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Posts posted by theSLAYER

  1. Hello,

    I am looking for a Japanese Black or White Version 1 save file.

    The game's story needs to be complete.

    I need the following (all Male, all Lv 10) Pokemon in the Entree Forest:

    • #001 Bulbasaur
    • #004 Charmander
    • #007 Squirtle
    • #252 Treecko
    • #255 Torchic
    • #258 Mudkip
    • #387 Turtwig
    • #390 Chimchar
    • #393 Piplup

    The following Mystery Gifts unlocked but Pokemon NOT picked up from Delivery Guy:

    • Movie 2012 Meloetta
    • Fukuoka Kyogre
    • Fukuoka Groudon
    • Nobunaga's Black Rayquaza
    • Movie 2011 Victini

    I can always use PokeGen for the Mystery Gift Events but I have no clue how to get the Entree Forest set up.

    You can simply use poke stock - cgear to input

    Them. Pretty sure the steps are floating around somewhere.

    If I'm not wrong, you can only have 1 starter of each gen

    With the same tid

  2. Lol, dunno wtf is this but okay. What do you mean your shuffling of ABCD? What is the problem exactly?

    encryption has two steps.

    Shuffling of bytes and then the "masking" (changing the bytes from one thing to another).

    For debugging I change species to Genesect.

    When I open in Pokegen,

    Some things I can seem, some things I can't.

    To be specific, everything in "A" block is correct.

    Blocks are the nds sav structure of .pkm files

  3. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay I'm so happy :D Finally I can get them :D

    Hold your horses mate.

    My update allows you to characterise a zekrom (chosen because of exp yield)

    Import Zekrom in

    Edit Species ID. (at this point it will encrypt and inject into save)

    I'm left with the encryption portion.

    My shuffling of ABCD doesnt work properly.

    My "A" block turns out fine but everything else is a garbled mess.

    Not sure if it's srng problem or what :?

  4. Hey dudes, I think I have some good news :D

    Yesterday I asked MrBean35000vr (I know him because I used to play MKWii and I was pr0 :D) how did he level up those Studio Pokemon, how did he put nicknames to them and how did he put attacks to them. He said that he used a simple action replay code, he said he showed to Slayer his method and now you're gonna upload a new version of Studio Injector.

    Is that true? Please answer me and if it's true, upload the new program :P

    Yeah he actually shared with me his brilliant method!

    Thing is, it's slightly different when it comes to vb.net

    Rubenpikachu also shared with me his awesome codes for the program,

    So give me a while to adapt alright :D

  5. Hello all!

    This Program was originally created as a Proof of Concept that stemmed from the Studiosmons research,
    but subsequently got updated to operate as a basic functional sav editor.

    If you want to download the latest version, head over to our downloads section:

    Previous post/full content:


    Important Disclaimer:
    This program is created under the modus operandi known as "Proof of concept",
    My intentions are purely for educational purposes and/or personal experience/enjoyment, and it's not to be abused eg. for raping online gameplay etc.
    Hence the reason why I did not update on PID calculations and some glitches/bugs. as this is not a serious nor full fletched project.

    Use at own risk; always backup before using.

    edit: 3.4b version on mediafire: link removed
    Latest Program and Source: link removed
    Older Version's Source code: Reuploaded, courtesy to pkmtuts

    Latest "Features":
    VERSION 3.3B!
    Somewhat Unique Program Benefits:
    Added forme tabs to all, updated hometown, attacks and abilities. (if you know, you know)
    Hall of Fame Editor
    Viewer Mode (using of Sprites)
    Easy modification into StudioPokemons!
    Userfriendly "Boxed" Layout for Selection and Previewing

    Use at your own risk!

    1. Load B2 or W2 .sav file
    2. Enter Viewer Mode
    3. Select Species, Box and Slot OR Hall of Fame Slot
    4. Inject
    5. Save, and your .sav is ready to rumble!









    Important Information!:

    1. Do not withdraw out of PC (They will turn into unhatchable bad eggs, thats just how the game is programmed)
    2. So far, the only way to use them in battle involves Battle Box.
    3. I stress, do not use them against unknowing players (unless they are close friends with no qualms about such acts)
    4. You can use to "EDIT" (on and empty slot) and "SET" onto Corrupted Slots/Bad Eggs
    5. Always make your own backups
    6. Any other points will be added!



    Version 3.3b
    Updated = Attacks and Abilities list (X&Y)
    Updated = Hometown (Added X&Y)
    Changed = Rollback on cleanup, as it caused a PID reading glitch (which also caused shiny to become non-shiny).
    Fixed = Pre-hall of fame caused program to crash.

    Version 3.2b
    Added = "Tab" to change formes ID of Pokemon (pre-empting Gen VI)
    Added = Extra numbers for presently not existing attacks (pre-empting Gen VI)
    Changed = Attempted to Clean up code
    Fixed = A loading issue caused by saves pre-elite four.
    Bug Workaround = Testing Save.

    Version 3.1b
    Fixed = Shiny sprites for certain Pokestudio Pkmns were not showing.

    Version 3.0b
    Added = Viewer to View Pokemon
    Added = Hall of Fame Editor
    Changed = Manual, Standard and Existing Insert
    (The Editing and Insertion can be now done via the Viewer!)

    Version 2.1b
    Added = Existing Edit.
    Added = Basic Trainer Info Editing

    Version 2.0b
    Added = New Userfriendly BOX layout to show who is in the slot
    As part of the layout, you click on the box to choose the slot
    Added = "Existing" under Loaded Option
    Changed = "Manual Input" to "Loaded Insert"

    Version 1.5b
    Changed = Species and Checksum recognition, in hopes to remove bug experienced by some users.
    Added = Encrypted Pkm files loaded for Manual Input decrypts automatically for Species Modification

    Version 1.4b
    Fixed = PID recognition used for encryption (Originally might have caused some glitches)
    Fixed = Exiting "Open File Dialog" for Manual Input caused exception, notified by RubenPikachu
    Added = Standard "Save" and "Save As" as Default saving method.
    Added = Auto Save is now optional (might be buggy)

    Version 1.3b
    Fixed = Proper Saving (No Longer Dependant on Pokegen for Save Checksum Correction)
    Added = Tutorial Boxes for easy reference
    Version 1.2b
    Added = Use preconfigured Zekrom .pkm file to edit species
    (used to get desired stats, name, atk ETC.)

    Version 1.1b
    Added = Creates backup on open
    Added = Auto saves
    Added = Injects Pokémon from list into intended box

    Version 1.0b
    Added = Basic Program Loadup
    Added = Injects Pokémon into Box 1 Slot 1 - 30

    Any other Information regarding Studio Pokemon:

    Look Forward To!
    Changing of Box Background
    Glitch Unown Insertion

    Special Thanks To:
    RubenPikachu on extensive coding advise that helped improve this project
    Kaphotics with Hall of Fame Insight and his brilliant PKHeX
    MrBean35000vr (youtube) for sharing with me his feats through AR
    Codr for his awesome .pkm editing Pokegen
    Veekun for Images
    PP.wiki for important HEX offsets

    All the peeps at ProjectPokemon :D


    PSI v1.5b..zip

    PSI v2.0b..zip

    PSI v.2.1b..zip

  6. why you cannot use the rare candies? it give an error or so?

    They turn into egg.

    As long as your view summary, or do anything that causes a summary check,

    Such as battling or using items, tms and such, they turn into egg .

    Immediately depositing it prevents that, and we can apparently use it on wifi battles,

    But besides that I'm stumped.

    Plus I have no way to encrypt or unencrypt them.

    If I did, I could change levels and moves.

    So far pypkm hasn't been working for me either.

    And you can't edit them on Pokegen


    In the mean time,

    I'm seeking for people with knowledge on vb.net or able to encrypt/decrypt .pkm files,

    Or people who are able to level up their studiomons (lol at the term).

    I'm almost done with the injection portions,

    Just need to "convert" all pkm bytes to code for vb.net


    The program is up:


    Any complains/bugs do let me know.

    Use at your own risk.


  7. I loaded the Smeargle 2 Wonder Card in Pokégen, but when I receive it at the Pokémon Center, I get no Pokémon.

    In earlier posts we've already tested it and it does not work.


    With my limited knowledge,

    I'm compiling the final pieces of the program.

    I'm unable to unencrypt them, so their levels are still at 5 :(

    And I can't level them up with rare candies.

    So unless someone has a way to up their levels or receive starters at level 100,

    We'll be stuck for a while.

    Program will be in another thread

  8. I have a retail Pokemon White 2 and no 3DS, is there a way I can get a legit Therian Form Landorus so I can activate the in game event??? Or how I can use an AR code to trick the Nintendo 3DS Link option into thinking I have one waiting??? Any help will be appreciated.

    If I remember correctly, it isn't the Pokemon that activates the event,

    It's the act of receiving the pkm from 3DS link that triggers the flag.

  9. It's not going good for the program.

    I've managed to inject pokemon into storage boxes,

    But the game won't load them.

    If I were to inject back the previous values I replace into the save,

    It loads.

    It means that the program would have worked fine,

    But there's checksum somewhere that needs to be changed that I'm not aware of,

    And I do not know where or how to find it.


    Despite not being able to "find and solve" the checksum,

    I found a way to bypass it.

    Once I dump all the Studio Pokemon, I'll upload the program.

    My suggestion for those following: Keep your box 1 free for the time being

  10. Hey Slayer! thankyou for this awesome guide! i've tried on my old pc but it's too old and i cannot change hexavalues properly (and i have to use mac T_T) ...so may i ask you a little favour? can you generate for me 4 codes one of the ufo (spaceship) one of the MV(if possible the grey one), one of the ufo red with tentacles and one of the big ghost? , for black 2 ITALIAN version? to find them in any box you want, as i've started a new game they are empty, and if possible 'legit' with normal stats at lv 50? can you do that for me? REALLY THANKYOU VERY MUCH IN ADVICE!! (i'll leave them into the box for now, as i have no other possibilities lol) (i'll use action replay to put the codes)

    Hey dude. At present I can't put them into pokegen or anything, so I'm not sure how to generate the codes.

    In the meantime, I've been working on making a program to allow inputting of such pokemon.

    Encountering some coding errors here and there, might take 1 to 2 weeks, if I learn how to encrypt pokemon files.

    (insertion isn't the problem, it's the encryption)

  11. Hello Everyone.

    I'm attempting to learn how to Encrypt .pkm pc files for black 2 saves.

    Using http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/Pokemon_NDS_Structure on Visual Studio 2010 (vb.net)

    I've managed to learn how to "Shuffle blocks ABCD",

    But when it came to:

    X[n+1] = (0x41C64E6D * X[n] + 0x6073)

    unencryptedByte = Y xor rand()

    I can't seem to get it right.

    For my file, the checksum is 6F 11 (will is then trancated to 116F)

    My bytes doesn't seem to convert correctly.

    First Spoiler is my coding (which I may doubt in structure), Second spoiler is original post:

    x1 = Val(&H41C64E6D) * Val("&H" & x0) + Val(&H6073)

    a1 = Val("&H" & neworder.Substring(16, 2)) Xor Rnd(x1)

    TextBox7.Text = a1

    Neworder is the neworder after shuffling,

    x0 is 116F

    I'm wondering if I used Rnd correctly,

    Or is the PRNG equation I made structured wrongly.

    PLease help :D

    No experience is programming.

    Interested to learn.

    Using Pokemon Black 2 Sav.

    I notice that 136 bytes .pkm files in PC are obviously encrypted. (no shit, I know).

    Given I have a Oshawott and used Pokegen to change the species to Snivy,

    Using Hex editor, I can see there is not much difference. (unencrypted)

    But comparing the encrypted version, there is so much difference!

    I'm interested to learn the "mathematical way" of encrypting a .pkm file.

    Because honestly speaking, I don't know anything of the algo's and stuff.



    I did find this: http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/Pokemon_NDS_Structure

    But I need help making sense of it :/

    I have issues trying to even multiply the hex2dec numbers as when I convert back dec2hex it is too large to show.

    Is there any program that can help me make sense of everything?

    I've managed to solve most issue, except for the

    Y xor rand() .

    Using vb.net

    EDIT: SOLVED With RubenPikachu's help :D

  12. I think you could teach me how to hex edit the species with a hex editor

    As a disclaimer, I'm not a hacker or anything,

    Just someone who randomly read stuff over the place and pieced together solutions.

    Below is the methodology that worked for me,

    Which was used to hex edit the pokemon in the download in replies above.

    To point out, most likely none of the studio-hex edits will work,

    Because programs like Pokecheck and Pokegen will check for if the pokemon ID is valid,

    (Invalid hex means invalid pokemon, so they programmed it to work till genesect).

    I've tried ir-gts-bw too but i haven't found an ir-gts-bw2

    Correct me if I am wrong, doesn't ir-gts-bw works with B2W2 also?

    Anyway try sending a normal pokemon before sending a studio pokemon.

    Aim to look for maybe more buggy or less thought out versions of gts sending programs and stuff.

    Good luck

    1. download HxD

    2. Convert the species no. desired to Hex, can be done with calculator.

    Example: for Thundurus, is 642 -> 282 and Reshiram, 643 -> 283

    Image shows your Simple PC calculator with Programmer function for Thundurus:


    Alternatively, you can use a search engine and look for Hexadecimal converters.

    3. Add a 0 and rearrange the values

    Example: 283 -> 0283 (add 0) -> 02 83 (add space) -> 83 02 (rearranged)

    Use HxD to open your 136 byte .pkm file and Change this to 83 and 02


    4. I'm not sure if this step is necessary, but I do this step when my hex edits dont load in pokegen:

    Example: Thundurus is 642, and Reshiram (intended outcome) is 643,

    So the differences in index number is 1.

    So I use the hex equivalent of that difference (in this case still 1)

    and change the following:

    (It was originally A5, so A5 + 1 -> A6)



    It works for me :D



    I suggest you the following:

    1. New Sav file on japanese game.

    2. Computer anywhere code (code not seem to out for US game yet, thats why I specified jap game)

    3. Starter Mod Code

    4. Recieve another starter (not sure if this code even exists).

    4. Defeat first gym and trade.

    Loop for infinite Actors


    Genius. I totally did not think of trading them:

    Pretty Weird to see my own thread quoted on youtube LOL.

  13. Okay, since you insist, let me breakdown my process:

    First file, created a random Zekrom using pokegen.

    Hex edited Zekrom to change its species to Genesect

    (it appears in pokegen, means I hex edited correctly)

    Last file is mecha tyranitar.

    Zipped them all up.

    If it works, I can hex edit others for you.

    EDIT: I forgot the extension .pkm for genesect :/

    Hex edits..zip

    Hex edits..zip

  14. I meant Scenario 1, but you say that this bad egg won't hatch D:

    Well if someone can hex edit a genesect to change his Dex number to a PokéWood/PokéStar Studio Pokémon dex number and upload it to MediaFire, I would really apreciate it

    The thing is, even after hex editing it, you can't load it via pokesav or pokegen cause importing will cause the entry to appear as empty, if I recall correctly.

    Nice Thread!

    This kind of reminds me of the Glitch Pokémon in Red/Blue.

    BTW, Pokémon ROM changer has more info on the PokéStar mon.

    Apparently Prop U1/UFO (Egg) can learn TMs 04, 05, 06, 07, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 32, 39, 42, 44, 48, 55, 68, 73, 77, 78, 80, 87, 90, and 94. Plus HMs 03, 04, 05 and 06.

    That is cool. too bad we can't use them :/

  15. I think I have a hypothesis to remedy the hatching glitch for ppl that can't activate Action Replay codes in their flashcard, like me. I can get them by emulator with my own Pokémon Black 2 save from my flashcard but I can't battle with them online 'cause in my flashcard I can't activate AR codes. And my hypothesis to remedy this is to make an egg in the daycare and probably the baby won't turn into a egg. That's only a hypothesis. Can someone test it? It probably won't work, but I onlt wanna know if it works.

    Correct me if I'm wrong,

    Your hypothesis is to...

    Scenario 1:

    Make a mecha tyranitar egg and attempt to hatch it and after it hatches it won't "try to hatch".

    I think doing this will instantly result in a bad egg that won't hatch.


    Scenario 2:

    Have an egg left at the daycare centre?

    Going by that, carrying normal eggs won't hatch too.

    I'm sorry but I really didn't get your hypothesis D:

    PS:I'm not being sarcastic, I really don't know what you meant

  16. A theory, I haven't tested:

    Lets say make a Genesect, give it its attacks.

    Export .pkm, hex edit the species number to your choice.

    Use pokegts or any fake gts server to distro back into your game.

    (Importing into pokesav wont work cause its not programmed input pokemon numerical greater than genesect).

    Give it a try :)

    EDIT: Anyway the pokemon will still hatch,

    But should be usable on wifi battles.

    I do not condone wifi hacking, I'm just shedding light on a possibility of how he did it.

  17. Does anyone know where is the "location" of the pokemon star (for superstars from star studios).

    I managed to find the location for N's pokemon (last tab of pokegen, 66c(0x42) change the field to 2)

    But I haven't got a star pokemon to test with. Anyone has any ideas? (or willing to contribute?)

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