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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. I re-added Raikou, Entei and Suicune. Based on research here (on the offsets; I knew the International offsets, but not the Japanese ones), and location data from here, which is Fx 28 1A 02 (if I'm not mistaken, without setting the location data, it's roaming location would not move and would be stuck somewhere off the map) Pocket Monsters Kin fixed.sav
  2. @DCGI do you mind uploading your save? I might be able to do something.
  3. There are some kind of event flags for Gen 2 roamers. (I've got the ACE functionality for the English versions, showing it's structure here) However, without documentation for the Japanese versions, I don't think it's implemented on PKHeX
  4. As far as I can tell, no. It wasn't researched, so not implemented by PKHeX. Besides, PKHeX can edit contest stats directly. Perfect stats means all 255
  5. theSLAYER

    4go max ?

    Erm, what are you doing? PKHeX cannot edit ROMs (the file link shows it is a .3DS file) PKHeX edits SAVES. (.sav, .dsv, main etc)
  6. This page's homebrew is able to have you run games straight from your 3DS' SD card. However if the game isn't patched and has Anti-Piracy protection, then the game won't run as intended. With that in mind, NDS flashcarts would likely work better (most updated firmware for flashcarts have AP bypass) Relating to the purpose you seek, you can either ask gbatemp in relation to their homebrew (as they'll know better) or buy a NDS flashcart.
  7. As far as I can tell, it looks legit to me. Guess it is a Nintendon't problem after all.
  8. In that case either it wasn't extracted properly with Crystaltile, or the surrounding data is different (which it frankly shouldn't be). In any case, as it stands I won't be able to assist you any further. Hopefully someone with a better idea of what is going on would pop in to help you.
  9. Show me the "Find" window you use, before you hit enter.
  10. Not the entire game. Use Crystaltile2 to extract the arm9, THEN use HxD to look for it.
  11. extract it out then use HxD (a hex editor)'s search function. In case you didn't realize, I'm not using Crystaltile's Hex viewer. In any case, even if you manage to replace the value and import the arm9 file back in, I cannot guarantee it'll work, so I don't make edits like that. ALSO, don't multi-post. If no one replied you, edit the new information into your latest unanswered post.
  12. perhaps post an image of the front, back, and the bottom (to show the chip) of the cartridge, so that people can identify if the cartridge is the problem.
  13. Black 2 arm9 I know offset and data above for Black 2 is correct, as it matches what was given in the other thread: I tried using the offset of 0x13F0C for Black, but noticeably it didn't work for my copy of Black version. Offset probably is different because it's a different variant or different version ID. Since you mentioned you couldn't find it, I assume it's the same for you too. Based on the bytes found in the Black 2 arm 9, I searched for these bytes (not just 08 28, but rather the whole highlighted portion below), and a different offset with the same parts of data appeared. I'm assuming this is correct for my version of Black. You could do the same thing as me, and search for those bytes. Black arm9
  14. Erm, that's because Mystery Gift files, the specific wonder cards, are supposed to be used in their own generation. It's not an error message. It is literally telling you that you are doing it all wrong. Like, you can't redeem a Gen 4 wonder card on a Gen 7 save, that doesn't make sense. Normally, you're supposed to redeem it on a Gen 4 game, THEN transfer the pk4 all the way up to Gen 7. In any case, drag the wonder card to the left window of PKHeX. It should mimic the redemption and transfer procedure.
  15. No. It's a ROM file. and requesting for it is against the rules.
  16. Rough translation, first paragraph: Not too sure about second paragraph, but I think it is (As in do not run this program if Pokémon DP is not present) Bottom screen: edit: I'm not sure if しょうじょう refers to symptom or handheld... I'm going with handheld for now.
  17. check if the info on this post is accurate: and also, read this thread:
  18. At this point, I don't think anything is certain, as I'm unable to test for myself. You can go ahead and try the steps you initially listed, but at your own risk. Make sure you keep a safe save backup that is pre-modification, in case anything goes wrong.
  19. if you intend to replace the battery, then follow the steps you found :3
  20. He's just showing you what stage of the game he is in. It doesn't matter. Yes, PKHeX can fix the glitch. However, PKHeX cannot fix dead batteries. For the case you linked (the reddit post), the guy doesn't have dead batteries. His battery was replaced. It is not the same issue as you are experiencing, if I understand your descriptions right.
  21. Erm, USUM can accept any Pokémon from any generation before Gen 7, as long as it's not some kind of exclusive Pokémon (Spiky Ear Pichu, Cosplay Pikachu for example). Please DO post the image, I am very curious about this error message.
  22. at 03:19, on his NDS, he launched his R4 cartridge that is in the NDS slot.
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