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Pokémon Black and White Translation Project v3 (Project is complete!)


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V4Black-NewLogo-Kata.. Kata means it's in Katakana(japanese).
the newlogo has the japanese names for everything, the kata patch has the english names for everything

Um...I guess I'll just try both then...

EDIT: Then again, "Kata" meaning Katakana would make more sense...

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Cheren is a male though, unless they're doing it as a joke it should really say "he" and "him".

In the beach town (with Cynthia), some guy with the blue hair down at the beach talks about Cynthia, but says "Sirona", which is an incorrect spelling of her japanese name. Maybe change it to her english name?

Hope all my posts aren't getting ignored. >_>

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It shouldn't, send me the sav file and I'll see what has happened.

Was this saved on a flashcard or a emulator?

It was saved with a flashcard R4i-sdhc they just made a patch to run the game successfully without any add ons... As for the .sav I'm Not goin to send it in public check your messages...

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Isn't Cheren male? because when I go into his mom and dad's house and talk to them they call him her and she?

Were undecided if it's a guy or girl.

Well not really, just it's funnier this way.


Cheren is a male though, unless they're doing it as a joke it should really say "he" and "him".

In the beach town (with Cynthia), some guy with the blue hair down at the beach talks about Cynthia, but says "Sirona", which is an incorrect spelling of her japanese name. Maybe change it to her english name?

Hope all my posts aren't getting ignored. >_>

Ignored... ^

And noted.

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Is it worth me putting forth the effort to take my editor's pen to the current in-game dialog? I don't know if it's what the core translating team wants at the moment, but if it is, I'll have no problem continuing doing what I'm doing from Route 2 onward tomorrow. Just let me know!

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Is it worth me putting forth the effort to take my editor's pen to the current in-game dialog? I don't know if it's what the core translating team wants at the moment, but if it is, I'll have no problem continuing doing what I'm doing from Route 2 onward tomorrow. Just let me know!

hell, i like your style Kny, i say keep on sniffing out the issues with the patches and find the japanese and incorrect stuff :)

that way we would have a local area to work with, well at least i will


also off-topic here:

i don't know who used Google translate but they threw me out of whack and let me tell you, it was a major monkey wrench in my plans >__>

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hell, i like your style Kny, i say keep on sniffing out the issues with the patches and find the japanese and incorrect stuff :)

that way we would have a local area to work with, well at least i will


also off-topic here:

i don't know who used Google translate but they threw me out of whack and let me tell you, it was a major monkey wrench in my plans >__>

Smh. What files were google translated?

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Okay, so I've been reading around a lot and is it pretty much decided that we can't play the V4 with the exp patch if we have a mac?

Because I have a mac and I can download the prepatched V4 black, but I can't gain exp and when I try to do the exp patch the app I use, "Multipatch", doesn't recognize the .patch file.

..sooooo am I SOL? :(

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Okay, so I've been reading around a lot and is it pretty much decided that we can't play the V4 with the exp patch if we have a mac?

Because I have a mac and I can download the prepatched V4 black, but I can't gain exp and when I try to do the exp patch the app I use, "Multipatch", doesn't recognize the .patch file.

..sooooo am I SOL? :(

You need to use Rudolph's Child's Play patch on the clean rom first. Afterwards, take the patched CP rom & re-patch it with Version 4. It's on the first page. Edited by randomspot555
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