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Posts posted by theSLAYER

  1. Latest Corocoro confirms its a new form.

    In other news:

    They probably gave mewtwo a new form cause.

    a. No gen I pokemon has a new form (I think. I mean, even Pichu had a different form, didn't see that much complaining there)

    b. GF/Ninty wanted to revive the legend of Mewtwo, connect newer gen players to the origin of the game

    c. Mewtwo stats probably fallen, as compared to newer legends. Wanted to pimp mewtwo up.

  2. Nevermind, i found a way to manage to edit the file even with that error, i just have to write the trainer info everytime i do so, and that doesn't botter me.

    Are you still improving this programme? If so, i'd suggest a way to change the level rule of battle subway from 50 to 100.... i dont know if it is possible, but if it keeps at 50, then theres no point in playing this damn game... whoever made this rule is dumb as crap. why 50 and not 100?? omfg...

    That doesn't happen with some saves, so I Actually considered recoding from ground up,

    But it felt pointless since x and y is pending release.

    This is so awesome! I battled against my friend, he was all like "OMG STUDIO POKEMON!"

    Pretty cool bro.

    Thanks man!

  3. I was suddenly thinking:

    You know how we had hacking tools, so we knew relatively early that there were secret pokemon, like Arceus, Genesect etc,

    Now that the games are going to be on 3DS (where the games are relatively not hacked at all),

    We won't know WHAT secret pokemon there all, and what types etc! :'(

  4. Based on the footage on sylveon, I believe the attacks, in video chronological order, are as follows:

    Close combat

    trump card

    Detect (can be debated)


    What puzzles me, is that it's German name is nymphali, seems loosely based on the word nymph,

    Would mean it's a bug type, yet it seemed to use close combat, which is fighting type.

    Gf, usually don't break their formulas, so I'm not expecting a dual typed eeveelution.

    On a separate note, hoping for new shellos form, based off ruby beta design

  5. hm i was see this logo and i try to zoom it :


    hm i think ninfia is fighting ....

    just see after pikachu to ....

    flareon, jolteon, vaporeon, eevee, ninfia, ???, glaceon, leafeon, ??? (is used purple - poison eeveelution???)

    I'm pretty sure the logo is "Pikachu and Eevee Friends"

    ピカチュウ -> pikachu

    と -> and

    イーブイ -> Eevee's Japanese name iibui (Japanese cannot really pronounce "V", they use "B")

    フレンズ -> Katakana of Friends, furenzu

  6. More speculation! (baseless)

    - Eeveelutions

    - Sawk and Throh common descendant, and new Evolution (think of Tyrogue and Hitmontop, released one generation after Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan)

    - The True Dragon (Kyurem+reshiram+zekrom; Certain Trio Masters of Pokemon that is Hinted at are generally released in the next Generation)

    - The Final Trio of Xerneas and Yveltal is probably a Green Dragon: Traditional Color Schemes is RGB, including for 3D arrows (X, Y and Z). X is already blue and Y is already Red.

    Though a green dragon will be lame (think Rayquaza)

    - Skating might be a feature that replaces Running Shows; it will make sense that a character can run in ANY shoes, right?

    - Audino Descendant/Evolution (think Chansey)

    - a "Pikachu" of its own generation:

    Gen I - Pikachu and Raichu

    Gen II - Pichu

    Gen III - Plusle and Minun

    Gen IV - Pachirisu

    Gen V - Emolga

    Gen VI - ? I dunno, be creative and think of a cute rodent creature that is common in Europe.

    - Shiny Genesect Event (for gen V), that will activate in game event in XY

    - Carnivine and Maractus pre or post evolution (think tangela, though carnivine looks to big for them to want to evolve it)

    - Alomomola and Luvdisc Common descendant

    Those are the maximum possibilities I can think of now.

  7. rope.jpg

    The little foot symbols might make it automatic

    Darn. No 8 directions, no jump. ARGH


    1st point: Battle scenes shows Golurk/Kirlia VS Starter, in grassy background

    1. In game starter battles besides Rival?

    2. Wild starters (kind of breaks the pattern)

    3. New Game mechanism allows Wifi battle outside Pokemon Center, in any map, taking the background of the location

    2nd Point: I've haven't seen a single Name, Exp and Level HUD. Is it shifted to bottom screen?

    3rd Point: Anyone think that Chespin looks like Oshawott?

    4th Point: Seen rollerblading, running, haven't seen bicycles.

  8. 1. Backward Compatability

    Because Pokemon X will be a cart (unlike 3d Radar)

    Shifting pokemon is probably via DS Download.

    2. .pkm files?

    Given that the platform is no longer going to be DS, pokemon editing will be, you know, not easy.

    3. Maps

    Given that Pokemon BW and B2W2 has already broken the "map being in japan" tradition,

    It's safe to say that it is definitely Paris (Eiffel Tower), at minimum based in Europe.

    Venice and Italy anyone? :)

    4. Direction

    One of the probably more anticipated things is the change to 8 directions. As per trailer, doesn't look like it's happening.

    5. Battle mode

    As of now, it looks like the same turn based attack system.

    6. As DNA splicer were key items in B2W2, how is the Kyurem Merger gonna work?

    Will they phase it out like Spiky Ear Pichu.

    My take is that it will be given out further in game, like the Spacetime Trio's item.

    7. Will there be a Jump button like normal games? (Referencing the rope swing)

  9. It looks like the Tutorial button isn't working for me. Smeargle 2 actually does have a proper Shiny Forme.

    I've temporary removed the Tutorials as it's different, so it isn't a Glitch xD

    My tutorial-of-sorts is in my Image spoiler on the First post!

    I accidentally left out Smeargle 2's shiny form. If you inject, it will still show ingame :D

    Very attentive! Let me know if you encounter any other problems!

  10. IT'S UP IT'S UP IT'S UP!

    VERSION 3.0B !!!


    File was TOO big for PP apparently!

    New Viewer and Hall of Fame Editor!

    Took me the entire week (the free time of which during) to do it!


    Maybe you can make a few Dynamic Link Library (DLL) files to branch off from the main project, possibly to reduce the file size and/or make coding the application simpler.

    I don't exactly know how to do that xD

  11. I think a feature we all would like is the option to save the PokeStar Pokemon as .pkm files! :)

    I'm thinking about the export as .pkm, as well as export box.

    Coming soon!

    Or if we can somehow get the Pokéstar "sparkle" (I mean the one your Pokémon gets after obtaining a strange ending), which cancels out both the shiny and N sparkles.

    Ah that! It'll be included in next releases as I intend to incorporate basic editing

  12. If its of any help, I'm intending to develop a "edit existing option",

    Starting with changing the species of whats in the pc.

    Perhaps that'll solve the "loaded edit" problem


    From what I see from the error log, the problem is after seeding the PRNG (rand()).

    Which is involved in decrypting and encrypting.

    I'm checking if there's a way around it.


    For the time being when you download this program,

    Download it into an empty folder on the desktop,

    And run from there.

    Don't delete anything that it creates (except the .bak files, if you don't need them).

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