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Before you read this stuff, please note that I will update the thread on GBATemp before I update this one. Progress updates will be seen much quicker there than they will be here. You might want to check that thread if you are really interested in looking at the progress of this hack. Also the downl...
Welcome everyone to my attempt at a full fledged rewrite of the Explorers series of Mystery Dungeon games. It always bothered me that the protagonist just acted as a mute through most of the story, despite clearing speaking at certain points. This hack attempts to make the hero Pokemon a character i...
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- explorers of sky
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This is more like a proof of concept than a ROM hack, the pokemon are added, but are currently not obtainable yet, use enc.lua to force an encounter with them. ROM base is clean Pokemon: Black Version 2. If you are having patching problems, verify ROM base with DS-Scene Rom Tool. Battle Animations...
Hello! I'd thought I'd share my project with everyone, I hope you enjoy it! What this does - It will replace ALL of the female hero over-world sprites, as well as the back sprite, and make them appear as Cynthia. This is only for Pokemon Black and White 2 All instructions inside the README. Very...
Awesome title concept made by PEDRO12! About the game: This a hack...Or a modification, if you will, of Pokemon Black & White. Meaning, just your oridnary 649 Pokemon hack. But...To make the game feel a bit different there's a few other things added to keep it feeling fresh. Just read the long, lo...
white White Hack: Pokémon Special/Adventures Edition
DeGladiator posted a topic in ROM - NDS ROM Hacks
CURRENT VERSION: 1.2 LAST UPDATED: 13th September 2012 Hack for POKÉMON WHITE ONLY This is a manga-based Hack Rom. That means you will not face the regular characters, but the MANGA characters that we all love, created by Hidenori Kusaka. All of the Unova Gym Leaders and Elite four, including th... -
Have you ever wanted to re-battle boss fights from the evil organizations? Have you ever wanted to re-battle a Gym Leader without having to worry about calling them or meeting them on the right day, or whether or not they are in the Battleground Café? Have you ever wanted to battle a member of the...
During my playthrough of Generation V of the games, I felt that some pokemon especially potentially powerful species are only available after the E4, including ones that involve Fishing or only at Victory Road. These powerful species being late bloomers will not make it in time for the trainer, assu...
Introduction Hi, I'm DarkRisingGirl & This is POKEMON Dark Rising. This is my 2nd attempt to complete a full hack with a new epic story, new characters, and a new region. I've always felt the Pokemon series needed a much stronger impact with story-telling & that's what this hack is all about. Withi...
Hello, I'm a Pokemon Rom hacker from China. I hope to share with you a Pokemon Rom hack I'm making. First of all, there is no complete version or release for the time being. This post is only for the publicity and communication of a game. (The game language is all Chinese, and the English translatio...
Pokemon Hoenn White has returned! Pokemon Hoenn White EX will be: EX-tra hard EX-tra fun EX-tremely addictive to play ___________________________ To get things clear: THIS IS NOT A REMAKE OF RUBY/SAPPHIRE/EMERALD AND NEVER WILL BE. IT IS DEFINITELY NOT IN THE HOENN REGION ___________________...
hey guys I'm Suaqua also known as Taro and heres my attempt at a modification of Soul Silver modeled loosely after Crystal Version requires: a clean Heart Gold(U) or Soul Silver(U) rom Features: higher level wild pokemon new pokemon scattered throughout the game no more weak wild pokemon in ka...
Pokémon Fire Red Evolution Version: 0.95 (Length: Main Game/No Post-Game) Introduction: Pokémon Fire Red Evolution is a difficulty hack of Pokémon Fire Red which not only has improved trainers but also features several enhancements over the original game such as a PSS split, new moves/abi...
Bond697 edit: Any requests for ROMs will be deleted and the user will be banned on subsequent requests. Anyone who links to a ROM will be banned. No exceptions. randomspot555 edit: If all you do in this thread is beg for new updates, or fight with other users, I'm banning you for at least a week....
Hi there, I made some edits to the portraits of selected pokemon so that they may properly be used as the player character or partner. I added: Electrike, Bagon, Aron, Larvitar, Poochyena, Growlithe, Houndour, Dratini, and Zangoose. In the future I may add more upon request. To use the aformentio...
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Pokémon UnovaHGSS Rom info: Hack of: Pokémon SoulSilver (USA) (HeartGold will be supported at a later date) Language: English Current Version: Alpha v1.1 (goes up to Ilex Forest) Last Updated: 10th April, 2012 Summary UnovaHGSS is a hack of Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver that integrates...
Current version: 0.1.4 Lastest update: 19th December, 2015 Summary Pokémon Light Platinum is a GBA hack launched in 2011 by the ROM hacker WesleyFG. Due to its success -partly because it was one of the few that managed to be completely finished- and that, in recent years, th...
Honestly not sure if ROM hacking is still big these days, but I've decided to try and make a ROM hack. And hopefully one that doesn't crash. I've tried making GBA Pokémon ROM hacks, but I'd end up breaking them pretty badly, so I'm hoping I can get some people together to help me out with this....
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diamond Pearl patch for the debug version of Pokemon Diamond
nk19 posted a topic in ROM - NDS ROM Hacks
This patch will (hopefully) allow users to load Pearl version of assets on the debug version of Pokemon Diamond. Patch Repo : ====================================================================================== -------------------- * Req... -
Information about the project: Engine/Rom Base: White 2 USA Project Grey, ie Pokémon Red Islands, is a sequel to Pokémon BW / B2W2. Elapses three years after BW and 1 year after B2W2. There will be a new region called "Red Island" with new fakemons and legendary. The protagonists are the BW (henc...
All 721+ Pokémon will be available in game, with over 100 new Pokémon to discover! New moves given to some pokémon, including some rare moves such as Chansey with Wish. Pokémon have battling potential like never seen before! Mega Evolution and Z-Moves In-depth Story for All A...
Basic information Name: Pokémon DarkDiamond Creator: Markitus95 (or Spiky, if you wanna call me like that) Base ROM: Pokémon Diamond (USA) Storyline Living in Twinleaf Town has always been boring. Having a cool neighbour can improve things, but everything has a limit. Tired of the monotonous l...