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Everything posted by Sabresite

  1. They are already on our github under unreleased.
  2. I would venture to guess Kaphotics is not going to take the time to investigate this. We will need to find someone else who knows enough reverse engineering to figure it out and also pray there is enough coded in the game to be able to enable it.
  3. @Purin, If the distribution carts were loaded in-house (literally at the office with a dev kit), then it would make sense to have multiple identifiers, but not all will be unique. That is because they would have compiled the ROM on each computer using the dev kit, which makes a specific build identifier, and used that to load the carts. With 3-5 PCs, you can load 500+ carts in a few hours and you would have 3-5 separate identifiers. Still not traceable though. Engineers are notoriously lazy too (personal experience here with myself too). They delete files they don't want anymore. They don't migrate files to new PCs cause they don't want to deal with legacy stuff. They throw projects onto tape drives and literally store them in a closet to rot. And they never keep track of their own code let alone project builds. And back in 2003 I doubt they used control systems for compiled ROMs. Code maybe (CVS), but not ROMs. There is LOTS of evidence (especially in the code) that the distribution carts were the worst hack job in the world. They didn't even test them thoroughly. Literally some junior copy/pasted some code they found. redeemed a single pokemon and declared victory. Even in 2005/2006, a late mew distribution used jirachi code and mew code together, despite having the aura mew code available. Probably because the guy making the standard library (gcea/misturin/10 aniv/etc) was not the same guy who was asked to make the other mew. So the guy used legacy code he found somewhere from 2003, most likely the ruby debug commands (as we know mystry mew also uses old as shit generation).
  4. I don't think the GB has to be reset to write to the cart. For all the GB figures, the cart was never removed! Or it's set up to soft reset each time and reinitialize the slave rom. Regarding randomization, that is not the issue. The question is about OTN and moves.
  5. 2 independent sources own 10 anniv / aurora ticket carts and dumped their roms. I compared them and they were the same to each other (respectively). While It is possible someone got a fake copy, this was at a time before it was public. Both source thought they were the only ones with the physical cart. I asked @Bond697 about those 12 bytes and he pointed me to a site outlying rom section formats for the GBA dev kit. And iirc that field was described as an identifier. I can see the confusion in thinking it could be a hardware or serial identifier, but that is not what that means. If I am remembering correctly it was a code section identifier or something like that. You have to also think about the manufacturing process. If only a few are made, you can't just swap the roms out mid-production. But if you make let's say 1500 for best buy, and 2000 for toys r us, then maybe you will tag it for each company. MAYBE. Usually it is too expensive to do even that.
  6. I wasn't aware of the need to trade back and forth. Can you give me a quick example?
  7. For legality, the only thing that matters is the limitation on female shiny 7:1. PKHex could mark it as "Fishy" I suppose?
  8. I have a Fire Red and Soul Silver US cart. The other languages will have to be flash cart. Let's start by prepping saves in both GBA and NDS format. We need them with nicknames of just "A" I feel like I am in 2009 again.
  9. I never mapped out proper soul silver/heart gold trash bytes. Since emulators don't work properly, we have to use flash carts and legit carts. Anyone up for the challenge?
  10. @ajxpk, as I mentioned to @theSLAYER, the trash bytes are different because stack handling is 'approximated' and most likely not reused in the same way.
  11. We still need donations! This cartridge cost us over 900 dollars after fees and we are currently nowhere close to paying the paypal loan shark back.
  12. Any other Korean gen 4 that you have that we are missing? Thanks!
  13. I don't see a link or upload. It would be great to get the PCD!
  14. @Team Fail, great job on this program and the research! I wonder if the source is available.
  15. We have a major issue with this NPower PIkachu. The one from the PokeSavDB/Emtu is a definite hack. 1) WCID 202 is outside of the known range, and considering its early date, it is doubtful they would have done that. 2) The decrypted PCD shows a pokemon template missing all of the hallmarks of a legit wondercard. The battle bytes are not filled out and the trash data is missing. There are videos here, here, here, and here where it was clear that nobody had their DS with them. There was also no sign indicating you can get a pokemon anywhere. Here is the article by @Poryhack about the NPower Pikachu: https://web.archive.org/web/20090130110629/http://db.pokesav.org/main/?q=01-23-09-NPower-Source-Confirms-Hack To address the question about distributing your own pokemon, yes it was definitely possible to do at that time. All you had to do was replace the template in the ROM and stick it on a flash cart. The first NDS ROM dump was in early or mid 2008, probably Alamo Darkrai. We knew by June or July 2008 how to make our own distribution ROMs. And in 2009 there was a program made to do it for you. It was so easy that if you knew the hex offset, you didn't even have to unpack/repack the ROM. You could just paste the PCD directly and rebuild the checksum.
  16. Ok good, I just couldn't find it. Was it not in the gen 3 section?
  17. Yeah, I took those, removed duplicates, and put them on the github.
  18. Yes they were a wondercard distributed to only Fr/Lg via wireless. No shiny check, and had a fateful encounter flag.
  19. You don't need to generate the shiny zigzagoons because all possible seeds (There are 145 or so) are on the event gallery. Speaking of which, @theSLAYER, do we have have an entry for it with a zip of all of them in it?
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