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  1. Version 1.0.1


    This Is a Database of GTS Tradeable shinies for ledybot or other GTS Bots for gen 7
  2. In the same vein as the distributors that ran on ShinyGTS/DTS, will there ever be an equivalent for X/Y/OR/AS? I have heard that it's theoretically possible, but a lot of hard work. Is it really possible, and if so, is the sheer amount of work required in order to develop such software the bottleneck on it becoming a thing?
  3. Hi, don't know whether this is the right place to ask this. I have Pokegenned a few Pokemon to Pokemon Black and then transferred them to X but my Skarmory will not go through whatever I do to it. These were my latest inputs into Pokegen: PID: blank Species: Skarmory Nickname: Oskar (ticked) Experience: 1250000 L: 100 Nature: Bold Happiness: 255 Ability: Sturdy Country: US/UK/AU Origin: Platinum Game: Black (2)/White (2) Location: Sinnoh Ball: Poke Ball Level: 53 Date: 28/02/2014 Encounter: Tall Grass/Drakrai Stats were all legal Stealth Rock/Defog/Whirlwind/Roost Then I put the OT as the OT from my Platinum file. I tried having OT and location as Unova but I realised it would have to have originated in Gen 4 to get Defog. Need this for a tournament tomorrow with friends. Thanks!
  4. So is there any recommendations for a pokemon gts distributor because pokecheck always adds a premier ribbon which basically makes your pokemon fake.
  5. So, ever since I discovered there were custom GTS servers out there, I was thinking about how to use them. I thought it would be nice to have something similar to Pokemon Ranch, but compatible with the new generations, with the ability to take Pokemon back out. I've tried to search, but the only GTS servers I can find either only send Pokemon to your game, or collect data and reject them. I am not interested in cheating/editing Pokemon, this is simply in the interest of extended storage. There are plenty of websites out there that will allow you to see your Pokemon's info, but what I'm interested in is something you actually download and keep on your own PC (or server), which would allow Pokemon to be deposited and retrieved at will. This system would actually hold Pokemon instead of recording their data and rejecting it game-wise. I've looked at the source code of a few GTS servers, but I'm not well-versed in python. So could someone either a) Teach me how to make a GTS (preferably in a different language) or b) make something like this a reality?
  6. So I missed the Keldeo distribution from Gamestop, but found his .pkm file on the internet. I haven't dealt with transferring pokemon via the GTS exploit since HGSS. I downloaded shiny2 and placed the keldeo.pkm file within a folder that I then specified in shiny2. My problem is I can't seem to edit the internet settings on my copy of Black2 because my router doesn't support an encryption type that the DS can work with. I tried editing the 3DS internet options but I'm a little lost as to what to change. help would be greatly appreciated. In a nutshell: I downloaded a pkm file that I want to transfer to my copy of black2 using my 3DS.
  7. Hello, I am new to Pokegen. I have used it on my old Pearl for like a month and it has been working perfectly on that game. Now I decided to try it out in Black. Pokegen updated to 3.1.3. Now when I go to the "met" tab in Pokegen the game section there is only "Black (2)/White(2)" there. The intended game is Black and White. IDK if that was there before b/c this is my first time using Pokegen on Black. But, does this matter when I try to use it on my 3DS or Black? I am doing everything just like before: I change my DNS settings and got to my game to the GTS trade, but nothing happens. The only thing that happens is that it a lil bit longer to the check GTS status. I am wondering if uninstalling it and just redownloading the older version of Pokegen will fix this? -if I do that can someone give me a link to the older version? Or, is there a way to uninstall the updates? If someone can help it would be appreciated! Thanks
  8. Original ShinyDTS (by Shiny Jirachi, aka formlesstree4). Permission given to edit and re-post. Introduction ShinyDTS v2 is an edit of ShinyDTS, created by formlesstree4. It is an emulator (or spoofing program) for the in-game Global Trade Station (GTS) in Generation IV [Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, & SoulSilver] and Generation V [black & White] games. It allows a user to send Pokemon to and from their game, or for some people, host distributions (unmanned!). Program Usage 1) Unzip contents to a folder. 2) Run ShinyDTSv2.exe 3) DNS IP If you are distributing to YOURSELF, make sure you LOCAL IP (e.g. is in the DNS IP box. You may find this my going to Command Prompt (cmd) and running "ipconfig". Your Local IP is your IPv4 IP (unless you're not going through a router, special case). If you are distributing to OTHERS, make sure your PUBLIC IP is in the DNS IP box. That should be auto-detected. In SOME cases, detection may not be accurate. You may check your Public IP at http://www.canyouseeme.org/ 4) Start DNS 5) Select your Distribution Mode Individual - Distributed only ONE (1) Pokemon in Gen IV and Gen V Folder - Distribute, in order, an entire folder's contents of Pokemon in Gen IV and Gen V Random Folder - Distribute, RANDOMLY, an entire folder's contents of Pokemon in Gen IV and Gen V Receive Mode - Receive Pokemon from either Gen IV and Gen V, which will be saved to respective folders in the application directory 6) Set Pokemon to be distributed (if not in Receive Mode) in the Generation IV Selection and Generation V Selection boxes. 7) Start GTS ~For more information on connecting your DS to a fake GTS DNS Server, please watch the following video~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Extra Functions 1) You may clear program logs WITHIN the application by clicking the $~flushlogs button. 2) This program automatically creates logs within the application directory. DNS.txt logs the DNS section, GTS.txt logs the GTS section. 3) [Public Distributions] You can check if your server is reachable by having someone outside your network visit your DNS IP in their Internet Browser. Known Issues - If the DNS Spoofing is active and the program is closed without terminating the DNS Spoofing first, Windows throws an error message of no importance. Still annoying. - BOTH boxes MUST be filled up before Start GTS can be pressed. This will (hopefully) be fixed by Shiny Jirachi in the future. I have no plans to release another version of ShinyGTS, I'd rather just work solely on ShinyDTS since it has more functionality and it's easier to work on one program. For now, fill in any empty boxes with placeholders. Troubleshooting / Questions • My Anti-Virus says this is a virus! Mine doesn't. Neither should anyone's. Go get a proper Anti-Virus. VirusTotal Scan: https://www.virustotal.com/file/52d13f4c4c83a1c2d0e8f9ff436939f556f4b0578dbf822a79c092f86c81d049/analysis/1334947148/ • I'm receiving the error message "The application failed to Initialize properly" when attempting to start the program! You need to install .NET Framework 3.5 for this program to run. That being said, your computer is OLD. (MUST have .NET Framework 3.5. Using 4.0 will STILL give an error message) • I'm receiving the error message "An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions" when attempting to start the GTS! You are running something that is conflicting with ShinyDTSv2. Shut down all other applications and try again (e.g. TeamViewer) • I'm having issues starting the DNS! Make sure no other application is using Port 80. Examples of such applications are Skype and Apache Web Server. • Connections to the program fail! Make sure Port 80 (TCP) and Port 53 (UDP) are OPEN on your computer. That may not be enough! Check your Router settings as well. If possible, get your Router to Port Forward the aforementioned Ports to the computer hosting the server. Here's a site to check if your Ports are open, and here's a site to learn how to Port Forward. • Where do I get the .pkm files for loading? .pkm files can be found all over the forum. Use the search tool! Alternatively, you may be able to find .pkm files for free (provided they are made public) over at PokeCheck.org • WHAT is a .pkm file? A .pkm file is essentially Pokemon data. It is the backup (or at times, a creation or edit) of that Pokemon on your game. Having it as a file allows easier trading, easier storage, and does not affect the legality of your Pokemon in any way. • How do I make .pkm files? Use PokeGen to make .pkm files. It's simple and easy to use. A guide for 5th Gen is here too! • What are some running DNS Servers? - The Global Terminal (Run by me, RoC. Distributes Events, RNG'd and Shiny Pokemon) - PokeGTS.us (aka Pokemon Selector, Run by willaiem. Provides a selection of Pokemon available for download. Also allows you to upload a Pokemon from your computer to your game using the site, and allows editing of Pokemon) - PokeCheck.org (aka the GTS stats checker, run by xfr. Allows you to download/upload Pokemon from your computer AND game, as well as view their information. Doubles up as a legality checker) Change-log 20/4/12 [initial Release, changes from original ShinyDTS] - Updated DNS IP Automated Detection (thanks martyfracker) - System for blocking outside-GTS activities by ogopj - Logging system for DNS and GTS sections by ogopj - Browser Message when visiting DNS IP in Internet Browser by M@T - Help and Credits information edited - GUI Changes Background (for fun) SEVERAL text edits (for fun) Icon changed Minimizing to taskbar no longer makes annoying pop-up Version changes To-Do List //For a future update.// ====== ShinyDTS [v2.0]..zip
  9. Hi so I just made some pokemon and I used the DNS from this website right here: http://www.pokegts.us/upload_file.php# I went did everything including entering DNS server thing and moving the 1st pokemon on the 1 box away and checked it million times it is right and when I went into the GTS my character clicked on the computer an nothing happens.Just the regular screen.No pokeballs coming out of the sky nothing just regular old GTS.What am I doing wrong?Is there sometthing I could do?Thanks :3
  10. I've seen some posts around here that said they thought that having a gts on their droid would be a cool feature. I already know that if you go onto pokegts.us on your droid, it acts just like a GTS, but it looks terrible on that tiny little phone screen. I've designed a frontend to use for the site that looks nice, simple, and is easy to use. I've been testing it out on the site this morning (the site has given me some weird errors), however I've fixed almost everything, and so far it works really well. Pretty much, you have a nice simple layout of all the selections your usually do on the website, and when you're finished picking your pokemon, there is a big 'submit' button that you press. If your ds is connected to the internet through your droid, or on the same wifi as your droid, then it can get the pokemon your droid has selected. Would anybody use something like this? It's not finished yet, and the website is still giving me some errors, but since I'm already building it, I'm curious to see if anyone else would have any use for it. Thanks!
  11. Hey guys. My Pokemon B/W DNS server, called PokéYOG1, isn't working. Let me explain in full detail: Whenever I start up ShinyGTS, it works fine, except for one thing: it doesn't detect any connections from anyone! I have Ports 53 AND 80 opened and it's still not working. When I connect to my server, it acts like the regular GTS. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. P.S. Later on, I might start using a user-friendly of IR-GTS called PYE-GTS, which is still under development by ILOVEPIE.
  12. it's based on IR-GTS/IR-GTS-BW. It works with both Gen IV and V. It Auto updates. and it's not ready yet but if you want to help me with the project here is the link to the repository: http://code.google.com/p/pye-gts/ :cool:
  13. PokéYOG1 is officially DEAD! Since when? Since December of 2011. Why? Because my life had become so stressful from a number of things, mainly the unknown disappearance of my Nintendo DSi, and school. What's new? Well, I have a Nintendo 3DS, and Pokemon Black Version 2 (English version, of course). I also have Pokemon Rumble Blast, and I run a Minecraft server much like I used to run this GTS Distro. Also, my computer crashed in the summer of 2012, and I had to wipe out my hard drive and re-install Windows. I still have Pokemon Black Version (the first one), and I'm pretty sure my copy of Pokemon White is in my long-lost DSi. Sorry for the inconvenience. You can view the old content of this post in the spoiler below.
  14. Hey guys. I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but.. I'm having a problem with my DNS server I'm trying to set up for distributing free Pokemon. I use DNS_Server.exe and HyperGTS, so... I can't find anything on these forums that answers my question. The problem is that whenever I connect to my DNS server, I get booted off with error code 13274. Every time. I've tried all sorts of stuff. I even tried disabling my Firewall. I'm pretty sure that ports 53 and 80 are open, because I went into my wireless router's settings and forwarded them. Well, at least I'm pretty sure I did. I just can't figure this out at all. Could someone help me with this? Thanks in advance! :biggrin:
  15. Well, I have been trading a lot on the GTS trying to get lots of Japanese, French, and German pokemon, but one day I was looking for a female Gardevoir and what a surprise, one of the candidates was from South Korea and so I traded for the Gardevoir, I read Gen 4 games are not compatible with Korean mons, but is this now fixed for Gen 5? Also, they are still pretty rare, most of my searches on South Korea are met with no results, I wonder which Pokemon are more common from the Korean players on the GTS (I really like to have mons with their names in hangeul.) Anyone else got mons from Korea? Am I hallucinating about the compatibility?
  16. Can anyone here help me and trade me my pokesav files to my pkmn White? I just need someone who can access the pkmn. files and put it into their own games via (AR) or whatever and trade it to my white version. I would be very grateful, as im desperate for these pokemon as I need them to battle friends D:
  17. Can anyone here help me and trade me my pokesav files to my pkmn White? I just need someone who can access the pkmn. files and put it into their own games via (AR) or whatever and trade it to my white version. I would be very grateful, as im desperate for these pokemon as I need them to battle friends D:
  18. Hey all My last thread where I attempted to ask this got removed from the general B/W thread because it didn't apply (grumble), so here goes. So, I've been wondering The GTS system has changed enough that, from what I understand, sendpkm, HGTS, and the like can no longer distribute. As such, I was wondering if someone could tell me how far we are from a new working system (or link me to the main thread?). Also, I have been attempting to open some of the new .pkm files in pokesav. what i have found is the result of opening a victini.pkm I got in a mass zip file (attached below) of all the pokemon from this generation except for 3 (forgot where I found it, but I did not make it). pokesav recognizes old moves. however, it does not know what pokemon #494 (victini) is, and therefore cannot read it. As such, it would be possible to make a new gen pokemon, as long as you had a preexisting file. you could then maybe edit the ivs a bit, etc, but you would not be able to edit in any new gen moves, you would not be able to max the stats because pokesav does not know the actual pokemon also, the area caught becomes turnback cave instead of libery garden. this is because ( I believe) this area has the same corresponding area number in DPt as liberty garden has in Black/White. obviously, if you want to do any major .pkm creating, this would not work due to the aforementioned limitations, which leads me to my last question anyone know when there will be a program that can edit 5th gen .pkm files without these limitations? --hedgeberg 13277-Pokemon Black & White 2.rar
  19. I want to use one of the GTS softwares (I have sendpkm.py, HGTS, and ir_gts) to set up a distribution system so that I can send some .pkm files to my friends. anyone want to help me set this up? because regardless of what I do, I can never get these programs to distribute publicly on my computer's IP address. it only works locally (, the routers IP address). So, anyone want to lend a hand?
  20. Now that we have the GTS exploit to transfer files to the game, has there been developed a way to go backwards? as in saving a pokemon from the game to a pkm file on a computer. This would really come in handy for me when starting a new game.
  21. How come in pokemon platinum, when I'm seeking pokemonin the GTS, it doesn't say the level condtion the offerer wants? it says what species and gender at least it says so in diamond and pearl... why is that?
  22. i have a garados lv up for trade on gts, plz some one trade it, my name on there, is SETH
  23. Hello, I am interested because of these PCNY: PCNY NV:50 Cacturne Staryu Item: Water Stone Shedinja Shuppet Duskull and alls GCEA Tokyo Less chimecho. and this Heracross TOM and CRHISTY I offer almost all other ^^. mi FC Diamante: 1719 3855 4706 Nick: Sukeny
  24. alright so bassically i want to know how to trick the gts building video uploader (if you dont know if one of the pokemon in the battle is hacked it cat upload) so even if your pokemon look 100% legit thay can still screew you over i gave my hacked pokemon (latias in this case) very modest IV just because the only reason i savd is was i didnt feel like taking the hours to catch one on emerald and then transfer it to platinum only to find out that its IV are horrible so bassically i gave it fair IV i know theres a way to trick the gts uploader but idk how also can you alter the hex values so you dont have to worry about it at all?
  25. Well, a while ago I traded for this mew on the GTS and I recently realized that it's either an event or a hack. Apparently it came from Hoenn, it's OT is Hadou (in katakana), OT number is 50716, no SID (that's odd...), and it's definitely been used to run through the E4 in each game. Opinions? Mew.pkm
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