used to the rounded one with a smooth look to them in D/P/Pt and these new ones look a bit square/sharp/boxy. I'm sure I'll adjust though, but I doo like the touch screen functionality thats been implemented into everything. Almost everything in HGSS seems to be getting a huge overhaul.

I've been saying that they did this the entire time for the daycare, and no one believed me. Finally, thank you for proving my point. I think they will just do the thing the ranch did. Shrink them down to size to fit it. Makes sense right?

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I've been saying that they did this the entire time for the daycare, and no one believed me. Finally, thank you for proving my point. I think they will just do the thing the ranch did. Shrink them down to size to fit it. Makes sense right?

Yes, except what about swimming and immobile Pokémon D:

Metapod following you ahahaha....

Diglett digging up all the surface even when you go through a building LOL Don't think those thirsty guards will laugh about that.

"Cloyster, why don't you follow me? Jump or roll or something..."

Heh tough it would be cool if Voltorb and Electrode were rolling behind you xD

Exeggcute Scenario:

"...Ey guys careful, don't step on my eggs!"


"..cmon theres food at the other end of the Route...no don't sleep again -.-"


"No one belives you're a tree anymore, so come on..."

Slakoth..... xD

Clamperl jump!

Magikarp die?

Seaking you still alive?

I probably won't have some pile of rocks walk behind me the most of the time as I doubt you can have one while riding the bike <3


I'm pretty sure no Pokemon are going to be immobile if they follow you. They will probably not follow you surfing and riding your bike, but I'm almost sure they will follow you running and walking. What I want to know is if the overworld sprites stay their size. The screen shot of Cynthia and Arceus, will Arceus always be that size when following you? It could be like mystery dungeon where the size of the Pokemon didn't matter since you could walk through the outer parts. Could they be using the same method as Mystery Dungeon?


Would fish Pokémon float in mid air then? O.o

That would be odd.

Maybe fish Pokémon can follow you while surfing?

Altough it would be strange if the Seaking behind you was smaller than the Surf-fish considering you're using something like Poliwag.


Maby they have a surf sprite for all the surfing pokemon?

but really i cant wait i feel like platinum was being released all over again!!!!

Iam going to explod into a million pecies!

its just that the groudon and kyorer thing got me thinking what if you still have groudon from ruby or kyorger from saphier? and what about those level 1 lagendarys?

i think its just stuff to keep you busy i mean iam nt saying its bad its really awsome!


That was my thought, water 1, 2 and 3 + everything that knows surf (+ everything in the air?) can follow you in water, while those from water 1 could also on land with everything else


I meant and said, everything in the air. If a flying Pokemon is gonna walk then it's not in the air, while Magneton or Weezing will abosultely levitate above ground.

You'll set it somehow.

Does it matter?

There can be a Send out! option next to Stats,Switch,Item

or something no one ever expected via touch screen, like take and drop left to it....


The Pokemon in the first position of your party is the one confirmed to follow you. It is currently unknown, but believed, to have an option on the party menu or in the game options to turn the feature off for those who will be annoyed by it. We'll just have to see.


Wow, this really looks like it is going to be the BEST pokemon game ever, hands down. I MUST import HeartGold and SoulSilver if I can.


Obviously if a pokemon is following you and you dont want it to you can put it back in the pokeball that is rather simple to figure out...

And yes this will be the best pokemon game ever!


The people behind this game seem to be putting in a LOT of effort. I guess they want us to feel like we're getting our money's worth out of this game.


I think they have been working on this for two years considering the fact the data has been in a DP save file for more then 2 years. I speculate they will make this game have a link to Sinnoh somehow. Maybe they will have Lucas or Dawn in the game.

I think they have been working on this for two years considering the fact the data has been in a DP save file for more then 2 years. I speculate they will make this game have a link to Sinnoh somehow. Maybe they will have Lucas or Dawn in the game.

It would be cool if you could go to hoenn or sinnoh!


  wraith89 said:
Hoenn is pretty big, so I'd doubt they'd put that in (not to mention it's FAR AWAY from Kanto/Johto). As for Sinnoh, if they put that in, there'd be no incentive to buy DPP :P

yea i guess but they could still put hoenn in a bit smaller (less storyline like no team magma/aqua)

  PaDdY! said:
yea i guess but they could still put hoenn in a bit smaller (less storyline like no team magma/aqua)

Then that would be so boring... >_>

No storyline would make it almost like... *gasp* GSC Kanto!! I'd rather one region game (or two) than have a LONG game with all the regions but without the fun...


The event Jirachi is confirmed to unlock special features in the PokeWalker, not in HGSS themselves. HGSS are just needed to transfer the Jirachi to the PokeWalker.

The PokeWalker has "courses" you can unlock by using the device. You start with 2 courses you can choose from, each with different Pokemon in them. The event Jirachi, when transferred, opens up the "Edge of the Night Sky" course. But no other details about the course are given.

  wraith89 said:
Then that would be so boring... >_>

No storyline would make it almost like... *gasp* GSC Kanto!! I'd rather one region game (or two) than have a LONG game with all the regions but without the fun...

but what if they had full fledged Johto and Kanto then GSC hoenn(in the spirit of kanto in GSC)!!


I would prefer not to have Hoenn >.> Putting it in there with no plot behind it regardless of how awesome the Johto/Kanto parts are would just ruin it for me.

If you're gonna do it, then do it right. Don't half ass it. Besides, I don't see a reason for them to put Hoenn in at this point.

  InuYouki said:
I would prefer not to have Hoenn >.> Putting it in there with no plot behind it regardless of how awesome the Johto/Kanto parts are would just ruin it for me.

If you're gonna do it, then do it right. Don't half ass it. Besides, I don't see a reason for them to put Hoenn in at this point.

Yes i agree. Hoenn shoyld have it's own game and not a part of another. Like Wraith said, we do not need a ghost region without people or excitement nor a small one. Hoenn is enormous with all those sea pathways. And when Nintendo makes the Region in 4-th gen style it should not be small like island where the Resort, Survival and Stark mauntain are. However if there was not gaing to be Kanto, i would have picked Hoenn, since it is the next region after Johto.


Hmm, thinking it over, with them trying to faze out the GBA games, what do you want to bet that since they are including Hoenn legends, we'll have a chance at the Hoenn starters ala a reverse Emerald type deal? Possibly a shot at the Kanto starters as well?


Yeah maybe a reward from oak/elm for reaching certain milestones on the pokedex whould be nice like,

200 caught get treeko from elm and bulbasaur from oak

300 caught get torchic from elm and charmander from oak

400 caught get mudkip from elm and squirtle from oak

And then when you have all 493 you either get the starter that was never picked at the start or you get to pick a sinnoh starter.

^ This whould be a major incentive to complete the pokedex for me anyway...O_o

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