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Everything posted by Okami

  1. *laughs* SESAME STREEETTTT!!!! 3!
  2. *laughs* It has no structured order yet, Lini. I'm workin' on it, trust me I am. I'd like to get everything else out of the way first. Metagross was one of my next-in-line. I've never personally used one, but I've always wanted to... Ninjask? *goes to research* I don't even remember what it looks like <.< >.> Dang it, with almost 500 pokemon, I can't keep up in my old age I remember back in that day, when I knew every pokemon by name, number, type, etc. I knew everything about the original 150. As for Machamp...he's my strongest pokemon on my Platinum team. I guess that's why I place the amount of trust in him as I do.
  3. Giving my own advice, since I'm working on a team as well. Look for pokemon you'd prefer to play with, ones that can have a wide range of moves, inside and outside of their element...check with other members for their opinions on what is good for a team. I've been directed to Smogon by just about anyone who has replied to my thread. I'm weaving my way through the OUs right now, trying to choose a nice team. Hope I helped even a little
  4. I honestly hadn't heard anything about the Garchomp ban before this. That's for the background information. It's not that I'm new to competative battle, as my inexperience may seem to imply, it's just that I want to know what qualities make up the best pokemon. What natures (Obviously adamant is a big one, I've learned) what movesets, etc, that make a pokemon well usable in battle. I've hardly experimented with EV training, and it makes me wish I would have started looking into this kind of thing sooner. All I ever really wanted, remember, was this Let's just say this has nothing to do with out-of-local-area battling. These pokemon I wish to create are for in-game purposes (Beating the Elite Four? Yes. My game-trained team sucks.) And for against friends and such, more for recreation than for competition. I'm not looking to be some kind of internet champion, I guess is what I want to say. All I want is to make a high-quality team that can help me out. As of right now, I have found out natures to use, items, movesets, and EV levels upon my own accord, with everyone's help of urging me to use Smogon (Even though I feel so LOST on that site, I at least try to find my way!) I just feel like I'm getting run-around here. Not that I want people to do extensive research for me, I'm doing a lot of that already. I've done more research in the past week on pokemon than I have in the past five years. I don't expect myself to be an expert any time soon here. Now, in regards to that; how would I calculate proper IV levels for the Dragonite and the Vaporeon? I would like to begin mapping out these pokemon for PokeSav, so I can start to transfer them to my game. Thanks!
  5. *nods* I see. And I have been using Smogon, slightly, because I'm not used to its layout yet. That's where I got the information I have from. If you say so. I'm just trying to get an opinion outside of my own....I don't trust myself very much.
  6. Yes, I am very grateful for this list. As I've begged and begged people to explain to me what a Sweeper is...now I feel kind of dumb. Good stuff to know, though. Thanks Greencat!
  7. So it's so-so, then? Vaporeon and Dragonite are definate keepers. Destati, if not the other four, what might you personally recommend? I seriously wish I would have known Garchomp is banned...this bites, no pun intended. I enjoyed my Garchomp that I used to train with on Diamond.
  8. Don't we already have a thread for favorite pokemon types? Ah yes, here it is: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=538
  9. Oh, he is? Shoot, I tried so hard too D: Any suggestions on how to patch that sixth slot, then?
  10. These are what I'm looking into right now for a team. The pokemon found here are all pokemon I am familiar with, ones that I would enjoy using. Bolded moves are the moves I would prefer over the others to choose from. How does this list look to you guys? Also, I'm not very good at making legit IV levels...so if I could get some help with that, please :] Along with that, how do I create the Hidden Power move to be a specific type (electric, grass, etc.)? I read up on how to do that, but it confused me.
  11. I just noticed that we don't have our genders shown here. Is there a reason for this?
  12. Greg Aires and Vic Mignogna are amazing though...since we're on the topic of voiceacting, might as well put two of my fave guy VAs out there <3~
  13. Sorry? *laughs* Whenever someone else posts a number and it's been doubled, I skip right to the actual number we'd be on. So it's correct without having to do any corrections (probably confused people though)
  14. I agree. I loved his old voice...and now...it's just like ick, isn't he supposed to be 20 or so now? Yes, I had strange fantasies in the years before I hit puberty. Ash was huge for me. :eek:
  15. How Great Thou Art - Becoming the Archetype Classic hymns turned metal FTW!
  16. Ooh geez. Hope you've got a speedy recovery. :] I know breakin' things isn't fun at all.
  17. First one was as well? That I didn't know. Darn, that now leaves a sour taste in my mouth for my once-crush of Ash. It'll never be the same, now that he's no longer fully man to me I never said it was uncommon. I know Kite from .hack was voiced by a woman as well. :]
  18. Sixteen...hm, methinks I'm off for the night.
  19. 14. That's no fun, why didn't you mention that to me GC? <.< no wait, don't answer that.
  20. No wonder I haven't gotten it yet, then....stupid E4.... *sighs* Does this make 12?
  21. 10 I must agree to that as well... Oh, and how do you keep the origin forme?
  22. 8 Hm, that's a toughie. I personally like Palkia the best...simply because my first Palkia ever was through the GTS, shiny <3
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