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  1. Today
  2. I'm trying to read the party data of some secret base trainers to see information such as their pokemon's IVs, EVs, nature, PID, Contest stats, Ribbons, etc. I don't know if the game holds all of that when you mix records, but is there someone or a program out there that can find and show all this information? I can't read code in an emulator to know what I'm looking for.
  3. Recently found out that the Misty Mark can actually be obtained in SV but it's only in very specific spots as mist isn't a proper weather normally. Have managed to get a handful of marked pokemon with the mark, but tried to load one up in PkHex and saw it was marked as illegal in both the public build and the dev build. So was just wondering if there's any chance that support for the mark would be added eventually, or if it'd be left as is since it requires a set up in-game to even have a chance of getting it.
  4. Hiya, was wondering if checkpoint can back up my r4 SDHC cart saves the usual way? I have a lot of games on there but I just wanted to back up one game’s saves, but it seems to have just backed up everything? or is this a moot question? Do I just have to insert R4’s SD card into a PC for backups? Thank you everyone for reading!
  5. Yesterday
  6. okay now i have an actual question to ask that isnt routed in me being fundamentally stupid is this message telling me to NOT use layeredfs to get the CROs and CRR working on my 3ds otherwise it'll fail the RSA check? do i need to install smth else on my 3ds to get these files to work properly? or should i not bother and stfu
  7. so i tried that, i put both the exefs and romfs folders inside luma/titles/0004000000164800 (i switched to editing pokemon sun bc it would be easier) and whenever i enabled game patching with the latest version of layeredfs and tried to load pokemon sun, both of the games screens would turn grey after the game took abt a year to load. not exactly sure why that happened, apparently it was an arm11 core (1) exception prefetch abort (svcBreak) but nowhere online seems to be having the same issue as me im able to restore the game back to normal if i put the unmodified romfs and exefs (and everything else) into luma/titles/0004000000164800 and repatch pokemon sun so i know its just an issue with those files, but im too stupid to know what that issue is i can send a photo of the arm 11 exception error message if need be obviously edit: i didnt realise im meant to rebuild the romfs and exefs in pk3ds holy fish i need shot in the forehead no wonder that never worked before, ill try the rebuilt romfs and exefs to see if they work instead, my bad for being such a moron
  8. Brother I understand that much, I was just curious if anyone had any info that could help, I ended up editing the narc data myself, thank you for your time.
  9. Invalid save file format, completely wrong size. I was able to rip out some PK6 files though (3 party, 41 from box). Should match what you mentioned (Treecko, Mightyena, and Pikachu-Rockstar are present). extract.rar
  10. As has been stated multiple times throughout this thread, this program is only built for specific ROMs that have not been adjusted. You're trying to use the Vanilla BB2/VW2 version on "redux" which is a different ROM build.
  11. Hello, I know this is a old thread but I was wondering if anyone has figured out a method of using PRC on the new PBBVW Redux edition, I've attempted all of the old PRC versions but i keep getting the same unhandled exception error when clicking on any pokemon. Thank you,
  12. @Kaphotics hey man, youve been helping people out a lot lately. The thing is my Alpha Sapphire save file got corrupted today while I was saving the game, it had all the pokemon I transferred from previous games and it means a whole lot to me. Can you please help me out here as well? I would be so very thankful man. I dont know anaything about save files manupilations, and am totally helpless. I tried opening it in Pkhex but it was for naught. My stareter is Treecko and I also have a cosplay pikachu and a Mightyena in party and have alot of mons in the PC. main
  13. Yeah, repro ROMs are edited/modified to display that instead of the typical shtick about save files being corrupted and a backup being loaded and what not. Have you tried backing up your save using 1. GBA backup tool (save dumping/backing up) 2. gbabf -> ROM extraction -> Run ROM in Extractor program If so, lemme know which method you used, and show me the save (FYI, don't upload ROMs here)
  14. Last week
  15. Hello there, i tried to randomize my Pokémon Shield Rom but everytime when i try to randomize this Rom, i got the error Code from PknX (add as file here) when i try to randomize Trainers and Wild Encounters. I tried everything. All is uptaded to the newest Version. What is my mistake? Can anyone help me?
  16. @Kaphotics Oh my gosh thank you ever so much -- they are where I left off exactly! Just tested it with the 3ds and everything works as they should. I never thought I would see my save file again. thank you for developing PkHex and what you are doing, you have demonstrated love brings people together, and it is the most heartwarming thing I have experienced. Thank you thank you and thank you, Pokemon people are the best people
  17. main Same weird corruption as someone else in another thread, where 0x1F bytes of data gets misplaced in the box data somehow, causing a big misalignment. Should be 99.9999% good to go.
  18. All emulators save their save files somewhere. Look up the emulator documentation.
  19. Hey @Kaphotics, my oras file was corrupted yesterday as well I found this thread and hacked my 3ds just to dump my save in the file below. PKHex won't open my file either, but I have tried to compare it with a normal save with a hex editor like you said earlier and it seems like it is not nonsense? Is there any way you could take a look for me please? You would make a Pokemon and 3ds newbie very happy and much less dead inside :)) info that might help: game was played on a Japanese cart with the native English language option, game was ORuby, starter was a grovyle Just in case you could have a look for me in the off chance, thank you times a million main
  20. Hello, Iam not sure if this is the right forum but i have a problem. if i save on Delta on my iphone, there is no .sav file so i cant put in in pkhex. There is just a normal file that i cant input in pkhex, Is there a way to make this possible am i missing something?
  21. I got no idea whats wrong with my repro, I can launch the game through gbabr, but I cannot dump the cart's data. When I boot into the game through any mean, I get a message that pops up at the start saying: "The save file is ok"
  22. You can dump AHTB with pkNX and load it locally next to PKHeX.exe, then set all of the FSYS_FLY_<loc> flags.
  23. So this version works for me just fine, even loading screen says alpha version, but problem is I cannot save in game, says failed save game. Currently using melonDS inside of Delta from App Store. Did you run into this?
  24. You must have a modified Nintendo switch with custom firmware installed first, otherwise you will not be able to access your save data.
  25. Alright, is there a video or a tutorial you would be able to guide me with? I actually never even heard of PkHex until now (I don't have it installed either) and I'm not sure how the procedure works.
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