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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Kaphotics

    Misc Bug

    Have you completed the entirety of the Indigo Disk DLC?
  2. In 3D games, the X and Z coordinates are used for the horizontal plane and Y is for the height above that plane. The issue with the labels is that Spanish is too long for its label, and it's not tall enough to word wrap to display a second line.
  3. Kaphotics

    Misc Bug

    In the hours following the release, I had uploaded new zip files with patched versions. If you downloaded immediately after it was first released, you probably have a release that was behaving incorrectly (where the button press did not execute anything). When I uploaded the final "hotfix" for 23.12.18, I changed the file name of the zip that is downloaded. Sending me a photo of the changelog screen does not confirm if you have downloaded the "PKHeX (23.12.18)a.zip".
  4. If you're using wine/mono/crossover to run the application, refer to the other discussion threads. You need a patch and the latest wine as it doesn't have perfect .NET 8 compatibility yet.
  5. Kaphotics

    Misc Bug

    Again, this was hot fixed and a new exe was uploaded. Double check you have the zip with the file name `PKHeX (23.12.18)a.zip`.
  6. control-click the textbox to bring up the trash bytes / extra character text entry.
  7. If you open your save file in a hex editor (like HxD) you can visualize the 0x1000-sized save blocks for your data. As you can see, the second slot has all block IDs present, while your other one has D,1,0,4 with duplicates containing different checksums. The games store box data in block chunks [3,D], and player data (progress, etc) in blocks [0,2]. Unfortunately, your backup there does not contain a block for #2. I would try "transplanting" blocks (chunks of 0x1000 bytes) from the corrupt save into a donor save, to see what information you can recover. Maybe just overwriting the second save to see what data pops out in PKHeX.
  8. Kaphotics

    Misc Bug

    Was hotfixed shortly after release; ensure you're using the latest zip from the downloads page.
  9. Did you save in-game after installing the latest DLC 3.0.0 patch? If not, your save file is still an old Teal Mask save file. PKHeX indicates the currently loaded savefile type in the program title bar. Double check that it is `-ID`, not `-TM`.
  10. Thanks, fixed on latest commit: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/2fe0f24301d5f43a98020dc65e29f1af45694b54
  11. CrossOver has not updated to use the latest release candidate of Wine as mentioned above; you'll have to wait until it is updated then. PKHeX is open source, and you're underestimating the amount of work needed to create a fully functional GUI. You're more than welcome to try, but it's still recommended to either wait or just use a Windows VM, as mentioned in the change log.
  12. Your version of Wine is out of date. Was updated 10 days ago. https://www.winehq.org/announce/9.0-rc1
  13. 1. The program is open source; anyone can disable safeguards & recompile. 2. Only HOME can verify the tracker. If someone sets a random value, sure it might look "random" and valid, but you can always test by uploading it to HOME. If it uploads, it was valid.
  14. PKHeX is a Windows program. If you are using mono/wine to run it on another system, then that is on you to troubleshoot. PKHeX should have created an error log file in the local directory it was run from.
  15. It's fixed on the latest development build. If your auto-loaded save file had a bad hack (invalid tera type) it would have the above error.
  16. Ah, a two-part question/report Fixed the mail ID not being cleared/set for writing party data: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/59e409bbd7de3fc4dbe6abb87cbaf8e65c4037c6 Will be in the next release (soon-ish)
  17. That's what it looks like when you are editing a non-Japanese save file. The 0x53 glyph is displayed as "Pk" in International games (corresponding to your image), and in Japanese it's ウ. There are only 256 possible character glyphs; they mostly match between JP/INT, but there are differences depending on the cartridge language version that displays them.
  18. Again, they were only released for Japanese region (and thus, only Japanese OT languages).
  19. PKHeX cannot know about encounters that are introduced via future DLC content, such as mass outbreaks that are from the download news. The program's latest commits should be able to recognize it, but there won't be a new stable release prior to Indigo Disk DLC's release.
  20. The development build is for testing purposes only, not for general consumption. Use an earlier commit. DLC is coming in less than 4 days, we're already preparing things.
  21. Check the SAV tab, where you can export the entire chunk of PC data. Then just drop it into the other save file.
  22. Probably a bad dump. You can try another save editor to see if it's PKHeX not reading it, but keep in mind your screenshot shows an out of date version of the program.
  23. Reusing a random 1:4billion odds seed across multiple encounters? Usually a sign that they were not encountered without some bit of cheating, hence the message. Additionally, the bulk verification requires discretion; someone can trade their copy of a shared raid, but this is not the case. Please only report legitimate issues; reread the first post in this thread.
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