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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/18 in all areas

  1. Full Documents Related to the Distribution, the full copy of Pokemon Power Volume 6 is attached to this post: In the Fall of 1998 Nintendo Power held a contest to “Win Mew for your Pokémon collection!” 151 winners of this contest would be given the chance to mail their cartridge into the Nintendo Power Headquarters and receive it back with a brand-new mew on their game save. Contest winners were notified by mail by 2/28/1999 that they had won the contest, making this the earliest known Mew distribution in the west. Recently while browsing reddit, I ran across a post from Th4tGuyUKn0 showcasing his Original Red cartridge that was one of the lucky recipients of this contest. After scrolling through the thread, Th4tGuyUKn0 stated that the battery on the game had not yet dried out; upon reading this I immediately messaged him explaining Project Pokémon and asked him if he would be interested in dumping his game save. Luckily, he was all for it! The only problem was he could not remember which of his five Pokémon cartridges he left the mew on, and did not want to risk draining the more than two decades old cartridge battery by checking. Th4tGuyUKn0 graciously decided to send me all of his cartridges so that I could backup the saves and hopefully find the mew. With the amazing research done by @suloku on these save files, we are confident that we have found the Mew in question. In the Pokemon Blue game save we discovered a Mew with the TID 51273 (the same Mew ID# printed on the back of the cartridge) and the OT ‘MARIO’. Suloku has concluded that this Mew is definitely legit. It shares the exact same DVs as the YOSHIBA Mew, matches Mew machine distributions data-wise, and has the same OT Nintendo character naming convention that several forum posts from 2000~ reference. While this does raise questions about what distribution the supposed ‘NINTEN’ Mews are a part of, this Nintendo Power Mew is most certainly legit. Suloku was also able to find the Mew in the red save file as a deleted Pokémon (moved or deleted pokémon can be found in box savedata if it was not overwritten by another pokémon being stored in the same slot). Attached is the the .pk1 of the 1998 Nintendo Power 'MARIO' Mew. Thanks very much again to Th4tGuyUKn0 for sending and trusting us with these cartridges and Suloku for all of the great research, none of this would have been possible without them. Happy holidays and enjoy! 151 - MEW - C23C.pk1 Pokemon Power vol 6.pdf
    3 points
  2. I'm very happy to see that we've been able to preserve quite a handful of unique Gen I and II events over the last few years. The fact that most events of this era have already vanished with dying batteries makes this a crucial time to preserve them within these few remaining years of their lifespan. It seems that Reddit has been a very good place to find these, since in January we had the YOSHIRA Mew distribution cart savefile dumped, now this MARIO Mew, and hopefully if all goes as planned we'll very soon have a SpaceWorld97 ヨッシー Mew. It's something suloku and HaxAras brought to my attention a few months back, but due to real life priorities of the cart owner, messages between me and him so far are few and far apart. Thanks a ton to Gridelin, suloku, and Th4tGuyUKn0, seeing rare events preserved is one of the few things that keeps me interested in the franchise. It always feels like a great success. Hopefully future generations will appreciate these preservation efforts decades after we're no longer involved. Often times the goal surely isn't easy to achieve.
    3 points
  3. Happy to help! For once, holding onto that old stuff paid off. I hope it brings a lot of people joy. I know I was excited when I won the contest way back when! It's crazy to think that Pokemon is still such a big part of people's lives all these years later. A huge thanks to Suloku and Gridelin for reaching out. Otherwise this would still be sitting in a drawer.
    2 points
  4. I usually just lurk and never log in. But I reset my password just to express how awesome this is! Thank you!
    2 points
  5. Wow great work @Gridelin and thank you Th4tGuyUKn0 for allowing this event to be preserved. It's certainly appreciated by many now and will be by even more in years to come Strange to think i'd never even heard of Pokemon when that Mew was distributed, the games and anime had yet to make it to the UK then. Internet access was pretty limited then too and not something most people had at home to find out about it online. Certainly a great piece of Pokemon history you've preserved there, it's really impressive the batteries in some of these carts are lasting 20+ years.
    2 points
  6. Great job everyone and thank you to /u/Th4tGuyUKn0
    2 points
  7. We should make a list of all wanted devices/cardriges (probably in private in order to not make them rarer). And set a strategy to collect them.
    1 point
  8. Random DVs? That means they can be shiny! Still pray we'll be able to find more cardriges in future, especially NY ones, old gen1/3, Event Hidden Grotto ...
    1 point
  9. Yeah, our wondercards should be accurate. Also PCD is an old format, we use WC4 now (decrypted Pokemon inside).
    1 point
  10. That SpaceWorld Mew would be incredible, but I can relate all too well to that struggle. I've been in contact with another redditor that had an Australian Cart with an event Mew, but they haven't gotten back to me in a while. I really enjoy preserving all Pokemon/Video Game related history, it's how I got involved in the redump project
    1 point
  11. Yuzu does not support wireless/online communications. You can hack your switch (assuming it is an older model), then edit your save file from your legitimate game.
    1 point
  12. I like how the age question on the contest entry form has "18-24" oldest possible response. ri
    1 point
    This is such a great tool. It helps people with "life" actually enjoy the game and play competitive.
    1 point
    3 years later, this is STILL the best Pokémon save editor out there.
    0 points
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