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Everything posted by Andibad

  1. Thank you for hm/tm, so finally i can manipulate my hack pokemon , but tm/hm and moveset is sharing content, if move on tm/hm was checked like flamethrower on togekiss, in pokemon move level up if added flamethrower move, it will skip...... You know location (narc) or hex offset for: - base xp, happines, egg , max xp, egg group is still same same location? - TM/HM? anyway thankyou..... my suggestion, you can kept editing via ROM, but in readme you can give a detail for location (hex offset or narc)? is helping people if used ROM (not clean ROM) but still used Clean ROM for editing. Hm you can resize that? is to long....
  2. 1. prepare sprite (png) = you can edit them in a photoshop, paint dot net or anything image editor....... 2. extract narc is contain sprite (target), (i no give you my list for that, sorry ) 3. using BWSE from kazowar tools for easy import and export sprite (not at narc file, you can import from png file into ncgr, pallete automatic will rewrite) 4. you can repack these sprite using kiwi.ds or manual reinsert using crystal tile 2. up to you using these tools but what you mean? soulsilver.sav? maybe you wrong section? if change and manipulate value of stat pokemon you can using pokegen or pokesav. is not changing sprite , just data and nickname only! sav is just saving a data not containing a data. sav file on gen 5 is only containing data stat of pokemon, skin c-gear, music , pokemon musical. last. if you want change sprite, you must edit sprite on ROM file, not at save file (sav)..........,
  3. You can download my mine on my box.net account, mirror link : http://www.box.net/shared/gfh5jikvdu (active share file until link is working), is latest version of PPRE 0.14b Windows verison. You need 7z from : www.7-zip.org ....... PP.net was under maintenance on sunday - Wednesday, all password account was reset. . . .
  4. Yeah you right. Now i collect data from RAM thread in this forum, pokesav and pokegen, i just decompile these app and get many data. If you replace narc from old game, is have trouble, you game will give error message, like hero sprite, in every seasonal route, hero have not same sprite on winter. For trainer location. XX YYYY ZZZZ XX= ID YY and ZZ = Coordinate. For trainer set slot is in own narc. XX YY ZZ PP OO XX= sprite (mugshot), or battle effect YY= sprite (front sprite) ZZ= sound PP= class trainer OO= unkown but maybe is can change if i edit more time to experiment.
  5. is easy theSLAYER.... kazo tools is make me more easy replacing file on narc, reinsert image into narc file, yeah is great tools make me more speed editing sprite than before...
  6. for mini animated icon (in pokemon icon), is a/0/0/7 - Pokémon Icons [1431 files], a/1/3/1 for pictures a.ka big mugshot character (i not sure...), but you can try it
  7. You can using HEX editor for that , one more you missed, in B/W is need extra sprite for started selection..........
  8. someone know open ntfp and ntft file also edit that file? i was found in battle and get pokemon typing Ds........ but i no have tools for view it. i know ntfp is pallete and ntft is tile........ edit: nevermind, i was open that and edit them, well someone no help me out .......
  9. Narn/nran (not narc file, see console tool document in he website, maybe i wrong¿, because i replay using mobilephone) is controlled animate from a script file instruction will command repeat, looping, slowing, rotate, following a line / scripting skill needed, coordinate sprite and much other (before pallete file, narn and ncgr is compresed with type 11, script file is seem not compressed). Like back and front trainer sprite, pokemon sprite, and a lot file have that if animated . . . . .
  10. I will upload that file if have a free time. Maybe after maintance some file not corectly linked.
  11. BW is used new format. I have that tools but is only pokemon games. I was replace with typing ds. Result: oversize
  12. Sbank and midi is must you get because instrument stored at sbank / dls
  13. If is used lua scripting, maybe i can do that
  14. You link is working for me.
  15. Screenshoot made with alphamap (i sure about that) but i no found that software this year. I remember on pokesplash posting about alpha map and another software.
  16. Is can not trimmed ROM please?
  17. Sorry for my question. I was found that. If you will create wild pokemon editor. You must create location pokemon on pokedex too.
  18. Is just resize that. Narn is controled animated sprite. You can using kazo tools for reinsert image to ncgr.
  19. Is wrong section, is on RAM and not on ROM because is AR codes. Please move it.
  20. Is work except move using TM/HM item or duplicate move.
  21. 1. Most program is for windows (main). 2. PPRE is support mac. 3. Most tools used net framework, i forgot name that software, talk someone know it. 4. I not mac user, sorry.
  22. In 0/2/4.............. (maybe), yeah i still identified byte per byte .....
  23. i was found for pokemon trade / obtained in black and white or prize / egg...... , like you can get cottone in white or petili in black, and another pokemon .......... in a/1/2/3.......... 00FF is mean disabled............. maybe you can edit them............
  24. but PPRE will trimed ROM, i no want my ROM is trimmed
  25. hm effect of move is added effect poison or other, in item is remove these effect, but i don't know is still same or not......... TwistedFatal, can give HEX value for poison, paralyze, sleep, freeze, confused, badly poison for compare with item effect yeah i was understand many hex value effect and many but i no documented it anyway you will create tools pokedex entries for pokemon location editor too? i just found 3 narc is maybe for that....... but is weird hex value some file like "XXFFXXFFXXFFXXFF...." , i was discover all sprite (because script data is same place) so i easy found many data to research
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