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  Rykin122 said:
Nope, your stuff isn't updated with mine...

Shadow_Steve GIT right?

no, this is shade-witch >__> my boyfriend is trying to get my laptop to work again, my HDD got fried last night

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  Shadow_Steve said:
no, this is shade-witch >__> my boyfriend is trying to get my laptop to work again, my HDD got fried last night

Doesn't matter, it isn't there :P

  XEN.integrated said:
Note to Translators:

I noticed that "0000/0236.txt", in the STORY directory, is "<< At the top of Victory Road >>" in "BlackuToHowhite.txt".

[Can someone who's fluent in JPN, and doesn't know how to use PPTXT... PM me...? I need to ask you something.]

Thank you. It is done.

Only thing is, I need more info (Japanese quotes) from after the battle with Chelon.


Also need localization.


Vs Recorder and the Battle Recorder option is extremely buggy / corrupted maybe.

When I enter the battle recorder and choose my videos / other battles the screen freezes for a couple of seconds, then when it loads the battle, the video number is corrupted (the 2 digit and 5 digit numbers are fine, the last digit number is the one that corrupts).

The same also occurs when I go to battle videos in the pokemon centre, when I want to look at a video, the screen will freeze for a couple of seconds, then when it loads the video number is corrupted.

  derekbegins said:
It seems like from patch v2 to v4 ,the option for "fight" doesnt show and the game would not allow you to use the touch screen and buttons for some reason which i think it freezes the game.. .. so whenever you enter a battle either trainer or wild, you would freeze... =/
I've had that problem last night... I've found 2 solutions...

-Start a new game

Check if the fight cursor shows up. If it did continue playing on that new save data.

-Obtain a clean rom & patch it again.

What I had to do here, was the aforementioned & patched it with Rudolph's Child's Play. If you do this, remember... the original rom file you used, will be the one you re-insert to your emulator or flashcart. Before you do that, patch the rom once more with Version 4 English for B/W.

Hope this helps.


You guys are amazing. A complete translation so soon... didnt think it would be possible.

I have the original cartridge too, but having a english translation is pretty amazing.

Thanks to all of you contributors =).

Appreciate the work.

Well done!



* * * Trashcans, televisions, bookshelves, and filing cabinets OMITTED * * *
* * * ___________ denotes an open line in an already used text field. * * *

[Karakusa Town - After Team Plasma / N Battle]

Dialog editting: left column is the current v4 NPC dialog, on the right is my proposed edit.

       C U R R E N T                               | P R O P O S E D

Girl: 	"I think having a bag is helpful,           | "I think having a bag is helpful,
      	especially when you have a lot              | especially when you have a lot
      	It suits a person like me!                  | to carry! It suits a person 
       __________________________"                 | like me!"

Boy: 	"Pokemon are really cool!                   | "Pokemon are really cool!
 	Anyone who thinks its not are lame.         | Anyone who thinks they aren't
       I got a Charizard card would                | is lame. I've got a Charizard
       you like to trade?                          | card, do you want to trade?
       What? You don't collect cards...?"          | What?! You don't collect cards...?"

Boy:    "Do you know me?                            | "Do you know me?
Of course you do, I'm the		    | Of course you do, I'm the best
       best Pokemon Trainer!			    | Pokemon Trainer in the world!"

Woman:  "Route 2 has some tough trainers,      	    | "Route 2 has some tough trainers,
       if you're heading that way be careful,      | If you're heading that way, be
       They wont take it easy!"		    | careful. They won't take it easy on you!"

Woman:  "Did you know Pokemon with items	    | "Did you know Pokemon holding
can evolve by trade?			    | certain items can evolve when
I think its odd!"			    | traded? I think that's odd!"

Kid:	"There are 8 Gym Badges in the		    | "There are 8 Gym Badges from the
Isshu region				    | Isshu region, and you have to
You have to collect them all,		    | collect all of them, or else you
 or else won't be able			    | won't be able to challenge 
to challenge the Elite Four!"		    | the Elite Four!"

Boy:	"I want a gameboy			    | "I want a GameBoy! ...I've been
I've wanted one for 15 years!		    | wanting one for over 15 years!
But all I got is a PS3!"		    | All I've got is this PS3..."

Boy:	"Oh?					    | "What's that?...
I don't speak English well		    | I no speak English good, so
 I speak mostly Kanji!"			    | I speak mostly Kanji!"

Woman:	"Listen! Your  Pokemon will grow	    | "Listen up! Your Pokemon will grow
through battles, but keep this in mind...   | through battles, but don't forget...
You must care of them when they get tired.  | You must care for them when they tire.
 Pokemon need plenty of care."		    | Pokemon need plenty of care!"

Girl:	"People say that people that use	    | "Some say that those who use strategy
strategy usually win.			    | will usually win the battle.
Like the Elite Four...			    | Like the Elite Four...
They have trained for several years	    | They've trained for several years
and their efforts show!			    | and look where it's gotten them!
In a way I'm jealous...			    | In some ways, I'm jealous of them.
Ah, well."				    | Ah, well..."

Boy:	"That girl over there always talks	    | "That girl over there always talks
about how good people are.		    | about how good other people are.
It's almost as though she doesn't	    | It's almost as though she doesn't
?If I cheer her up she'll		    | realize how great she is, herself.
date me..."				    | I'd really like to be with her..."

Drummer:"Want to hear me play bass?		    | "Want to hear me play the drums?
I'm new to this,			    | Just so you know... I'm new to
so don't judge me!!"			    | this, so don't judge me!"[/size]

Note that I don't have CharMap on my Netbook, so I can't get the accented "e" for Pokemon. These are, of course, just my suggested changes. I basically continued from my last post of things that weren't translated, but it turns out that all that was left of Karakusa Town was (somewhat minor) grammatical errors. Hope this helps!


Good job Kny you seen my other posts of errors?

I basically started a new game and just went through the first few towns from the beginning.

  C0080900 said:
Can't we just have a v4 that we use with XDeltaGUI?

I really don't like Patch.exe, xDeltaGUI was much easier to work with and patch...

First of all, how rude is it to whine that the patch isn't (or so you think) in your preferred format? Tons of people have put tremendous effort into translating and patching Black & White to English. This game has barely been released a month in Japan and we've already got a decently-playable English patch. Secondly, Patch.exe is Rudolph's Child Play Patch, which removes the Anti-Piracy from the ROM. The actual v4 patch is a .patch file that you do use with xDelta.


Hey, so reading the changelog, have you guys seriously already translated the story? is it in the new patch?

also, by story does this also mean people you speak to on the routes will speak english?

Thanks ever so much guys

  Raguto said:
Words 17:Run off.


Words 18: Your instead of you're.


Words 19: F your pokemon run out of PP lol xD.


Also the bulletin board where I posted the spelling error of Departement the word before that is Ishu and should be Isshu?

It should be Isshu...

Also, I cant save the game with this patch... I'm using DeSmuME, and I can use the "Save State" option, but it won't save if I do it in the game itself...

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