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Posts posted by theSLAYER

  1. I don't understand that, sorry, I'm from Spain, can you explain me like if I am stupid? Hahhahahahahaha, what do you mean when you say "add back the dashes"? :)

    Okay I wasn't specific enough.

    You know how your code is like example, 4125462149512580113A27 when you open up the page that shows your e-mail and license key?

    Simply add back the "-", example:


    then you close program again.

    Then open and try to use your game :)

    (btw to prying eyes, it's a fake license key; I made it up )

  2. It's not by year... If that was the case, then why is the Victini Movie (14th Pokemon Movie) giveaway's OT: Movie14? when the movie was released in 2011?

    Same goes with Shaymin's OT which is Movie11 (the 11th movie).

    It's the OT, not the Location.

    *facepalms* you know you're on Project Pokemon's website right xP? You have easy access to look it up... Here: http://www.projectpokemon.org/events/en-V.php

    Example: Movie 2011 Victini

    WC ID 032

    PID Random

    Games BW

    Type Wi-Fi

    Dates 12.03.2011-




    Nickname Victini

    Gender Genderless

    Level 50

    Nature Random

    Ability Victory Star

    OT Movie14

    ID 12031

    SID 00000

    Location Wi-Fi Gift

    Ribbon Wishing Ribbon

    Ball Cherish Ball

    Held Item Fire Gem

    Moveset V-create

    Fusion Flare

    Fusion Bolt

    Searing Bolt

    This Victini was distributed to promote the pair of 14th Pokémon movies along with several other Victini merchandise and game promotions. The gender of the OT is determined by the gender of the player. The first distribution was advertised to US players, while the second distribution was advertised to UK players (Download link available below).

    IMO US events named with OT named "MovieXX" was rare, as compared to "MovieXX" in ID for Japanese events, so I never really noticed!


  3. It Worked For Me!!!!

    It was my e-mail that had a typo... i typed my email with .comq and they corrected.

    BTW, Do not accept the automatic 3DS Latest update or else no codes will work!

    Cheers, and Thank You, The Slayer!!!!!

    Update: I figured out that i got the infinite items to work after the update, don't know why.

    Aren't your Maddarena on gbatemp? (there were clues all over, but this sealed the deal(

    Anyway great to hear that :)

  4. If they're used, it's just a byte signaling that the card cannot be received in the future. All of the card data remains.

    Just flip the bit if you've received it.

    That's what I wanted to hear.

    Now, all we have to do is to find people with other wondercards to share (Garchomps and stuff)

    Anyway, is the "share wondercard" function still programmed in?

    I think I last heard it it.. gen IV?

  5. I use a Japanese 3DS, but I selected Spanish language in my Pokemon X :(

    1. clean your cartridge contacts properly.

    2. allow it to dry (or else your powersaves might burn. cartridge safety not included)

    3. give it a try.

    If it still doesn't, you have the following options:

    If you only have Japanese games:

    Inform Datel to switch region to japanese

    If you have both Japanese and US games:

    E-mail Datel and ask them if you can have multi-region with Jap and US.

    I highly recommend that you send them a picture with your license key, JAP and US cartridge in the SAME PICTURE

    (to prove it's yours, not ripped off the internet)

    and see if they make an allowance to give you double region.

    Make sure your e-mail and license code is keyed into the programme correctly, before you try anything!


  6. well this works. after buying a new powersaves i still get the problem. looks like the one their selling near my location has a key that isnt NA. i just emailed them a few mins ago. They already changed the region of my key. If you email them after a few mins try using your powersaves. i havent recieved an email from them yet but the region has already been changed. so i guess they prioritize changing the region first before replying to your mail.

    At least it works!

    (I thought it was hilarious that they change it without replying, but at least they changed it aye)

  7. Can you backup saves to your PC with this? Does it work with older games like BW/BW2 as well or just 3ds games? I'd like to be able to backup and change save files for BW/BW2 if its possible.

    Only 3DS games.

    To be able to backup DS games, kindly head over the the article in our forum that will teach you how. (simply search)

    EDIT: Here it is: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?16601-NDS-How-to-Backup-Restore-your-retail-cartridge-save-file-for-DS-games

  8. After my license key was switched to US, screen stopped flickering and loaded the codes.

    Only then I could do the backup.

    Right now if the codes don't load first, and I do a backup, it might hang.

    Anyway for all those with issues out there, please follow this.

    contact directly support@codejunkies.com




    -Email registered address with product

    -License Key

    -Region to change to

    They will be dealt in priority. They need to send a new email as this is a different email addy (EU office hours).


    That's the reply I got.

    E-mail them GO GO GO

    Background story:

    I was asking if the site with the requests are up yet, which the response I got was no.

    He then gave me this info cause I told him many users have issues and yet to receive replies

  9. The Slayer lied to me saying that the user from Datel Design Support replied faster and i thought it was immediate but since then i got no Reply from them... :'(

    Enviado de meu GT-I9300 usando Tapatalk

    did I now?

    Where in this thread did I say faster or immediate? -.-

    Anyway I've just sent an e-mail to them regarding the "site update" I was supposedly told about. might take at least 6 hours to get their reply (For me)

  10. yeah, too bad the XY OT is just datel being lazy and not properly changing the Torchic wondercard's data. Just as easy to flag as an illegal 'mon as if its OT was PowerSaves (which honestly, would have been better & free advertisement).

    Knowing them, they probably zeroed out all the data that torchic had, resulting in pure levelup moves.

    Well, isn't it great that it isn't exactly the same.

    Wouldn't want to confuse the powersaves one with the future legit one from ninty

  11. Receiving Diancie activates a mini-in game event in the Pokemon Centre.

    And that's about it. nothing special happened when I went to Reflection cave.


    18 - Reflect

    21 - Stealth rock

    27 - Guard Split

    31 - Ancient Power

    35 - Flail

    40 - Skill Swap

    46 - Trick Room

    49 - Stone Edge

    50 - Moon Blast

    50 - Diamond Storm

    I didn't go any further

  12. hmm thats weird. maybe thats the reason mine isnt working.

    I shared him 2 of the codes i have.

    I tried using my license code on another computer.

    No dice.

    (It works fine on my laptop, but works no where else)

    (For other viewers who are unaware. License code is region locked.

    If license code is for different region, cart 2 saves including Pokemon X & Y backup/restore won't work, though normal carts can still backup/restore)

    That's the conclusion I came to.


    On another note, I confirmed that after restarting a game, you can load back the old file.

    You can also have many pokemon deposited onto the GTS.

    It's most likely when you deposit, your save receives a "queue number".

    So without this queue number, you can't retrieve the same queue, and can deposit another one.

    Which can bad news; whoever who can edit in a queue number can potentially hack another person's GTS,

    assuming that the server doesn't check for OT/TID/SID against the queue number.

    (queue number theory is pure speculation.

    Though I've managed to send 3 of the same pokemon, each carrying different item, across to my new save.

    just because pokebank doesn't allow shifting of items)

  13. Hello all!

    If I reformat my 3DS, can I link to another Nintendo Network ID, and collect another Celebi from Pokebank?

    (If I can, I will be able to contribute my save for Celebi extraction, in the "Pokemon Link holding area")


    I solved this problem without reformating.

    I simply deleted the entire NNID account in my settings page and re-created it.

    Note that any purchases, friends, miiverse content tied to the account will be lost (I didn't do any of those, so no harm for me)

  14. Don't you need to know your own TSV (aka SID) to be able to hatch things as shiny?

    Does this program show the TSV of a trainer's Pokemon or just the Pokemon's SV?

    TSV and SID aren't the same thing.

    They're related, but not the same.

    If you want to know your TSV, just dump a shiny pokemon of yours.

    You can chain fish, Pokeradar Chaining or even masuda.

  15. With no injection method, there is no need to export data.

    If you really want your SID, just reverse the TSV formula and figure out the rest.

    Even after we reverse the TSV, our SID can be 1 of 16 values.

    While that's astronomically better, compared to 1 of 4096 or 65535, I believe some users will to know their specific SID.

  16. Index 709 is a holdable item. Also, I linked to an image of it, and it does not look like it would do that (best suggestion I've heard is that it is the Sharlour Sable).

    item 709 is shalour sable, it’s a med item that heals all the status conditions of a pokemon.

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