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  Codr said:
According to the common knowledge passed around, since there's no technical relationship between the PID and IVs, ANY PID and IVs can be used. Even if they just happen to be related in a coincidental way.

If you mean the completely random one it can generate, PokeGen does the same thing if you leave the PID editbox blank. It's generated solely based on the information you provide and not by any sort of game-related algorithm.

Hmm, I see. Thanks for the quick and insightful responses!

Very nice program. I think it's my new favorite

  Silent Storm said:
Yes. This happened on occasions with previous versions, but now it seems to happen all the time, at least with me.

Can you upload the save file? Even if you just PM me a link or something. (Although I don't know why you'd care about it being public.)

Posted (edited)

Had a strange problem today. I initially loaded an AR code that "Riolu Aura Sphere Now" had created into Pokegen and got some odd looking information in the "Met" section. Next, I loaded a Pokemon (.pkm file) I created yesterday into Pokegen. Yesterday this successfully loaded into my game with an AR code. The information was fine. I generated an AR code from this Pokemon. I closed Pokegen, pasted the code into Notepad and reloaded Pokegen. I then used the generated code (less the 3 first lines and last line) to load into Pokegen and got a totally unrelated Pokemon in there.

I have had no problems up to now so I am wondering what is happening.

Edit... further test. Different .pkm file. Generated AR code in Party and PC and neither looked OK in the program. Tried loading pasted code with and without the "header lines and trailer" and neither worked. Put the code on the AR and the Pokemon looked perfect when loaded into the game.

Edited by Bassman
Posted (edited)
  Bassman said:
Had a strange problem today. I initially loaded an AR code that "Riolu Aura Sphere Now" had created into Pokegen and got some odd looking information in the "Met" section.

That's not surprising. As I mentioned in another post recently, the "Load from code" feature isn't perfect, and probably won't be any time soon.

Next, I loaded a Pokemon (.pkm file) I created yesterday into Pokegen. Yesterday this successfully loaded into my game with an AR code. The information was fine. I generated an AR code from this Pokemon. I closed Pokegen, pasted the code into Notepad and reloaded Pokegen. I then used the generated code (less the 3 first lines and last line) to load into Pokegen and got a totally unrelated Pokemon in there.

Oh look, more XP annoyances. I don't get this problem on Windows 7, but I just tried it on XP, and of course, what you described happened. I'll find out why and fix it.

Edit: This wasn't specific to XP, Windows 7 was just treating the invalid program code differently to where it happened to work. Anyway, it's fixed for the next release.

Now, if only I could get Silent Storm's problem to occur for me.

Edited by Codr
  Gowon said:
What are some hotkeys for this program? I saw some, but can't find them.

Versions.txt is essentially a crude form of documentation for the program.

  versions.txt said:
- Holding down alt when clicking a Pokemon icon will display its information in the controls now.

- Holding down shift + alt when clicking a Pokemon icon will set the Pokemon in that slot from the controls.

  Silent Storm said:
I seem to encounter problems with saving. Whenever I try and save changes to my file it always crashes.
Same deal here. Crashes every time I try to save. I don't know if the crash info would help, but:

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: PokeGen.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 4c38f427

Fault Module Name: PokeGen.exe

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 4c38f427

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 00006ec0

OS Version: 6.1.7600.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional Information 1: 0a9e

Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Additional Information 3: 0a9e

Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Also sending you a copy of my SAV if that'll help.


Okay, I did some fiddling around, and it seems to crash if I import a pokemon from a .PKM file and then save my .SAV (either overwriting or saving a new file). So far I can edit my exiting pokemon and save without a problem.

  MisterAlex said:
Okay, I did some fiddling around, and it seems to crash if I import a pokemon from a .PKM file and then save my .SAV (either overwriting or saving a new file). So far I can edit my exiting pokemon and save without a problem.

That's what did the trick. I was able to reproduce this. I'll have it fixed in a few minutes with a new version uploaded.


Thanks for the problem reports everyone.


ADDED: Some error handling when dealing with files to help alleviate crashes when a file isn't accessible.

FIXED: Loading non-save files after a save file had already been loaded could result in a crash.

FIXED: PP wasn't always being displayed properly for loaded Pokemon.

FIXED: "Flavor" text (stats tab) was incorrect when the special attack, special defense, or speed stats were highest.

FIXED: The "Load from codes" feature had a buffer problem that was causing codes to not always be read properly.

  angelcat621 said:
I don't know if anyone else has commented on this, but I've noticed a small error in PokeGen when generating IVs.

It seems that the characteristics for the Special Stats and Speed are reversed.

For example, a pokemon with a 31 Speed stat will generate "Somewhat vain"

and a 31 Special Attack or Special Defense stat will state "Alert to Sounds."

Great job!

These stats are working properly now in 2.311.

However, now I'm noticing the same problem, only with HP and Defense stats.

  angelcat621 said:
However, now I'm noticing the same problem, only with HP and Defense stats.

Give me a break. I really don't know how the data for these things got entered so backwards.

Edit: Err, I'm not seeing a problem with those.

  Codr said:
Give me a break. I really don't know how the data for these things got entered so backwards.

Edit: Err, I'm not seeing a problem with those.

It's no big deal. Thank you for working so hard on PokeGen.

  angelcat621 said:
It's no big deal. Thank you for working so hard on PokeGen.

Anything that's wrong is a big deal. I wasn't saying you should stop reporting problems. That was really an expression of annoyance at myself. But... like I said, I'm not seeing them showing up incorrectly now.


The mix-up happened as I was messing around with my pokemon's stats on my .duc platinum file.

This error only happened occasionally. Now I can't seem to replicate what I did that caused the problem.

If I can I'll let you know.

Keep up the good work.


i used the code to change the # of pokemon in your party and used it and now every time i go to my party it freezez and now i have to start everything all over

  red707 said:
i used the code to change the # of pokemon in your party and used it and now every time i go to my party it freezez and now i have to start everything all over

This is why you keep a copy of your save file for when you screw it up. The first post tells you how to use the party code, you just didn't follow the directions. You can't just increase your party size without filling in the slots with other codes.


Errrm, question please...

Which method should I use to find legal PIDs for Mystery Gift Pokémon? 10 or 11? Or is it not possible at this time?

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