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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. No it shouldn't.... if you don't mind, could you post those pkms so whatever was wrong can be figured out? It's probably got to deal with the HGSS Pokeball hex, which wasn't documented well enough at the time. It's just detecting an overflow on the 83h, going above 19 still registers it as a Dream Ball. If you change it in a hex editor you can fix em. HGSS balls I gather are not preserved and any value 20+ @ 0x83 -> 04 (Pokeball) (with no other hex change??? really have no pkms to look at)
  2. Suicune triggers the event as well, after it is shifted, so you don't really need a Raikou
  3. Therein lies your problem. Using Black pokesav with a new version causes them to have messed up names due to Pokesav not having a character shift (pokeshifting). Check out this program to shift the PKMs first and then try them online (Not on Random WiFi battle). http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?11474-Hex-Values-and-Trashbytes-in-B-W&p=97287&viewfull=1#post97287
  4. For gen 3 pokemon transferred to gen 4, you use Trashbytes.exe or set them manually according to the algorithms. Pokesav/pokegen do not set the trash bytes. There is no algorithm for gen 3/4 pkms shifted to gen 5.
  5. It takes care of it. For gen 5 (B/W), all of what we know so far has been implemented. The unused hex is located in the OT/Misc. The "Hidden Hex" is a name for the unused hexes, which are different from generation to generation. Since Pt/HGSS/BW have used the hidden hex from DP, it is no longer considered "Hidden" as their values are visible traits in game. Since it is now used, it corresponds to a specific trait that is settable in PokeGen.
  6. I'd be willing to contriboot some PKMs if need be. They be RNG'd flawless [shinies] (few eggs, many roamers+legends). I've got over 100 pkms that are top tier smogon trade worthy, if you are interested bond I'll gief --- also there's 3 others I've gotten over the net: Shiny Jirachi (WISHMKR) Shiny Celebi (AGETO [Colosseum]) Shiny Modest Flawless Japanese Ditto get em here.
  7. Don't see any problems with legal, depends what pokemon and the pkms are.
  8. it can pass the ingame/PBR check, but it's not legal. If it's hatched, it shows up as Unknown GBA Type If it's caught, it has to be one of the method 2/3. Thus it has to be one of these:
  9. we still aren't completely sure on how PokeShifted pkms look like. This thread has a basic beta converter. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?11474-Hex-Values-and-Trashbytes-in-B-W
  10. yes problem with sendpkm, gotta make sure you are doing it right with everything.
  11. [corrected] kazo: program looks fine, compared it to 1 of the 3 I shifted and the only differences was met date, happiness, and checksum [duh]
  12. Options -> Target Game -> Not black and white. Currently the new character set is unsupported. When a pokemon is shifted it's new 41h(nature) gets set. 5th gen pkms=/=4th gen pkms Certain characters in the Pokemon's name have trouble loading ^ Highlight the PID (click it) before pressing OK. When you do that, the correct ability is selected). see above meh, IVs get set when you choose the PID from PID finder. nonrelated IVPIDs are manual as always Don't always have a save loaded, currently the new character set is unsupported (you have to directly copy the OT/nick hex of another pokemon for the time being translation takes time, and usually things don't have official english names (translate/change again when real one is known)
  13. Looks like a Method 1 PID with different IVs. 23/20/19/19/22/20 Adamant, but it's an egg PID (pretty safe) Filewise: Level 50 no exp/EVs 255 happiness Blatantly obvious ID/SID hack combo. I don't even think that's a possible combo [not attainable with normal ID/SID generation]
  14. in before how can I save unless that was recently fixed (99.999% doubt it), you shouldn't be using that Emu if you want to play through. It's the emu's problem not the patch. It appears the same way with the unpatched. desmume desmume desmume
  15. yep Building more or less -> cityscape
  16. I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to create, but a 0 PID is baaad. If it's from Platinum, a Sync should show up. I edited one of my RNGs from Plat with the Flawless Timid PID (2034429810), and sync popped up as valid. I'd be concerned If it's hatched (case 1), it will show up as Hatched. If it is an incorrect PID, it shows up as Hacked Pokemon. Use PokeGen, it's much better at streamlining creation. As RyuuShin said, don't use trashbytes.exe For Egg PIDs, I suggest you toy around with RNG Reporter to get a valid PID. Can you get Zapdos in Platinum?
  17. Changing the SIDs, yes. Since people can find your real IDs, they can find the shaymin to be illegitimate. This is the Pokemon Legality forum. It's legal, but you didn't catch a shiny shaymin.
  18. No, because you have to have the right ID and SID for the PID to be shiny. That SID makes that PID shiny, but only makes 524287 of 4294967295 other PIDs shiny. So, it will only work for this one
  19. Well, to make it shiny it'd have to be a different PID or a different SID. Since you didn't want the IVs changed, change the SID to 65350. Looks fine otherwise, in legal.
  20. "In PokeGen it's a Cave/Hall of Origin/Giratina, Embedded Tower In Pokesav it's 05 for the 85h. 46h is E8. " --> 3002 for the met (Farawayplace) With PokeGen it automatically sets the 85h and 46/47 + Met. It's soooo good! Just make sure the game it is from is HGSS, and you are good to go Don't save it as an encrypted PKM, and be sure you are using legal.exe instead of trashbytes.exe
  21. You hatched it at the daycare couple?:bidoof: :bidoof: :bidoof: It's 3002 for faraway place in pokesav for HGSS locations instead of 2000 (Daycare Couple), but with PokeGen it is much easier to set it. Other than that, I'm too lazy to check the PID )
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