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Posts posted by theSLAYER

  1. @Macromind101 I believe I didn’t enable editing BDSP timestamps, thus they are not intended. Decided it wasn’t worth my time to figure this whole thing out and how to implement it code wise.

    As for using drag and drop to rearrange, well, I’m not in any way technically capable in terms of coding, so I can’t imagine me being able to do that. If I do pick this mini-project back up I’ll keep the idea in the back of my mind, but for now the max I’ll do is update it to work with the latest PKHeX.Core

  2. That’s the developer of that app, I’m sure they know what they’re saying.


    To be clear, intention doesn’t equal to observed execution.


    It is *intended* only for original vanilla games, and *not* for ROM hacks. If it works for the ROM hacks you’ve played, then sure, it’s a happy coincidence, that is due to the fact that the ROM hack hasn’t changed enough of the data surrounding the save to deviate from the original games. If a ROM hack save deviates enough from the base games, PKHeX won’t identify it and work with it.


    And also, some fan games aren’t even ROM hacks, like they’re straight up creations from RPG maker or something, so the save format isn’t even close to anything PKHeX would identify and work with…

  3. And while I didn’t go the full amount, I confirmed it is a triangular distribution and there’s no reason for the stated value to be wrong:


    If you want a 95% chance of having getting at least 1, you’ll need to transfer 49,465 mons.

    (note: it is way possible to can get one way before to number, that figure just represents the ‘almost worst case scenario’; that is the figure for when you’re massively unlucky. If you wanna go most unlucky, it’s something like 99.999999% -> 304,154)


    Statistics are fun..

  4. 4 hours ago, elsneg said:

    DSi r4 and DSlite R4, trade



    Trading usually isn’t an issue, provided the communication option chosen works.

    The issues typically comes from transferring to other games. 

    Gen 3 -> Gen 4: Gen 3 needs to be retail cart
    Gen 4 -> Gen 5: Gen 4 needs to be retail cart
    Gen 5 -> Gen 6: Gen 5 needs to be retail carr

  5. 2 hours ago, MyNameIsNick said:

    I was playing pokémon emerald, hunting for Latios, but i acc killed it then saved (i didnt know he would be gone forever). I opened PKHeX to revive it. I revived latios but when i found it in the wild,he was half-dead, i could still interact with it but any attack would defeat latios and if i didnt catch it at first try my game would be stuck at the battle screen. this bug is "fixed" when u catch it (it shows that the latios was fainted). I just think it is a pretty cool glitch

    WhatsApp Image 2024-08-13 at 13.16.15_d5731174.jpg

    WhatsApp Image 2024-08-13 at 13.18.33_d51ff648.jpg

    Wouldn’t call it a glitch per-se cause it’s not naturally in-game occurring behaviour. Probably due to mismatch of you flipping the flag back to active, but didn’t restore the HP. In any case it is interesting, I’ll give you that.

  6. I dunno if there's anything useful mate, it looks like garbage data (for example, it doesn't seem to adhere to any patterns I can recognize at a glance).

    In the mean time, give us your exact OT name and TID in game, maybe can try seeing if it appears anywhere in that data.

  7. 23 hours ago, ChaBoiJish said:

    Were the 3 missing pokemon Sandshrew, Shelder, Slowpoke, ever found?


    Also, was this event at EVERY Toys R Us in the US?

    The ones that were supposedly found/owned and shared didn’t match data from known screenshots/data and related algorithms

  8. 11 hours ago, Ghostface90 said:

    how to add Pokemon from Soulsilver to Ultra moon

    Open 2 windows of PKHeX, one load SS save, another load UM save, then drag the one from SS save into UM.


    well as how to get legendaries from the mirror versions

    Just use encounter database to inject them. Else play the save (before you encountered the legendary) in the mirror version. For that, I recommend you change your TID, SID, and OT, to prevent any same OT details but different game recognition in PKHeX and HOME.

    Lastly, don’t ask for help in an unrelated topic. I’ve split your post out.

  9. 4 hours ago, Wokann said:

    In addition to the B5EE byte, the game program will also verify a 128-byte RSA signature in the slot2 file.

    I have checked all the language ROMs of GEN4 (DPPT, HGSS), the result is that all the Japanese versions of GEN4 do not perform signature verification, while all the overseas versions of GEN4 require signature verification.

    After I tried to remove the signature verification and changed B5EJ to B5EE, the slot2 file can be received as a distribution normally for English peral.

    At the same time, the files in dechi.bin do not contain language flags, which means  whatever language of pcd file you inject to dechi.bin, it all can be recognized by gen4 rom after changed B5EJ and skip signature check(which is different from the language setting in the Deoxys distribution ROM)

    That’s cool information. Where would the 128-byte RSA signature be located at if it wasn’t removed?

  10. 6 hours ago, TokoyamiTheDark said:

    It's been a while. I just noticed that a modded Switch's OFW and CFW are considered as two different consoles, so two savefiles can be used. A pal of mine started a brand new game on S/V with all items (no piracy anywhere on his console), however he doesn't feel like booting CFW every time he wants to play this save file. He simply want to transfer that save on the OFW section of his console. Is it possible to do that? I saw a thread that looked like a solution, but we couldn't figure out how it worked, or if it was the same problem as my friend have. Thanks again!

    Is he using Emunand? That sounds an issue with using Emunand. Just boot CFW into SysMMC and restore the save there.

  11. 15 hours ago, KyzenEX said:

    Ohhhh I see. I happened upon that same thread earlier but I neither knew about the value not being stored/being basically useless after generating the portal nor that it doesn't even affect legendaries. That sux lol, so it basically matters while you're on the wormhole minigame, gotcha.

    Also, do you know of a good Hex editor for gen7 saves? (or in general)

    Yeah the lightyears metric affects what wormhole spawns as you're flying. Once you're in it doesn't really matter any more.


    I personally use the program HxD to hex edit any data.

  12. 1 minute ago, KyzenEX said:

    The lightyears traveled affect shiny odds as far as I'm aware and have read online (up to 4k iirc). I reckon that they gotta be saved somewhere once you enter that world to "set" that value up for further shiny calculations. Is there any way to find it on Pkhex? Or is it even known at all for that matter? Also, thank you very much for your swift reply!

    The lightyears metric doesn't affect legendaries/UBs, as far as I am aware, so I'll move on to non-legends.

    For non-legends, their shininess is already determined upon entering the world, so even if you could affect it the lightyear metric (which again, AFAIK isn't stored), wouldn't matter cause shininess was already determined.
    It means that the encounter was already decided to be shiny or not shiny. As long as you're in that world, even if you reset the game, the shininess of the encounter is already decided.


    I found the offset controlling shininess of non-legends, it's offset 0x4535.
    0x00 for non-shiny, 0x01 for shiny. (Changing that made my shiny Barbaracle into standard Barbaracle)

    Read here: https://projectpokemon.org/home/forums/topic/39433-sm-usum-save-research-thread/page/3/#comment-239090

    So edit the byte in a hex editor, load the save into PKHeX to fix checksums, then export the save. Then import into your game.

  13. 34 minutes ago, KyzenEX said:

    Sorry for necroing, but is there any way to edit the lightyears traveled? Been looking for a while and haven't found anything on that specific parameter yet

    You referring to the string of text that shows up after you’ve entered a wormhole into a different place?

    What do you need it for? It’s a temporary value not saved in the save (as far as I know) and wont have any bearings on what you’re gonna encounter (as you’ve already entered the world…)

  14. 3 hours ago, Camryn78 said:

    When I Load up my Run and bun save file PKHex changes my skitty to a shiftry and is in a egg and turns my Chimchar into a Anorth in a egg and it puts my growlithe in a egg to. I don't know why this is happening?.

    What’s a bun save file. You playing some kind of ROM hack?

  15. 22 hours ago, PLAFiles said:

    Ohhhh. So a Pokémon could be edited how you want, but then if you put it in Home and were to take it back out, you can't edit it anymore without making it illegal/illegitimate?

    If you make it too illegal, it may not enter HOME, even as first time entry.

    otherwise, legal edits then first time entry into HOME (from the correct game) shouldn’t be a problem. That is where it gets it’s HOME tracker. Once assigned a HOME tracker, you shouldn’t make any modifications. And if you do, do not touch the immutables.

  16. 1 hour ago, PLAFiles said:

    Referencing this post, since yet again, I cannot reply directly there. @theSLAYER


    Regarding footnote 3:

      Reveal hidden contents


    So, how would this work with Eggs? Like, if I had a starter Pokémon as an Egg, modified its stats and all that to be perfect, then hatched it in-game, would it still be 100% legal/legitimate? Since at that point, the Egg is legitimately hatching and getting values from the game itself when hatched.

    Legal, not legitimate. Also it won’t be assigned a HOME tracker until it can enter HOME (eggs can’t enter HOME), so the important part is whatever stats it has after it enters, has to remain.

    Keep in mind it can have illegal stats as it enters, and the act of being able to enter won’t make it legal nor legitimate

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