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Nobody knows yet. This is a speculation thread, why don't you speculate on what the release date will be or check the topic at the site to see the release date? I think the release date will be on October, since release dates from Japan and North America usually last a year apart and October is when the originals were released.

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To the US, HGSS don't even officially exist to us, as Nintendo of America haven't acknowledged their existence and won't until they feel like it.

Release dates aren't a year apart, they are about 6 months. They normally get their games in early Fall, and we get them in late Spring.

I can hope they will show some more details for HGSS, but for some reason I don't think any significant information will be released until the next CoroCoro.

Nobody knows yet. This is a speculation thread, why don't you speculate on what the release date will be or check the topic at the site to see the release date? I think the release date will be on October, since release dates from Japan and North America usually last a year apart and October is when the originals were released.

The releases tend to be about 6 months apart now vs the year it use to be like DanteKoriyu mentioned. I am hoping for a late May or early April. Would be nice to have sooner, but I doubt it.


No problem, I just like clear details. If it is eventually revealed the the Shinto Ruins are within Alph via some unlocked cave passage or some new weird part of the event, I will more than gladly admit I was wrong. But as it stands right now, the is just more proof they are outside of Alph.

As for Pokemon Sunday, I need to head over to Filb to watch the cut down version. Thanks for the reminder.

EDIT: Well, that was a let down. It was practically the same video we already saw. I was hoping for at least something a little bit new. I'm normally a pretty patient person, but waiting for more details on this game, let alone the game itself... its like being a kid at Christmas who can only open his presents when the whole family is up, but everyone else rather sleep in.


I think its gonna be Chrissie 09 to the start of 2010 for Australia for when it comes out :P

Or ill just import it if the yanks get it earlier.


I would bet most of the cut scenes shown were of the intro (except maybe Ho-Oh with the Tin Tower). If you notice, Ho-Oh was flying through the sky and Lugia skimming the sea floor, VERY similar to how they did so in the intros of Gold and Silver during the "Push Start" screen.

  Klaatu said:

Sinnoh exclusive evolution caused by it's different climate, on known Pokemon, won't be in. There will be no Ice rock or such, neither will Pokemon like Yanma learn Ancientpower @ lv.33.

Those are evolutions that were first discovered in Sinnoh! Because they only happen there (and by items first discovered there). Else they would have occured in Kanto/Johto already.

No need for "huh it stopped evolving....", as the triggers can easily be let out so it doesn't even go to the evolution screen.

I wonder though at what point we will get the national dex. And with what requirements o_o

How can we be so sure? Who are you to make such a claim and state it as if it were a fact? The truth is, we really don't know. There could be new areas unlocked once you get a national dex of some sort that allow you to obtain these new evolutions. The people making this game really aren't restricted to any rules while they make this game, because they are the ones making the rules.

Please, people, don't state any speculations as if they are facts. You only confuse others by doing so, and obscure the truth.


They did that with FR/LG didn't they? Didn't you have to trade a eevee to R/S in order to evolve it to an espeon/umbreon? It wouldn't surprise me at all if you had to trade such pokemon in order to get the evolutions. That is what gamefreak does after all. I don't see a reason for them to put an ice rock or moss rock in HG/SS. And i don't see them making it easy to evolve Magneton or Nosepass either.

I agree with Klaatu on this one.

  Gold Xf said:

How can we be so sure? Who are you to make such a claim and state it as if it were a fact? The truth is, we really don't know. There could be new areas unlocked once you get a national dex of some sort that allow you to obtain these new evolutions. The people making this game really aren't restricted to any rules while they make this game, because they are the ones making the rules.

Please, people, don't state any speculations as if they are facts. You only confuse others by doing so, and obscure the truth.

This being the speculation thread people are going to realise that everything said here is just speculation not fact and so should not really get confused.

I never had a GBA so don't know how they did things in FRLG but I think Klaatu has a good theory.



watch this...



We see the Dragon gym with lava and moving tiles D:

The ghost gym is now dark instead of having an invisible path yay lol

THE HOUSE and the place from crystal-cianwood are back! Why would they put those in if nothing (ala 1 of the beasts appearing and Eusine chanllenging you) was supposed to happen there?? =D

Chikorita cutting the cut-tree to Mr.Pokemon's house and OOOH a good old berry tree!!1 Maybe it'll grow the 3rdgen+ poison curing berry now replacing the PSNCUREBERRY? (forgot name of the new one)

The trees at the Tin tower ARE SOOO BEAUTIFUL!!11 Q___Q

After I beat this game 2947298 times and do everything imaginable I'll probably still turn it on every few days just to walk through this beautiful places that reside in the beautiful region of Johto <3<3<3

Notice there is an old guy blocking the mysterious path going behind the Burnt tower! =O

Pokemon using HMs when they're actually standing in front of you heh. I'm convinced now that all the aquatic Pokemon that won't be able to follow you on land (plus those that cna learn surf) will appear under you while using the HM surf D: (Although..Rhydon and co.??)

am I overreacting? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


Is it me or did it say PRESS START before? Because now it says TOUCH TO START.


Posted (edited)

You're a little late. I posted the terrible quality one when it was first leaked and Klaatu got the clean quality one before you.


As for the trailer itself, my thoughts on the stuff in order of its appearance.

I'm really diggin the Ho-oh and Lugia start screen, Lugia more than Ho-oh though, as IMO it has a bit better of a render.

The Pokemon starter selection screen is pretty sweet. Nice to see them using the 3D engine a bit more than just opening a briefcase.

Ecruteak is getting more and more annoying to me. While I like the golden trees, I feel its a bit more of an overkill. The map showed the orange trees more around the towers then all around the town. Unless I get used to it more while playing the game, I will be staying out of the town unless I need to be in it.

Not much to say about single Ecruteak City and the Slowpoke Well shots.

Cyndaquil does a dance in front of the Burnt Tower, that's kinda cool. But I won't be talking to my Pokemon very often. lol

While that looks like a Bery Tree, I wouldn't be so sure. I don't understand why Berries will have grown from their own plants for 2 generations now, and then mid Gen switch to being picked off their own tree. I wanna go with Apricorn Tree. :\ I dunno, we'll have to see. But Chikorita can use Cut, literally.

We then switch to a quick view of the Pokedex. Nice to be able to switch between multiple Monster's actual info without having to select the Pokemon, go to the entry, and either scroll through multiple monsters or exit out of the entry and select the next monster.

A quick view of Ho-Oh, then some lava gym challenge, I assume to be Blackthorn, and some Chikorita-Razor Leaf action and some Totodile-Water Gun action. Along with the darkened gym in Ecruteak and about to challenge Morty. Another shot of Ho-Oh that we've seen ten times over...where is the Lugia love? And then ending with a Tyranitar using Rock Smash in Cianwood flowing into a battle between Typloshion and Meganium with Tyranitar and Feraligatr.

Over all some good stuff, but now there is just more to speculate about.. I wanted more confirmed details. lol

Edited by DanteKoriyu

I may not be the first one to say this,

But on the latest trailer,

go to the scene where Chikorita uses cut,

Nearby there is an APRICORN TREE!

I'll like to think it is an apricorn, compared to a berry!

(However if that area is the Mr PKMN house or whatsoever, it was a berry tree is Crystal.

I prefer the DPt version of berry trees and berry planting, compared to the one in the video.)

  theSLAYER said:
I may not be the first one to say this,

But on the latest trailer,

go to the scene where Chikorita uses cut,

Nearby there is an APRICORN TREE!

I'll like to think it is an apricorn, compared to a berry!

(However if that area is the Mr PKMN house or whatsoever, it was a berry tree is Crystal.

I prefer the DPt version of berry trees and berry planting, compared to the one in the video.)

This is clearly Route 30, even the Bug Catcher is at the same place.

And as said earlier, the tree we see is the first one you got a PSNCureBerry from.

I doubt they'd have changed it to an Apricorn tree, not just because we don't have a clue if the Apricorns will make a return (which I believe will happen, just the Pokeballs changed), but because you're supposed to get your first Apricorn at Kurt's house, where he explains to you what their purpose is.

  Klaatu said:
This is clearly Route 30, even the Bug Catcher is at the same place.

And as said earlier, the tree we see is the first one you got a PSNCureBerry from.

I doubt they'd have changed it to an Apricorn tree, not just because we don't have a clue if the Apricorns will make a return (which I believe will happen, just the Pokeballs changed), but because you're supposed to get your first Apricorn at Kurt's house, where he explains to you what their purpose is.

Yea, but if it is really really a berry tree,

What will happen to planting your own berries and growing them?


three new videos from pokemon sunday!

in the videos it has what is obviously red gyarados

and also has a video showing pikachu being sent and received from the pokewalker


I wasn't very excited about anything they showed this week, really wasn't worth a mention IMO. The Shiny Gyarados was already 100% expected, and them showing it to us blocked out is more of an annoyance than anything. I understand its for those who haven't played the Johto games, but still.

As for the Pokewalker, it really wasn't anything we didn't already know. except that apparently the Pokemon don't gain levels on the device, and all exp is added to the Pokemon upon transfer back to HGSS.

Anyway, expect an update to the official HGSS site, a CoroCoro leak, or something before next Sunday, as Pokemon Sunday never really shows information first. So expect another source to "confirm" the Shiny Red Gyarados before the next show.


I would personally guess that it has to be returned to the game it was transferred from originally, similar to My Pokemon Ranch, especially since the Pokewalker uses infrared is in the HGSS cart and not a form of the DS wireless. Though right now, there is no info to really answer your question for certain at the moment, as far as I know.


Question for your guys' opinions - do you think you'll be able to get both birds in one game like it used to be or only 1 for HG and 1 for SS (Lugia for SS, Ho-oh for HG).

I really don't know, because the 2nd gen is already forgotten for 2 gens now, especially the legendary ones, being able to get only through planned events/mystery gift/only 1 out of 3 per game, so it's hard to tell.

P.S, I bet it'll be the best Pokemon game so far. G&S are a few pixels and some Kanto-upgrades from this rank anyways.


They'll make both obtainable in both games.

There is no shared place for them to appear in each game respectively like in RSEDPt for the main legends. They have their own "dungeon". Making it so that when playing Gold and not finding Lugia in (or even not having access to) the Whirl Islands would be unreasonable (and stupid IMO).

  Shinypkm said:
Question for your guys' opinions - do you think you'll be able to get both birds in one game like it used to be or only 1 for HG and 1 for SS (Lugia for SS, Ho-oh for HG).

I really don't know, because the 2nd gen is already forgotten for 2 gens now, especially the legendary ones, being able to get only through planned events/mystery gift/only 1 out of 3 per game, so it's hard to tell.

P.S, I bet it'll be the best Pokemon game so far. G&S are a few pixels and some Kanto-upgrades from this rank anyways.

No, Ho-Oh is exclusive for HG, Lugia is exclusive for SS, why in the hell would they include both off them in one game? And then release TWO VERSIONS?

Seriously..use common sense next time.

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