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Everything posted by Poryhack

  1. Are you sure the public key is hardcoded into the ROM? That would prevent them from ever changing the server's certificate right? EDIT: You can probably disregard that. I'm still trying to get educated on SSL and I assumed you were talking about the server's public key. Now I see that the certificate is signed and you must've meant the signer's (Nintendo CA's) public key. So what the DS should/probably does check is that the certificate is signed by Ninty? Just wanna make sure I've got that right.
  2. They're not as similar as you'd think. The games use SSL to verify that they are connecting with the real Nintendo servers for mystery gift downloads (as well as most other online functions). For whatever reason, they don't use SSL with the GTS, and faking the server is as easy as redirecting traffic and running the right software. In order to make a fake mystery gift server we would have to get a certificate that can pass whatever checks the games perform before finalizing the connection. Certificates can be made easily enough, but I'm not sure if it's possible to make one that can actually pass the tests.
  3. You bring up an interesting point. The easiest thing to do for them would probably be to only give one. If they decide to make all three available they'll have to do something unusual.
  4. I don't have one to look at closely but IIRC it might be a regular USB to Mini USB cable. You should be able to find them at any electronics store.
  5. There was a picture on the Worlds (TCG) website of one of these. I think it was the TCGWC pikachu cart.
  6. Right. What they send over the protocol is slightly different though. =p
  7. Oh, I was looking at a different post. That's likely how it would work. Either mimicking PBR or Ranch.
  8. The menu for a distribution beacon is already there. It's just the regular local wireless mystery gift option. I'm not sure what other menu you think would need to be added...
  9. You could, but it's not something that anyone is focusing on so the chances of this idea going anywhere are slim.
  10. I've never heard of this mini2sf format, where'd you get it? The native format is SWAV/SSEQ/SBNK.
  11. Do you really have to ask this question? Seems suspiciously like a troll waiting to happen. But, for the record, IE is pretty much the bottom of the browser barrel. I'm not sure if Firefox is the top but it's certainly better than IE.
  12. /a/1/3/6 and /a/0/3/7, one is HG and one is SS but I don't know which.
  13. There's probably several NARCs related to wild pokemon. Do you mean the one that details what pokemon can be found in the wild at what locations?
  14. Anti-piracy techniques try to make it impossible or very difficult to play ROMs versus "retail" cards. What you're suggesting doesn't make sense because that's not what it's doing. If anything it's encouraging piracy because it's harder to access the save on a retail card (which I presume you have) than a flashcard.
  15. I wonder if the official server also checks it server-side though, in case the check were disabled on the client side. I'm sure it would be quite possible to disable with a code or ROM hack.
  16. Hello.
  17. The index numbers are in national dex order so I guess you could say that. I don't know why they use that file but we should be glad they do because it makes order editing much easier.
  18. *facepalm* That "yup" is a link, hence the blue.
  19. I didn't think there was much to elaborate on. Get the program and follow its directions.
  20. Yup
  21. There's not really any other message files actually. Everything is in the one NARC, so it's easy to use getall then just ctrl+f for something.
  22. Well you said you only got 130 from the list as it appears in your game? Maybe the ones after Vietnam are just some of the ones they skipped for whatever reason. I took the list from Platinum (US version); I kinda doubt that any changes were made to it either before or after but someone would have to check it to be sure. The relevant files are at /msgdata/msg.narc for DP, /msgdata/pl_msg.narc for Pt, and /a/0/2/7 for HGSS. I recommend googling "thenewpoketext" if you aren't familiar with it. It can dump the NARC into a nice XML file in actual text.
  23. Here's the list. It seems to be correct in number and order; you did miss a handful of locations past Vietnam but no problem.
  24. Probably the no$gba emulator. iTena, just use the converter at shunyweb.info to covert it to "raw".
  25. @M@T I can rip them from the game's script file, they're probably in order there too. Don't know why you'd only come up with 130, but maybe I'll be able to get all of them. @Pup I don't think it's a bandwidth thing. I'm pretty sure certain conditions have to be met (a certain number of trades over GTS?) and once they are the game will give you more search results.
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