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Posts posted by theSLAYER

  1. So in a way, once this is fleshed out could we transfer are Gen 5 pkm over?

    While I'm no way related to what Bond697 and xfr are doing, here's my thoughts on your question:

    1. While seemingly possible, we have no idea what the "Met Location" data in this case will be, together with other info like trash bytes,
      as we do not have an existing Pokebanked Pokemon to do comparison with.
    2. AFAIK, in previous generations, users with Pokedex data in their games that THEN was not available to public (Genesect, Keldeo etc.)
      were blocked from online features like GTS. The same might occur if you have previous Gen pkm that is not supposed to be available yet.
    3. Furthermore, Nintendo/GF has been stressing that your game save might be corrupted with hacked Pokemon,
      which some interpret it as them threatening to delete your save if any hacked Pokemons are found,
      and getting stuff that can't exist as of yet is tantamount to hacking.
    4. In addition to above point, do remember they are now swinging down the ban hammer. What if they block your IP or Mac address of your 3DS?

    For those who find above TL;DR:

    IMO Possibly Possible, but not recommended yet.

  2. I've voted (I'm the Singapore Brat_.

    I'm curious to one point:

    If we breed a Vivillon from another region, will the hatched scatterbug follow the mother or follow the OT's region?

    (I've managed to get Polar, Continental, Elegant, Modern, Savanna and Sun pattern off GTS)

  3. I've never done this, I just wanted to make a beast team to do my run-through of heart gold. I apologize for my inexperience but what am I to do?

    I also propose you can run your legit backup of your game on an emulator (to get a save, in case you don't have any hardware for save backing up),

    and then use the program for your whatever needs.

    Lastly, to get the pokemon back on your cart, you can use pokecheck or a gts server to send them to your retail cart.

    I love being me.


    By the way, the colors are just the beginning. There's planned functionality too, of course.


  4. Hey I was just searching for pokemon editors and I came across this, which sounds like exactly what I wanted. When I downloaded your desktop version and tried to run it, the window is completely blank with absolutely no images. I attached the image of what it looks like. Could you please advise me on how to fix this? Thanks in advance

    The first page looks like that (for me as well).

    Have you tried "> File > Load sav", as seen below:


    Once you're done, the program will display your boxes.


    Click on a Pokemon, and a pop-up showing the Pkmn will appear.


    It's a brilliant program, ain't it?

  5. :Mewtwo's newly revealed second Mega Evolution is called Mega Mewtwo X and it is a Fighting/Psychic-type with the Ability Steadfast and higher Attack; it Mega Evolves using the Mewtwonite X. The Mega Mewtwo seen previously is actually Mega Mewtwo Y and it Mega Evolves from Mewtwo using the Mewtwonite Y.

    Nailed it.

  6. FYI, here are the update links


    I'll simply have a link to both the zip and the .exe, and explain that they should start with the zip and download the .exe going forward. Actually, I'd really like to figure out how to get the app to update itself, but one step at a time. :-)

    Can't help you there, I never did figure that out ><

    I see what you mean. I'll have to see if Qt supports data bindings like Visual Studio, so I can use the database value instead of the selected index (which is what I currently use) so I don't have to pull in these "blank item slots" to keep everything lined up.

    What I did was to do a "ID number" check. When the ID is of a certain value no < x =< no,

    then I'll add a number to the selected index, in order to write the correct value in.

    The TMs and HMs I'll actually have to do "manually" (a couple database calls to get the type of the move in the given machine and then the image for that type), but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

    The key items are mostly showing now, besides the duplicated names.

    I've attached an excel file of which sorted TM and HMs by type, based on the information from bulbapedia, hope it helps

    (Kindly rename the .txt to .xlsx)

  7. Despite Pokemon not following logic closely, they do follow their in-game mechanics.

    In trailers and demos, we clearly see the "mega-evolve" button and the animation for mega-evolution, for the current one we know of.

    what I don't get is, why has no one thought to check the item mewtwo is holding on to!? (before triggering mega-evolution, in-battle summary).

    It is possible, to have more than one kind of Mewtwonite.

    Heck, they even made two items with the same name with different descriptions (Gene-Splicer),

    and two items with the same name and description that you'll receive a different one based on scenario (dropped item: male or female due to character gender).

    There's nothing stopping them from releasing a Mewtwonite exclusive to X and another exclusive to Y.

    I want another Mewtwo forme, preferably without it's tail sticking out from the back of it's head.

    Side note:

    I seriously hope the mega stones can be traded.

    I want to horde Blazikenites.

    Side note 2:

    If they have placeholders in game, they can actually add more Mega Pokemon through DLCs (hopefully not payable),

    and like Mario Kart 7, usage of the latest 'patch' will be required for online play.

  8. Well it looks like they're putting a hack check feature for Pokemon Transporter. I'm sure that legitimate looking hacks will pass with no problem but the ones we would be sending will be a little too obvious.

    That's what I thought.

    But it depends on what their priorities are.

    What if they are too engrossed with checking PID and 31 IVs and maxed out EVs,

    They forgot about the small "forme bit"? xD

    We'll see how to proceed when it comes.

  9. I already wrote the code to show the PID as either decimal or hex. :-P The real trick is going to be figuring out how to allow the user to enter only valid data.

    Hmmm.. maybe when text_changed is greater than allowed value, a "comment window" (not popups, those are annoying xD) states that value has to be smaller.

    Textboxes also can have character limits in place.

    And maybe as a fail-safe when "save changes" is selected, if PID is invalid it doesn't allow "save changes" until corrected?

    I've updated the .zip in my Dropbox. Thanks to a program called 'upx' the binaries are considerably smaller, so I would suggest downloading it once more, then in the future I will post only the updated .exe file (and the databases if I ever update those).

    Cool!! That will make it easier!

    But if you don't post the binaries, what if new users only download the .exe file?


    I've noticed a few new bugs:

    1. Therian forme sprites and types not showing
    2. Kyurem alternate formes types not showing, edit screen formes sprites not displaying
    3. Blanked out items (which to my understanding are leftover placeholders: 113 - 115, 120 - 133, 426 - 427)
    4. Items not showing sprites (TMs and HMs at 328 - 425, Data Cards at 505 - 531, TMs at 618 - 620, Key items at 626 - 637)
    5. In addition to key items, only one Xtransceiver, one Gene Splicer and one Dropped item is shown, when there should be two each.
      Xtransceiver @ 621 & 626, Gene Splicer @ 628 & 629, Dropped Item @ 636 & 637
      (I'm assuming that only one name is showing, because your list reference is by text.
      perhaps you'll like to go by selected_index instead? this way you can have duplicate item names)
    6. Reveal Glass @ 638 is missing, without placeholder in list.
    7. Dream ball is not in "ball used" list
      (I didn't realize this earlier as the only Pokemon which had Dream ball was Brycenman; I've noticed when I scrolled through the list)

  10. Well i guess i claim bragging rights. I don't remember when, to who and how many times i said it but another Mewtwo form seems to be confirmed.

    It will be cool, cause I felt that after looking at all the Megas, the Mega Mewtwo design is losing out.

    As of now, I can't tell if its another Mega Mewtwo cause

    1. The Image is blocked (no sh*t sherlock)

    2. The "DNA" symbol replacing LV. looked pretty much the change (not that it matters)

    3. MewtwoniteX and MewtwoniteY? xD

    Reason why there might be another

    1. existing rumour says so

    2. she looks confused as f**k.

    3. Why will they have to block something we already know? heh

  11. Just so you know, I fixed a good portion of the issues you brought to my attention. Thanks again for the input!

    No problem! Once you upload the latest version, I don't mind helping you test!

    Plus, I've have yet to try to load any edited saves, for checksum testing etc.

    I won't pretend I care all that much about SE Pichu, but I will admit it doesn't make a lot of sense to have just dropped it. What game are you playing, Nintendo?

    I usually dislike them removing content they added, it feels like regression to me.

    Actually, the problem isn't so much generation (which I haven't even started thinking about yet), but the value of a PID takes up four bytes, which is just beyond what the number picker can handle. I'm going to have to either subclass it and use uint32 for the value instead of double, or I'm going to have to use a text box and figure out how to restrict entry to numbers.

    I forgot if I used uint32 (my solution is on another computer), but you won't have to necessarily stick to only numbers entry.

    You have a "checkbox" for number or HEX view right?

    This is slightly extra tedious, but you can have a "check_changed" sub, and two text boxes.

    Like when "Hex" is checked, you "PID number" textbox will be disabled, and in the same place "PID HEX" will be enabled and will be written on change.

    Either that or a few extra lines in your sub to check if "checkbox is ticked" then "write as hex" else "write as number".

    Well thank you!


  12. EDIT: Added bugs to the bug tracker on Github. https://github.com/codemonkey85/PKMDS-G5/issues?labels=bug&page=1&state=open

    Wow. You are thorough. I don't mind telling you, I think your input (and that save file) is going to be a tremendous help. Just remember though, this is a very rough application in progress.

    Thank you! I am more than happy to help!

    I happened to have a rough idea of what to check, because I've had to test my previous application as well heheh.

    I understand that this is the beta of the beta, But I feel that it's good to be able to find errors to rectify early on,

    before the code becomes a complete mess and you lose your sanity.

    I was just going to ignore this but I suppose it wouldn't be that hard to implement a fix for Spiky-Ear Pichu. At the very least I could simply show the normal sprite.

    Hahah if only Gen 5 has Spiky-Eared Pichu. -sigh- Nintendo, why you take them away!

    Anyway, another prevention for this issue is to only allow correct bits for formes to be written, for species with non-formes.

    Though certain users might have created Pokemon with the wrong forme bit (bad creations), so maybe a identifier?

    This was my next task, and as a matter of fact I'd already finished it in the VC++ sister project.

    That's great, I can't wait to see it!

    N's Pokémon will go in origins, Pokestar might be totally ignored like the contest stats. Is it really important? I suppose I could add it.

    Depends on user. Maybe some user can't find/create shinies and likes the entrance animation, but has no clue on how to search the forum for relevant information? ><

    Ribbons are likely the last thing I'll do, because they will be a nightmare. I have all the assets, just have to do the work.

    Yes, yes it is.

    Moving Pokémon around in the boxes / party is a top priority, but I have to figure out how to do it in Qt (I'm going to do drag and drop of course). Creating Pokémon is a mite trickier... people might forget the little details, so I am thinking of a way to help make it easier. Or I guess I could just let the user do it the hard way.

    Maybe in the mean time you can add in a clone and delete option?

    Cloning can be used as a based of a Pokemon, than users change PID afterwards.

    Delete can be used to remove bad eggs or generally stuff they don't want no more.

    Not sure where I want to put this [forme change] yet.

    Perhaps below Species name? I mean, after all, forme is linked to species. It can disappear when the species has no alternate forme.

    (also, when changing species, the forme bit needs to change to the correct bit)

    Unfortunately this is harder than it should be (because of how big the PID actually is). Gonna have to make a custom control in Qt, I think.

    I was thinking for simplicity sake, you can start of with a manual PID insertion,

    and when you time frees up, then you proceed with PID generation?

    Haha, wow. I didn't expect something like that to show up in a SAV file.

    Well I can't pretend it's not there, can I? What if you have one of these in a box, but it's invisible... what happens if you fill the box with other Pokémon? Do I now erase Brycen-Man? But I also have no intention of supporting such things, especially since they're not a part of the backend database I'm using. I'll have to give this some thought... maybe for cases like this I'll just show a ? and let the user do what they like with that.

    Since it was already on my save (used it to test my PSI), I decided to go along with it.

    Using existing save editors for comparison sake, Pokegen does not show the values (though the Pokemon will be still there).

    Since one "can't see it on Pokegen", it's common to "Set" (overwrite) another creation/entry over it.

    Similar to bad eggs, in normal game play they take up actual slots, and catching Pokemon will not overwrite it.

    I was considering such occurrences to be split to two distinctions:

    1. Bad Eggs - Slots entirely corrupted, no proper ability or name or species etc

    2. Question marks - Partial corrupted/Pokestar Studio/Missingnos.

    All in all, it's a beautiful program :)

  13. I believe I figured out the problem - a couple of the required DLLs had to be in a subfolder. That seems to have done it for my work computer anyway.

    If you would download the new zip and try one more time, I would really appreciate it. :-D

    It's working now, and my Pokemon are displayed properly!

    I'll compile my testing results shortly

    Beta Test EDIT:

    Findings (these might be glitches on my end):

    1. Unown ? did not load (showed Unown A, type became blank)

    2. Arceus of other types did not load (Arecus sprites had no change, type blanked)

    3. Ability "Teravolt" is missing

    4. Genesect other formes did not load

    5. Shiny Keldeo Normal Forme did not load

    6. Pichu with "extra forme" sprite did not load.

    [Example Keldeo in Resolute forme, then one switches to Pichu.

    Technically this pichu cannot exist in gameplay (forme bit will need to be corrected at this change).

    Aesthetic wise, all other Pokemon image loaded, but Pichu's sprite turned up blank]

    Possible functionality errors or not implemented:

    1. "Origins" are blank

    2. Lack of Identifier/tab/selection for "N's Pokemon" or Pokemon with "Pokestar Shine"

    3. Ribbons page is blank

    4. unable to create/shift Pokemon

    5. boxes on the right scroller are empty (I'm not sure if you had anything in mind for that....)

    6. Lack of Forme change tab

    7. Unable to change PID

    Extra Test: Box 4 Slot 30

    On my Save file, I've already had a "Brycen-man" in my PC.

    Interesting, your program picked up and showed me all the information,

    except for:

    1. Species and ID

    2. Ball used

    3. Type

    4. Ability

    5. Sprite (both in Box and in Edit Menu)

    6. Level and experience

    I was thinking, do you intend to Null over this kind of data (so that people can't change it, akin to Pokegen), or support it?

    I've attached the .sav created for sprite testing



  14. If you downloaded that DLL from a DLL hosting site, you're gonna want to delete it. Instead, make sure DirectX is installed and running the latest version. Also, I just updated the zip file, so if you don't mind, please download that and try running it.

    On my Windows 8 laptop, there wasn't the prompt for the dll (I'm on DirectX 11).

    When I run the program, it doesn't pop-up anything, and doesn't appear in task manager.

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