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    It's that time of year. Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon datamining has begun. To start, @SciresM has extracted the following resources:

    This article will be updated as new information is found. The link below contains the research done so far:

    Warning: SPOILERS ahead (Only Links given right now to avoid lagging spoiler tags from accidentally revealing itself).

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    Island Scans Data
    (note: Time and location data are not yet discovered)

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    I see Game Freak NPC gives you apricorn balls. Can you please confirm if this event is daily, or once only?


    Posted (edited)

      On 11/8/2017 at 9:48 PM, ShiningCrobat said:

    So exciting! Any idea what the island scan Pokemon are?


    Found this image earlier today, have yet to verify it myself though:
    Never mind lol, I must be blind or something. :| Thank you @wrathsoffire76 for correcting me and for giving the real scans.

    Edited by Scried
    • Hahaha 1


      On 11/8/2017 at 10:28 PM, Scried said:

    Found this image earlier today, have yet to verify it myself though:

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    That's for Sun and Moon, not Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

      On 11/8/2017 at 9:48 PM, ShiningCrobat said:

    So exciting! Any idea what the island scan Pokemon are?


    Here are all of the Island Scan Pokémon (No locations or days yet)


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      On 11/9/2017 at 2:19 AM, QualityNerdContent said:

    Accelgor get water shuriken? What?!?


    I am positive it had that since ORAS.

    On another note, there seems to be what I believe four new tutor moves, though most are carried along from ORAS. Most notably, Defog returns, so this would be very useful for many Pokemon. Liquidation is also another good move tutor, as for those that depended on Waterfall for their physical water attacks can go for the -Def effect it offers, along with it being slightly stronger. Azumarill, which was pretty slow to abuse waterfall's flinch chance to begin with, could probably use it for better wallbreaking capabilities, for example.



    Do the Alolan starters and Oranguru and Passimian get their hidden abilities?

    Ruby Genseki

    Posted (edited)

    The Tapus being still shiny-locked is sort of a disappointment, but I guess it's understandable story-wise. Still no excuse to shiny lock Zygarde or Magearna. Not like I care that much about them, though, since the regular Zygarde looks way better to me, and Magearna looks exactly the same unless it's original color.

    Still glad the UBs and past gen legends can be shiny. Time to get neat stuff on Beast Balls!

      On 11/8/2017 at 10:54 PM, wrathsoffire76 said:



    Yes! Even though Pidgey line isn't in the Alola Dex, I'm sold with them being legitimately obtainable in Beast Balls!

    Edited by Ruby Genseki
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      On 11/8/2017 at 10:19 PM, CureLovelyWarrior said:

    I see Game Freak NPC gives you apricorn balls. Can you please confirm if this event is daily, or once only?


    I'm now seeing a rumor that apricorn balls can be BOUGHT in Game Freak's building. Can you please post poke-mart/shop data to confirm if this is true? 



    Are UB's/legendaries once per save file or daily?



    I've seen posts, etc about encountering wild pokemon whilst playing ultra space minigame.

    Is it possible to extract this list? Guessing it'll fill some if not all gaps.



    Melemele: Charmander, Squirtle, Onix, Horsea, Scatterbug, Bulbasaur, Litwick
    Akala: Ralts, Spheal, Combusken, Honedge, Beedrill, Grovyle, Marshtomp
    Ula'ula: Rhyhorn, Swinub, Prinplup, Grotle, Pidgeot, Monferno, Axew
    Poni: Eelektross, Aggron, Rotom, Leavanny, Chesnaught, Greninja, Delphox
    Pokemon listed here start on Sunday and end on Saturday.



    Does the new build of pkhex that came out yesterday support items in USUM?



      On 11/10/2017 at 9:36 AM, Kofimatson said:

    Does the new build of pkhex that came out yesterday support items in USUM?


    Not really the place to ask that here.

    There's no official stable release of PKHeX that supports USUM yet. The latest commit on GitHub does have item support. Use at your own risk.



    Spoilers ahead:
    Z Crystals

      Reveal hidden contents

    Shiny Locked stuff (that I've found so far):

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    Gift Pokemon

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      On 11/10/2017 at 10:40 AM, theSLAYER said:


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    Ho, major spoilers ahead (screenshots)

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    Any information about the differences in in-game trades?



    I don't know if this is really the place for it but

    Where do I get the keystone for Mega Evolution? Is the Nat Dex in the game? If so where do I get it?



      On 11/10/2017 at 6:28 PM, Burger-Meister said:

    Any information about the differences in in-game trades?


    There's a guy who wants a Phantump for Phantump in, I believe, Tapu Village Pokemon Center


    Posted (edited)

      On 11/10/2017 at 6:28 PM, Burger-Meister said:

    Any information about the differences in in-game trades?



    Edited by wrathsoffire76


      On 11/10/2017 at 8:31 PM, Greentees said:

    I don't know if this is really the place for it but

    Where do I get the keystone for Mega Evolution? Is the Nat Dex in the game? If so where do I get it?


    Same as SuMo, Dexio and Sina give it to you in the Poni post-game area. No National Dex.

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    Has anyone figured out how to trigger getting Nebby(Lunala) back so you can actually fuse it and Necrozma?



    So........no Roserade or Breloom? Man, I'm really not satisfied with the Grass types to pick from. I love Decidueye and Tsareena but I'll be choosing Popplio as my starter and Tsareena is too similar to a Mienshao that I'll be getting later on (Hi Jump Kick, Flying weakness). I guess I'll hunker down and use Lurantis because it can learn some decent Bug moves. 

    Also, are Golett and Baltoy lines version exclusive? I read the encounter tables and Golett/Glourk wasn't brought up once yet they're in the dex. Are Golett/Golurk in Sun while Baltoy/Claydol are in Moon?

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