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Everything posted by Tbird

  1. <p><p><p><p><p>Doco, Doco? <span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Just read your last doco </span><img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png" alt="xD" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /><span style="color:#FFFFFF;">.</span></p></p></p></p></p>

  2. <p><p><p><p><p>Doco, Doco? <span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Just read your last doco </span><img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png" alt="xD" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /><span style="color:#FFFFFF;">.</span></p></p></p></p></p>

  3. Yeah for sure... Too many liars .
  4. Fallout: 3 - Pokemon Style. Yup, that would be so much win that I can not begin to explain just how my life would be revolutionised :L.
  5. Granted but they run rampant, break out of your game, kick your dog... Do all sorts of messed up things. I wish for erm, one good thing to happen right now. Just one.
  6. I like the find the errors one personally... Yes, I am that dorky. Another game I like is "two truths and a lie." I used to play that in my old Psych' class. Though, I don't know how well that would translate to forums. I guess that could work much the same as Staff Vs Members. Someone posts their two truths and a lie, if the next poster finds the lie, they +/- their status worth (badge + 2, Member + 1, staff - 5) but if they get it wrong then the inverse happens (Badge - 2, Member - 1, staff + 5) Goal being to get to 100 on one side or the other. E.g: OP: I have a cat, I have a dog, I had a snake. A: YOU HAZ NO DOG! +1 ... Though, in psych' we looked for lies... It's hard to pick up on a lie on a forum, as there's really no base to go by or anything like that. Meh, could work.
  7. 100 :grog::grog::grog::grog::grog::grog::grog::grog::grog::grog::grog::grog::grog::grog::grog::grog::grog:
  8. Granted. But by exactly that does mean that you'll never age, meet anyone new, do anything new, get married, have kids, etc. And if you're hungry now, you'll forever be hungry. You will never be able to eat or drink or sleep ever again. Have fun! I wish I had something to wish for.
  9. 92 That's fine. Let them post away they've left it so long now that if You, me, shrooms and sabeta post as much as we can, we'll plus two for every one they post.
  10. Man I used to hack the high hell out of my pokes. Pure Power Umbreon was fun. Fire Ghost... Meh I dunno. Its description does fit the role of a Fire/Psychic. But I like it as it is. My little vixen of flame.
  11. Granted but you get so bored of everyone being so nice and happy you snap and punch a couple people in the face, thus becoming the guy that destroyed world peace. How could you!? I wish ... FOR MONEYz
  12. Not a clue. Close though. 87
  13. Hmmm no sandwiches for me as my Doctor's a pain in the ass and won't give me meds untill ... Untill he deems I've had the exactly appropriate amount of stomach acid in my oesophagus.
  14. I like the pure fire type personally. Back in the day I taught a shiny nintales ice beam. Because well ... it looked fitting. So if I was to give it anything It would be an ice typing. I believe That would have literally no resistances what so ever .
  15. Mushrooms are indeed easy on the eye 80
  16. I could go for a Pokabu, Bowser Egg and Paras sandwich as it goes.
  17. Meh, it's the shed skin of a Bug... The typing makes sense .
  18. Well that's rather unfortunate. What with you being a mushroom
  19. A Normal/Ghost would be cool That being the ghost of a Normal pokemon (Clefable + Death = Gengar) ...In any case, If I wanna see that I got another 4 - 6 years to wait...
  20. 68 I smell a shroom...
  21. Nope electric/grass So sayeth Serebii and Bulbapedia http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Rotom
  22. Bowser in case you didn't notice Sirius and I were posting the sprites equivalent to the number of the count ... Not just random pokes . 61 in any case
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