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Posts posted by theSLAYER

  1. Theres no codes loaded up on any of the games I insert, and I keep getting those same results. Whats going on here???

    I just got mine yesterday, with the Same issues, I came to the following wild guesses conclusions:

    1. Their server is down (cause no codes at all, returns blank)

    2. First use for nand games might require server access

    3. Using Pal Powersaves on Ntsc games. Ntsc license key is required. (I read bout this one once )

    4. Contacts not clean: use q tip and rubbing alcohol.

    One, some or all might apply.

    I still can't use mine successfully

  2. At the time of the post my computer wasn't able to run the program due to missing important downloads to or updates to run the PKHeX, before I tried and it say i need netframework program and etc.

    Oh so right now its like a viewers, makes it easy to find out what the SID is only with other stuff. Can't wait to see this program in full or almost full version.

    A lot of Unknown Items, could they be more mega evolutions like for ho-oh, lugia and etc? I hope so.

    The megas are more or less confirmed by smealum, so don't expect any more megas.

    The items could be event items or stuff (or not updated)

  3. Does this work with the 3dspowersave to edit the save file of a normal copy and transfer it back? (going to need a new cp why outdated can't run program)

    I don't understand the last portion in the bracket....

    This only edit .pkx, though there is no way to reinsert at this point.

    Think of it as a .pkx viewer

  4. Same. Mines is REGION_EU

    <VALUE val="REGION_EU" name="region"/>

    If the license key is messed up, will Pokemon-backing up still work?

    While I've been using my license key, I kept reading online about this guy who got a "US" license key from Datel.

    I don't see how it can matter (since powersaves is supposedly region free and all), but just a quick question :/

    I've been annoyed that every computer in my household isn't reading Pokemon Y,

    and there are not code or saves loading for Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3DLAND, SMBros 2 etc.

    I'm OCDing about finding the root to the problem -.-

  5. It's a (mostly) blank save because the actual save files are stored on the SD card of the 3DS, not in the Gateway cart.

    Actually, I have encountered a situation that I didn't exit home on my 3DS, and it wasn't saved to SD.

    however when I continued (meaning to say, I didn't change games), it continued, which means there's a save presumably on the GW, then transferred to 3DS' SD.

    Anyway, I know it is a mostly blank file.

    Issue here, is it from GW or Powersaves?

    For all we know, Powersaves xors this over existing saves as extra encryption?

    (spouting general nonsense)

  6. While my Powersaves seem to reject the existing of my pokemon y cart (which I want it to work; is it server issue?),

    when I inserted my gateway, it allowed me to backup.

    Since the last game I played on it was a mario game, I titled it "Mario?"

    When you open this save, at first glance, it's a blank save.

    But the information in it is interesting...

    I mean, what's with the increasing order of bytes?


  7. Apparently, one cannot trade the Latiasite and Latiosite to another cartdridge, like the Blazikenite...

    Actually, I was able to trade Blazikenites from cart to cart.

    Though that was done using Local Trade.

    Anyway I'll like to confirm:

    1. My Pokemon Y has this save, let's call it "a", which I backed up.

    2. I erased "a" from the cart and started a new game, which I also backed up, called "b".

    3. Will I be able to swap between "a" and "b" at my free will? (using powersaves restore, of course)

    I'm seeking confirmation that it's done, not theory ><

  8. (repost from GBATemp)

    Savegame Manger DS:


    I can't get this to work for any form of savefile from any game.

    I followed the instructions properly.

    Whenever I try to backup a savefile (or restore, it doesn't matter what I pick), the directories on where to save/restore from don't show on the DS. If I press L+R to try to write a new file, it just tells me the FTP doesn't have proper writing access even though it does.

    The settings on the program (and the port-forwarding and other router-related things for SGM DS itself) are fine.

    I've tried:

    - connecting my computer directly to the modem instead of using the same Wi-Fi connection as the DS.

    - going from an Open connection to WEP protected.

    - using two different flash carts (with the app actually crashing on one)

    - using two different DS models (Phat and Lite)

    I don't know why it isn't working. Nothing seems to get it working. I can see on SmallFTPd that something is trying to connect (via PASV or something), so it's getting accessed... partially.

    I don't have a Slot 2 device so unfortunately I can't take the easy way out for this.

    I'm using Windows 7 on a laptop (if it matters). I got this to work a year ago apparently as I backed up Black/White 2 saves, but I'm not sure why it won't work now. Is it possible a firmware update to my router messed with any possible access?

    what slot 1 device are you using.

    You should get your smallftp to run on xp compatibility.

  9. (don't ask)

    But.. but.. I so want to ask! ><


    The joke aside, I like the touch with the program!

    To add on/confirm on one point: shifted pokemon does not retain their existing moveset in "egg moves".

    (meaning to say, their egg moves are blank. I did an example on arceus and deleted it's event moves. could not be relearned)

  10. I'll like to quote this post, as I'm not sure about the developments made:

    There's no way to truly RNG on the GameCube without using an emulator; knowledge of the PIDIV algorithm didn't come about until a year ago. PokeGen (and Pokesav) don't have a way of generating a PIDIV for the GC games. So you can't really make them with PokeGen.

    You're best off just finding a legal one that's public online over at Pokecheck. When I was figuring out how everything got generated I did manage to get a pentaflawless Timid Togepi which you can download a PKM of, also at Pokecheck. If you want a flawless legal modest PIDIV, I guess I can give it to you if you ask by PM.

    As an aside, the spread you listed isn't even legal for an XD/Colo Pokemon :P The PIDIV method is loose enough such that pretty much any spread is legal for battling with friends; however explaining complete legality kinda goes against our policy for cheating.

  11. We actually need to tackle the internet-based Wondercards, not the Wifi ones that would most likely be used for Diancie's distribution (as you may need to see the movie in order to get Diancie.)

    I was referring to extracting Wondercards out of save games and inserting them, Like in Gen V using Pokegen ><

  12. Do you know if Datel plans something like an Action Replay for the 3DS?

    PPorg isn't affiliated with Datel; we wouldn't know.

    As their program is save backup then save editing, it's not real-time action replay per se.

    Probably only hacked consoles can do that, at this point.

    I know that their work is private but will the tools or programs they used to hack it be available for us players so we can

    hack the game like with PokeGen?

    1. Their powersaves tool enables save backup. (but it's encrypted, so we can't create our save editors unless we crack teh encryption on our end)

    2. Unless their decryption technique get's leaked, we wouldn't know. (our hackers probably can do it)

    Would this hack be constant or could Nintendo easily patch it away?

    Linking back to your Datel point, they managed to dump the save and edit it, so no.

    Referring back to Pokecheck's hack, I don't know. I'm not sure if they want to reveal anything regarding their hack as well (to prevent patches and whatnot)

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