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Posts posted by theSLAYER

  1. I've been lurking this thread since it came up and try as I might I just can't get the manual injection to work. I've updated my .NET framework and tried running everything in safe mode to make sure it wasn't a stray process causing incompatibility. I've even tried depositing the studiomon (Scene OL/Scene OL 2) into every box in almost every slot (in both 1.5b and 2.0b).

    No matter what I do, I get arithmetic errors. Even loading my .sav files prompts the error. What's really vexing is the lv. 5 injection works just fine, despite the error message that pops up. I really don't want to bother you guys with helping me out because that's time better spent elsewhere, but I don't really have any other ideas on what to do.

    Hopefully things will smooth out soon :D

    This is the error my debugger brings up.

    This is my .sav file.

    This is the .pkm file that I'm trying to get working (Scene OL 2).

    You're running on what platform and os?

    I've tried making it in the form of an installer, hope it works.

    (Truth is, I have no idea what bug is it. I'm running on 32bit Windows 7 Ultimate)

    PSI 2.0b setup..zip

    PSI 2.0b setup..zip

  2. @theSLAYER91831548

    Ok, I hope it works out for you. :)

    I just tried 2C5 or 709 in Pokemon Rom Changer, and it loaded the data. I pretty sure that it crashed on that pokemon in the game. I guess that tool isn't built to handle these.

    I havent tried yet. Presently been working on other minor

    Functionability and on why it crashes for some users and is

    Perfect for others.

    I usually have a few hours at night, as I have a day job to do :/

    Give me some time :D

  3. Lol, version 2.0B gives me the same error but when I try to open my save file

    Why am I so unlucky? D:

    Did 1.5b work for you.

    Open the full error dialog and copy / screenshot


    The front and back of the "Glitch Unowns" are exactly like a normal Unown. The only difference is that they have different moves (one of them has just Growth at LV1), different types, and different abilities. They also have Bulbasaur's cry. According to Pokemon Rom Changer...

    (I could be reading pokemon forms, but I am not sure why they would look like Unown....)

    (XYZ?! Forms could be somewhere.....)

    B- Bug/Steel (Female)
    C- Grass/Flying
    D- Ghost/Dragon
    E- Electric/Fire
    F- Electric/Water
    G- Electric/Ice
    H- Electric/Flying
    I- Electric/Grass
    J- Fire/Fire (50% M/F) (Castform?)
    K- Water/Water (50% M/F) (Castform?)
    L- Ice/Ice (50% M/F) (Castform?)
    M- Water/Water (50% M/F) Color:Green Item: DeepSeaScale Ability: Rock Head, Adaptability, Mold Breaker
    N- Fire/Psychic (50% M/F) Ability: Sheer Force, Zen Mode (Darmanitan Zen Mode Form?)
    O- Normal/Fight Item: Star Piece, Star Piece Ability: Serene Grace
    P- Dragon/Ice Ability: Turboblaze (Could be White Kyurem) 
    Q- Dragon/Ice Ability: Teravolt (Could be Black Kyurem) 
    R- Water/Fighting Ability: Justified
    S- Flying/Flying Ability: Regenerator (Male)
    T- Electric/Flying Ability: Volt Absorb (Male)
    U- Ground/Flying Ability: Intimidate (Male)
    V- [blank]/Poison (No Gender even listed, but male in the game) Ability: Speed Boost Color: Green Egg Group: [blank]/[bug]
    W- [blank]/Normal (No Gender even listed, but male inn the game) Ability: Speed Boost (Intimidate in game) Color: Red Egg Group: [blank]/[bug]

    The Pokemon ROM Changer is iffy with V and W and ofter crashes switching between the "Glitch Unowns". I have no idea if this info is correct, so this still needs more research. Also, they all learn TM's.

    Some last data:

    V's (Possible) Hex Data:

    E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03

    E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03

    E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 3B 00 3C 00 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03

    E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 71 00 72 00 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03

    E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 59 00 5A 00 F8 00

    W's (Possible) Hex Data:

    F9 00 1A 01 1B 01 3D 00 3E 00 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03

    E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03

    1C 00 1D 00 E7 03 E7 03 33 00 34 00 E7 03 E7 03

    E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03

    E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03 E7 03

    I'll give them a try, to determine their stability

  4. Pretty sure PokeStock 3.7 can do it.

    Since that above linked thread doesn't mention the checksums that have to be fixed when hex editing, here's what they are for the Hall of Fame block (in B2W2 saves).

    checksum of 0x74000-0x7555B @ 0x7555E

    ...^ is also stored at 0x75600.

    checksum of 0x75600-0x75603 @ 0x75612

    From the looks of it, there's a backup of the hall of fame starting at 0x75800, with the same checksum pattern.

    checksum of 0x75800-0x76D5B @ 0x76D5E

    ...^ is also stored at 0x76E00.

    checksum of 0x76E00-0x76E03 @ 0x76E12

    Kaphotics with your permission, I'll like to use those values in my program as a new feature to edit hall of fame

  5. The weird thing is that it worked on the XP and not Windows 7. They both have the same .NET version, so that isn't it. The required version was 4.something, by the way.

    That's weird.

    Anyways, I've updated to v1.5b,

    With a different way of tabulating Species ID, as well as Checksum calcalation.

    What that means is, I hope it won't glitch up on yours and JGBMaster's end.

    Give it a try :)

  6. Well, I got around to trying it on another computer, and I successfully injected the Smeargle as a Smeargle 2. :D

    But, then I tried it again to make sure it wasn't a fluke, and it stayed a Zekrom. The name, moves, and stats and such were all transferred, just the species didn't change. No idea what went wrong that time. O.o

    Anyway, I'll keep looking into it and let you know what I find out.

    Edit: I just injected several other pokemon, and they all worked fine. Also, I don't know if this is relevant or not, but the pokemon I got to work were all edited from a Thundurus.pkm instead of Zekrom. The only real difference between the two computers is that one is XP and one is Windows 7, but I don't know that that would be causing any errors.

    It stayed as a Zekrom? Weird. Never happened to me before!

    Well, it probably made some difference; I'm using a Windows 7 and it all works.

    I'm really hoping it's not platform issues.

    That being said, try updating your .NET framework on XP? (though I won't know which version is essential)

    I would have never have guessed that someone made a tool for this. Thanks! I like how Spirit (Demon) is almost invincible.

    Anyway, this game also has Glitch Unown that was inaccessible in BW. Would it be possible to add a second editor function to select these? I have included a list that I have posted on another site for reference.

    The following are the "Glitch" Unown that you couldn't battle in BW1 
    because the game crashed during mid-encounter. They have their own 
    back sprites, movesets, and they are encountered as a " (Blank Space) " 
    at the start of the encounter. 
    The game actually displays them as ????????? (I can't remember how many "?" there are.) 
    with some having a mix of various foreign characters. 
    Oddly,  there is no "Glitch" Unown A, X-Z, ?, and ! .
    2AF - B
    2B0 - C
    2B1 - D
    2B2 - E
    2B3 - F
    2B4 - G
    2B5 - H
    2B6 - I
    2B7 - J
    2B8 - K
    2B9 - L
    2BA - M
    2BB - N
    2BC - O
    2BD - P
    2BE - Q
    2BF - R
    2C0 - S
    2C1 - T
    2C2 - U
    2C3 - V
    2C4 - W

    So you're saying those are their sprite offsets right?

    What's the significant difference about them?

    (I'm asking so that when I code them out and play, I can "tell the difference")

  7. Ok, but I don't wanna make you my slave :P You're working too much. I'll give you my save file but if it doesn't work I'll manage to get the other 5 Studio Pokémon I want. I'll ask a friend or something.


    Save file -----> http://www.mediafire.com/?vsavy1l43gjwztg

    Screenshot ----> http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/1327/errorwm.png

    you should open the details so I can read it --.

    EDIT: You can simply zip it and upload it here.

    Anyway I've attached it here. I could do it for you.

    My options " Disable prompts on".

    When does the error occur. upon loadup or inserting. Cause its working for me I don't know why.

    For starters try deleting the .ini file.

    Pokemon Black 2. &#4.zip

    Pokemon Black 2. .zip

  8. I inserted it to Box 9, 6 and others and didn't work. I don't think if I insert it in Box 2 it will work, but let's try it. Probably my .NET Framework

    isn't updated or something like you said some days ago.

    EDIT: It doesn't work neither D:

    Give it a try. also screenshot the error (in full page)

    If it doesnt work send me your sav I do for it

  9. I've been having problems with this as well. Every time I try to do a manual insert, I get an error. The standard insert works fine, so I'm not sure what the deal is. I'll attack the save file and the .pkm so you can look at it.

    ...And I don't know how to do spoiler tags, but the error says "Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow." I've gotten a few other errors, but can't seem to replicate them.

    Originally I could convert your zekrom to genesect but NOT to smeargle2.

    But when I resaved it as a .pkm using pokegen, it worked for me.

    What program were you using originally?

    What were you trying to convert to?

    EDIT: I can use it to become mv2 and brycenmen

    Which box were you dumping into?

  10. Using that file still gets the exact same error. :/

    So, the file isn't the problem. I wonder what else could be messing it up?

    Thanks Lorenzo, I'll try if it works. Standard injection works great for me but when I use manual injection the program gives me the same error: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow. Now let's try it with your save file.

    EDIT: I get the same error. Standard injection keeps working but manual injection doesn't.

    How about showing me the .pkm you tried to insert?

    Anyway if its a PID problem, it's resolved in the latest v1.4b :)

  11. I used a friend's Japanese save file (with English translation), 'cause my US save file screwed up some weeks ago and I don't know why (before downloading the program). My problem is that when I load my Zekrom .pkm file and click "Inject", the program gives me an error. Is that because I'm using a Japanese file? Is it because I'm using Windows XP? Is it because my Zekrom .pkm file is weird (well, I've tried it lots of times and with lots of different Zekrom .pkm files)?

    Please help me D:


    It could be you're missing the latest .NET application of something.

    Copy paste the following here:

    1. The error (in spoilers)

    2. The sav (jap and eng savs are pretty much same locations, but paste here nonetheless

    3. the .pkm

    By testing and elimination, we'll know whats the problem

  12. I have found the Hall of Fame offsets in the save file, seems that it saves the pokemon species number so you can edit them to insert a studio pokemon

    The Hall of Fame block begins at 0x74000

    First Hall of Fame

    0x74000 1st Pkm id

    0x74002 Level

    0x7400C Nickname

    0x74022 OT

    0x7406E Move 1

    0x74070 Move 2

    0x74072 Move 3

    0x74074 Move 4

    0x7403C 2nd pkm id...

    0x7412C 6th pkm id...

    There is some data I don't know but this is some progress, also I did some hex editing to change the pokemon species of my first pokemon in the Hall of Fame and this is what I got


    That's cool! I might be able to run something along those lines.

    I was also thinking of revamping my program.

    Gonna take a while LOL

  13. 1. File -> Open

    That is for opening your save file.

    2. Hover over boxes, Right Click -> View Data

    That is how you view data.

    Everything will be displayed on the left side,

    Where you can edit the pokemon and stuff.

    3. Hover over box, right click -> set.

    That is how you "Set" the changes.

    Can use it to clone or overwrite existing Pokemon in the slot.

    4. Save Pokemon from Tab

    Remember when you "View Data" and edited the information?

    That Information can be saved as a .pkm file, as you may know from pokesav.

    You can open that file to view it in the tab, or simply drag it onto the boxes on the right side.

    5. Save and Save as are for your ".SAV files"

  14. One of my speculations on why it will be remade:

    In DPPt, remember the area where "Pokemon can follow you".

    This was prior to HGSS

    Now its a new generation, and they've done the same:

    They have that same area in B2W2, inside a house, using a NPC's Mienshao.

    To me, the purpose is that its a "program testing"?

    Test for what?

    It probably means "another game in the same generation that includes the walking feature".

    What Other game could they possibly make.

    Black 3 and White 3 featuring the Original Dragon because Ghetsis escaped custody once again?

    I doubt it.

    It's probably a RSE Remake, as they enjoy milking remakes and putting walking in remakes.

    And have everything in a previous game to have similar themed colored

    (An abundant amount of Gold and Silver Colored appeared in DPPt,

    And now B2W2 is filled with Red and Blue colored Items, titles, Banners ETC.

    If you get what I mean, you get it; if you don't, I don't know how to convey it better :/)

  15. Lorenzo The Comic said:
    Not sure where to ask this, but would anyone like to Challenge a Pokéstar Studios team?

    How about pokestar VS pokestar!

    But I don't know how to go bout that LOL!

    As far as I know,

    If it ain't using battle box,

    We won't be able to :/

    Any ideas?


    Friend code battles can use battle box,

    As seen from our friend, MrBean35000vr: video removed, it changed..

  16. It ddidn't work for me D: I put a Zekrom with Brycen Man's ability (Levitate) with 31 IVs in each stat, 252 EVs in Special Attack and Speed, Choice Scarf, my ID, SID and OT, its attaks with 3 PP-Ups and it gave me an error D: But why? Is it because it isn't a decrypted file? And how can I decrypt it?

    Please tell me.

    Let's say you're using Pokegen,

    Simply Save as 136 byte pc. (the other option will say encypted, don't use that one)

    How bout you upload it here I see what I can do for you?

    Terravolt / Turboblaze. I'll try out my Zekrom pkm file with Smeargle 2, complete with Spore, Swords Dance, Substitute and Baton Pass! Looking forward to having a battle with it. It's weird that Smeargle 2 can't be shown on GTS Negotiations, yet it can participate on PWT.

    Haha so far I haven't tested how or where I can use these Pokes at.


    Version 1.3b is out!

  17. Lol, thanks Slayer :D I just wanted to say that I found Pokémon Black 2 AR (U) codes to make them learn any TM or HM, to put 31 IVs in every stat, to put 252 EVs in the stat you want and to change nature and ability (but I won't change abilities :P). I only needed to level up them! Thanks! :D

    Hey! Do try it out, let me know of any bugs.

    I tested multiple times, but didn't have enough time to test everything.

    Had other tasks to do...

    Well, for their abilities you can simply add it using the "zekrom" modification!

    Or else it will all carry "turbovolt" (if you're using original zekrom, not modified zekrom)

    The next thing I'm looking forward to adding is

    Proper Savefile checksum

    Default ability

    AR code output

    B2/W2 Recognition (so that people won't open the wrong sav files)

    Proper Loading and saving (unless people like autosav, then I can keep that there)

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