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Posts posted by theSLAYER

  1. Information provided below is as accurate as what I *think* I know:


    Now that xy has been locked down with the 1.2 update, is there anything left to temper with?

    So far, not anything, because trade data is encrypted (read above posts)

    In the other hand, how about the pkx data files you already have?

    - Can I dump this files and retrieve my trainer data from such file?

    Those files could not be re-inserted into the game at the first place. (no evidence seems to show that it could be done)

    There are programs that will show you the stats and SID on your existing Pkx files.

    (example one of such program, that has a familiar but not affiliated name: PokegenVI - Pokemon XY Editor v0.1 by Falo)

    - Was this program/method blocked by patch 1.2 as well?


    The program abused the fact that the data traffic was not encrypted.

    Now all WiFi trades are encrypted.

    (local trades are not encrypted, however at this point there is no way to direct local trades to run through a virtual router)

    Regarding the lockdown:

    As far as I know, the patch is stored in the SD card of the console, which gives you "physical access" to the code devised to block the exploit. What happens if you try to decrypt/read the patch stored in the SD? It may contain "the instructions" to encrypt the data (like some sort of plugin).

    The data on SD card is encrypted.

    If the data on SD could be decrypted, the direction of the console itself would have already geared towards hacking and e-shop games cloning [this portion is pure speculation]

  2. Unfortunately, it didn't worked at all... Plus, the GSV I extracted had a new game, unlike my real-life cart does, for some reason.

    Erm, a few ideas:

    1. rename your .gsv to .sav and load on "import as battery file", once imported soft reset, proceed to game and save.

    2. import as "raw" in no$gba

    I used to have this problem and I solved it, but as of now I can't remember how I did it,

    but it is probably along those lines.

  3. I don't see why MediaFire fails for you, but the only other option would be the Spanish link. The file is too large to be attached to this post... :/

    But I can assure you that there's no virus in the program; I've scanned it with three AVs, if that's what you're worried about. If it's just blocking it, though, I'd temporarily disable it.

    To my recollection, one also can try "PokeboxGBA",

    found here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?13832-PokeStock-BW-%28Updated-for-B2-W2

    It'll be a folder inside the pokestock.zip,

    but to take note a few folders are important, like the stock folder. If you don't extract it, it won't work.

  4. As Mr Iwata announced in today's Nintendo Direct (here) Celebi is going to be given to everyone who downloaded and accessed Pokemon Bank and Poke Transporter before September 30th 2014. You can even get Celebi if you only had the free 30-days trial.

    There are no further details yet.


    So if it's tagged to save file, we can recreate as many saves as we want to collect this Celebi,

    Or if it's tagged to 3DS, we can reformat our 3DS multiple times to collect this Celebi? xD

  5. I have used those bulbapedia articles extensively to parse the save files, but the focus of the articles are where to find the data in the encrypted file, not how to combine the result into a pkm file. It is only through subtext that the sub section order is understood to be what it is.

    Anyway, I know no one asked, but I will say it anyway. :b

    I simply load the encrypted data into a buffer and lazy load the encryption/decryption work until it is actually needed. It made for a very sleek and intuitive solution that was really easy to extend to cover the entire save file. At least it seemed like a cleaner solution compared to most other tools i've checked out, but then I couldn't find any sources for most any tools? Don't you guys share code in any way? I know codemonkey is on github and evandixion has code on codeplex, which is great, but those is the only one i have found? The other tools I had to reflect into to figure out how they worked. ^^

    To my understanding, you're doing Gen 3 .pkm files right?

    I'm sorry that I can't help you there; to my recollection, Pokemon Save Editing only kicked in full blow at the introduction of Gen IV.

    Back then there was Pokesav, then came in Jiggly's PPSE, some hints of Pokestock, and eventually Pokegen.

    Finally around the time of B2W2 release, appeared PikaEdit.

    It's only around the introduction of HGSS, then I noticed the surfacing of Gen III editing tools, Enciclopedia (spanish I think?) and Pokestock's "PokeGBA" or "Pokebox" w/ Gen III functionability.

    Gen III lasted between 2002 (JP RS) to 2005 (US E), with DP first released in Japan in 2006.

    It came close to decade (actual figure is 8 years +) for the most stable version (IMO) of Advanced Generation Editing to come to light,

    released only in the third quarter of this year: KazoWAR's A-save editor.

    Anything Gen III related before that, to me, was all RAM editing.

    My point to the long, long history lesson, is that I haven't seen any source codes for Gen III,

    Probably because some programs and sources might have been lost in time (File hosting sites died, data corruption etc),

    and it have might been deemed obsolete by some, especially due to "deemed complexity" of the nature of the file structure;

    the PID-IV relations, and whatnot.

    (also including the fact that Gen IV and V data can be edited easily with existing programs.

    only problem for newbs is they might fail to create gen III data on pokegen,

    due to palpark trash bytes)


  6. Evandixon, one thing I think you're skipping over without mentioning is my assertion that there isn't one single version of the 'decrypted' data. (But I will admit that it seems that everyone but me seem to use the same variant.)


    You basically mean that the developers of the game have one version of the data, the 'truth' so to speak, and then add encryption and obfuscation to hide it from us. And we are smart enough to see through their deception and display the truth for all to see?

    Yup precisely!

    Also, I'm quite sure that everyone uses the same decrypted format,

    cause I don't think you will get a reliable result if you decrypted it using another method.

    (I once attempted decryption for Gen V, before I published my program.

    During the beta tests, messed up the rng Seed and block shuffling on two different accounts.

    that led to me never decrypting it, hence no program was able to read my decrypted files.)


    Think of it as the master key (our sharp eyes detecting the deception) to that one lock (the one truth).

    Using any other key (any other argument) will not decrypt the file correctly (instead corrupts the truth).

    Do you know if the exact specs for a third gen pkm file are published somewhere?

    I believe this is what you're looking for :)

    Gen III Pkm Data Structure

    Gen III Save Structure

    For Comparison:

    Gen IV Pkm Data Structure

    As a note, .pkm structure changed in every generation.

  7. Not to bump this thread or anything, but I was thinking if the Pokemon can be cloned and given to Guested?

    Who knows one day when save editing or anything is up, you'll have the actual Pokemon to upload to the site.

    Furthermore, because it's cloned at this point in time where there's no editing that could be done, you already verified the "legitimacy" of the Pokemon ><

    Just a suggestion.

  8. I agree with Evandixon entirely.

    To add on, I believe that GF had the encryption implemented in Pokemon to prevent data extraction and manipulation,

    however hackers triumphantly rendered it useless by cracking the encryption.

    Since the encryption is cracked, there isn't any point to save in encrypted form, as being able to extract the data, kind of defeats the purpose of having it encrypted.

  9. It took me and my friend multiple tries locally, to finally clone.

    I can confirm it works. I won't be uploading a video, and I don't see a point uploading a picture since the other Pokemon is with him.

    What I can tell you, is the timing is between ~4.5 to 4.7 seconds, and unlike GTS cloning in DP, the timing is not easy to hit.

    Additionally, "who initiates trade first" seems to affect how long will the final grey screen to hang on. Have fun!


    1. As per randomspot555, this cloning glitch uses the standard "direct trade turn off method"

    2. So far based on my experiments and other people's remarks, no.

    It's likely due to how that game saves. So only the 3DS that sends the desired Pokemon turns off. (more info in video)

    Always at your own risk :)

    3. Patch 1.2 doesn't affect cloning so far. (and if they want to remove cloning, they might have to remodel the entire structure of how trades are made...)

  10. So the 1.2 patch ruined it all, here's a comparison of frames and stuff.

    Contains an entire box (20 Pokemon) from my game.

    - Box 13 - 1.0 1.1

    - Box 13 - 1.2 363

    - Box 13 - 1.2 407

    - Box 13 - pkx

    Stupid Battle Analyzer. This is why we can't have nice things.


    Now I must revert to traditional ways of getting shinies ;(


    Either that or we use Virtual Router to create some form of spoofed Local Network, like Hamachi? I don't know T.T *cries*

  11. For the record, for anyone who is researching the checksum and comparisons of trading encrypted information,

    Pokemon cloning is now possible.

    I've done this with my friend and it worked, but the window was really really slow. took me half an hour to get one success -.-

    Perhaps you can trade the same pokemon with each other for comparison.

    (though this ain't possible for wonder trade, duh. Unless you managed to find a time slot where no one else is wonder trading and thus co-ordinate; only happened to me once.)

  12. seens that you forgot lol

    Seems like you did not reply my question; I'm really curious why you're so anxious to get this program...

    Anyhow, to prevent unnecessary trouble from Mediafire, I've uploaded into Dropbox.

    Important Disclaimer: This program is set out as "Proof of concept". Not for serious hacking and destroying online gameplay.

    Hence the reason why I did not update on PID calculations and some glitches/bugs.


    It should probably be renamed as well, to avoid potential confusion with something else.

    Is it possible, to begin with editing the Thread title?

    Something like "Pokemon Black 2 / White 2 Pokestar Pokemon Enabler" works fine. or something.

    Will you ever add support to edit the hall of fame on Black and White .sav files?

    I lost a Shiny Rayquaza but he's still in my hall of fame on Pokemon White.

    If not do you know of a way I can get him back?

    I'm sorry but I don't think it'll be added :/

  13. The original Shininess Determination prior to Gen VI was XOR result (16-bit) < 8 (= 2 ^ 3), therefore you have to match 16 - 3 = 13 bits.

    In XY however, there are reports of Shiny Pkxs whose XOR result falls between 8 and 15. This leads to the speculation of the threshold being raised to 16 (= 2 ^ 4), which will yield a 16 - 4 = 12 bit match.

    The chances are thus 2 ^ -13 = 1/8192 and 2 ^ -12 = 1/4096 .

    By the way, can we confirm the threshold by intentionally set up a breeding of non-Shiny with XOR result 16?

    I don't know about you, but I've been using Smogon's instacheck, that shows trainer's and egg's shiny value (TSV and ESV respectively),

    and that value goes up to max 4096.

    So far, all my hatches, done for me and done for other people, have all hatched shiny indeed.

    Based on my results, it matches the 1/4096 threshold

  14. Hey all!

    I was breeding for Scatterbugs and trading them with users who can hatch it as Shiny for me on another site.

    When the Scatterbugs came back and evolved to Spewpa then Vivillon,

    it maintained as Jungle Pattern.

    Which means what matters is egg geographical location, not hatching geographical location.

    Just drawing a conclusion and leaving the "confirmed information" here! :)

  15. *snip*

    Truthfully, but never at one in time point did I mention it to be wonder trade.

    It is mistake on my part to believe people will be able to infer is as normal trade based on my words (you yourself found it contradictory),

    especially when Kazowar's program and instacheck works with normal trades and wonder trades.

    Anyway I hope the method works :)

  16. How can you Wondertrade with the same person if it's the Wondertrade servers who decide who you're trading with and not the players themselves?

    Wondertrading isn't the same as normal trading.

    For once, you don't get to choose who you're trading to, nor what Pokémon you're getting.

    AFAIK, the program by Kazowar, and even Instacheck, can record pokemon in normal trading,

    as the packets are also received in a similar manner apparently.

    I was referring to normal trading, not wonder trading.

  17. On the checksum:

    This is the exact same pokemon being sent during 3 different wondertrades -

    0000  00 00 19 00 6f 08 00 00  a4 d3 0d eb 00 00 00 00   ....o... ........
    0010 12 6c 85 09 80 04 db a7 00 88 01 2c 00 4c e6 76 .l...... ...,.L.v
    0020 a9 9a 1f 34 af 2c be 24 b6 4c e6 76 a9 9a 1f 90 ...4.,.$ .L.v....
    0030 1e 00 00 aa aa 03 00 00 00 08 00 45 00 03 cf 0f ........ ...E....
    0040 ed 00 00 40 11 cf 98 c0 a8 02 29 3c 29 98 9e e2 ...@.... ..)<)...
    0050 06 d0 2a 03 bb 05 69 ea d0 01 03 92 03 11 11 e2 ..*...i. ........
    0060 08 af 00 0c 00 32 16 fa 74 b1 82 6c eb 01 87 6d .....2.. t..l...m
    0070 14 a4 bb 41 16 02 01 00 53 5c 7e 03 02 00 00 00 ...A.... S\~.....
    0080 01 02 00 00 04 01 00 00 01 02 00 00 01 00 00 00 ........ ........
    0090 76 03 00 00 [b]5c 97 b1 dc 00 00 d9 29 a5 80 ff c3 v...\... ...)....
    00a0 78 af d3 07 79 bc 09 cd 5c 9d 05 9c ee cc da b1 x...y... \.......
    00b0 c7 ed 79 5c 0d f5 85 37 3a 8e 4b bd 92 4b 17 6b ..y\...7 :.K..K.k
    00c0 cc 47 a3 4a 55 69 3c 6c 0f c9 6d d5 c2 fd f9 f5 .G.JUi<l ..m.....
    00d0 e7 da d7 8a 26 a0 03 87 91 5f 88 8f a1 7a 2f 21 ....&... ._...z/!
    00e0 fa 24 57 47 db 13 78 1d e8 8a 17 a4 7b 8c e9 ff .$WG..x. ....{...
    00f0 6d 0e 89 2c fc 50 12 e4 06 d0 67 93 cd 20 5c 76 m..,.P.. ..g.. \v
    0100 e1 ac 78 09 c0 09 22 ce ff 4b 7d ac e7 b6 ef e6 ..x...". .K}.....
    0110 d6 c5 87 30 83 38 db a4 05 a9 4b d6 13 fa 57 8b ...0.8.. ..K...W.
    0120 87 27 e6 46 30 fd 1e 22 02 e4 95 a1 17 89 c4 c9 .'.F0.." ........
    0130 65 10 2e 77 a0 33 73 bc c4 37 89 21 b1 3b 18 a1 e..w.3s. .7.!.;..
    0140 78 d2 48 64 21 d6 a3 b7 cf d6 ba 54 9c 95 d3 4b x.Hd!... ...T...K
    0150 0e 43 62 c4 4e 73 7c 4b b7 75 14 1c 24 64 a2 a8 .Cb.Ns|K .u..$d..
    0160 24 a7 45 be c0 fd d0 d2 83 a4 38 c5 c9 36 58 f1 $.E..... ..8..6X.
    0170 1d 25 6e f4 61 65 e7 2d 94 02 dc 21 00[/b] 00 00 00 .%n.ae.- ...!....
    0180 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........
    0190 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 27 a4 1f 53 18 00 01 01 ........ '..S....
    01a0 e1 27 b9 aa 03 ac 26 f6 73 95 b7 b1 ef 57 2c e6 .'....&. s....W,.
    01b0 73 95 b7 b1 ef 57 2c e6 2e dc 21 6c 00 00 08 4e s....W,. ..!l...N
    01c0 14 26 1a 07 02 02 00 00 48 64 09 05 01 cb 08 03 .&...... Hd......
    01d0 41 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A....... ........
    01e0 46 00 65 00 6c 00 69 00 78 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F.e.l.i. x.......
    01f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 00 65 00 6c 00 ........ ..F.e.l.
    0200 69 00 78 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 i.x..... ........
    0210 00 00 00 00 4e 00 69 00 63 00 65 00 20 00 74 00 ....N.i. c.e. .t.
    0220 6f 00 20 00 6d 00 65 00 65 00 74 00 20 00 79 00 o. .m.e. e.t. .y.
    0230 61 00 21 00 00 00 4c 00 65 00 74 00 19 20 73 00 a.!...L. e.t.. s.
    0240 20 00 62 00 61 00 74 00 74 00 6c 00 65 00 21 00 .b.a.t. t.l.e.!.
    0250 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4c 00 65 00 74 00 19 20 ........ L.e.t..
    0260 73 00 20 00 74 00 72 00 61 00 64 00 65 00 21 00 s. .t.r. a.d.e.!.
    0270 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 57 00 61 00 74 00 ........ ..W.a.t.
    0280 63 00 68 00 20 00 6d 00 79 00 20 00 56 00 69 00 c.h. .m. y. .V.i.
    0290 64 00 65 00 6f 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 73 00 d.e.o.!. ....U.s.
    02a0 65 00 20 00 61 00 6e 00 20 00 4f 00 2d 00 50 00 e. .a.n. .O.-.P.
    02b0 6f 00 77 00 65 00 72 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 o.w.e.r. !.......
    02c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........
    02d0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........
    02e0 04 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........
    02f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........
    0300 4a 89 1d 00 00 00 00 00 53 72 af 3c 33 9d a3 9d J....... Sr.<3...
    0310 5f d7 a6 32 02 93 7e 1a 5a 15 2f cc 9c 06 4e ce _..2..~. Z./...N.
    0320 d3 1c fa e4 5c a7 72 15 5e e4 76 11 ee da b9 28 ....\.r. ^.v....(
    0330 02 5f 2a a4 59 bd a4 00 7e 72 7c b1 10 7f 62 59 ._*.Y... ~r|...bY
    0340 73 4b ec 81 6e 9f 2f 03 b0 00 b7 10 8e aa ad 73 sK..n./. .......s
    0350 1e 6f f3 e6 38 22 e7 b4 2d a0 b4 25 62 d7 2d 44 .o..8".. -..%b.-D
    0360 f4 a0 0e de 51 bb f1 88 cd 0a 5c ee 70 b8 7b 69 ....Q... ..\.p.{i
    0370 f5 3e 8a 54 28 35 96 5c a2 b9 a2 e1 7f 72 69 11 .>.T(5.\ .....ri.
    0380 42 4b 6b a1 fc cc 9b 47 98 2a 8a 11 98 46 48 85 BKk....G .*...FH.
    0390 b0 1c d6 05 3f 22 50 8d 88 e5 16 c3 1e fa fc d7 ....?"P. ........
    03a0 eb 78 1b d9 3a 2a 11 de 1b e5 60 ef c8 2c aa 67 .x..:*.. ..`..,.g
    03b0 71 86 c0 64 4d 03 90 0d 95 b7 a0 1a 91 ab 90 19 q..dM... ........
    03c0 3c 25 36 46 d8 59 f8 d3 74 6f f5 38 da a0 c7 f0 <%6F.Y.. to.8....
    03d0 52 8d d8 5c 7f 88 08 cf 32 2e cb 40 1d 4f a4 c6 R..\.... 2..@.O..
    03e0 85 e7 e0 5a 16 1d c7 fa 9a d4 e3 fd 15 e8 e5 0d ...Z.... ........
    03f0 38 23 9a 62 6c 56 37 a3 23 e8 da 45 60 cb c2 84 8#.blV7. #..E`...
    0400 99 f0 5c 54 01 a2 55 22 04 00 cd d5 aa 34 ..\T..U" .....4

    [Code]0000 00 00 19 00 6f 08 00 00 b2 1c aa f2 00 00 00 00 ....o... ........
    0010 12 6c 85 09 80 04 d9 a9 00 88 01 2c 00 4c e6 76 .l...... ...,.L.v
    0020 a9 9a 1f 34 af 2c be 24 b6 4c e6 76 a9 9a 1f d0 ...4.,.$ .L.v....
    0030 0f 00 00 aa aa 03 00 00 00 08 00 45 00 03 cf 07 ........ ...E....
    0040 6e 00 00 40 11 e3 c4 c0 a8 02 29 50 1f 78 fb ed n..@.... ..)P.x..
    0050 1e f5 b7 03 bb 88 38 ea d0 01 03 92 03 11 11 e2 ......8. ........
    0060 08 83 00 0e 00 d7 6a 31 8e 13 c4 8d af 83 3a 09 ......j1 ......:.
    0070 7f f7 13 15 5a 02 01 00 5b 3a 7e 03 05 00 00 00 ....Z... [:~.....
    0080 01 02 00 00 04 01 00 00 01 02 00 00 01 00 00 00 ........ ........
    0090 76 03 00 00 [b]5c 97 b1 dc 00 00 d9 29 a5 80 ff c3 v...\... ...)....
    00a0 78 af d3 07 79 bc 09 cd 5c 9d 05 9c ee cc da b1 x...y... \.......
    00b0 c7 ed 79 5c 0d f5 85 37 3a 8e 4b bd 92 4b 17 6b ..y\...7 :.K..K.k
    00c0 cc 47 a3 4a 55 69 3c 6c 0f c9 6d d5 c2 fd f9 f5 .G.JUi<l ..m.....
    00d0 e7 da d7 8a 26 a0 03 87 91 5f 88 8f a1 7a 2f 21 ....&... ._...z/!
    00e0 fa 24 57 47 db 13 78 1d e8 8a 17 a4 7b 8c e9 ff .$WG..x. ....{...
    00f0 6d 0e 89 2c fc 50 12 e4 06 d0 67 93 cd 20 5c 76 m..,.P.. ..g.. \v
    0100 e1 ac 78 09 c0 09 22 ce ff 4b 7d ac e7 b6 ef e6 ..x...". .K}.....
    0110 d6 c5 87 30 83 38 db a4 05 a9 4b d6 13 fa 57 8b ...0.8.. ..K...W.
    0120 87 27 e6 46 30 fd 1e 22 02 e4 95 a1 17 89 c4 c9 .'.F0.." ........
    0130 65 10 2e 77 a0 33 73 bc c4 37 89 21 b1 3b 18 a1 e..w.3s. .7.!.;..
    0140 78 d2 48 64 21 d6 a3 b7 cf d6 ba 54 9c 95 d3 4b x.Hd!... ...T...K
    0150 0e 43 62 c4 4e 73 7c 4b b7 75 14 1c 24 64 a2 a8 .Cb.Ns|K .u..$d..
    0160 24 a7 45 be c0 fd d0 d2 83 a4 38 c5 c9 36 58 f1 $.E..... ..8..6X.
    0170 1d 25 6e f4 61 65 e7 2d 94 02 dc 21 00[/b] 00 00 00 .%n.ae.- ...!....
    0180 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........
    0190 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 27 a4 1f 53 18 00 01 01 ........ '..S....
    01a0 e1 27 b9 aa 03 ac 26 f6 73 95 b7 b1 ef 57 2c e6 .'....&. s....W,.
    01b0 73 95 b7 b1 ef 57 2c e6 2e dc 21 6c 00 00 08 4e s....W,. ..!l...N
    01c0 14 26 1a 07 02 02 00 00 48 64 09 05 01 cb 08 03 .&...... Hd......
    01d0 41 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A....... ........
    01e0 46 00 65 00 6c 00 69 00 78 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F.e.l.i. x.......
    01f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 00 65 00 6c 00 ........ ..F.e.l.
    0200 69 00 78 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 i.x..... ........
    0210 00 00 00 00 4e 00 69 00 63 00 65 00 20 00 74 00 ....N.i. c.e. .t.
    0220 6f 00 20 00 6d 00 65 00 65 00 74 00 20 00 79 00 o. .m.e. e.t. .y.
    0230 61 00 21 00 00 00 4c 00 65 00 74 00 19 20 73 00 a.!...L. e.t.. s.
    0240 20 00 62 00 61 00 74 00 74 00 6c 00 65 00 21 00 .b.a.t. t.l.e.!.
    0250 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4c 00 65 00 74 00 19 20 ........ L.e.t..
    0260 73 00 20 00 74 00 72 00 61 00 64 00 65 00 21 00 s. .t.r. a.d.e.!.
    0270 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 57 00 61 00 74 00 ........ ..W.a.t.
    0280 63 00 68 00 20 00 6d 00 79 00 20 00 56 00 69 00 c.h. .m. y. .V.i.
    0290 64 00 65 00 6f 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 73 00 d.e.o.!. ....U.s.
    02a0 65 00 20 00 61 00 6e 00 20 00 4f 00 2d 00 50 00 e. .a.n. .O.-.P.
    02b0 6f 00 77 00 65 00 72 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 o.w.e.r. !.......
    02c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........
    02d0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........
    02e0 04 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........
    02f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........
    0300 4a 89 1d 00 00 00 00 00 53 72 af 3c 33 9d a3 9d J....... Sr.<3...
    0310 5f d7 a6 32 02 93 7e 1a 5a 15 2f cc 9c 06 4e ce _..2..~. Z./...N.
    0320 d3 1c fa e4 5c a7 72 15 5e e4 76 11 ee da b9 28 ....\.r. ^.v....(
    0330 02 5f 2a a4 59 bd a4 00 7e 72 7c b1 10 7f 62 59 ._*.Y... ~r|...bY
    0340 73 4b ec 81 6e 9f 2f 03 b0 00 b7 10 8e aa ad 73 sK..n./. .......s
    0350 1e 6f f3 e6 38 22 e7 b4 2d a0 b4 25 62 d7 2d 44 .o..8".. -..%b.-D
    0360 f4 a0 0e de 51 bb f1 88 cd 0a 5c ee 70 b8 7b 69 ....Q... ..\.p.{i
    0370 f5 3e 8a 54 28 35 96 5c a2 b9 a2 e1 7f 72 69 11 .>.T(5.\ .....ri.
    0380 42 4b 6b a1 fc cc 9b 47 98 2a 8a 11 98 46 48 85 BKk....G .*...FH.
    0390 b0 1c d6 05 3f 22 50 8d 88 e5 16 c3 1e fa fc d7 ....?"P. ........
    03a0 eb 78 1b d9 3a 2a 11 de 1b e5 60 ef c8 2c aa 67 .x..:*.. ..`..,.g
    03b0 71 86 c0 64 4d 03 90 0d 95 b7 a0 1a 91 ab 90 19 q..dM... ........
    03c0 3c 25 36 46 d8 59 f8 d3 74 6f f5 38 da a0 c7 f0 <%6F.Y.. to.8....
    03d0 52 8d d8 5c 7f 88 08 cf 32 2e cb 40 1d 4f a4 c6 R..\.... 2..@.O..
    03e0 85 e7 e0 5a 16 1d c7 fa 9a d4 e3 fd 15 e8 e5 0d ...Z.... ........
    03f0 38 23 9a 62 6c 56 37 a3 23 e8 da 45 60 cb c2 84 8#.blV7. #..E`...
    0400 99 f0 5c 54 01 a2 55 22 04 00 05 55 60 61 ..\T..U" ...U`a

    [Code]0000 00 00 19 00 6f 08 00 00 62 80 1f f9 00 00 00 00 ....o... b.......
    0010 12 6c 85 09 80 04 fd a9 00 88 01 2c 00 4c e6 76 .l...... ...,.L.v
    0020 a9 9a 1f 34 af 2c be 24 b6 4c e6 76 a9 9a 1f c0 ...4.,.$ .L.v....
    0030 0e 00 00 aa aa 03 00 00 00 08 00 45 00 03 cf 07 ........ ...E....
    0040 3c 00 00 40 11 35 31 c0 a8 02 29 4e d2 29 0e e9 <..@.51. ..)N.)..
    0050 60 d2 76 03 bb 41 20 ea d0 01 03 92 03 11 11 e2 `.v..A . ........
    0060 08 7f 00 0e 00 d3 ca 02 fd 5d 63 ac 35 31 80 61 ........ .]c.51.a
    0070 95 8c c4 06 ab 02 01 00 5b 3a 7e 03 05 00 00 00 ........ [:~.....
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    00a0 78 af d3 07 79 bc 09 cd 5c 9d 05 9c ee cc da b1 x...y... \.......
    00b0 c7 ed 79 5c 0d f5 85 37 3a 8e 4b bd 92 4b 17 6b ..y\...7 :.K..K.k
    00c0 cc 47 a3 4a 55 69 3c 6c 0f c9 6d d5 c2 fd f9 f5 .G.JUi<l ..m.....
    00d0 e7 da d7 8a 26 a0 03 87 91 5f 88 8f a1 7a 2f 21 ....&... ._...z/!
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    00f0 6d 0e 89 2c fc 50 12 e4 06 d0 67 93 cd 20 5c 76 m..,.P.. ..g.. \v
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    0110 d6 c5 87 30 83 38 db a4 05 a9 4b d6 13 fa 57 8b ...0.8.. ..K...W.
    0120 87 27 e6 46 30 fd 1e 22 02 e4 95 a1 17 89 c4 c9 .'.F0.." ........
    0130 65 10 2e 77 a0 33 73 bc c4 37 89 21 b1 3b 18 a1 e..w.3s. .7.!.;..
    0140 78 d2 48 64 21 d6 a3 b7 cf d6 ba 54 9c 95 d3 4b x.Hd!... ...T...K
    0150 0e 43 62 c4 4e 73 7c 4b b7 75 14 1c 24 64 a2 a8 .Cb.Ns|K .u..$d..
    0160 24 a7 45 be c0 fd d0 d2 83 a4 38 c5 c9 36 58 f1 $.E..... ..8..6X.
    0170 1d 25 6e f4 61 65 e7 2d 94 02 dc 21 00[/b] 00 00 00 .%n.ae.- ...!....
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    0280 63 00 68 00 20 00 6d 00 79 00 20 00 56 00 69 00 c.h. .m. y. .V.i.
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    02a0 65 00 20 00 61 00 6e 00 20 00 4f 00 2d 00 50 00 e. .a.n. .O.-.P.
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    0310 5f d7 a6 32 02 93 7e 1a 5a 15 2f cc 9c 06 4e ce _..2..~. Z./...N.
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    0330 02 5f 2a a4 59 bd a4 00 7e 72 7c b1 10 7f 62 59 ._*.Y... ~r|...bY
    0340 73 4b ec 81 6e 9f 2f 03 b0 00 b7 10 8e aa ad 73 sK..n./. .......s
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    0380 42 4b 6b a1 fc cc 9b 47 98 2a 8a 11 98 46 48 85 BKk....G .*...FH.
    0390 b0 1c d6 05 3f 22 50 8d 88 e5 16 c3 1e fa fc d7 ....?"P. ........
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    03b0 71 86 c0 64 4d 03 90 0d 95 b7 a0 1a 91 ab 90 19 q..dM... ........
    03c0 3c 25 36 46 d8 59 f8 d3 74 6f f5 38 da a0 c7 f0 <%6F.Y.. to.8....
    03d0 52 8d d8 5c 7f 88 08 cf 32 2e cb 40 1d 4f a4 c6 R..\.... 2..@.O..
    03e0 85 e7 e0 5a 16 1d c7 fa 9a d4 e3 fd 15 e8 e5 0d ...Z.... ........
    03f0 38 23 9a 62 6c 56 37 a3 23 e8 da 45 60 cb c2 84 8#.blV7. #..E`...
    0400 99 f0 5c 54 01 a2 55 22 04 00 18 98 3b a3 ..\T..U" ....;.

    So its definitely not a simple checksum of only the pokemon data :) so its either heavily seeded or something else entirely

    /E: In fact, the whole data section ONLY differs in that "checksum"



    [b][u]DISCLAIMER: Purely speculative; a suggestion from my pool of limited knowledge.[/u][/b]

    Not that I read into the data,

    But to my understanding of the situation so far (using the quoted piece above as an example).

    The conclusion is that the checksum for the trade using the same pkmn sent can differ.

    I feel that there's a possibility that the checksum is against[b] both[/b] sent and received packets.

    You should try trading 3 times with the same person,

    with said person trading the exact same pkmn with you on all 3 tries,

    and then see if the checksum still differs.

    If the checksum turns out to be the same,

    both parties can attempt to inject the opposite parties' pkmn in the same final trade,

    to see if that works ><

    If it does work, we have our new "sacrificial type" cloning technique..


    [also, do trade the above said pokemon at least once with the partner, as the "last traded information" is stored in the pkmn,

    and the change in that information may change the overall checksum.

    In other words.

    1st trade is for test and "zeroing" the pkmn, (trade A for B)

    2nd, 4th, 6th trade is to receive the pkmn back (trade B for A)

    3rd, 5th, 7th is to record and compare packets (trade A for B)

    8th is to attempt to cross inject (trade B for A, but attempt to replicate injection as if trading A for B)]

  18. At least you're not asking "whens pokgen being updated??????????" or something.

    I know better than to ask that.

    If it's out, it's out. No need to ask, really.

    Anyhow, it seems that "Markings" are missing from the structure page.


    i can't seem to find where the pokemon data starts.

    from 0x94 to 0x17b.

    (it's a Pansage belonging to yoyo)

    To find it, you'll have to identify the following pattern:

    xx xx xx xx 00 xx xx.... xx 00 00 00

    The first 00 (I mentioned above) is the "Sanity placeholder" and it'll be seemingly garbled mess till the end, which will be the long cycles of 00 00 00..

    The first 4 xx xx xx xx is the PID value.

    For simplicity sake, I've attached your encrypted Pansage.

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