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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. No one can fix virus on your computer magically over the Interwebz. Run a virus scan. Here is a good free virus scanner and here is a good malware scanner. Do not use the former if you already have anti-virus software on your computer. EDIT: I just downloaded Pokesav Plat and unzipped with no errors. The problem is on your end, and likely has nothing to do with downloading Pokesav.
  2. This is not new, and has nothing to do with game discussion.
  3. I don't see how a reputation system encourages that. Any Internet forum isn't going to have 100% intelligent discussion all the time. And we, as staff, don't feel like it's our place to enforce an IQ level for our forums. The best way to encourage intelligent discussion, in my view, is to make intelligent posts and start threads with intelligent first posts.
  4. I'm personally against it. From what I've seen, people basically use it to suck up to staff and give points to their BFFs. And if they have an Internet Grudge against someone, might also use some points to basically troll and trash their reputation, regardless of if it's deserved or not. A lot of forums have "pointless" posts , at least to some people. You are free to not respond/read them. And if they break the rules, there's always the Report button.
  5. We don't develop Pokesav,though we do translate it when new versions are released.
  6. If you saved while doing this stupid stuff, you're probably screwed. Start a new game. And keep a cool head and think before you enter AR cheats/enter 1000 at one time/etc... and save before activating them.
  7. You download the pkm file, modify it in Pokesav or PPRS or whatever you kids use nowadays, and then make it into an AR code.
  8. You'll need a flash card or an Action Replay DSi (and a DSi console). Also, a personal computer. There are specific steps on how to use flash cards and makin save files somewhere in the Game Mechanics and Research forum.
  9. Anything can beat the in-game NPCs (besides Battle Frontier).
  10. Your team is randomly thrown together with little to no thought put into EV distribution, move set, species selection, etc... It would perform poorly in the uber tier. Please make a new thread that follows the rules of the forum.
  11. There is a sticky thread in D/P/Plat games. We used to have a Wi-Fi forum but no one ever used it.
  12. Character bashing makes for good discussion!
  13. What the hell are you talking about? This is a confirmed feature in a future Pokemon game.
  14. Prior to Gen 4, carts did not have foreign languages programmed into them. So no, you couldn't receive a Japanese event on a foreign game cart. The Old Sea Map was never distributed outside of Japan. Emerald never got the ticketed events in most of the world, but in Europe, you could sent your cart (including Emerald) to Nintendo of Europe or whatever and they'd put the key items on it and send it back.
  15. At the very least, try those out. Mamoswine has decent speed, and Avalance has that negative priority. This also leaves you a bit weak to the rare lead Gyarados. Endeavor, Protect, or Stone Edge help out with that. Wish is excellent especially since you don't have a Rapid Spinner. Heal Bell/Aroma Therapy might not be as nearly useful as you might think, so you might want to test out an elemental attack of your choice. Thunder Wave, as long as you can avoid hitting Electivire, is I think much more useful than Toxic, and has better accuracy. Scizor and Dragonite are fine. HP Dark is a horrible Hidden Power because nothing takes x4 damage from it. Think of Hidden Power like this: Hidden Power has the max base power of 70. For super effective damage (x2), it hits for 140 damage. For quad damage, it hits for 280. Compare that to STAB Surf, which hits 120 for neutral damage. This means you only want to use Hidden Power for x4 damage. That is HP Ice, HP Fire, HP Fighting, HP Electric, HP Ground, and HP Grass. HP Ice is by far the most common, the others less so. Starmie doesn't need HP Ice, Grass, or Electric due to Ice Beam, Grass Knot, and Thunderbolt. The major baddie who takes x4 from Fighting also take x2 damage from STAB Surf. That leaves HP Fire, which'll hit Scizor. You can put HP Fire on Choiced Starmie or Grass Knot, depending on if you want to hit Scizor or Swampert. Trick is also an option and will cripple special walls such as Blissey and Snorlax.
  16. That's fine and dandy. The only way to really tell is battling, and battling a lot. I'm usually hanging around PP Shoddy, as is Tbird.
  17. Mamoswine just has too many weaknesses to effectively wall. It is basically a suicide lead that has access to a few nifty tricks, mainly Superpower and Endeavor. You can also Choice Band/Scarf (sweeper or Revenge Killer) and allow it to act appropriately, but it cannot take too many hits. Weak to water, fighting, grass, steel, fire, neutral to ground and everything else except Poison. It can take some hits, but damage from SR (neutral) will rack up eventually, though it is immune to both damaging weather effects, which is nice. Basically, you can use it as a somewhat bulky glass cannon, or you can use it as a suicide lead.
  18. Mamoswine just has too many weaknesses to effectively wall. It is basically a suicide lead that has access to a few nifty tricks, mainly Superpower and Endeavor. You can also Choice Band/Scarf (sweeper or Revenge Killer) and allow it to act appropriately, but it cannot take too many hits. Weak to water, fighting, grass, steel, fire, neutral to ground and everything else except Poison. It can take some hits, but damage from SR (neutral) will rack up eventually, though it is immune to both damaging weather effects, which is nice. Basically, you can use it as a somewhat bulky glass cannon, or you can use it as a suicide lead.
  19. Superpower's drop won't matter on a lead Pokemon like Mamoswine, which doesn't have the stats or typing to live too long after coming out.
  20. Cresselia isn't a common threat. Snorlax and Vaporeon won't be taken out without a SD or two up at the very least. You might see it that way, but SD Scizor is very weak to status. Sub helps with that. Otherwise you're looking at switching out often, which is something Scizor doesn't like to do. And the reason to use Endeavor is exactly because Mamo gets hit heavily often. Otherwise, don't run Focus Sash. Run Leftovers.
  21. My suggestions in bold. There's really no point in slapping Focus Sash onto a lead AND investing heavily in both defenses. Mamoswine as a lead is much better off investing in Attack and Speed than defensive stats. And since Focus Sash guarantees it'll survive, utilize Endeavor.Avalanche is better suited on slower Pokemon who won't mind the -4 priority. Even though Mamoswine has some decent defensive stats, it's typing doesn't do it any favors. However, unlike Aerodactyl, it can score a big hit with Endeavor after it lays down SR. That should be most lead's primary goal, getting down Stealth Rock nice and early. If you want a lead who can lay down SR and live throughout the game, Swampert, Metagross, and Bronzong are all excellent choices. Heatran's set isn't doing anything that Starmie isn't already doing. Relatively pointless unless given some more thought, Scizor is going to hate status, so get behind a Substitute and let Leftovers take care of the healing. Brick Break and Nightslash are alternatives to STAB Bug, since Bug doesn't have the greatest type coverage. Brick Break has the added benefit of hitting common switch ins like Magnezone and Heatran for super effective damage. won't be a OHKO with any of them (unless a SD or two is used first), but it's better than what happens on the current set. A good Rapid Spinner is useful to have to avoid unnecessary SR damage. Which walls can your SD-Roost Scizor take care of? Dragonite doesn't really seem to have much of a plan, and his set up will go to waste if Skarmory comes in. I've run a Choice-RS Starmie before. It doesn't work. Starmie doesn't have the luxury of multi-tasking. Either use it as a sweeper, or add some bulk and use it as a status absorber and Rapid Spinner. It can't do both.
  22. So...basically, you're thinking of using the standard Choice Scarf set over the standard Magnet Rise set?
  23. This is a discussion forum. If you can't tolerate dissenting views, keep it to yourself.
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