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About popol7ik

  • Birthday 01/16/1996
  1. first off, sorry if this is in the wrong topic. I just finished making a team on Pokegen (all legal and fair, btw) and i generated the code and stuff and put it on my AR dsi. when i go to activate the code with select, i go to check my team to see if it worked, the top screen gets all blue, and the bottom says something like Error, please restart ds. can anyone help me with this problem? i think the problem is that when i am finished making my pokemon and go to tools and code generator,the tab on the right of the tab where you choose black or white says japanese. is that the problem? is it suppose to say English/US? and if that is the problem how do i fix it? because on mine it won't let me change it. do i need a newer pokegen? i am currently using 3.0b16
  2. so theres no way around it then? and another thing, i seem to have luck with writing the OT in the compact version. with the normal pokesav, i just open the file with notepad and its already in its columns, but when saved with compact version, its in a paragraph form. any way to fix that?
  3. when i am trying to pokesav a pokemon (fully legal, btw) it sometimes wont let me fill in the OT boxes. when i press put your OT it doesnt do anything, and when i click the write your own box and press ok it doesnt stay there. does any1 know why?:frown:
  4. before i start this, i just want to say that im making fully legal pokemon. im just using pokesav for shiny reasons and pokerus and happiness and what not. now, the problem is... When i am editing the pokemon i want, to make it look official you of course have to put the original trainer. But thats just it, when i click the write OT box and type the original trainer down, after i press ok the name doesnt get saved, or just the first letter stays there..wth can any1 tell me whats goin on. ive only been using pokesav for like 3 days and feel so confused:bidoof:
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