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Posts posted by theSLAYER

  1. you were wrong the first time. it was working, but you got a dowsing machine slot or something, so it didn't look like anything was appearing in the hollow. i'm putting the old code back.

    Hey Bond.

    Not to cause any trouble or anything,

    but your codes run awesomely fine on Desmume,

    But is there any chance that the code doesn't work one Acekard?

    I'm playing on the Patched game from here.

    From my knowledge, you code works with every step taken right?

    Apparently when I use it on my Acekard,

    Nothing regenerates per step (not even dowsing slots).

    Just wondering :)

  2. I meant to mention that I have PokeGen and have been trying to move them over that way, but haven't been able to figure it out (even after Googling for tutorials/info), but I kinda thought it went without saying honestly lol

    I didn't think about Pokecheck... I suppose I can use that if there's no way to do it in PokeGen, but I'd still imagine that there is and I'm just not figuring it out. Also, I don't really see how competitive would be an issue with PokeGen; I always use it to make my competitive Pokemon, I just don't give them any illegal moves/stats.

    Two methods:

    1. View the pokemon then "Save pokemon from tabs", then drag the file into pokegen.

    2. Drag and drop between windows. (already mentioned by Evandixon, just reiterating)

    Always "view" and "set". (this is to ensure that they are filled into your pokedex, make sure your options "Update pokedex on set" is checked

  3. I have a simple problem... I was going to import all of my competitive Pokemon from BW1 into BW2, but I can't find an easy way to do it.. I'm sure there is some way to get a code for all of my Pokemon at once, but I can't figure it out.. I've tried figuring it out myself for a while but to no avail..

    I have two save files - one for BW1, and the other for BW2. If I can find a way to bring all of my Pokemon (PC and party at the same time, if at all possible) into the BW2 save that would be very great.

    erm you can use POKEGEN. Though competitive might be an issue there.

    My suggestion is that you upload to pokecheck.

    Then get yourself a fakegts,

    And queue it into your B2

  4. Yeah, the conclusion we drew is that any data above Genesect are

    "values the game will flag as eggs" set by programmers to prevent crashing and unnecessary hacked pokemon. It was a proof of concept to begin with.

    We are now just trying to see if we can toggle with anything to extend its lifespan :)

  5. Well, we already have a means to bypass one of those checks (egg hatch check), so we would need a way to work around the other checks as well. Although, I have no idea how you would go about doing that other than finding the code that in the rom that causes it to convert any Pokemon ID greater than #649 into an egg, but that's probably a lot easier said than done. Also, I tried out your wonder cards on my save.


    Both Zekrom and Genesect showed up. However, when I loaded the one for Smeargle 2 into my save, the game would hang on a black screen as soon as I tried to view the card album from the menu. So I guess that method is out. Another thing that should be tested is to make a pkm file, and to attempt sending it to your game via Pokecheck/PokeGTS. But still, it's not going to make much of a difference unless a way to stop them from turning into eggs is found.

    By the way, that computer code did the same thing to my emulator. I'm using DeSmuME 0.9.8 if it makes any difference.

    I was running the code on Acekard (not emulator). I transfer the sav back for screenshots.

    I tried sending through GTS to pokecheck, the game flags it as "invalid pokemon" (that was the actual ingame message I received) so it doesnt even send.

  6. Was there a procedure, that if missed, would cause a pokedex to not read a pokemon created by PokeGen?

    if you're using pokegen without codes (means sav editing),

    You can simply view the data of your pokemon, then right click and set onto a box space or party. Upon setting your data will be entered into the pokedex

    To do this however, under options, you must have the "Update pokedex on set" ticked.

  7. @theSLAYER Thanks for that. I tested out the anti-hatch code that you made, and it actually remedies the problem of the Pokemon "hatching" every step. It even prevents them from turning into an egg!



    However, a new problem arises after the battle ends; the Pokemon ends up turning into an egg afterwards. I'm not sure if it's just because of the battle, or because of being forced to heal at the Pokemon Center, but it's troublesome either way. If only there was a way to prevent the game from turning them into eggs. Would it maybe be possible to create a code that disables that function? Also, the PC Anywhere code that you posted earlier caused my emulator to crash as soon as I applied it. Any idea why that would happen?

    @pikapower64 No problem. Also, it should be possible via hex editing, but I don't know offhand. I'm not sure how useful it would be due to the problem of the Pokemon constantly turning into eggs if you even look at their summary though. :frown: But you're welcome to try, and let us know how things go with Pokecheck.


    -Check summary = egg (game conducts a check, notice ID is wrong, converts it)

    -Walk a step = egg (game conducts a check to see any egg needs hatching, notice ID is wrong, converts it)

    -End of battle = egg (games conducts a check when battle ends, same as above)

    To think that they have so many layers of check, though I'm surprised it didn't become an egg before battle.

    I have no idea how to edit a .pgf file.

    Hex editing is one thing, getting it to work is another..

    anybody dares to try? xD

    As a control, I'll upload Three Copies. Original, a Genesect, and a Smeargle 2.

    Make sure your save file is backed up before this

    EDIT: At first glance on Pokegen, It seems that I've managed to change the species by hex edit.

    Now uploading link, once its done it'll be in the spoiler

    The Computer code works for me... Want another one to try?

    5217FF9C FC7CF6C4

    52180F9C 07C0981B

    02180F9C F8F8F681

    D2000000 00000000

    52180488 D1092801

    52181488 07C0981B

    02181488 FE7AF680

    D2000000 00000000

    520021AC 00000000

    E2002180 00000030

    F03BB50E 2170FD4F

    D00A2808 E006981F

    F03BB50E 219AFD47

    D0022808 07C0981F

    2027BD0E 306A0200

    18529A03 BD0E9203

    D0000000 00000000


    Not sure if Pokegen blanked out my "smeargle 2" (the screen said invalid species, though I managed to hex edit genesect)

    Or if the game wont generate a mystery gift for smeargle 2.

    Attempting to add mystery gift via Grovyle's mystery gift program.

    EDIT AGAIN: what am I saying, that isn't compatible with BW mystergy gift right?

  8. Not that i want to bump, but I found this interesting.

    I was wondering what were your options, like offsets and stuff.

    Cause after I uncompress and rename it to without the ".l", I get an error when attempting to import it back in.


    (found it, byte jump 48, width 256, height 144, gba 8pp, map 1234)

    I managed to open it, but I cannot replace an image over the current image.

    When I double click it, it disappears, although it has same dimensions.

    something "by alignment 256 by 144, will be cut into blocks..."

  9. just wondering, but would it be possible to list all of the hex values for the PokeStudio related Pokemon/Battlers? I believe there's more than Mecha Tyranitar, Smeargle 2 & the "alternate" Blackbelt that Krookodile showed.

    Given that Genesect is 649, everything else follows the dex order:

    (BTW, this is B2W2 translated text dump, I took the liberty to add in the numbers for you)

    649 289 Genesect

    650 28A Egg

    651 28B Bad Egg

    652 28C UFO

    653 28D Brycen Man

    654 28E M. V

    655 28F M. V2

    656 290 てんそうき

    657 291 Scene OL

    658 292 Puppet

    659 293 Monster

    670 294 F-00

    671 295 Demon

    672 296 White Wall

    673 297 Black Wall

    674 298 Set U1

    675 299 Set U2

    676 29A Set H1

    677 29B Set M1

    678 29C Set M2

    679 29D Set T1

    680 29E Set O1

    681 29F Set O2

    682 2A0 Set C1

    683 2A1 Set C2

    684 2A2 Set G1

    685 2A3 Set W1

    686 2A4 Set W2

    687 2A5 Set R1

    688 2A6 Set R2

    689 2A7 Set K1

    670 2A8 UFO 2

    671 2A9 Scene OL 2

    672 2AA F-002

    673 2AB Black Belt

    674 2AC Smeargle 2

    675 2AD Egg

    676 2AE Egg

    If you want description, it's in this spoiler. Credits to Krookodile.

    #650 - Glitchy "The UFO" Egg. (Normal type - No ability - 1 base stats all-around)

    #651 - Glitchy "Brycenman" Bad Egg. (Normal type - No ability - 1 base stats all-around)

    #652 - "The UFO". (Flying/Electric - Levitate ability - 100 base stats all-around)

    #653 - Brycenman. (Dark/Psychic - Levitate ability - 100 base stats all-around)

    #654 - Mecha Tyranitar "M.V". (Steel type - Analytic ability - 100 base stats all-around)

    #655 - Gray Mecha Tyranitar "M.V2". (Steel/Electric type - Flash Fire ability - 100 base stats all-around)

    #656 - Time machine. (Steel type - Motor Drive ability - 100 base stats all-around)

    #657 - Female lower torso and legs "Large OL". (Normal type - Huge Power - 100 base stats all-around)

    #658 - Pink alien. (Normal type - Insomnia ability - 100 base stats all-around)

    #659 - Red alien with tentacles. (Dark type - Pressure ability - 100 base stats all-around)

    #660 - Small robot "F?00". (Steel/Normal - Volt Absorb - 100 base stats all-around)

    #661 - Big teal garbage ghost thing. (Dark/Ghost - WONDER GUARD - 100 base stats all-around)

    #662 - Chained up gate. (Fire type - Blaze ability - 100 base stats all-around)

    #663 - Chained up gate with a different cry and palette. Grass type - Early Bird ability - 100 base stats all-around)

    #664-665 - Hanging target. (With different names - Flying/Electric type - Levitate ability - 100 base stats all-around)

    #666-679 - Grounded target. (With different names - Dark/Psychic type - Levitate ability - 100 base stats all-around)

    #680 - "The UFO2". (Psychic/Electric - Levitate ability - 100 base stats all-around)

    #681 - Bigger robot, "F?002", that looks like it would evolve from F?00 if it was a real Pokemon. (Steel/Normal type - Reckless ability - 100 base stats all-around)

    #682 - See 657. "Large OL2" (Normal type - Huge Power ability - 100 base stats all-around)

    #683 - Judo Jim. (Fighting type - Huge Power ability - 100 base stats all-around)

    #684 - Smeargle 2. (Same base stats and ability as regular Smeargle)

    EDIT: Perhaps any of you want to try WiFi uploading the StudioPokemon onto Pokecheck? :D

  10. Nice work on getting Mecha Tyranitar into your party. It's too bad that it's so glitchy, but I have a theory. What if you were to use a code that makes each step count as 0? Sort of how like the fast egg hatch codes from other Pokemon games made each step count as 255, but each of your steps would count as 0, thus preventing the egg from hatching. It would be nice to find a way to be able to use these in some way, even if the method is extremely unorthodox.

    By the way, would you mind sharing the PC Anywhere code? I can't seem to find it. Thanks in advance.

    Update: I used your starter modifier to give myself Smeargle 2 (#684), and it didn't bring up the egg hatching dialogue whenever I moved. However, it still turned into an egg. There must be some way around it.


    Tee hee.


    5217FFBC FC82F6C4

    52180FBC 07C0981B

    02180FBC F8E8F681

    D2000000 00000000

    521804A8 D1092801

    521814A8 07C0981B

    021814A8 FE6AF680

    D2000000 00000000

    520021AC 00000000

    E2002180 00000030

    F03BB50E 2170FD65

    D00A2808 E006981F

    F03BB50E 219AFD5D

    D0022808 07C0981F

    2027BD0E 306A0200

    18529A03 BD0E9203

    D0000000 00000000

    I speculate that the moment the game reads the data, it becomes an egg,

    So if we check the summary while in party, completely exit menu, go back in, it might become an egg.

    I immediately withdrew, and without steps, went into battle, and I sent out an egg. (it was supposed to be MV)

    Oh well.

    Hope the anti egg hatching code works LOL.

    Original Egg Hatch

    52180C70 46C04718

    52181C70 D30042B0

    12181CB4 000046C0

    12181C72 0000E000

    D2000000 00000000

    Beta Anti Egg Hatch

    52180C70 46C04718

    52181C70 D30042B0

    12181CB4 000046C0

    12181C72 00000000

    D2000000 00000000

    I don't know the exact locationg for steps, so I hope that what I identified might be correct.

  11. Hey i want to change my trainer name (OT) permanently. So i need to opem my save and then load my trainer information from my save. When i want to change my trainer name is it necessary to change the ID too? And how can i change my OT ''correctly'' ? I want that the game recognize me as the OT


    I don't think Pokegen is able to change your game save's Trainer Name (pokesav and certain codes can do that for you).

    Once you do that, you can click "Load from Save" for OT and ID for every Pokemon that originally belonged to you (with the other name).

    Remember to "Set" after that.

  12. Hello,

    My thread encompasses what you did.


    My bypass is you can use it as a starter. But if you don't immediately put it into the PC, it will try to hatch as an egg

    Probably because the game recognises any ID no greater than Genesect to be an egg.

    So its not usable in battle.

    It also crashes when you catch it because it attempts to retreive nonexistant pokedex data


    PS: I didn't know you already did this video, but I guess great minds think alike :D


    I was right,

    If you were to have the "PC everywhere cheat",

    And put it into your PC immediately after receiving starter without even checking its SUMMARY

    It cannot become an egg (as it's in your computer)

  13. Hello and Good Day Everyone!

    It came to my attention that People want Mecha Tyranitar.

    (I highly suggest that you don't do this, this is just a proof of concept)

    Firstly I began with editing Wild Pokemon Modifier,

    Changing the value so that I have 654 Masterballs instead of 649

    (I derived that number from text dumps, which 654 = M V.

    There are still others like UFO, after it)


    Press Select for MB and UB into items slot,

    Once done tossing, Hold R and encounter.

    94000130 FFFB0000

    B2000024 00000000

    00018D20 028E0001

    00018D24 00640002

    D0000000 00000000

    94000130 FEFF0000

    B2000024 00000000

    DA000000 00018D26

    D7000000 00036B06

    D3000000 00000000

    B2000024 00000000

    DA000000 00018D22

    D7000000 00036B04

    D3000000 00000000

    B2000024 00000000

    D9000000 00036B04

    C0000000 0000002F

    D6000000 00036B04

    D2000000 00000000

    Pictures and Development:






    I sooo didn't see the Pokedex entry hang coming.

    So I tried another way around it: Receive as Starter! :D



    94000130 FDFB0000

    B2000024 00000000

    1004274E 0000028E

    D2000000 00000000

    Pictures and Development:









    So apparently,

    It's an unstable Pokemon without a backsprite,

    That "hatches" every moment you walk, and becomes an Egg.

    A very Bad Egg.

    Completely unusable in battle.

    Wait, just completely unusable.

    And everywhere you go, the "OH" will keep popping up..

    New Development:

    If you were to have the "PC everywhere cheat",

    And put it into your PC immediately after receiving starter without even checking its SUMMARY

    It cannot become an egg (as it's in your computer)

    Attempted to retrieve it using pokegen, but pokegen does not recognise the data, so it was flagged blank in it.

    At least I got this screenshot:


  14. set pid/iv/nature, nope


    Anyway, to top up with another question,

    Is Kyurem still Shiny Blocked like in BW?

    Caused I used a shiny code and it didn't game break.

    EDIT: I did this on Black 2,

    On both Kyurem and Black Kyurem.

    Hold Select for Shiny Encounter

    5201C4F0 43084050

    020014F4 2000D108

    E001C4FC 00000010

    2000900A F027900B

    E00AFB83 980B2100

    94000130 FFFB0000

    0201C4F4 200046C0

    E201C4FC 00000010

    1C281C01 F000910A

    2801FC47 E008D1F5

    D2000000 00000000

  15. Okay, I know that N's pokemon can sparkle (though not shiny, its a trashbyte on the PKMN),

    Now the questions is, can N's pkmn be found shiny?

    (though I'm speculating no as they want to maintain continuity with BW,

    Though so far the only shiny blocks we know of is the tao trio and victini)

  16. Well, could you clarify how to get those key items back please? I lost the map, xtransceiver, vs. recorder, medal box and propcase. None of which are overly important at the moment, but I'm not really sure I won't be stopped and unable to continue at a later point.

    Edit: Resolved. I put xtransceiver on Petilil. Perhaps PokeGen can use some precautionary features? Everyone make mistakes now and then.

    Just readd the items using the latest pokegen.

    Multiclick into the item box, then the item list will open and you change it from there.

  17. The problem is with loading and verifying the item IDs.

    Ugh, that's also a problem.

    Sorry one more thing,

    Doesn't really matter with the sav file though.

    Whenever I open Pokegen, it prompts to download the same English Update, and it saves, and the next time I open it happens again.

    Never happened to me with other updates. I'm running Windows 7.

  18. Should I read your mind and know what game you're talking about?

    Edit: I'm seeing it on Black 2/White 2, and probably others now that I think about what I did. Stupid mistake. I'll update as soon as it's fixed, as it's significant.

    Thanks for resolving the issue :D

    It happened on Black 2.

    Well my guess is that it doesn't read the correct locations,

    But when I saved key items backed in, it wrote into those correct locations.

    Also not sure if I used the correct file, but it said "Cgear data is deleted" when I loaded back in.

  19. Unova Link,

    At first glance, I wasn't able to make sense out of it.

    What is the need for this, why an extra option on the menu.

    Then at a closer look, it spawned so much more:

    Challenge, Normal and Assist mode, Keys to places,

    Memory Link.

    Especially Memory Link.

    How does one connect and use it?

    Would one be able to defeat their B1W1 character like battling Red?

    What else is used. How does it read your B1W1 sav and converted into usable RAM data?

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