tooklin999 Posted August 28, 2009 Posted August 28, 2009 I wounder what the event pokemon will be, like the ones in DPPt where you could catch heatran, cresselia, etc. I hope there is a MEW event. Apparently there was going to be one in DP but they scraped the idea and planed on having mew a reward for my pokemon ranch and added the arceus event instead. Just what i heard so it could be wrong.
DanteKoriyu Posted August 29, 2009 Posted August 29, 2009 Heatran and Cresselia weren't event Pokemon. They didn't require anything special to obtain them, they were just Nation Dex Pokemon. Now Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, and the Regi Trio were in-game event based Pokemon. Anyway, we already know there will be some event Pokemon: Dialga, Palkia, Giritina, and Jagged Ear Pichu for starters. You can almost bet there will be an in-game Celebi unlocked via an item from Nintendo. Mewtwo, Latias, Latios, Deoxys, Mew and Shaymin have chances at being available too. You might be able to consider Rayquaza an "event" Pokemon since you can't get it in game without both Groudon and Kyogre. BTW, the Arceus being switched in for a scratched Mew event is pretty ridiculous,... though I suppose its not entirely impossible. Arceus may have originally been intended to only be available directly from Nintendo. Buuuuut, I still don't buy it.
This is a normal username Posted August 31, 2009 Posted August 31, 2009 DanteKoriyu said: Heatran and Cresselia weren't event Pokemon. Yes they were. There were events in game related to both Heatran and Cresselia, so thus they are event Pokemon. Heatran was awoken after the magma stone was moved - that is Heatran's event... And Cresselia was unleashed while you were searching for the Lunar Wing - that's Cresselia's event. EDIT: I was watching a youtube video of all of the HG/SS gameplay so far, and they showed the status page of Level 1 Palkia, Level 1 Dialga and Level 1 Giratina... And Giratina was in Origin Form(e). I suppose that makes Platinum Form(e)s very likely. That is the video I was watching, and I can't believe how much gameplay we've been able to see so far. It's kind of nice. I hope English Nintendo will do the same thing in the months leading up to the international releases/
Guested Posted August 31, 2009 Author Posted August 31, 2009 Old news, pal. Please read the thread you post in before you post in it.
DanteKoriyu Posted August 31, 2009 Posted August 31, 2009 This is a normal username said: Yes they were. There were events in game related to both Heatran and Cresselia, so thus they are event Pokemon. Heatran was awoken after the magma stone was moved - that is Heatran's event... And Cresselia was unleashed while you were searching for the Lunar Wing - that's Cresselia's event. No, by that logic the 3 pixies and Dialga/Palkia/Giratina in their respective game are event Pokemon too, as most of the climax of the story revolves around them, but they aren't event Pokemon. They have a story plot based on them, but that's all. Event Pokemon, even in game, are dictated as ones that can't be captured without outside means: ie) The Platinum Regi Trio need the special Regigigas, Darkrai needs the Member Card, Shaymin needs Oak's Letter, Arceus the Azure Flute, etc. back through the generations.
AtomicGreymon Posted August 31, 2009 Posted August 31, 2009 I haven't read up any new info on HgSs in a while, and most of the confirmed details in the first post were news to me... good news, of course. These games really are shaping up to be the definitive Pokemon games, to date. They seem to include nearly every desirable feature from all of their predecessors, whereas most others games up 'til now have had a mix and match of them. I'm especially pleased (and surprised) that GBA-compatibility was retained for these games. Although I'd always hoped for it, I figured Nintendo probably wouldn't bother since I'm sure they'd prefer people go out and buy DSi's instead of retaining DSLites.
codemonkey85 Posted September 4, 2009 Posted September 4, 2009 Well well well... what is this? According to Serebii / some Japnese imageboards, the legendary birds of Kanto are evidently possibly obtainable in HGSS. Assuming that is true, what, exactly, is the point of Platinum if you already have DP and are getting HGSS? So far looks like the only Platinum exclusive feature is the Distortion World. I can just see the next Pokémon Sunday / CoroCoro issue: "Distortion World appears in Johto!".
SCV Posted September 4, 2009 Posted September 4, 2009 codemonkey85 said: Well well well... what is this? According to Serebii / some Japnese imageboards, the legendary birds of Kanto are evidently possibly obtainable in HGSS.Assuming that is true, what, exactly, is the point of Platinum if you already have DP and are getting HGSS? So far looks like the only Platinum exclusive feature is the Distortion World. I can just see the next Pokémon Sunday / CoroCoro issue: "Distortion World appears in Johto!". Well the legendary birds being available wouldn't be all that surprising. But if Platinum and HG/SS are supposed to be in a similar time frame then that would not happen. I guess, we'll see. The official site has not mentioned the legendary birds, so we'll wait for them or the game itself (PPRE script decompiler will know in instants whether they are available) As for Distortion World, its pretty safe to say that they signature pokemon's world will stay exclusive to platinum. Now if they make Giratina available in HG/SS then they would stick Distortion world in some where (with a some, distortion world got larger after the disruptions caused by team galactic, logic)
FLOOTENKERP Posted September 4, 2009 Posted September 4, 2009 Well, if they are obtainable in HG and SS, then I assume they will be in the cave on the way to Indigo Plateau. If so, then I guess they will have no excuse not to put Mewtwo in the game since they already have 3 legendaries exclusive to the original RB and FR LG (and Platinum). I mean, Junichi Masuda announced on his blog that they spent a long time working on this game, I'm guessing this is why all these legendaries are being crammed in here. ---------- Post added at 09:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 AM ---------- SCV said: As for Distortion World, its pretty safe to say that they signature pokemon's world will stay exclusive to platinum. Now if they make Giratina available in HG/SS then they would stick Distortion world in some where (with a some, distortion world got larger after the disruptions caused by team galactic, logic) It already is, and he does keep his form because the orb is in the game, so I'm guessing they won't need a torn world.
codemonkey85 Posted September 4, 2009 Posted September 4, 2009 SCV said: But if Platinum and HG/SS are supposed to be in a similar time frame then that would not happen. Assuming that this is all not just a fabrication and the birds really are in HGSS, some are speculating that there are simply more than one of each legendary bird in the world. I dunno. SCV said: (PPRE script decompiler will know in instants whether they are available) That will be an exciting day... like Christmas morning! SCV said: As for Distortion World, its pretty safe to say that they signature pokemon's world will stay exclusive to platinum. Now if they make Giratina available in HG/SS then they would stick Distortion world in some where (with a some, distortion world got larger after the disruptions caused by team galactic, logic) Well, that bit about the Distortion World in Johto was a joke. But if it were in HGSS, let's face it... a parallel dimension is a parallel dimension. The entrance could be anywhere. Unless we go with the odd explanation that the Distortion World is only parallel to Sinnoh. o_0 EDIT: FLOOTENKERP said: Junichi Masuda announced on his blog that they spent a long time working on this game It sure freakin' seems like it! Just consider the number of overworld sprites that needed to be made. Including the ten alternate forme Pokémon (Pichu, Unown, Deoxys, Burmy, Wormadam, Shellos, Gastrodon, Rotom, Giratina, and Shaymin, not counting Arceus because it is probably a simple pallette swap), that's 537 different Pokémon to represent. Now, each sprite is animated while standing, so that's two frames. There needs to be a front, back, and side view (assuming the reverse side is just flipped). There also needs to be a walking animation, which I think is different from the idle animation. If that is the case, we are looking at 3,222 sprites! And that's just part of one feature.
derrick Posted September 4, 2009 Posted September 4, 2009 i never tought of how much frames it would take to make a pokemon follow you... speaking of the disortion world has anyone herd the rumore of team galactics leader being in these games?
codemonkey85 Posted September 4, 2009 Posted September 4, 2009 What? That makes even less sense than Giovanni returning. What would Cyrus possibly be doing in Johto or Kanto? Especially if these games take place after the events of Platinum (assuming Platinum is canon over DP), and he's still isolating himself in the Distortion World.
kevin19980609 Posted September 4, 2009 Posted September 4, 2009 Well, we'll all find out in like a week if al the rumors are true or not
DanteKoriyu Posted September 4, 2009 Posted September 4, 2009 HGSS take place before Platinum, the Red Gyarados of Johto is known of in Sinnoh, meaning the Lake of Rage incident has already happened. (I know the TV report was removed from Platinum, but a guy in the Battle Frontier mentions he taped it in Platinum, so it is still canon.) FRLG - Emerald -- 3 years -- HGSS - Platinum Cynthia came to Johto to get the Secret Potion she was carrying with her for the Psyducks headaches, and even helps along the event to help the player gain a member of the Dragon Trio. I could see a Cyrus cameo in the game possibly gathering minions for his plans to create a new Eden, but its not needed. If he was smart though, he'd follow the player and Cynthia to gain one of the Lv. 1 dragons, I'm sure they are easier to handle than their Lv.47-70 counterparts. lol Speaking of which, Giratina if created from Arceus and is hatched from an egg for you with its orb. I know it has the orb, I just dunno if it is born with it or you obtain it within the temple. Distortion world is unneeded, and slightly out of place. We don't need HGSS - Platinum Edition. We really don't have to worry anyway, Famitsu says there was no real surprises to the main story line. As for all these legends being made available in HGSS, it all so you can have them Lv. 50 or under for the next tournament. Platinum birds were Lv. 60 and unable to enter, but HGSS birds, if really included, will likely be Lv.50 or lower like most the other Legends, including the Weather Titans. Anyway, there is proof for about half the current Legendary Pokemon that they aren't an exclusive species, so why would most the others be exclusive? The only ones that really present a problem are Arceus, Mewtwo, and Deoxys.
KyoMcFizzle Posted September 4, 2009 Posted September 4, 2009 DanteKoriyu said: HGSS take place before Platinum, the Red Gyarados of Johto is known of in Sinnoh, meaning the Lake of Rage incident has already happened. (I know the TV report was removed from Platinum, but a guy in the Battle Frontier mentions he taped it in Platinum, so it is still canon.)FRLG - Emerald -- 3 years -- HGSS - Platinum Cynthia came to Johto to get the Secret Potion she was carrying with her for the Psyducks headaches, and even helps along the event to help the player gain a member of the Dragon Trio. I could see a Cyrus cameo in the game possibly gathering minions for his plans to create a new Eden, but its not needed. If he was smart though, he'd follow the player and Cynthia to gain one of the Lv. 1 dragons, I'm sure they are easier to handle than their Lv.47-70 counterparts. lol Speaking of which, Giratina if created from Arceus and is hatched from an egg for you with its orb. I know it has the orb, I just dunno if it is born with it or you obtain it within the temple. Distortion world is unneeded, and slightly out of place. We don't need HGSS - Platinum Edition. We really don't have to worry anyway, Famitsu says there was no real surprises to the main story line. As for all these legends being made available in HGSS, it all so you can have them Lv. 50 or under for the next tournament. Platinum birds were Lv. 60 and unable to enter, but HGSS birds, if really included, will likely be Lv.50 or lower like most the other Legends, including the Weather Titans. Anyway, there is proof for about half the current Legendary Pokemon that they aren't an exclusive species, so why would most the others be exclusive? The only ones that really present a problem are Arceus, Mewtwo, and Deoxys. Actually there have been about 3 different Deoxys now. There were the two from Destiny Deoxys and the latest one from one of the Pokemon episodes where Piplup and Pikachu get stranded on that one island. So just Mewtwo and Arceus.
Guested Posted September 4, 2009 Author Posted September 4, 2009 Anime =/= game. This is all interesting, but I personally don't think the birds will be in HGSS. I can't read this "scan" (it looks like it was made on a PC, btw), at least not the important parts like what it says above the three birds because the text is so small. If you go by the thought that a level 50 bird will be usable in the tournaments... aren't they already allowed? FRLG and Birds are at level 50, right? SO I dunno... I guess their presence in HGSS would make it more available to the kids of the younger generation who didn't play those older games, but... I dunno. Still seems silly. Also, I don't see how Mewtwo is eligible for the tournaments... he's not available under level 50 in FRLG, so... maybe that's an indication that either a) it'll be in HGSS, or b) the tournaments next year will be level 100, or will reset to level 50?
DanteKoriyu Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 Kyo, since when have games = anime? Besides the fact that the anime draws ideas from the games, most stuff follows that pattern. The anime rarely ever inspires anything for the games. just cause the anime shows something first doesn't mean the game team didn't have it first. And as for Deoxys, it has only been available in game at Birth Island within the same generation, meaning its the same Deoxys in FRLG as well as Emerald. Guested, to start off, supposedly the image is from a page in the HGSS instruction booklet, as 2-3 images have appeared on 2ch. Now, supposedly the next tournament will be HGSS exclusive, meaning the Pokemon have to have been caught or bred on on of the two games. Take what I'm saying with a grain of salt, it was just what was translated from a scan or Pokemon Sunday about the next championships. How reliable the translation, or more specifically the meaning, is, I dunno. This last tournament was supposed to be platinum exclusive the same way the next one is HGSS exclusive. How strict they were on the Platinum Pokemon only rule, I dunno.
Guested Posted September 5, 2009 Author Posted September 5, 2009 Ahhhhhhhhhhh................ This is....... interesting. This image looks MUCH more like a scan of a booklet than the image on Serebii (more reason to back up my pre-existing feelings for that site). The section is titled "Pokemon in HGSS" And this section talks about how your journey isn't over and you can go to Kanto to meet more pokemon and enter more Gyms. The right side says "Legendary Pokemon that only appear in Kanto." Fascinating. Seems kinda silly to have put them in Platinum if they're just gonna show up in HGSS again... Are there any more scans? The other two are Bugsy and an intro page that says "New people, and People you haven't seen in a while"
DanteKoriyu Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 None have shown up in sights so far. I don't check 2ch myself a) because the only Japanese I understand is the "turtle" symbol on Goku's gi =P and b) is the obsessive amount of porn. lol Not that I'm offended by it or anything, its just simply too much most the time. If I do come across anymore, no matter where I find them at, I'll let you know. I had actually been sitting on those scans for more than a couple hours now, I just figured other people had seen them and someone would do the posting for me.
codemonkey85 Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 DanteKoriyu said: Distortion world is unneeded, and slightly out of place. We don't need HGSS - Platinum Edition. Yeah, again... that was a joke. :\ Someone has the game and they're scanning images of the manual? Why stop there? Where's the manual in PDF format?
DanteKoriyu Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 That was directed more at SCV saying that they would have the Distortion World if they included Giratina than your joke. Possibly the same reason we never get full Coro Coro scans until the release date? I mean the people have the magazine, why not just scan the whole thing? I'm not100% certain myself that that "manual" is real, but I'm hoping it is. I want my Kanto Birds back in Kanto. lol
codemonkey85 Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 Eh. The birds being there don't impress me or annoy me. I mean, I caught them in Platinum (with Master Balls!), so they're kind of superfluous now. They won't even make decent trade fodder is my guess. Of course, that page could just be a reference to the meeting with the birds that took place in FRLG. If some crazy fool out there really has the game, I hope they do more than just slap a coupla manual pages up on the 'net.
Guested Posted September 5, 2009 Author Posted September 5, 2009 Well, number one: Corocoro "scans" that come out before street date are never scans. They're snaps done with a cell phone by someone who works somewhere that sells it. They never have the guts to take it out of the store or sell it early, so they just quickly snap pictures of images that will get the most attention. Then later we get the fullpage stuff. As for the manual... I don't know. It's completely possible it's fake, it's completely possible it's real (and being released by someone who wants to prove he has the game early, but is too much of a jerk to share). Keep in mind neither of those screenshots are new. But what codemonkey said is COMPLETELY possible. It could be that the manual is just referring to FRLG. It's been officially established that HGSS is an actual sequel to FRLG. So... I guess we'll never know for sure until we get the data.
derrick Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 I dont know where to ask this so here goes. iam paying for soulsilver today from play and was just wondering if it was smart to get it from them. if so could someone tell me how long shipping to texas would take iam trying to use the option for 3-5 days
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