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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. To elaborate, Pokémon with moves that don’t exist, or species that don’t exist, will become an unhatchable egg
  2. It’s a bug. As long as you don’t pirate stuff and install nonsense it should be safe using CFW online, so you won’t have to worry about linking. I’ve been on CFW-only + online for years…
  3. Seems that way. Just make sure you have sufficient time differences between connecting online with said changes
  4. That’s save, not ROM. Which would be correct: PKHeX is a save editor, not rom editor. don’t use state saves. Save using the in-game menu. Make sure you’ve received your starter.
  5. try finding the flag here: https://github.com/pret/pokefirered/blob/cd4462f58cce785f408af26a7a3b11ad08575a5a/include/constants/flags.h
  6. I Gen 2 encoding, "PHILL" is 8F 87 88 8B 8B I tried searching for that and: It appeared a couple of times. Some data might be in there. I'll need to dig more. EDIT: Yeah it's not looking any good. PKX extractor dumped a bunch of nonsense from your save too. Is there a Pokemon you're sure is there? Maybe I could looking for it? EDIT2: This is what you potentially could have had in your party. Is this correct? Size: 6 Member 1: Magikarp Member 2: Vaporeon Member 3: Eevee Member 4: Gyarados Member 5: Scizor Member 6: Bellsprout Data structure reference, List reference Edit again: Once again, trying to import even one party mon seems useless. It seems that all the mon data may be scrambled to begin with..
  7. I'm guessing you genned them incorrectly. PKHeX can simulate transfers properly. Upload the PK3 here, I'll show an example.
  8. Yeah that’s what I was saying. You asked for these 2 specific patterns and I replied to that XD Well, to reiterate a few points to clear the air: - None of GO Spinda's can enter HOME - As a result, none of GO unique Spinda patterns can be genned - Presently HOME <-/-> BDSP (For Spindas)
  9. Spinda can’t be transferred from GO to HOME. Because many of such “patterns” don’t exist in the games. Thus no one can Gen them for you.
  10. PKHeX isn’t an application for the Switch. It’s to be used on PC. However, you as it is a Switch lite, you won’t be able to use soft modding to grab your saves off the device, for use with PKHeX. Saves obtained in such a fashion are encrypted. Meaning PKHeX can’t read them. They thus can’t be modified. You’ll have better luck trading them to a sysbot, and getting it dumped in a format PKHeX can use.
  11. If PKHeX won’t read it, then chances are it doesn’t have a save inside it. I can take a look later, but this is not looking good Edit: Looking at the Box data alone (based on box data offsets in a regular save, then transplanted it into my save), it doesn't look right: As a last ditch effort, can you give me the exact trainer name? Including capitalization and symbols (if any)
  12. Does following the steps in the tutorial I linked you in another thread not work?
  13. I’ve already answered you twice. No need to post everywhere
  14. I’ve also answered you in Discord. Also to answer the original question, no, there doesn’t appear to be an easy way to do so right now. I’m not even sure if people attempted a “hard” way to do it.
  15. Cheat codes are not ROM hacks. They are RAM hacks. Also, one thread for the same thing is enough. Your thread has been moved. Cheers.
  16. There could be more than one flag tied to this event. Do you still have a save from before it was activated?
  17. 1) did you enter the Hall of Fame legitimately? 2) did you receive the National Dex legitimately? 3) did you receive the Enigma Stone from a wonder card (as opposed to directly injecting item to your bag) 4) did you bring the Enigma stone to the museum to be researched 5) and if all of the above is ‘yes’, are you playing on an emulator? Edit: you said reactivate. So you’ve already activated it before?
  18. I mean if you remember the hidden power type and characteristic, it may help to narrow it down. Basically test each set of IVs, and see which one gives the type/characteristic you remember. No worries, I know the pain of losing a long lost partner in a game. I've got a shiny Mawile from Sapphire that I lost to save corruption way before I joined the site.
  19. I'm glad that you got it back. :3 Do be aware that we obviously made some assumptions: 1. That Method 1 is the likely culprit, as it is more common (IVs generation) 2. That we assumed it was one of the seeds, not the other (IVs generation) 3. That is was caught in Icefall Cave 1F (not B1F), and wasn't hatched (affects met level & encounter slot, met location) 4. That it has no EVs (EVs are missing) 5. That is has no contest stats (those aren't retained in the painting too) 6. It was crafted without any ribbons (in hindsight, it should have had the ribbon for winning said contest). And a few other things I can't remember off the top of my head. Anyhow, just keep in mind this is obviously a recreation. The original was lost But it is a spiritual successor or continuation :3 (For the record, I hastily made together the Hall of Fame program, so I know a thing or two about data stored in weird parts of the save) In any case, I guess now I can also make recreations using contest data stored in paintings lol
  20. For example, Let's test the got old amber flag. Even tho the flag itself is not numbered, we can tell the flag after it is 0x25F. That means the got old amber flag is 0x25E. (0x25F - 1) Now, convert that value from hexadecimal to decimal 0x25E -> 606 [I typed the value into Windows calculator in Hex mode, and it gave me the Dec value] Now: Insert the value, tick the checkmark, and save. Export the edited save into your game, and then check.
  21. Yeah if the TID matched then it is reasonable to think it came from FR instead of LG. And nope, it is not possible to know for sure which seed was used. It could easily be the first set or the second set.
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