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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Post the save file. You likely did not export it correctly.
  2. pkmdb stores pkm files for the PKM Database. Not too useful, as the pkm database scans backup save files, so no need to dump them from your saves. mgdb stores mystery gift encounter data for the Mystery Gift database / encounter database / legality checking. If new events happen and PKHeX is not yet updated, adding files in can enable recognition until the next update. Templates are default pkm files the program will auto-load whenever you load a save file, instead of creating an illegal fake legendary.
  3. I was the one who developed it. You can download the APK the same way you can download via Azure Pipelines. Note that it is a "proof of concept" app; since nobody else has contributed to developing the app, I do not have the time to develop it much further than the features it already has. It actually supports iPhones too, but requires a separate build environment (run from a Mac) that is not automatically posted online. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX.Mobile The youtuber that reuploaded it with their branding is misattributing it and is not contributing to the application's development. <-- not me. The YouTube'r can't tell the difference between a user who "compiled the app" (aka downloading it from Azure Pipelines and sharing it with their friends) and actual programming/development.
  4. Is it a valid save file? (no) Double check that you've saved in game and exported your save file correctly from the cartridge.
  5. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/blob/45af203a26874d9a715a337567c600a05a99eb10/PKHeX.WinForms/MainWindow/Main.cs#L99-107 Plugins, mgdb, trainers, templates, sounds.
  6. A tile is an 8x8 pixel square. If you have too many tiles, it implies the image is too complicated to be stored; duplicate tiles line a black square can be reused in multiple spots. Your image has tons of speckling and shading, thus not having any duplicate tiles besides the black areas. Too many.
  7. PKHeX is a save file editor; HOME stores its data server side. I'm not going to implement customizable save data formats to fake an experience, as everyone would have preferences (longer box names, more slots per box, moving groups of boxes, viewing in original format, storing as multiple formats). Sure it may seem nice for collections that are not small, but it's not really useful when your collection is large and spanning all games. When you need to grab something, opening up the pkmdb and searching (including the advanced filters) will quickly give you what you need. PKHeX even reads the backup save file data into the pkmdb, no need to dump files.
  8. Kaphotics

    About PKHaX

    PKHaX just hides the legality check indication, shows all abilities (instead of filtering and updating the bits), and allows manual stat entry instead of automatic stat calculation. It's only really useful when trying to edit ROM hack save files (unsupported) or making dumb hacks like Wonder Guard stuff.
  9. The Encounter Database can use a "trainers" folder, which contains pk files from various trainers. Create that folder, dump some pkm from various trainers, then reboot the program. Creating new pkm from encounter templates will then fetch appropriate trainer details (if available in the trdb). (the trainer database approach is the best compromise, as it allows the user to whitelist certain trainer data instead of hungrily searching backups/data in the current save file).
  10. Go bug the author; nobody here is responsible for that plugin. I've already submitted a fix to the author, but the plugin appears abandoned.
  11. Not an issue with PKHeX; this is how HOME behaves when you skip the legitimate means of transfer (Gen7->Gen8 via HOME). HOME does not have the initial data to compare to, so it leaves it in a default ball when transferring.
  12. Already been reported and fixed, redownload the hot fixed exe.
  13. 1. Set a value for the HT Language on the Trainer tab. 2. Don't set stupid memories.
  14. Kaphotics

    Xd/ colosseum

    Shadow ID is not happiness.
  15. New programs that are not digitally signed (like PKHeX) take time to be recognized by antivirus scanners as OK. That's just how it is.
  16. Fixed, footers now save correctly in the hotfix b) I just uploaded (redownload if your zip was downloaded prior to this message being posted)
  17. Emulator bug, not emulating the vblank occurrence correctly. Working as intended, doesn't happen on hardware.
  18. You can change the RTC value with PKHeX. Resetting to a low value should enable the berry fix to be reapplied, unless there's also an event flag you need to toggle. Might also be an event value too, so check the disassembly and study whatever you're trying to revert.
  19. Kaphotics

    Xd/ colosseum

    Uploaded a fixed executable, redownload the 'a' hotfix. Thanks for reporting
  20. Read the pinned threads. You need to install the .NET Framework per the FAQ.
  21. PKHeX supports raw save data dumps. If bizhawk has its own saved data format with appended information (similar to desmume), then the save file size is different. Can't be recognized unless the format is documented and the program updated to read it. Double check that your save files are actually valid, and not empty save data (save in game).
  22. What would a froakie look like if it were obtained with a hidden ability? Where can you get a hidden ability froakie? How do you use PKHeX correctly to create new Pokémon from specific types of encounters? Is there some sort of database hidden in the program? Have I explored the program to find if there's a feature for this?
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