31 files
Movie 2011 Crown Raikou (Shinsegae)
By evandixon
Movie 2011 Crown Raikou (Shinsegae)
Prior to being distributed at screenings, Raikou was distributed at movie theaters and Shinsegae department stores as a promotion for the 13th Pokémon movie. When sent to a Black or White game via the Relocator, any of the three beasts can activate an event to meet, battle and catch Zoroark in Lostlorn Forest.
As far as it seems, there isn't a Shinsegae Suicune.
Species Raikou Nickname (default, in ) OT 크라운시티 TID 09180 Distribution Local Wireless Location Pokémon Event Dates Sep 11 to Oct 24, 2010 PID Shiny PID Games DPPt HGSS Lv. 30 Nature Rash Ability Pressure (1) Item Micle Berry Moves Zap Cannon Aura Sphere Extreme Speed Weather Ball
Classic Format Ver.1.0.7-0, Post Updated Date:20190416_1801
Movie 2011 Crown Entei (Shinsegae)
By evandixon
Movie 2011 Crown Entei (Shinsegae)
Prior to being distributed at the screenings, Entei was distributed at Shinsegae department stores and E-Mart stores as a promotion for the 13th Pokémon movie. When sent to a Black or White game via the Relocator, any of the three beasts can activate an event to meet, battle and catch Zoroark in Lostlorn Forest.
As far as it seems, there isn't a Shinsegae Suicune.
Species Entei Nickname (default, in ) OT 크라운시티 TID 10300 Distribution Local Wireless Location Pokémon Event Dates Oct 30 to Nov 28, 2010 PID Shiny PID Games DPPt HGSS Lv. 30 Nature Adamant Ability Pressure (1) Item Custap Berry Moves Flare Blitz Howl Extreme Speed Crush Claw
Classic Format Ver.1.0.7-0, Post Updated Date:20190416_1803
Movie 2011 Crown Entei (CGV)
Movie 2011 Crown Entei (CGV)
All three shiny Johto beasts were distributed at movie theaters during screenings of the 13th Pokémon Movie. When sent to a Black or White game via the Relocator, any of the three beasts can activate an event to meet, battle and catch Zoroark in Lostlorn Forest.
Species Entei Nickname (default, in ) OT 크라운시티 TID 12160 Distribution Local Wireless Location Pokémon Event Dates Dec 16, '10 to Jan 09, '11 PID Shiny PID Games DPPt HGSS Lv. 30 Nature Adamant Ability Pressure (1) Item None Moves Flare Blitz Howl Extreme Speed Crush Claw
Classic Format Ver.1.0.7-0, Post Updated Date:20190416_1812
Movie 2011 Crown Raikou (CGV)
Movie 2011 Crown Raikou (CGV)
All three shiny Johto beasts were distributed at movie theaters during screenings of the 13th Pokémon Movie. When sent to a Black or White game via the Relocator, any of the three beasts can activate an event to meet, battle and catch Zoroark in Lostlorn Forest.
Species Raikou Nickname (default, in ) OT 크라운시티 TID 12160 Distribution Local Wireless Location Pokémon Event Dates Dec 16, '10 to Jan 09, '11 PID Shiny PID Games DPPt HGSS Lv. 30 Nature Rash Ability Pressure (1) Item Micle Berry Moves Zap Cannon Aura Sphere Extreme Speed Weather Ball
Classic Format Ver.1.0.7-0, Post Updated Date:20190416_1808
Movie 2011 Crown Suicune (CGV)
By evandixon
Movie 2011 Crown Suicune (CGV)
All three shiny Johto beasts were distributed at movie theaters during screenings of the 13th Pokémon Movie. When sent to a Black or White game via the Relocator, any of the three beasts can activate an event to meet, battle and catch Zoroark in Lostlorn Forest.
Species Suicune Nickname (default, in ) OT 크라운시티 TID 12160 Distribution Local Wireless Location Pokémon Event Dates Dec 16, '10 to Jan 19, '11 PID Shiny PID Games DPPt HGSS Lv. 30 Nature Relaxed Ability Pressure (1) Item Rowap Berry Moves Sheer Cold Air Slash Extreme Speed Aqua Ring
Classic Format Ver.1.0.7-0, Post Updated Date:20190416_1758
Amity Meadow PokéWalker Course
By evandixon
Amity Meadow PokéWalker Course
This Course Map unlocks the Amity Meadow PokéWalker Course for HeartGold and SoulSilver games.
Wondercard ID ??? Games HGSS Type Local Wireless Dates 03.12.2011-04.17.2011762 downloads
Ash's Pikachu
By evandixon
Ash's Pikachu
This Pikachu was distributed via Wi-Fi and through DS Download Stations in retail stores. It is based on Ash's Pikachu from the anime.
Wondercard ID 065 PID 1628206254 Games DPP HGSS Type Local / Wi-Fi Dates 02.01.2011-02.28.2011 Nickname 피카츄 Gender Male Level 50 Nature Naughty Ability Static OT 지우 SID 65100 Location Pokémon Event Ribbon Classic Ribbon Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Light Ball Moves Volt Tackle Iron Tail Quick Attack Thunderbolt1102 downloads
Character Fair Pikachu
By evandixon
Character Fair Pikachu This Pikachu was distributed at the Pokémon Exciting Adventure festival during the 2009 Character Fair in Seoul.
Wondercard ID 016 PID 771667902 Games DPP Type Local Wireless Dates 07.24.2009-07.26.2009 Nickname 피카츄 Gender Male Level 30 Nature Brave Ability Static OT 캐릭터페어 SID 36178 Location Pokémon Event Ribbon Classic Ribbon Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Light Ball Moves Volt Tackle Quick Attack Thunderbolt Iron Tail881 downloads
Battle Series Arcanine
By evandixon
Battle Series Arcanine This Arcanine was distributed at the 2009 Battle Series event.
Wondercard ID ??? PID Random Games DP Type Local Wireless Dates 06.06.2009-06.07.2009 Nickname 윈디 Gender Random Level 50 Nature Random Ability Intimidate OT 배틀시리즈 SID 55303 Location Pokémon Event Ribbon Classic Ribbon Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Moves Flare Blitz Thunder Fang Crunch ExtremeSpeed1242 downloads
Character Fair Shaymin
By evandixon
Character Fair Shaymin This Shaymin was distributed at the Pokémon Exciting Adventure festival during the 2009 Character Fair 2009 in Seoul. It can be used to get the Gracidea flower in Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver, Black, or White versions.
Wondercard ID 015 PID Random Games DPP Type Local Wireless Dates 07.24.2009-07.26.2009 Nickname 쉐이미 Gender Genderless Level 50 Nature Random Ability Natural Cure OT 캐릭터페어 SID 58953 Location Pokémon Event Ribbon Classic Ribbon Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Moves Seed Flare Aromatherapy Substitute Energy Ball1247 downloads
Character Fair Shiny Milotic
By evandixon
Character Fair Shiny Milotic This shiny Milotic was distributed at the 2010 Character Fair in Seoul.
Wondercard ID 027 PID 878785960 Games HGSS Type Local Wireless Dates 07.21.2010-07.25.2010 Nickname 밀로틱 Gender Male Level 50 Nature Timid Ability Marvel Scale OT 캐릭터페어 SID 07655 Location Pokémon Event Ribbon Classic Ribbon Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Flame Orb Moves Rain Dance Recover Hydro Pump Icy Wind1214 downloads
Enigma Stone
By evandixon
Enigma Stone
The Enigma Stone allows the player to encounter and catch Latios (HeartGold) or Latias (SoulSilver) in Pewter City. It was first distributed locally, then over Nitnendo Wi-Fi Connection through July and August.
Wondercard ID 026 Games HGSS Type Local / Wi-Fi Dates 06.12.2010-06.13.20101165 downloads
Goon's Scizor
By evandixon
Goon's Scizor This Scizor was distributed by Wi-Fi and DS Download Station in retail stores. It is based on a Scizor belonging to a character from the 13th Pokémon Movie.
Wondercard ID 063 PID 94100378 Games DPP HGSS Type Local / Wi-Fi Dates 01.07.2011-01.31.2011 Nickname 핫삼 Gender Male Level 50 Nature Adamant Ability Swarm OT 달건 SID 64904 Location Pokémon Event Ribbon Classic Ribbon Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Starf Berry Moves X-Scissor Swords Dance Iron Defense Agility1069 downloads
Hanguk Darkrai
By evandixon
Hanguk Darkrai This Darkrai was distributed at Sindorim TechnoMart in Seoul.
Wondercard ID ??? PID Random Games DP Type Local Wireless Dates 11.08.2008-11.09.2008 Nickname 다크라이 Gender Genderless Level 50 Nature Random Ability Bad Dreams OT 한국닌텐도 SID 59899 Location Pokémon Movie Ribbon Classic Ribbon Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Moves Roar of Time Spacial Rend Nightmare Hypnosis1408 downloads
Hanguk Deoxys
By evandixon
Hanguk Deoxys This Deoxys was distributed at Sindorim TechnoMart in Seoul.
Wondercard ID ??? PID Random Games DP Type Local Wireless Dates 08.30.2008-08.31.2008 Nickname 테오키스 Gender Genderless Level 50 Nature Random Ability Pressure OT 한국닌텐도 SID 13183 Location Pokémon Event Ribbon Classic Ribbon Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Ganlon Berry Moves Psycho Boost Zap Cannon Iron Defense ExtremeSpeed1313 downloads
Hanguk Jirachi
By evandixon
Hanguk Jirachi This Jirachi was distrbuted at Sindorim TechnoMart in Seoul. It will unlock the Night Sky's Edge PokéWalker course when traded to a HeartGold or SoulSilver game.
Wondercard ID 021 PID Random Games DPP Type Local Wireless Dates 01.30.2010-01.31.2010 Nickname 지라치 Gender Genderless Level 5 Nature Random Ability Serene Grace OT 한국닌텐도 SID 44886 Location Pokémon Event Ribbon Classic Ribbon Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Liechi Berry Moves Wish Confusion Rest ---1295 downloads
Hanguk Manaphy
By evandixon
Hanguk Manaphy This Manaphy was distributed at Sindorim TechnoMart in Seoul.
Wondercard ID ??? PID Random Games DP Type Local Wireless Dates 03.29.2008-03.30.2008 Nickname 마나피 Gender Genderless Level 1 Nature Random Ability Hydration OT 한국닌텐도 SID 52652 Location Pokémon Event Ribbon Classic Ribbon Ball Cherish Ball Held Item King's Rock Moves Tail Glow Bubble Water Sport ---1377 downloads
Hanguk Mew
By evandixon
Hanguk Mew This Mew was distributed at the Sindorim TechnoMart in Seoul.
Wondercard ID ??? PID Random Games DP Type Local Wireless Dates 03.21.2009-03.22.2009 Nickname 뮤 Gender Genderless Level 50 Nature Random Ability Synchronize OT 한국닌텐도 SID 36366 Location Pokémon Event Ribbon Classic Ribbon Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Salac Berry Moves Metronome Psychic Teleport Aura Sphere1489 downloads
Hanguk Rayquaza
By evandixon
Hanguk Rayquaza This Rayquaza was distributed at Sindorim TechnoMart in Seoul.
Wondercard ID ??? PID Random Games DP Type Local Wireless Dates 05.31.2008-06.01.2008 Nickname 레쿠쟈 Gender Genderless Level 70 Nature Random Ability Air Lock OT 한국닌텐도 SID 02526 Location Pokémon Event Ribbon Classic Ribbon Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Dragon Scale Moves Fly ExtremeSpeed Outrage Draco Meteor1494 downloads
Hanguk Regigigas
By evandixon
Hanguk Regigigas This Regigigas was distributed at Sindorim TechnoMart in Seoul. In Platinum version, it unlocks the Rock Peak, Iron, and Iceberg Ruins locations where the player can encounter and catch Regirock, Registeel, and Regice.
Wondercard ID 012 PID Random Games DP Type Local Wireless Dates 06.20.2009-06.21.2009 Nickname 레지기가스 Gender Genderless Level 100 Nature Random Ability Slow Start OT 한국닌텐도 SID 15181 Location Pokémon Event Ribbon Classic Ribbon Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Moves Iron Head Rock Slide Icy Wind Crush Grip1345 downloads
Member Card
By evandixon
Member Card The Member Card allows the player to enter the locked Inn in Canalave City which provides a link to New Moon Island where Darkrai can be encountered and caught.
Wondercard ID ??? Games Platinum Type Local Wireless Dates 11.29.2009-12.27.20091194 downloads
Movie 2011 Celebi
By evandixon
Movie 2011 Celebi This Celebi was distributed at movie theaters during showings of the 13th Pokémon movie. In HeartGold and SoulSilver, it can activate an event at Ilex Shrine involving time travel and a battle with the Team Rocket Boss, Giovanni. When this Celebi is sent to Black or White versions via the Relocator, it can be used to meet a Zorua in Castelia City.
Wondercard ID 031 PID Random Games DPP HGSS Type Local Wireless Dates 12.23.2010-02.28.2011 Nickname 세레비 Gender Genderless Level 50 Nature Random Ability Natural Cure OT 영화관 SID 60432 Location Pokémon Event Ribbon Classic Ribbon Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Moves Leaf Storm Recover Nasty Plot Healing Wish1859 downloads
Movie Arceus
By evandixon
Movie Arceus This Arceus was distributed at movie theaters during showings of the 12th Pokémon movie. A special preview screening of the movie was held on December 17. In Platinum version, it can activate a series of events starting in Oreburgh Mine where the player can learn more about Arceus and the Creation of Sinnoh as well as obtain a Flame Plate. If traded to HeartGold or SoulSilver versions, it activates an event in the Ruins of Alph which leads to Sinjoh Ruins where the player can obtain a Level 1 Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina, holding their respective orb.
Wondercard ID ??? PID Random Games DPP Type Local Wireless Dates 12.24.2009-01.31.2010 Nickname 아르세우스 Gender Genderless Level 100 Nature Random Ability Multitype OT 영화관 SID 28562 Location Pokémon Movie Ribbon Classic Ribbon Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Moves Judgement Roar of Time Spacial Rend Shadow Force2099 downloads
Pikachu-Colored Pichu (Mikena)
By evandixon
Pikachu-Colored Pichu (Mikena) This shiny, Pikachu-Colored Pichu was distributed to players who had purchased advance tickets to the 12th Pokémon Movie. If traded to HeartGold or SoulSilver, it can activate an event at the Ilex Shrine where the player can meet and befriend a Spiky-Ear Pichu.
Wondercard ID ??? PID 1611137238 Games DPP Type Slot 2 Dates 12.17.2009-01.06.2010 Nickname 피츄 Gender Male Level 30 Nature Jolly Ability Static OT 미케나 SID 20300 Location Pokémon Movie Ribbon Classic Ribbon Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Everstone Moves Charge Endure Volt Tackle Endeavor1416 downloads
Secret Key
By evandixon
Secret Key The Secret Key allows access to a special room in the Eterna City Galactic Headquarters building where you can find appliances to change Rotom into its new Formes. It was distributed over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, as well as a few local distributions, such as Character Fair.
Wondercard ID 017 Games Platinum Type Local / Wi-Fi Dates 07.06.2009-08.31.20091021 downloads