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Posts posted by theSLAYER

  1. The program can't start because D3DCOMPILER_4.dll is missing from your computer.

    Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

    After I encountered the error, I downloaded it and placed it in my system32 folder and attempted to run the program, and nothing appears (not even the error pop-up)

    Windows 7 Ultimate, 32-bit OS.

  2. Hmm.. I went back and I was checking the recent Plasma Deoxys Wifi Event and downloaded the pgf. When injected into a Pokemon White save it seems to work in game fine. Is this expected or should it really only be working on B2W2?

    Gen V PGFs can be used across all Gen V games.

    But there are the following factors to take note of:

    1. When you use a PGF meant for another language, example Korean Deoxys on European Pokemon game,

    The Deoxys you receive will bear it's English name, when legally it's supposed to be the Korean Name.

    2. If certain PGFs are meant for only BW and you receive the Pokemon on a B2W2,

    an in-depth check will show that you did not receive the Pokemon Legally.

    (basically, a. receive it on the game it's meant to be received on, b. edit the game received on Pokegen (and locations, eg. Aspertia didnt exist in BW), c. edit the PGF to show received at correct cart)

    That's all I can think of right now.

  3. Well I didn't exactly do the math, but you get the idea. The rosters will expand with every generation, and if they plan to keep the service going they need plenty of space. Besides, I personally don't mind extra storage, as I like to breed a bunch of Pokémon with good natures and moves.

    Anyway, back on topic... who's that Pokémon?


    I'm speculating that its a Lama/Lamia/Devil Goat and the ID will be 666 ;)

  4. MewTwoEx is right. I'll say it until I'm blue in the face: data is data, bytes are bytes, numbers are numbers. It doesn't matter where you get your 5 from, it's 5. It's indistinguishable from any other 5. All 5s are equal.

    Nintendo doesn't have some kind of magical divining rod.


    Rather than being worried, I'm more of, curious, to see if they have anything in mind that triumphs over Pokecheck's checking capabilities,

    as so far Nintendo has yet to prove themselves, in that aspect.

  5. I'm pretty sure that's not the case, since they stated you could lose your game and log in with a new game to get your Pokémon back.

    I only read that on the main site after I posted. silly me ><

    The only restriction I can imagine them implementing is whether or not you can withdraw Pokémon from another game before you beat the main storyline.

    That would be troublesome. I wanted to use it as an alternative to trading or mass-restarting to hoard event Torchics w/ Blazikenite.

    As for hack detection, they started that with the VS recorder back in Platinum, and then they only restricted the use of hacks. I don't think they're going to start banning people from game services (well, except for tournaments).

    Well, as far as I can tell, their hack detection methods only have worked with really, really bad hacks, like illegal/recurring PIDs and attacks.

    I'm just wondering if they developed any new strategy/method of detection ;)

  6. Yeah, it looks ugly and all. But a $40 price drop with the only real sacrifice being a feature that almost everyone recognized as a dumb gimmick can push a lot of people into buying it for their kids.

    Personally I'd rather play a 2DS than the 3DS. But the 3DS XL is honestly just perfect for my hands while the DSiXL was way too bulky.

    I probably won't get one unless they come up with a packaging with X/Y.

    I also think it is interesting there is no JP release for it.

    I read that there is no release in JP,

    as the "concerns" (3D bad for eyesight for kids? hinges breaks easily? etc.) were raised mainly by citizens outside JP.


    2DS fun fact:

    It actually only has 1 screen (which is touch screen) in order to cut costs.

    They then used the frame to make it look like two screens, and put a transparent layer over the "top screen".

  7. There are some on Pokecheck,

    an example would be https://www.pokecheck.org/?p=detail&uid=4665674 and https://www.pokecheck.org/?p=detail&uid=4738932

    Just a note/reminder: Spikey Pichu cannot be sent to Gen V, and even if you "hack" into Gen V, it will not show. How it is identified in Gen IV is the same "forme change" bit as other Pokemon.

    Also, a Shiny variation is programmed into the game, but I read that the game prevents you from receiving one.

  8. Can somebody explain to me how you work with the scripting codes? It's really confusing to me...

    Thanx in advance!


    I don't really remember scripting, because I used it back for advanced generation.

    There are actually scripting threads, you should try asking there.

    Sorry I can't help :/

    Weird, I get this error when I open Trainer Editor on that route between Jubilife and Floaroma:

    This one when I tried to exit it.

    The files (trdata.narc and trpoke.narc) are there. The msg 0618 thing? there's "msg.narc" and "pl_msg.narc"

    (The message in first line more or less translates to "Cannot find part of path")

    I never used this program for trainer editing.

    You want to try other programs?

  9. How do I know which tileset to use?

    I'm assuming you're referring to which tileset, when you are looking at the maps, right (for visual enhancement purposes)

    The first page with the Map headers, shows relevant information, including which "Texture" that particular map was preset to use.

    My own easy use guide:





    Inside Shows "Map Headers" Legend:


  10. I was never into digimon when it first became popular along side pokemon but I notice some new pokemon after 151 look like digimons

    maybe you are right

    I just dont get why they make it battle only I would prefer it permanent or something :/

    If I remember correctly, first series of Digimon "Mega Evolved" into Mega/Complete form or something, that reverts after battle

    Some users elsewhere felt that Pokemon is now on the fence.

    Gen V felt most digimon-like to me. (Ken Sugimori changed his art style after Gen II, and got help with more complicated designs, or so I read)

    We have existing formes that aren't permanent right, such as:

    Castform, Cherrim, Shaymin (based on time of day and cannot be frozen), Darmanitan (I think only in battle, hp must be below half),

    Meloetta (reverts after battle).

    Honestly, I feel that Mawile deserves a Proper Evolution. and Kangaskhan Jr, well, should be Kangaskhan Jr. (though parental bond is quite cool).

    Aside to Fairy type, they probably also wanted to change the metagame with this "Mega Evolution".

    It can be part of a strategy or last resort, because:

    1. Some pokemon change type

    2. some stats radically improve

    3. abilities change

    4. can only have one mega evo in battle

    5. not everyone might get mega evos (maybe some mega-stones are events at specific locations T.T)

    6. Competitive players might need to tweak their roster to combat against Fairies AND Mega-evos.

    As for Mega Blaziken and Mega Mewtwo, I feel it's too imba to stay permanent.

    at the same time, I feel that certain pokemon deserve a proper evolution, eg. Mawile, Absol.


    A bit off track, but I noticed primarily, there's only been one mega evo for every Primary Type:

    Psychic - Mewtwo

    Fighting - Lucario

    Normal - Kangaskhan

    Electric - Ampharos

    Dark - Absol

    Steel - Mawile

    Fire - Blaziken

    (Yes, I am avoiding their Secondary typing, cause my premise is their Primary Type)

    I know that they haven't revealed enough pokemon for this pattern to hold true,

    Just speculating :)

  11. As I said before

    I think game freak were originally going with form change (meloetta type where its in battle)

    they just changed the name so fans don't complain

    EDIT: dont remember what it was but in the demo video when mewtwo mega evolved

    was its hp stat changed? or did it heal?

    in these pictures it doesnt looked like it changed but i recall seeing some kind of movement in the hp when its evolving

    honestly, this "name change" would have to be planned in advance because to change something so last minute, the game might have been delayed.

    Besides, calling "Mega Evolution" made the fans scream "Digimon" --.

  12. Long time no see people.

    As per mentioned in first post, upon reaching the stage in Gen VI where Pokemon could be imported, I intend to search out of new attacks/formes of existing pokemon.

    Even though present understanding is the Mega Evolution is a "new kind of evolution",

    I feel that it may be an exagerrated form change (Eg: MegaMewtwo name is still "Mewtwo" on the screen, it's HP stayed the same).

    Hence, I've did a minor update on my program (http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?26325-Studio-Pokemon-Injector.)

    to prepare for X and Y, which is less than 52 days ahead now.

  13. Hello all,

    I've updated to v3.2b,

    Which was done primarily for code cleanup, as well as bug searching.

    Previously, any saves made before Elite four might not load, but I believe the problem is fixed.

    I've also added in extra slots to attacks and formes (for all pkmns), mentioned in reference of here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?29927-Pkm-Research-and-Development-GEN-VI

    Any other additions, such as Shiny Smeargle2 and F-00 has been added.

  14. Watching the Demos, after Mewtwo Mega-evolved, it's name stays as "Mewtwo".

    I wonder if that means it won't get a new pokedex entry upon "Mega-evolution" (like, a forme change).

    (Though, it is important to note that the "Mega-DNA" symbol will replace the worlds "Lv.")

    EDIT: I found a picture that exemplifies what I meant:



  15. overworld files contain NPC's placement etc; read the B2W2 General ROM Info thread for more info of where/what it is.

    The map matrix probably still does, you just have to figure out what index it was in BW1. It's probably just like route 10 where it was just blanked or if they just deleted all the warps to it.


    With the General Rom Thread, I've managed to somewhat understand the warps and already put them in place (I've updated my first post).

    Thanks again!

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