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Posts posted by theSLAYER

  1. building warps are part of the overworld file; they're just a single tile with a "stretch" to cover the entire enter-able area.


    May I ask what is this "overworld file" (I'm assuming its a .narc) and is there any editor that edits it?

    Also, do you know if the North Gate for Opelucid still exists in B2W2?

    As far I assumed, The games use the same "gate map" templates, and add the different npcs for different gates,

    so I can't warp to the same map per se.

  2. Hello All!

    Route 10 has been re-introduced, together with working warps at Opelucid Gate!

    Patch Link v1.2 (only for white 2): http://www.mediafire.com/download/2o0o9u833qaeem9/White_2_Route_10_Patch_v1.2.zip

    Use at your own risk!

    This is a follow up to my previous video, with working warps.

    Who knows, I might proceed to fix Badge Gate as well!

    Video Link:



    1. Enable route 10 to appear using the map matrix, as well as allowing the texture to load, wild encounter etc. (SDSME)

    2. Re-enable Opelucid Gate (most of the data was removed, so I copied Undella Gate as a template and proceeded forward from there)

    3. Linking the Warps, (It was a nightmare. Info on warps can be found here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?24589-B2W2-General-ROM-Info&p=158564&viewfull=1#post158564)

    4. Imported the Corner of Opelucid from From White 1 (to remove the annoying barricades; they're actually part of the map)


    Known Bugs:

    1. Monitor in the New Gate does not run, standing on the (!) will hang the game

    (my workaround was to place a NPC there)

    2. Any Pokemon caught at Route 10 will considered not legal (after all, there shouldn't be Route 10 at the first place)



    Spiky Pichu's SDSME,

    The original user of this article: http://tcrf.net/Pok%C3%A9mon_Black_2_and_White_2#Route_10 and

    Kaphotics for pointing me in the correct direction,

    and the users of PP.org, especially those who contributes to http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?24589-B2W2-General-ROM-Info


    Original Post:

    Good day all!

    I've managed to reintroduce route 10 into Pokemon White 2,

    Including Route 10 music as BGM, Wild encounters (borrowed from another map), and Badge Gate building! (I've placed a rock at the entrance to simulate it being blocked; the entrance presently has no warp anyway..)

    The only issue I have, is that from North of Opelucid, we cannot enter (warp) into a opelucid gate to exit into route 10.

    Right now, you can simply walk in and reach route 10,

    but the "Gates" are important, cause textures don't load correctly on Matrix 0 crossings.

    (as seen at the end)

    I've attached the Video and the xdelta patch for references:



    If anyone knows how to "script for warping into gate", kindly do advise/assist.




    Spiky Pichu's SDSME,

    The original user of this article: http://tcrf.net/Pok%C3%A9mon_Black_2_and_White_2#Route_10 and


    EDIT: Things to point out:

    1. Map Name, Showing of Map Name upon Entry, Wild Encounter Table Reference, Map BGM etc can be changed on "Header Info" on SDSME.

    2. Opelucid North gate was removed in White 2. I imported that portion of the map from Pokemon White (1), as it removes the "barriers", which are actually part of the map.

    3. The Pokemon Badge Check Gate building still exists in Pokemon B2W2 coding, just that for simplicity sake, I also imported the buildings from White's maps,

    so that I don't have to type in it's coordinates.

  3. If we are having a hard time getting WFC events a software solution should be looked into. It would be quite doable to create a client for the WFC mystery gift servers. Ideally it would run on a server of its own and check for and download any new events of every language every hour or so.

    I started work on something along those lines way back during HGSS but never finished. I'll try to find what's left of it... At the very least I'd be happy to point anyone looking for technical details in the right direction.

    I think a software solution for Wifi events are great!

    But the problem is that, they're looking for fourth gen korean events, right?

  4. I only have one Emerald game, it’s German and the battery is still working. So for getting a battery-off new game save, I'd have to disable its battery. I'm afraid I can't do that at the moment as it is my only remaining game where the battery still works and I use it to grow berries. If that game stopped working as well I'd be very sad.

    Does it have to be Emerald, though? I can offer (English) Sapphire (see attachments), and could also do (German) Ruby, and Japanese Ruby and Sapphire. If it has to be Emerald, I'll see what I can do.

    How bout you load the save in an emulator with the option for battery off,

    then save and upload.

    Do you think that will help? :)

  5. They are LIKE forms, but they are not forms. And it sounds like holding their respective Mega stone (it's a category, it looks like each species that can do this has their own version of the stone) might not be the only thing that triggers this.

    Speculative speaking, if we remove the "animation that shows it evolving", it is akin to formes, so you're right!

    I'll certainly hope that there is more than one way to trigger.

    Not everyone will get the Mega Stones (if they miss the event, or if its an item that cannot be traded).

    I'm also worried that the item is consumed after evolution (hopefully it works like the griseous orb)

    Official images:



    Notice the colorful "DNA" symbol during MEGA evolution!

  6. No! Not another Pikachu family member!(shoots self in head)

    Judging how it's Electric/Fairy type,

    It's the Pikachu-per-gen Trend.

    I: Pikachu/Raichu

    II: Pichu

    III: Plusle/Minun

    IV: Pachirisu

    V: Emolga.


    I've read that those are formes, that only show in battle, and the requirement is to hold a "Mega stone".

    Time to shiny hunt their pre-evo/normal formes!


    Mega Ampharos is Electric/Dragon with Moldbreaker.

    Sounds like a Zekrom clone...

  7. Personally, my program had a similar issue.

    I could read the data find, but if the data is amended, it is written differently.

    My Visual Studio/solution isn't on this computer, so I can't check what I've done.

    Why don't you paste here your "reading" and "writing" portion [for the nickname/ot], at least it gives readers something to start with.

  8. This... looks heavenly..


    My only issue (I'm sure it is only me).. too.. many.. windows.. appearing. ><

    Good job :D


    Sheer random thought: Since you've included the box's background image, maybe you can include an option to change box wallpaper?

    (i know there are programs that can do that, put I thought it will be interested ><)

    Curiosity: are you going to have a "features suggestion" thread?

  9. Don't think this is possible until Black/White 1/2 because of the string bit length or something like that.

    Hmmm.. I was thinking that the games checked something in the save,

    But that would make sense (though I don't entirely get it. >.<

    Gen IV Korean mon's were (in a sense) from an entirely different game.

    Gen V was the start of GameFreak using unicode characters so that all of the regions could interact with eachother. In gen IV, Korean games were region locked away from the rest of the world as they didn't use any sort of unicode character format... thus they couldn't be recognized by the other international versions.

    If you try loading gen IV korean PKM's they'll have garbage names because the character tables don't exist in nonkorean games :P

    Well, because I could load my Korean save onto Pokegen to do "Trades", I was guessing along the lines that the compatibility didn't lie in the "font support".

    (Yeah, I saw that Pokegen was giving "\number\number\number" as names, thing is I could still proceed with my save in Soul Silver (K))

  10. Did you choose "Restore" on the bottom screen of Pokedoc's tool?

    (Aren't you the person from this thread?)

    LOL, I was wondering why I had a Deja vu.

    I have DSL and R4i Gold

    Can someone PLEASE tell me how to backup and restore a Pokemon Black save on a retail cart?

    I used Pokedoc's program, FTP method, and I can backup just fine

    I am stuck on restoring

    So can someone please give me a detailed description of:

    how to backup a pokemon black .sav and then restore it

    without any extra hardware

    Why don't you share with us (with images in spoilers) what you've done and what's the error message?

  11. Hi,

    someone told me he got scammed with a BW2 save with edited PHL.

    PokeCgear only works with BW1, right?

    Is there something I dunno or that guy told me bullshit?

    Edit: Nvm, I got the answer, sorry.

    So new pokecgear was translated... it's true.

    1. Pokecgear is translated, yup.

    2. Pikaedit allows entree forest edits too.

    3. there is even a Dream World hack program.

    I'm curious, how does someone get "scammed with a save with an edited PhL".

    Did he purchase a save from someone?

  12. Background:

    Sometimes, for certain reasons (usually experimental, some codes can't be found, or for Pokemon collection purposes),

    I'll transfer and rename my saves to work on another region's game, or on paired release.

    Scenario 1: Cross Region Loading

    Black 1 (JAP), can be loaded on Black 1 (KOR) and Black 1 (USA).

    Scenario 2: Cross Pair Loading

    Black 1 (JAP), can be loaded on White 1 (JAP)

    Scenario 3: Cross Pair and Region Loading

    Black 1 (JAP), can be loaded on White 1 (KOR)

    Scenario 4: Cross Release Loading (this definitely will not work)

    Black 1 (JAP), CANNOT LOAD on BLACK 2 (JAP)

    My present problem:

    Based on above, I know (and tested) that my Heart Gold and Soul Silver saves are inter-swappable,

    Regarding if it's US or JP version.

    What I'm facing right now, is that my KOR save on Soul Silver would not load on Heart Gold (US).

    I thought it was fairly reasonable, because I knew the for GEN IV all other games did not have Hangul yet, so compatibility would definitely have an issue.

    It came to my surprise however, that my Heart Gold (US) save also does not load on the Soul Silver (K),

    Which has all international font support on it. (I've imported English pokemon, and they work fine)

    So my question is this, are the save structure specifically for GEN IV Korean different?

    I am able to save and load on Pokegen, as well as extract and input .pkm,

    and I know for certain that my saves aren't corrupted,

    So I'm curious about what's the deal here, and what are games reading?

    The game's don't even show the "Save corrupted page", it jumps straight into starting a new game.

    If any parts of the above are confusing, to point it out and I'll rephrase my words, if necessary.

    EDIT: I've put my post in spoiler tags so it can be minimized, as I found it to be lengthy.

  13. My first was... Shiny Gyarados on Silver. Ignoring it will be... The Igglybuff odd egg from old man in Silver. So ignoring that will be...

    First proper shiny (not in game event), Shiny Mawile in Ruby. Never got to transfer it because my game crashed.

    My next shiny was when I was showing a friend how to hunt Feebas on his Sapphire, and.... A Shiny Carvanha appeared!

    Since it's on his game, it ended up being his -.-

    My next definite legit shiny will be... Woobat on my Korean Pokemon Black! (no legit shinies on Gen IV until I replayed T.T)

  14. Ok so I see a button in Pokegen that says "generate shiny ID" but its greyed out...

    Also, I tried just making him non-shiny and still had the same problem.

    Also tried copying and pasting ID's and PID's and all kinds of different stuff from different ones on Pokecheck to no avail.

    What gives??


    for pokegen, go to the pid textbox. There will be a button that pops up a window.

    At the windows, select all ivs 31, and set the symbols to "=".

    Set the nature and hit generate. (It's okay if its not shiny)

    after you get the desired pid, go time the last tab and generate shiny id

  15. I don't see anything under Tools about Nintendo checks...

    I'm fine with all of that though I am just a perfectionist and I wanna have a shiny flawless LEGAL Rayquaza

    My advice:

    1. Copy the full name of a Rayquaza with proper pal park trash bytes (another Rayquaza that came from gen iii, you can search pokecheck )

    2. In Gen III, for encountered pkm, pid matches iv and nature.

    if you can't get the pid and iv and nature AND being shiny to generate, change your ID and SID.

    You can use pokegen to generate the PID.


    In this forum, there used to be a program that generates PID/IV and shows shiny ID and SID,

    search it up.

  16. You might want to try to use the following code

    (I used it to force an encounter with the Pkm Breeder, and I can know collect N's pokemons!)

    520191F8 42112001

    120191FC 0000D100

    94000130 FFFA0000

    120191FC 000046C0

    D2000000 00000000

    hold A + select as you enter an area

    it re-enables all the events in the area. you might have to fight hugh again. just don't pick up any tms a second time.

  17. Nah I don't want to do anything that would void the waranty xD. I was just wondering if video could be played longer than 10 minutes. There is no way to make videos cross over into the next block automatically after 10 minutes? Does transferring pictures or data video carry encrytion bytes on photos or videos? I don't want to transfer something then find out it has encryted data attached xD. Thanks man.:)

    You know, the whole point of the sd card, is to be able to save your photos and videos.

    As far as that's concerned, it doesn't void no warranty.

    If I recall correctly, the program helps you cut your own video from your over, like TVs shows Or stuff

    into minutes playable on the 3ds. If they are named in order, you can simply view next video.

    used to watch "Chuck" on my 3ds. Heh.

    I believe the images and videos bear no encryption key,

    Because they can shared.

    Just because something is encrypted, doesn't mean you can definitely brute force and obtain the key.

    There are so many roms out there, and so many users that dl eshop games,

    and almost no (ignore neimods and yellow's because blocked on higher firmware ) potential exploit has been

    released Or known to general public.

    I think until any kind of hacking progress is made on the 3ds, it is safe to say,sadly,

    There won't be any x Or y save editor programs.

    I feel that options with the illusion of more promise presently,

    is gts spoofing onto a pc and editing the intercepted not encrypted Pokemon.

    (sheer speculation)

    do understand that most of my post are my interpretations of the discoveries discussed on gbatemp,

    so take it with a pinch of salt. :)

  18. You can't put your SD cards in another 3DS? What if you put it in a computer? Can you transfer all save data to your computer or even say an I pad or other device? If it can be done can you use devices made for the computer to get the file keys etc?:)

    Afaik, one could back up eshop games and stuff from sd to computer,

    But those files will only work with your 3ds as it is signed by that 3ds.

    (if you factory reset your 3ds Or insert those files into another 3ds,

    It becomes unreadable )

    I'm still on 4.5, and I can backup my dream radar sav and redistribute those Pokemon,

    but that's as far as it goes.

    newer firmwares prevents loading older saves when you made a made save.

    Edit: in regards to the file keys, I think trying to crack thr saves and roms, is something they could have done through very beginning,

    Except that it is so tedious, it was described as searching for a needle in a haystack made of iron.

  19. How can i add all female (if available) Dream World Pokemon to my Entralink?

    I already found the post from ''trance'' (page 7, post number 99), but this is adding the Dream Radar Pokemon, or?

    That's for adding Dream Radar.

    For Entralink, you have to use add them one by one, by using the following program:

    Use PokeCgear. Example: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?13832-PokeStock-BW-(Updated-for-B2-W2!)&p=161932&viewfull=1#post161932

    You may also use Pikaedit: http://pikaedit.wordpress.com/download/

  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LY007434ccA

    Above video, 0.36, shows that The main attraction of Lumiose city, is the Gym.

    (image in Spoiler)


    Look at the Golden Symbol at the top of the entrance. Isn't it the Gym Symbol?

    To prove the Gym Symbol is used in Gen VI:



    Besides the Gym tower, apparently we've already seen Gen VI shinies:

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