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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. This isn't really a trade forum. If you want to do trades, you should probably try a real-time chat wiith a whole lot of people in it like #Spp.
  2. Use the latest version either upped on the forums or at the link. Both links are in the first post. There is a bug that it does crash when it counters a handful (I think 3) Pokemon in Sparkling Sea. Otherwise the app works fine.
  3. I would imagine the same rules for a purchase (for the European TRU B2W2 promotion) apply. There's still several wondercars out with Lightningrod Pikachu though.
  4. University connections are usually really fast. But most of them put measures in place so they can't be used for illegal purposes/purposes that could get the university sued.
  5. It seems that Codr has said his piece, and this thread is really only attracting flies/idiots. So I'm going to go ahead and close it for now. Any legitimate, thoughtful comments on the future of PokeGen can be directed to Codr via PM.
  6. Stop using shitty antivirus software. Problem solved. Most antivirus software allows you to make an exception.
  7. No one is going to PM you anything. That's what the thread is for. DW.exe just runs through the Island of Dreams for you, automatically, and plays the games/finds the items. That is all it does.
  8. This is to inform you that, after discussion with among the various staff of PP, there are some concerns with your program. There are some allegations backed with evidence of whole lifting of code, and using other people's research and passing it off as your own without attribution. This is not a trial and this isn't up for debate. Your account at PP is fine and you are welcome to contribute to any type of research projects or rom editing or what-have-you. But I will be closing this thread and ask that the Data Checker not be researched or developed here any further. If you choose to proceed with it, please do it on your own site or another appropriate site/forum. I will be leaving this thread closed but still readable for the next 24-48 hours or so, so anything you want from the thread, you better save it soon. After that, I'll delete that as well. Regards.
  9. Nobody really cares because no one here is associated with Pokesav.
  10. Yeah. You didn't do it right. If you made your Pokemon and followed the instruction exactly, you would've received it upon connecting to the GTS. Somewhere along the way, you didn't follow the instructions. Make sure you click SAVE SETTINGS when you're setting up in your game cart. If you don't do that (which you probably didn't), it won't work.
  11. Azure Flute was never legally released. Therefore anything that has "Hall of Origin" as its meeting place is illegal. Any continued questions from anyone posting their hacks in this thread and asking "Why is my Pokemon hacked?" will receive an infraction.
  12. Go to PokeGTS and just make what you want, or go to PokeCheck and download what you want. Alternatively, you can download PokeGen and use either of the two aforementioned sites to "send" the Pokemon to your game via fake GTS stuff. Both sites have very clear, step-by-step instructions on how to do that. There are already several tutorials on how to hack Pokemon, including some on this very forum. There is no need for anyone to re-type them. I'd suggest you take the steps I outlined and then, after checking out the sites and downloading PokeGen, ask specific questions on what you need help with rather than a generic "uh how do i hack???" Regards.
  13. You can't make a legit Pokemon with a computer program. If you don't show the legality analyses, there's nothing anyone can do to help.
  14. The current version that is available for download right now is free.
  15. There is no mass conspiracy to keep information on official release dates from you.
  16. I had no problem running mine about an hour ago. Are you sure you're using v0.20.002?
  17. If you want a legit Pokemon, catch it/hatch it/attend the event yourself. There is no way to verify "legitness", only the legality.
  18. It says its legal. What else do you want it to tell you?
  19. 1. Don't make shitty hacks, then they'll pass legality tests. 2. Don't lie in your posts when your thread title directly contradicts it. 3. If you can't make good hacks, don't ask us how to cheat for you.
  20. You said you know this from "personal experience". So not only did you lie, but you have no actual knowledge of what actually constitutes a "stupid lawsuit." The McDonald's hot coffee case had McDonalds serving coffee that caused third degree burns when spilled. Yes, the lady was stupid and partially negligent in spilling her coffee while in her vehicle, but coffee, even hot coffee, shouldn't be hot enough to cause third degree burns...anywhere. In no way, shape or form is Codr giving bonus features to people who voluntarily donate similar to Liebeck v McDonald's Restaurants. Again, you have no knowledge of how the law works. What was your point of even bringing it up? People complain, news at 11. If people are complaining, they can use the free PokeGen, or they can go to any of the other numerous other methods of obtaining Pokemon.
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