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Posted (edited)


ADDED: Proper bounds checking for the stats editboxes.

ADDED: PIDs can be searched for with IVs limited to certain Hidden Power types/power.

ADDED: Tooltips for the code dialog, Pokedex, and Hidden Power controls in the PID finder.

FIXED: Toggling "Seen" in the Pokedex for Arceus could crash the program.

FIXED: Tooltips should display more consistently now.

CHANGE: Increased the width of the stat editboxes to be able to fit 5-digit numbers.

CHANGE: The progress indicator on the PID finder now updates consistently at half-second intervals, rather than based on IV settings.

Now you can see what I mean by the Hidden Power thing being horrendously slow, depending on IV settings.

Edit: Ok, I thought it seemed odd that it was as slow as it was. I put the code in the wrong place and it was slowing it down by a HUGE degree. Searching by Hidden Power actually speeds up the entire process now, as it should. It'll be in the next beta.

Edited by Codr

As I said before, tell me how and I would translate every single version of PokéGen to Spanish =D. I have a level good enough to do this job, and I think that's the only way I have to contribute so, just PM me =)

  pokefan92 said:
As I said before, tell me how and I would translate every single version of PokéGen to Spanish =D. I have a level good enough to do this job, and I think that's the only way I have to contribute so, just PM me =)

You might want to look at your last post, plus the following one. However, the changes necessary to get proper translation support in haven't even been started yet. When completed, there'll be external .txt files containing text for the program. Using these, anyone can just make the translations and upload the file for others to use.


Whenever I load a Pokemon into the tabs in PokeGen 3.0b4 (either from a save or from an individual pkm file) the OT name is blanked. Is there any way to fix this?

  m2pt5 said:
Whenever I load a Pokemon into the tabs in PokeGen 3.0b4 (either from a save or from an individual pkm file) the OT name is blanked. Is there any way to fix this?

Windows XP, right?

  m2pt5 said:
Nope, 64-bit Win7 Ultimate.

Which has Unicode support by default. I don't know why that would be turning up BLANK. There's literally nothing in the editbox? Are you sure the .pkm file data is correct?


Ok, here's an example - the zip I've linked below contains two PKMs of the same Mewtwo, originally from Fire Red (I think), one exported from the save (from my party in Soul Silver) with Pokesav HG/SS, the other exported and saved as a 236 byte party pkm with Pokegen 3.0b4. Even the pkm from Pokesav shows up with a completely blank OT when I load it into Pokegen. (The OT name should be Robin.)


  m2pt5 said:
Ok, here's an example - the zip I've linked below contains two PKMs of the same Mewtwo, originally from Fire Red (I think), one exported from the save (from my party in Soul Silver) with Pokesav HG/SS, the other exported and saved as a 236 byte party pkm with Pokegen 3.0b4. Even the pkm from Pokesav shows up with a completely blank OT when I load it into Pokegen.

The one from Pokesav displays just fine for me, however, the first didn't. It's possible that the trainer name saving was broken. I don't know why you would be seeing both as blank, however.

Edit: The .pkm file from PokeGen has a trainer name that starts with the terminating character (0xFFFF). This is why it doesn't have any displayed name. I don't know what you did to accomplish this, but I'd imagine you just used character(s) that it didn't recognize.


But it's not something I'm doing intentionally; If I could get it to not happen, I would love to.

I didn't do anything fancy with my trainer names. Even the pkm files I get from pkmdb open with blank OT names in Pokegen.

Edit: I just tried 2.312 and I'm not getting blank OTs. Weird.

Here's that same Mewtwo as exported by 2.312: http://www.mediafire.com/?jhjh7kax79pxsj3

  m2pt5 said:
But it's not something I'm doing intentionally

Of course not, I'm not sure why you'd get that from what I said.

I didn't do anything fancy with my trainer names. Even the pkm files I get from pkmdb open with blank OT names in Pokegen.

There's obviously a problem of some kind, but I have no idea why it's only applicable to you and not me when it comes to loading files.

Edit: I just tried 2.312 and I'm not getting blank OTs. Weird.

The code for nickname handling has been changed in the beta.

Edit: Not to mention the entire program was switched to Unicode.



FIXED: Searching for a PID based on Hidden Power preferences was inappropriately slow. Searches based on Hidden Power are now faster than searches without, but obviously have less possible IV matches.

FIXED: Nickname and trainer name input wasn't functioning properly.

See if this has the same problem, m2pt5.

  Codr said:
Of course not, I'm not sure why you'd get that from what I said.

It was from the "I don't know what you did to accomplish this". I don't know what (if anything) I did either.

The character map isn't coming up for me in 3.0b4 either.

Edit: Still getting blank OTs in b6.

  m2pt5 said:
It was from the "I don't know what you did to accomplish this". I don't know what (if anything) I did either.

That didn't mean "you did something on purpose to cause this, and you knew what it was, you're just being difficult"...

The character map isn't coming up for me in 3.0b4 either.

There's an option to disable it. Aside from that, I have no explanation for why it wouldn't show up.

Edit: Still getting blank OTs in b6.

I have no explanation for this either then. The nickname and original trainer name editboxes have identical code in every way that would matter.


Definitely strange. Another weird bug I'm getting in the 3.0 betas is that the character map doesn't work until I manually check and uncheck "disable character map".

The Pokesav-exported Mewtwo I posted earlier opens and shows the OT fine in 2.312, but blank in all the 3.0 betas I've tried. I don't know what could be causing it.



ADDED: All strings are now loaded from an external file. The default is lang_English.txt for now. If this file is missing or incomplete, the remaining strings are loaded from an internal copy.

FIXED: Tooltip titles weren't updating when moving between controls.

There may be various problems introduced with this change, as changing ALL of the program's strings in this way was another massive modification. Also, for those doing translations, you now have all of the strings. I haven't yet taken what's been given to me and put it into French/Spanish files yet. If you want, you can just translate what you haven't already and I'll fix up the rest.

Edit: Well, those aren't all of the strings. I missed some.


thanks for this great program, with this is much more simple and easy to create legal pokemons, one of the features that I like is that the hidden hex values are automatically set :D



ADDED: The remaining strings have been added to the external string list.

ADDED: String length limitations to a lot of text. (Fairly generous limits.)

ADDED: Display of the characters 、「」『』 in names. ...plus others that I got tired of trying to list.

ADDED: Internal maximum string lengths to avoid buffer problems.

ADDED: Spanish internal string lists and a partial translation of the external strings, thanks mostly to Wylfred (projectpokemon.org forums).

FIXED: Removed a popup dialog that was used for testing.

FIXED: Potential buffer problems when loading strings containing "\n".

CHANGE: Some strings have been removed and are translated internally now.

The beta features are nearing completion at this point. However, I still have virtually no reports of problems with it. I doubt that it's because it's perfect so far... so please help test and report!

Oh, and Wylfred, translation of the rest of the strings would be great so that Spanish can be completed! (The file is in the beta archive.)

Edit: Switching to Spanish, at the moment, doesn't look so great because the text doesn't fit properly in all of the controls. I'm aware of this, obviously, and hope to have a huge (for me) change done soon to alleviate this problem.



Character map isn't popping up when editing nickname or OT.

Under "Origin," there are languages listed instead of game titles (ie, HeartGold appears as "German")

Under the stats edit tab, the description such as "hates to lose," "Somewhat stubborn," etc etc, sometimes appears as English and sometimes appears as Japanese. (This was checked on Japanese pokemon in a Japanese game.


Regression in v3.0 beta: Hidden powers are calculated incorrectly.

The IV combination 30 HP/31 Atk/31 Def/30 SAtk/31 SDef/31 Spe should return a value of Grass-70, but PokeGen reports Water-70.


feedback at 3.0b8

it seems to be working fine, in fact this program is not only a replacement for Pokesav ut rather Pokesav and PPSE, great job on including the pokedex on this sofware, however i found minor glitch, after editing your Pokeex plus editing a Pokemon, it will make all the party Pokemon's stat to regress into Level 1 even if the on the screen it says the right level of the Pokemon, if you check the stats, it will be on its level 1 value, the simple solution to its is to level up and the party pokemon would be fine again.


Thanks for the reports, I'll look into them and fix where appropriate when I get a chance.


Guested and I have talked already, so he knows his problems are taken care of.

  twc said:
The IV combination 30 HP/31 Atk/31 Def/30 SAtk/31 SDef/31 Spe should return a value of Grass-70, but PokeGen reports Water-70.

This is fixed. It was a simple mistake resulting from the multi-language additions.

  faospark said:
however i found minor glitch, after editing your Pokeex plus editing a Pokemon, it will make all the party Pokemon's stat to regress into Level 1 even if the on the screen it says the right level of the Pokemon, if you check the stats, it will be on its level 1 value, the simple solution to its is to level up and the party pokemon would be fine again.

I'm going to need more detailed instructions on how to get this to occur, as I haven't been able to do it.

  BananaMan14 said:
if you hover over the nature edit pulldown tab (before PID selection) the tooltip tends to flash in and out.

I'm not experiencing this. The tooltip will reposition itself if the mouse pointer starts to cover any part of it, including the little extension that points to where the pointer was. Also, for comboboxes, it repositions when you move between the editbox and the button on the right that shows the list.

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