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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. Hmm, sounds like PKHaX did save the stats, since you could see it in game before battle It sounds like the game recalculated the stats for you. If so, beyond the scope of save editing.
  2. Both animations are possible in-game. Still trying to differentiate them
  3. Just don't. Citra, while being an excellent emulator, cannot handle Pokémon games. They typically end up freezing in multiple points across the narrative, and that's vanilla unmodded games. There's no other 3DS emulator for the PC.
  4. Don't send up Pokémon when the function is not officially available. Don't risk your save. Besides, no one knows since it's not officially available.
  5. We don't work for Nintendo, and we do not know how or when they issue bans. In any case, do not trade hacked Pokémon. (Especially to unsuspecting players; that would be against our rules too.)
  6. Use PKHeX's Mystery Gift Database to create the Event Mewtwo, then add it to your box. Then, inject the wonder card records
  7. Yeah, the problem in this case was you trying to hack in a Hidden Ability that wasn't released.
  8. From where? You must own a HA one in order to breed down a HA one. Question is, where (from whom) do you receive the first HA one? And I'm not counting receiving a hacked one from trade. Which NPC gives you a HA Grookey? Or where do you catch a HA Grookey? Yes, Hidden Abilities can be bred down, provided you can obtain a parent legitimately. "The only way to get [a wild] Pokémon with Hidden Abilities this time around is through Max Raid Battles" Don't think the starters are in Max Raid battles.. ><
  9. My cart (and the resultant save stored on the Switch) on Atmosphere is detected just fine. Athis point, assuming you’re on latest checkpoint, I can only assume it’s a SX OS problem or a piracy problem. In any case, you should file a bug report on Checkpoint’s github. Try switching to Atmosphere and see whether it’s detected
  10. Inject a wonder card record. Only records are stored in the album, not the actual gift
  11. Getting $10 from you isn’t worth the risk of getting one’s Switch banned (for bringing a modified console online AND doing illegal trades) hack your own console to inject it in. Thread locked.
  12. Isn’t that the problem? That those hidden abilities are not released?
  13. were you trying to give them their HAs?
  14. Yes, just hack it in. It won't show you how to evolve one tho (if evolving into one is even possible). Supposedly there's this video, but I've yet to check it out myself (don't wanna mess with my Switch's time)
  15. redownload the latest version, and delete other files (like .dll in the folder), don't mix and match.
  16. PKHeX is still fixing it's hack checks. you should not trade hacked mons online.
  17. I have the wonder card, but as the card is not injectable (only the records are), you should: 1. Ensure your console attempted to receive wonder cards 2. Inject the items into your bag. If your never connected to Mystery Gift servers or is banned (so unable to connect), the items won't work. edit: Technical details are.. the descriptions (and usage) of the item is added via the part of the Switch console that stores periodic game update data. In other words, no game update = no Dynamax crystal functionality. ★And15 and ★And458 are for Larvitar and Jangmo-o respectively. First image shows that I connected to network, so Larvitar crystal has function' Second image shows that they have yet to add functionality for ★And390, so it's description is ??? If you're interested in added info, read here.
  18. have you played Sword & Shield on the console before (either cart or eshop download)? The game needs to launched at least once, in order for it to appear in Checkpoint.
  19. sounds like the issue is modifying party stats. try depositing them into a box then withdrawing, see if that makes a difference.
  20. did you create a mon from scratch, and tried to edit on in an existing slot?
  21. To be precise, you gotta at least be able to receive a mystery gift (or tried) to be able to use the Crystals. Try to receive Meowth, and then after that dyna-crystals will work. The Dynamax Crystals actually don't have a fixed encounter; their encounters is updated as the software receives soft updates. I hacked in the items, after my console received a Mystery Gift, and I confirm the 2 specifically named ones works (The rest doesn't, cause no encounter data tagged to em yet)
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