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Posts posted by theSLAYER

  1. That's a pretty interesting way of seeing what the new moves will be.

    ikr! I just hope they don't change the way the game determines transfer ><

    Gen VI will probably be heavily encrypted and hard to crack at.

    I assumed that, which is why I'm using Gen V - VI transfers, rather than brute forcing Gen VI saves

    To theSLAYER, how will your W2 game know VI moves when it doesn't even know X or Y actually exist?

    Through Hex-edit.

    My proof of concept:

    I hacked Fusionbolt (the corresponding ID) on a Gen IV pkm, and when I shifted it to Gen V, it actually got through.

    (Pokeshift did however, prevent Zekrom's ID in Gen IV from being shifted)

    If they did not cover this loophole in Gen VI, it may be repeated.

    Pokegen does not allow loading these pokemon, but Pokesav does.

    But there isn't pokesav for B2W2, so I modded my own sav editor (I've haven't uploaded the updated one yet)

    I'm almost going to test if abilities will slip through the shifting ><

    He's hoping that the games aren't smart enough to realize that the Gen 5 Pokémon have invalid IDs for their game. This would result in revealing new moves not available in Gen 5, including some that might not have been announced.

    That is like, that best explanation ever (Y)

  2. Has anybody tried using the Save Dongle with Pokemon D/P/Pt ? I recently bought it, and I've no problems using it with B/W, it works just fine. But with my Pearl version, the "Card=>PC" thing does not work; I mean, when the transfer is over, and I open the save with Pokesav, everything is messed up and corrupted. BUT! if you downgrade the Dongle firmware to V1.0, then the sav file is extracted correctly, however, when I use "PC=>Cad" with the sav modified, the DS detects no save and starts a new game....

    This is kind of annoying me, and I wanted to know if someone had the same problem or if you have a solution.

    Thanks for the thread btw.

    [Edit]: Ok, now when I transfer the modified sav file back to the Card, the message "The save file is corrupted. The previous save file will be loaded." pops up. Every time I've tried it's the same. I assume the game considers the sav file corrupted when modified, but I'd like to know if it only happens to me or not (maybe it's the Dongle's fault).


    If you don't have v1.5 of the program, pokemon saves cannot be transferred properly, esp DPPt.

  3. I'm In!!!!

    That's great!

    As of now, there are no programs from that can import RAW edited Pokemon properly, and I'm tweaking my own program for the purpose.

    (when I meant Edited, I meant nonexiting movelist or species. Pokegen doesn't accept those criterias)

    So far, I've managed to hack the *possible* new Mewtwo forme into my W2 thanks to that.

    (when I meant *possible* newtwo forme, I meant through Hex Edit.

    by manipulating the .Pkm file, you can make Rotom change formes without using the items.

    I did the exact same thing, except that for Newtwo, it will not show until you transfer to Gen VI, and that is if Newtwo isn't a seperate entity altogether

    The plan A is this:

    If GEN VI follows GEN V in this pattern of being able to early transfer (relocater) event legendaries (think CROWN Raikou, Entei and Suicune)

    and without limit, example being able to relocate 100 Mewtwos over and over,

    I will create 100 Mewtwos, each with edited attacks (new attacks id number that doesn't exist in GEN V, but exists in GEN VI),

    and if they can be transferred, we will see new attacks.

    Note that my White 2 hanged at these Mewtwos (because the attacks do not exist, game made a check and crashed),

    so we should only do this after X and Y comes out and it's seen through the download play/transfer menu.

    Plan B also involves transfer, but basically the standard transfer that may probably occur after Elite Four.

    Am I confusing you? You know what I mean right >.<

  4. I recently started playing pokemon again after doing pokemon best wishes marathon lol.

    I picked up pokemon white 2 and I am starting up fresh.

    I still have a lot of my old pokemon from pokemon black. OF course I can open them with pokegen.

    I want my mewtwo, and my other pokemon I got from the event long ass time ago.

    Is there a way to transfer my old pokemon from pokemon black to pokemon white 2 using pokegen legit way?


    ^ does this still apply for pokemon white 2?

    And if it is, how do you change it so its transfered legitly.

    In addition to evandixon's post,

    If you can open both .savs with Pokegen (meaning you have the programs side by side),

    You can just drag the pokemon from pokegen A to pokegen B.

    Just remember to "View" and "Set", and ensure you option "Pokedex update on Set" is enabled.

  5. Hello all, it's theSLAYER here!

    I know this is way too early.

    But going by how the 3DS is currently locked (no user hack released),

    I've been thinking of ways to Have an early prediction of what Hidden Pokemon/moves/abilities exists.

    So far, my only plan involves Poketransfer.

    A different version will be in Gen VI (no source, just a guess),

    but my guess suggests that the way it digests Pkm data might be the same,

    so I documented my finds from Gen IV to V transfer.

    Here goes:

    1. Gen V Species: FAIL.
      Hex editing previous Gen shows up as egg/? markers, which cannot be transferred.
    2. Gen V Attacks: PASS
      I was able to hex edit and import an Arceus with Fusion Bolt from Gen IV into Gen V
    3. Gen V Abilities: UNKNOWN
      Yet to try it out, will update.

    How it was done:

    1. Hex edit a GEN IV .pkm file

    2. Import into .sav using Pokesav (pokegen doesn't read .pkm files for nonexisting .pkm

    3. Poketransfer

    If Gen V - VI transfer works anything like above, will minimumly get to discover new attacks.

    If this method works for Gen VI, we'll be the first to know whats hidden ingame.

    Who wants in? :D

  6. Serebii.net previously implied that you are able to encounter an Eevee in ANY hidden grotto, just very rarely.

    Now it seems that the information is removed and changed to ALL Eeveelutions, but only during the Special funfest mission.


    EEVEE in hidden grotto on Normal Occasions, false info or not confirmed?

  7. I'm sure you already know this, but just because FR LG E used "wireless" link technology does not mean it would be easy to adapt them to DS wireless communications. If anything, I imagine the wireless used in the Gen III games more closely resembled the architecture of the link cable... just wireless.

    Of course, I'm no hardware manufacturer or network protocol specialist, so I can't really back that up....

    I entirely agree...

    I get the feeling SEP is gone for good. :-(


    Anyway on topic: CORO SCANS!



    While everyone is hyping over the plain obvious, lets look into the deeper details:

    1. customisation is present. will you get overall unlocks after elite 4?

    2. Do notice the big watch thing they are wearing. C-gear replacecment tool?

    3. What could X & Y means with the usage of Nintendo Network?


  8. Once upon a time,

    Raikou, Entei and Suicune was stuck at the base of Tin Tower.

    They were smaller (younger) and weaker, unlike any other normal Pokemon you'll find.

    One day, a storm struck the tower and burned it down, only to be qwelled by the rain.

    Ho-oh, who felt sad over their deaths,

    Blessed them and revived them as themselves, and granting them Legendary Stats.

    Now, all that awaits them is a main protagonist to release them from their statue states and set them off to embark on a journey.

    The End...

    Or is it.

  9. How can I open an edited save on my Gameboy Emulator? :/ :bidoof:

    For Desmume there is "Import Backup save"

    Whatever emulator you're using, that option/similar option should be there.

    Or you can always rename you save to follow the name of the game you're playing, i.e:

    pokemon firered.gba

    so your save should be pokemon firered.sav (if it's a .sav file)

  10. I'll choose Fennekin cause it has evolution potential to become Fire/Psychic that isn't legendary (Victini) and doesn't require form change (Darmanitan).

    Plus it will look epic.

    Honestly, we should aim for a female starter and get eggs and share them here :D

  11. Nintendo releases all former pokemon gb/gbc/gba titles onto the 3ds store as downloadable games

    Releasing former Pokemon games as 3DS DLC is a possibility,

    But I don't expect them to do it because:

    It will not be multiplayer; to make a game that used "Link cable" to Wifi, is too much effort for them.

    Imagine how much recoding has to be done

    If you can't trade, gen I and II is effectively locked and you cannot complete the Pokedex.

    Going by that statement, the only possibilities are FireRed, LeafGreen and Emerald cause wireless is supported.

    (Then again, an Emerald on GBA with wireless adapter could not trade with an Emerald in DS, so they'll have to recode the game significantly,

    Hence limiting the possibility.)

    downloadable games that allow any pokemon caught in them to be transfered to X and Y in the same fashion Dream Radar was.

    If I remember correctly, Dream Radar was developed together with B2W2,

    So it's natural they are compatible.

    The Pokemon data formats from GEN I&II to III changed significantly, hence it was not compatible.

    It will be a hassle for them to perform something like that.

    On a side note on that front, I rather them make Transfer from IV -> VI possible,

    so that we can transfer Spikey Pichu :D

  12. i dont get why people are too lazy to play and beat the game (not you someone who mentioned it before) its not like its so hard to beat a pokemon game heck i beat yellow version at 5-6 years old.

    Perhaps people wanted to use their existing pokemon or favorite species to beat the game?

    I'm saying this because when Black and White came out, pre-Elite 4 had no gen I - IV creatures so it made me sad; but I sucked it up and actually learned to fall in love with gen V creatures.

    My point is maybe it isn't about beating the game, maybe it's about using old favorites at the start of the game, eg. to enjoy new battle effects, 3D sprites etc.


    But nonetheless I agree that beating the game isn't hard, it can even be rushed through within 24 hours!

  13. 1. Agreed

    2. In my country we never had any.

    3. Not sure i understand that.

    4. A few days ago i was thing of a ''bad candy'' or something like that.

    5. Like knowing that there is an a Genesect 3/4 years before it being released?

    3. Let's say if you have a black 2 and white 2. too lazy to trade everything.

    Simply open pokegen for a black 2 and white 2.

    Drag from one side to another. just remember to read and set

    (if enabled, setting will set the pokemon's entry into the pokedex

    4. I don't understand what you meant, but here are my examples:

    Maybe people regretted evolving to slaking? or eevee evolved to umbreon but wanted espeon

    but didnt want another eevee cause was in love with the "Natural stats" it had etc.

    5. Like knowing Shaymin, Darkrai, Arceus, Keldeo, Meloetta and Genesect early.

    In addition to "opening the contents of the game"

    (not limiting to the use of pokegen)

    We discover previously secret content/trivia/interesting facts:

    5i. Frenzy Plant, Blast Burn, Hydro Cannon and Volt Tackle, these moves were already programmed in Ruby and Sapphire,

    But at that point no one knew its purpose or how to get it.

    Same thing with Black and White Kyurem's signature move.

    Same thing with V-create.

    5ii. Beta content, like Safari Zone remnants in Gold and Silver hinted that they wanted to rebuild Safari Zone.

    Or some Gen II route themes are found in Gen III

    Or Gen III music used as tester in Gen IV.

    Unused Shellos forme and Gastrodon formes back sprites in Gen IV

    Double wild Pokemon battles were already programmed beta into RSE.

    The Prof Oak beta battle in RBY.

    Overworld sprite for Mew, Celebi, Raikou, Entei, Suicine, Attack and Defence Deoxys in FrLg.

    Arceus Curse type Forme.

    and it goes on...

    5iii. If I remembered correctly, Shaymin, Giratina and Rotom had a unique "placeholder value",

    which subsequently was put into use when they gained Formes.

    This same placeholder value was noticed in Kyurem in B&W.

    5iv. Event maps: Hall of Origin, Faraway Island, Southern Island, Navel Rock, Birth Island,

    Giovanni's Cave, New Moon Island, Seabreak's Path etc.

    5v. Returning ROUTE 10 to b2w2 :)


    Enough said...

  14. I fail to see the problem is with people raising their Pokemon with how they should. As long as they know how to raise them as they should (competitive wise). IF they can't or don't know how, that is their fault. The internet is filled with resources on any and all Pokemon games.

    It would be refreshing battling a team that was raised fighting ingame the Pokemon league instead of one that was made by code. You can imagine the quantity of battles i have experienced over the last 10 years. I don't mind if i fight a legendary Shiny Dialga or something other Shiny. Its possible to get them. I'm a proud owner of a real Shiny Mewtwo, but it took a colossal amount of time no whining kid would want to put up.


    However, from my iOS experience where the exploits are constantly patched, i find it hard to believe that Nintendo would completely block all sorts of game edits. They know that their games have/had and insane amount of depth in raising Pokes (at least till now) and that people cannot get stats without some form of editing the .sav via code or replacement of it.

    I was on datel's site not long ago looking for the DSi firmware upgrade that was not in the PC program accesable and i think i saw something about codes for 3DS but don't quote me on that.

    My thought is that they will not block cheating completely, but will probably slow down the process until users find a way around it.

    I feel it's more than just hacking stats

    1. Easy and faster transfer of gen v pokes to gen vi

    2. Wondercards and events out of your country

    3. "trading" without the need to physically trade over

    4. Devolving pokemon you evolved by mistake

    5. Knowing that there is "hidden pokemon"

    Many many morw

  15. By encryption, I meant encryption of the save file.

    The save file is encrypted (tool to decrypt 3DS saves) but there's no guarantee that the encryption for Pokémon will be the same. I think I saw somewhere that this doesn't support newer games.

    Sorry for not being clear

    I understood that the sav file encryption changed, which rendered r4 dongle pointless

    I'm saying people extract ther Pokemon using fakegts or pokecheck, if they manage to fake the wifi protocols,

    And if the Pokemon encryption remain similar.

    The format will most likely change again, like how itnchanged from Gen iv to Gen v

  16. <snip>

    It also seems smaller than the original for some reason. Anyone else notice that or is it just me?

    If having a heart makes it something closer to mew, than it would make sense that it's smaller.

    but what makes me weirded out is why mewtwo sounds like a girl?


    I hope its just a mistake in japanese voice rule and the international makes it more deep/man like

    I didn't watch the original, but for all we know mewtwo has always been voice acted by female in japan, so I won't call it a mistake.

    Plus, there's a saying the a woman's scorn is worse than hell fire (along those lines) right xD

    I have noticed that it has a white tail before transforming and yes. It does look smaller. And maybe the super saiyan factor will boost its power.

    If anything, people said Mewtwo went "God Mode" (obserb the horns and tail-head piece in image)



    Back to sylveon.


    Speculation going around (sourcing the guy who leaked full bw names before release) states that it's a Fairy type, together with Xerneas, and Yveltal is Dark/Flying (which is fairly obvious imo)

    Breakdown is inside

    Really people, a new type called "Fairy"?

    Going by that, wouldnt Jiggly and Clefairy and many others have to convert.

    (though most likely they will split evolve them so they gain the typing.

    Unless they dual type like how Magnemite became from Electric to Electric/Steel in Gen I to II (onwards) respectively)

    I don't support a new type, but if it does occur:

    Given that Fairies are the embodiment of light

    (Personally, I can't stand the Light VS Dark nonsense, but usually one version mascot is good against the other, right?).

    Fairy > Dark > Psychic > Fighting > Fairy (sounds like normal type right?).

    Fairies are usually might be affliated to plants.

    Fire > Fairy

    They usually have Wings

    Ice > Fairy

    Lightning > Fairy

    They might be seen to be small and Buglike

    Fairy > Psychic

    Flying > Fairy

    They cast.. Magic?

    Fairy > Dragon.

    Okay, enough typing havoc.

    Based on above,

    Xerneas and Yveltal are sworn enemies cause:

    Fairy > Dark


    Flying > Fairy.

    Now look back at Sylveons Picture.

    Notice across eevee, there is a strong vs weak pair?

    If Fairy is what I say it is,

    Sylveon is weak to Jolteon (fairies have wings)

    Sylveons new trailer will make more sense too.

    Also explain why Sylveon is Pink

    (Eeveelutions color usually is affliation to a type)

    Plus this image is from the end of the trailer


    Are those wings like bugs or wings like a fairy?

    Food for thought.


    Sorry for long post xD

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